(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Babys: Caden always give me that innocent poor thing look whenever we left him at nanny house early morning makes me so guilty don't want to work hehe

u shd treasure the moment now once ur bb start crawlin u can expect more action from them n u mus keep them in sight...
v dangerous hor.. yesterday i was in kitchen cookin n my HB jus walk in to wash his hand for less than a min the nex thing i saw is my boi tryin to play with water with detergent in the pail for mopping...
i think when they start crawling about looking for interesting things, we will be the ones who are chasing after them and having separation anxiety cos we dont know what they r up to! heee...

piggy: oh dear! so dangerous!
ya lor... we quickly carry him n wash his hand... n i agree when they start to crawl or walk we r the 1 havin headache....
Piggytoh: yes agreed
its going to be tiring definitely but when we see their cutie innocent look, cant help to feel so glad that they can manage so much yet "dangerous" action hehehe. So bless to have him
mich, mashy, pris

Sam can crawl ard, but when he wants to be carried, he just wants lor. n will crawl after us like abandoned kid

then when he's in the mood to eplore, when u try to carry him/stop him, he'll cry also. He loves exploring switches n standing fans. Headache leh..

wanna close him up, but afraid he';; bawl. if i let him roam, it's dangerous. dunno what to do
gymboree Trial still on if u all are interested.. coz thought your want to get the free trial from Library..


Gymboree Play & Learn 2 Trial class
1 Maritime Square
#03-09/10 Harbourfront Centre

Date: 2nd May
Time: 5pm-5.45pm
Minimum pax: 8
Maximum pax: 15

Play & Learn 2 (Trial fee: $40.00)
Class Description:
- Enjoy playful "baby games" and songs
- Children learn cause and effect and discover how to make things happen for themselves
- 45mins play sessions

Will confirm with u gals when to make payment

1) baby ja
2) sharon
3) janice (if end of may, pls exclude me)
4) sandy dee
5) babys (but if sundays b4 1pm, may not be able to make it, will be in church at AMK)
6) jul
7) Sophia (Fine anytime, preferably sundays)
8) fatBobo + baby Mattea ([email protected])
9) fat hb of fatBobo + baby Keona ([email protected])
10) Patricia ([email protected])
11) zen ([email protected])
12) Puroland
13) pegsfur ([email protected])
my boy likes the mat we put outside the toilet.. if he sees it, will smile and crawl at his full speed to get.. then if i pick up, he will crawl to my our toilet which is juz next to the common toilet.. wats so great abt the mat??? haiz.. this morning he nearly crawl into the toilet when i was preparing his bathing barang..
RE: crawling...

phew...luckily my boy now only crawl backwards and shake bum bums high up in the air...

can't imagine if he start crawling everywhere.....

I sure hope it's a phase ... now Ovann will also start crawling around to look for me when i leave him to play on his bumper mat to wash his bottle. And he's starting to go crawling for my dog as well.
ya i agree their innocent look is v cute but when u super busy n gotta keep them in sight n they make noise when u dun allow them to touch this n tt u will feel headache alr hahah but it a phase al mother gotta go thru la:p
i agreed. #2 i am relax with the food and stuffs used.

claira is exploring everywhere and my #1 will scream when meimei crawl out of the bumper mat. she afraid her lil' sis will knock her head. came rusing to me and tell me ... mommy mommy come come faster meimei fall down le...faster faster. i tot really so but claira was just standing holding onto my sofa.

claira loves to go to the kitchen and peep at my dog while my dog is in his cage idling and napping and she really peep, she will peep and crawl away and peep and crawl away like playing hide n seek with him. make him (my dog) really very excited!!

lucky he din start playing with the water.

maybe he likes that colour?

now i know how to train. i was like still thinking how to execute this haha.

i'm sure sam will be fine. claira is getting better yesterday for her flu. i give her 'hou chou san' the day before. sure better than the pd's medicine.
babyja: u can never tell what they like lor..

pegs: soon ovann is going to be chasing coalie and pulling his tail!!
ya if i am any later...in fact he alr touch the water... my boi also sick down with flu jus bott him to PD yesterday.. seems like quite a few bb down with flu..
baby ja

I also forgot to ask when the results will come out. I only rem they will call me haha.

Sam is scared of the bath mat. It's the Ikea one with loops. Guess they look like worms.
cloudme, peg

thanks. i hope so too. he seems to be regaining his appetite. ate 8 dessertspoons of porridge just now.
ur dessertspoon is those metal teaspoon size??? hmm kyler ate like 1 rice bowl size porridge wor.. like alot compare to some bb here... but he drink little milk
but Shayna drink more milk rite? Kyler only drink 500ml per day n 2 x solid meal 1 rice bowl size each time... n recently he gain v little weight wor... only 8.5kg now...

Mine takin even lesser milk than urs.. Used to b 160ml x 3 but now duno if is teethin or e cough he dun drink much b4 he sleep.. E most 400ml a day only..

1porridge half rice bowl, 1 cereal 3scoops using similac scoop..

He used to b one of e zhong LIANG ji baby here now weighin 8.4kg as of tue.. Losin some fats liao..

is that a lot? he used to take this b4 he got sick :
8am - 180ml ebm
1130am - 8 dessertspoons porridge
245pm - 180ml ebm
615pm - 8 dessertspoons porridge
930pm - 220ml ebm

dessertspoon = those flat metal spoons we used to eat rice from plate

1 tablespoon = 2 dessertspoons so ur shayna is comparable to sam right?


i think 8 dessertspoons is abt 1 chinese rice bowl. i only scoop 2 spoons at a go coz mil keeps nagging that the food will get cold.

kyler also taking ard the same amt as sam mah
ya lor Kyler also used to be on the heavier side but now only 8.5kg i tink abt same as ur bb...

the dessert spoon not alot rite ... cos the depth v little... kyler definitely take more than 8table spoon wor...
Is Kyler teethin now?

Denson is recoverin fr a cough n saw swollen gums..

E last feed just now only managed to push 60ml wor.. He just kip his mouth shut after tat.. N today 2nd milk oso didn't finish..

Really duno if it is teethin affectin his appetite..

Hmm.. then maybe ur rice bowl is much bigger than mine. Coz I measure 8 dessertspoons is abt 1 rice bowl. Aiyoh like that how can u say Kyler eats little?
piggytoh - Lucas did the same thing to me -- he will use my body as support to stand up. once he has suceeded in standing he will laugh as though he is happy on his achievement. very headache cos worried he will fall backward...
last feed> wow. so many babies here last feed is 9+10 liaos? mine will still wake up at 2-3am if last feed 10pm wor. n in de day he oredi drinking 500+600ml, he juz needs his 200ml more -_-"
Hi mummies,
My son still toothless at 8mths.LOL He drinks 210ml of milk every 3hrly and have 2x full bowl of porridge in the afternoon and evening. He was also sick for the very 1st time . seen PD twice and had recovered after taking antibiotics . he weighs 9kg and is 72cm tall.

I dono how SAHM does it but since i've sent my maid back , i 've been skipping lunch and only get to bath for 10 mins cause he has been taking up all my time!!!! :X
thanks Pris for your response. still worried cos v hard to sleep train with grandparents around... ;)

btw, mummies, how long did it take for your babies to master drinking from a straw?
its true, I've been living at my parents place since my delivery and i'm quite worried that my boy's screaming at night will distrub them.

btw what you do for sleep training? how long does it take b4 you can see results? My boy wakes up about 3-4 times every night. How about your gal before sleep training?
Good morning mommies.

Baby weight
After stop diluting the milk (2 weeks?) my baby gain weight lah. From 8.5kg (2 wks ago) to 8.9kg now. She drinks more milk too, from 60-90ml per feed to 120ml. She used to be light weight category here, now I think heavy weight category?

Baby on Walker
My baby loves her walker for one week now. I dont know if this is a good sign cos she walks around the place and starts to grab whatever she likes. Very soon she will walk out of the door to play with the cats and birds. My goodness!

Baby Teething
Bottom front 2 still emerging, can see little white white. Let her eat the teething cookies, she doesnt like, end up I finish for her. Taste horrible.

Baby Potty Trained
Every morning we will hummm hummm hummm remind baby to poo poo. After one month, she is used to poo poo after she wakes up in the morning. Then every time we see her poo poo we fast fast put her on her potty and she poo poo there lor. I'm not sure if this is correct but MIL taught us this method.
but kyler only eat 2 solid meal mah:p

haha usu i will jus place my hand behind him in case he fall..

i read a report on baby sleepin.. the dr advice not to feed or carry/pat the bb to sleep after 6mth leh... it say bb will development bad habits.. n dun be surprise if ur bb still wake up for milk at 2-3yrs time...
re: straw
i never train ryan...juz buy the magmag straw cup n he could drink without help or teaching him
i tried the straw cup myself...its the design thats makes it v easy to suck n drink....different from normal straws
cos previously ryan refuse to drink water....i try from spoon, bottle, cup to spout...even put gripe water n juice...also fail!
the solution was magmag straw cup! he drinks up to 200ml a day with it

mebby u all can try
ur girl still nt consider heavy weight...we haf baby elise, jovia n nat nat....n gin's baby girl....all so cute n chubby!

so dun worry bout it...ur bb needs the right portion of food n milk to develop...cannot juz look at weight
once they start crawling n running...will lose away the baby fats liao
now im worried my boy got no baby fats to lose...he is so small sized...im tryin feed him more now

dats v good potty training...my frend taught me the same method but i haven try yet
seems v effective
shld try it soon so dat can save on diapers!
re: teething rusks

i bought this rafferty's garden banana milk teething rusks from ntuc
ryan loves it...i give when we go out for meals...one stick can last him quite a while cos its hard...then i can haf time to finish my meal!
n its not sweet

i used to give him baby mum mum biscuits...melt so fast...i haven start eating, he already finish it


Kikilala, my girl used to wake up every 2 hours. i gave her (& myself) a lot of excuses - growth spurt, teething, rash, pacifier drop, separation anxiety etc. etc. - but we finally decided that what she really needed was to learn how to sleep. so 2 weeks ago, we began.

by the 2nd night, we saw improvement already. & within a week, when we put her down for naps and bedtime, she usually wouldn't cry. even if she did, it's only for a minute or less.

at night time, she still wakes and cries a couple of times, but also quickly quietens. (less than 5 mins)

the last 2 nights, around 4am, she will wake up and cry longer. last night we realised she pooped so had to clean her. after that, she had some difficulty getting back to sleep.

i'm still waiting for the magic night to come.
but things have improved so much already.
we used the check every 5, 10, 15 mins method at first, but realised that she'd sometimes get more agitated. so then we switched to not going in at all, unless it gets very, very bad. that worked better for us.

must add that most of the time it's my husband who goes in to check on her. bcos when i go in, she wants me to carry her and my willpower is not as strong.

Kyler takes 2 solids meals + 550ml milk right? I think that's a god amt. Not A LOT like some other BBs can eat, but not little also lah.

sharon, sunshine

Dunno what happened to Sam. He used to sleep thru from 3 mths onwards. No sound from him from 9plus or 10pm till 6am.

Then from 6mths onwards, he started waking once in the middle of the nite. But stuffing pacifier worked to make him go back to sleep till 6am.

It got progressively worse till he wakes like many time ard 3am.. and again ard 5am.. And it's the pick him up, soothe him, put him down with pacifier, we lie down, then he bawls again.

I tot he was teething when this started at 6mths, but there's no sign of teeth after 2.5mths! I feel so sleep deprived


my gal too! I find that checking on her makes it worse. So I just left her there to cry. Now she'll cry for less than 5 mins before going to sleep at night. But naptime is still a nightmare for me.

Sometimes the teeth takes a long while to come out? My gal started drooling from 2nd month and her first teeth only came out like 7-8mths. At least he slept thru before from 3 mths. My gal had only done so on very very rare occasions. Think less than 3 times. I am very sleep deprived and super pissed with the 2 logs in the living room now esp the immovable big fat log.
