(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

get the magmag straw...finally got ryan to drink water with mag mag straw cup...he drinks bout 150ml at least wif it
i haf tried bottle, spoon, cup, spout...all fail

ryan has fell quite alot of times on the mat when he was learning to sit....so far he din cry...so i guess its thick enuff

so far no leak for magmag


haha, i'm a SAHM. :p Used to be in promotion line though. lolz

Anyway, i guess it's #2 syndrome. #2 not so precious like #1 anymore coz we're used to it.
mashy, ha ha, then #3 I can really "bo chap" already!! My mum came to visit me from overseas and she asked me where is Isaac's special sponge (cos we had one specially for S's stuff when she was a baby) and I replied, "what sponge?" ha ha ha

Ovann has also knocked his head on the bumper mat, the ceramic floor, the cot frame. I'm sure it hurts but Ovann hasn't really cried when he hit his head. I think he's feeling more of a shock than pain. Or maybe he really has thick skin/skull
Piggytoh, have...I remember west side got good enrichment class and I went for trial before but 2 yrs ago so cannot remember off hand. Let me ask my friends then I let you know.
babiesmeme - i got the single mattress from seahorse. very firm and can have two folds for easy keeping, priced at $39.50
solid intake> wow. i think my boy simply love the heinz egg custard wor. usually at 7pm, he hates solid n take at most 40ml or so. juz now hor, he takes like de whole jar n cry when no more wor. think nxt time can buy de bigger version of the heinz jar when i give him the egg custard flavour liao =p

piggytoh> haha. nvm la. anyway free one. n hehe. discount expired le. still good meh? =x
oh there is 1 in the west ah.. ok do let me know if u manage to get the info TIA:p

i mean the journal itself n the disc not bad la... the journal can paste all the bb photos step by step quite nice la...
mich: haha!!! i can imagine myself doing that with number 2 too... now got special everything.. next time just use whats aroun lah.. haha..

mashy: how to teach baby to suck from straw? u roughly remember when it was posted?

my girl ah, now like nian gao!! so sticky wants to be carried all the time!! anyone carry also canm but just wants to be carried! hope this phase passes..
that journal book...yellow in color?

i got it when i register for the MTB bag at the library b4 giving birth to my boy...

agree that it is nice lor...

and the cd is ok only lah...

maybe i can get another one for my girl when i register library card for my boy...hahaha



can't remember. Anyway, it's to use a straw, cover one end to suck some water out. Then drip it in bb's mouth. After that, when she understands that there's water coming from there, let her try to suck it out from the straw instead. Once she can accomplish that, u can then move on to the straw cups.

u have to be patient abt it. It takes a while. We armed ourselves with a straw everywhere we go until she could suck the water herself.
re: sucking from straws...

what kind of straws to use?

those vitagen thin straws, those normal packet drink straws? or ???
Thanks, everyone, for the advice & concern.

We've been spponing water into Sam every chance we've got. He seemed to drink more milk last nite n this am. (BUT.. that's just 2 times.. still need to see today's feeds).

The pink stain on the diaper seems to have disappeared. Noe in a dilemma as to whether we shd proceed to see PD later this am. Coz now seems like nothing leh, dunno whether it'll be a wasted trip. yet only the PD wud be able to advise on whether he needs some urine test or whatever. So.. still thinking abt it. I have 45min to make up my mind.

In the meantime, later MIL will cook some apple water. Also we'll go buy some gerber juice to keep in the hse to mix into water. Hiaz.. This boy.
Btw separate issue.. Sam is very demanding these days. If he wants to be carried, he WANTS to be carried, or he'll bawl. If he wants to crawl ard on the floor into the kitchen & bedrooms, he WANTS. if we try to pick him up, he cries. he cries to be carried to nap. Oh and like babys' shayna, doesn't matter who carries.

But.. this seems to happen more at MIL's. Dunno if he's acting up coz

1) the hse is very warm so he's uncomf vs it's cooler at my place
2) he knows that his gong gong n poh poh will not let him cry & he can bully them (and me being collateral damage coz I'll be pressured to let him have his way)
3) he's just quieter & more guai at nite
jul: maybe its cos he's got more water so no more pinkish liao..

shayna does this anywhere.. hahah... at my parents place, at home..

this morning she woke up at 5am plus crying... then after patting her i gave in and put her on my bed. still crying! (usually she will stop one)... even though got daddy at one side and mummy at the other, still cry.. then keep wanting my husband to carry her (not usual).. wants to be carried and wants to go out into hall.
bear with it la.. maybe Sam sick tt y...
i notice when Kyler at my MIL house he will "bully" them also.. i straight away tell my MIL tt becos they gave in to him too much alr.. he dun dare to do tt to me cos i will jus let him cry n not let him have his way...

sigh yesterday Kyler manage to climb up the playpen from the lowest level... headache lo... now playpen cannot ground him anymore;(
yeah... my parents also let shayna do what she wants.. I always tell my mum, u let shayna do what she wants, she has u round her little finger liao...
climb up? i tot playpen lowest is safe...
he walk round the playpen or knows how to climb out (urs got the "door"?)

my girl if i put her in, she also can't climb out leh cos my playpen got no "door".
Piggytoh, my friend told me its call Playdays at Sunset Way but she forgot the exact address so maybe you can do a search. That one is a little like JG kind and its quite new.

LNT also got west side branch. This one got activity so if bb too young cannot do anything.

Then bukit batok got the baby jumper gym which I heard is good too.

But hor, all these are more suitable for 1yr and above.
i posted about playdays a few days ago..

thinking of organizing trial.. $45 for 1.5hours trial, very comprehensive. they even have tea beak time and they will provide baby bites, fruits, etc....

will organize end of may or early june period..
I am also guilty with the #2 syndrome.

Last time with #1 I am quite 'on' with things he eat and enrolling him into trial class. Then now with #2, I am getting slack and she is actually eating much more foods that I previously restrict my boy from eating at her age :p

I console myself cos my girl dun drink much milk so beef-ing her up on solid.
Re: straw

i think should try to use straws that are about the same size as those you'll use eventually. If not, may be confusing to the baby. I think vitagen straws are too thin.
mine no door 1 tt y i was v shock to saw him climbin out... he will pull himself to stand first den he will climb on the nettin ... i nv know he can climb on soft material lo..
Hi mummies thank you for your valuable feedback. After some good talking with hub he still very heartpain to let his darling son to play in the bumper mat and bang here and there even He fell it will not hurt him haha think I will get the seahorse mattress suggested by Eunice thanks
babyS, is Shayna crawling? When she gets more mobile, she will stop being a niao gao... cos they are more curious and would rather be out of your arms!

Is that so? Like baby s and jul, I find that Ovann wants to be carried too. And like sam, Ovann will also bawl if i ignore him when he wants to be carried. Really tiring leh ... & pek chek too!
mich: she seems to be starting to crawl backwards.. haha...

pegs: yeah lor... and its sometimes hard not to carry them. Shayna knows how to emotionally blackmail us. She'll lift her hands up to ask us to carry then give us that 'poor thing' look with those eyes.. aiyoh... how not to carry!!

then if ignore some more, she'll cry until very very cham, her tears are very free flowing nowadays!

Straw Drinking

Can use the MacDonald straw, cut shorter and use finger to hold one end with water in it. Just let baby suck from it and slowly release water to the mouth.

Ray started drinking water from straw waterbottle from 5 months.
babyS, once she is more mobile, she will not want to be carried but wants to explore around. Ray now loves to crawl, cruise, climb etc.
if i see my boy doing it i would also be shock...

he clever leh...climb on netting...

hmmm,then u r rite...not safe to put in playpen anymore...

RE: drinking straws...
thanks for sharing..now roughly know what kind to use liao...
my boi also dun like to drink water from spout leh i tink mus use strength to suck so he lazy....

sigh... i hope he clever in other area lo.... nowaday when i put him beside me on the bed he will use my body to suport himself to stand n move about v dangerous cos he move v fast...
pegsfur, isaac went through the wanna be carried and cannot be left alone phase for a few weeks. But now he is alot more mobile, as he can crawl to various corners of the house and entertain himself, he is less whiny... dun know if its the same for other babies?

my gal is just as whiny even though she can crawl. She wanna keep me in sight. So if i go any further, she'll cry and come crawling after me. She sticks pretty close to me still. When i take my lunch, she'll hang onto my legs. Now that she can crawl, she ever went room to room to search for me.

Mashy your gal so cute my bb still can't crawl can't wait to see Caden crawling
Caden now wan me to sayang him and carry him if he wake up in the middle night then he will stop crying think he is searching for me aiyor..
