(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

el Nino,

Mild fever just keep baby cool. Sponge if necessary.
But dun keep baby so wet till catch cold.
Got to be careful.

You take are. Give a 1/2 cup of barley to baby. You go boil the china barley w/o adding rock sugar for them. Abt 15 min enough.

Hi Regg,

Beautiful eh. Too bad my girl doesn't appreciate clips. How much u charge for one? If it's reasonable, maybe children's day I buy for the gals. Haha!
piggytoh> think de price of all their shirts is de same? 32.90, den 50% discount storewide lo. din ask them if sale applicable to all outlets leh. heng hubby with me. else i sure buy alot. lol.

find the clothes all so cute. formal clothes lo. hubby say juz buy the more unique ones. de rest tat juz look formal no need buy. lol -_-" so i bought one blue/white stripe with tie and another one white with some red straps pattern one. realise i forget to buy those tat can roll up the sleeves -_-"
Metro Expo sales from 29 Apr 10 Hall 5. Wonder if they sell the same things as John Little and Robinsons.

Zen, the insects grow very fast and multiply a lot especially in hot & humid weather. So safer to put in fridge.
think metro sale i went before last time, actually also not that much discount la..but expo got baby fair on 30 apr also..so wan to go, might as well go 30apr onward, go see baby fair too..anyone knows of the brouchure for baby fair out yet n where to find?
I believe below mummies confirm le hor.. so i will juz go ahead register with them.. u can make payment there on that day itself.. please bring along ur socks..

Gymboree Play & Learn 2 Trial class
1 Maritime Square
#03-09/10 Harbourfront Centre

Date: 2nd May
Time: 5pm-5.45pm
Minimum pax: 3
Maximum pax: 15

Play & Learn 2 (Trial fee: $40.00)
Class Description:
- Enjoy playful "baby games" and songs
- Children learn cause and effect and discover how to make things happen for themselves
- 45mins play sessions

Will confirm with u gals when to make payment

1) baby ja
2) janice (if end of may, pls exclude me)
3) sandy dee
4) babys (but if sundays b4 1pm, may not be able to make it, will be in church at AMK)
5) jul
6) Sophia (Fine anytime, preferably sundays)
7) fatBobo + baby Mattea ([email protected])
8) fat hb of fatBobo + baby Keona ([email protected])
9) Patricia ([email protected])
10) Puroland
11) pegsfur ([email protected])
does it matter if baby dun eat porridge? so far javier dun like leh.. trying for quite some time.. he will either dun wan or will vomit out.. so now i let him take 2x cereal everyday.. then MIL keep nagging say muz feed porridge if not baby no strength.. say i nv add light soy or salt, no taste of coz dun like..
it ok not to gave porridge sumtime i gave pasta also... pls dun listen to ur mIL n add salt n soy sauce leh... wat did u add to ur porridge? maybe u can try diff style?
i nv add loh.. then she ask me add marmite.. faint.. but i din listen to her of coz.. i use pork, sweetcorn and carrot for the soup base to cook porridge.. then steam the fish and add it..
bb ja
no need to add light soy or salt cos bb's kidneys still developing, can't take too much salt.

try changing the consistency of the porridge first, if it doesn't work, then cook with homemade stock\grinded ikan bilis will also work or add pureed veg/meat to it for taste.

Toy r us sale - up to 50% off
This wed (for toyrus card & uob card members) - united square atrium

Collection of books
Mummies who haven't collected yet - pls try to collect soon!

\b[Baby crawling}
any babies not crawling yet? Zac is past 9mths but still not crawling. He rather just sit.
Babyja, mayb the porridge too sticky or too watery? i used to cook porridge wif alots of ingredients like carrots, cauliflower & fish meat but my bb dun like. yes she either vomited out or cry when i feed her.

I quite sian when i see her reaction towards my ai xin porridge. then i chg my boiling method, instead if using thermal pot i use slow cooker instead, the fish meat i steamed & mashed instead put insider & boiled tog wif porridge. i also make the porridge simple wif lesser ingredients..so far she quite ok wif the new type of porridge i gave.
maybe u try to change the ingredient also? some prefer teochew style than sticky/gluey style ? sometime gotta trial n error 1... maybe dun add fish first? cos got fishy smell? try cheap ingredient 1st den add gd stuff?

ya some bb will skip crawlin 1... dun worry.. maybe he jus lazy to crawl:p
i nv listen to mil and add the salt loh.. i feed from sticky to watery, he still dun wan.. i did feed him some water in between leh.. for water he will open his mouth big loh.. hee..

lesser ingredient? juz use plain water to cook?

for ikan bilis, how long we have to soak b4 grind?
at first i tok he dun like fish too, so din add. then after that change from brown rice to normal white rice.. still the same.. haha.. mayb i shou try the toechew style..

ya, heard that some bb will skip crawling and go on to walking instead..
baby ja,

Most babies love porridge. Did you start baby with a plain porridge, then slowly add the ingredients? Cos when u give them all at once, they will not like it. And you must cook the same porridge for a few days until they get used to it before changing. (For me I try at least 3 times).

Once baby rejects something, they may develop phobia or dislike.

For ikan bilis, best don't add till older.
babyja, perhaps you can try chicken/pork porridge.
i used to make fancy porridge, prepare stock for hours but end up baby also dun want. if Javier likes cereal you can continue, since its more nutritious. ethan doesn't like cereal, i just add 1 scoop cereal to porridge. if Javier can take egg yoke, add 1/4 to porridge, maybe he will wash down everything.

last night ethan started crying at midnight, he couldn't sleep due to sore throat, brought him to the hospital and he had bronchitis, nose was stuff, throat was really sore and some fluid in lungs. he was give oxygen to clear his lungs, nurse pat him hard on his back to expel secretion. they also use tube to expel mucous from his nose. he was wailing and crying throughout the entire process.

nose dirt
does all your babies guai guai let mommies clean the nose. ethan struggle alot and never allow me to stuff cotton bud into his nose. i'm so disgusted by the amount of dirt accumulated.

I fed him barley on Sunday night, i added 3 strip of wintermelon because last time he didn't like barley water unsweeten and rejected it, not sure if sugar increase phlegm production, he is like a camel, take very lil fluid. maybe the thais doesn't feed barley water so I have to boil it myself again tonight.

I seldom clean her nose dirt.
Cos usually she will sneeze it out herself.

My ger takes a lot of water before she sleeps. I think it's because we nvr give her pacifier and I refuse to let her suck her thumb. So just give her the bottle of water and she gulps the whole bottle (4oz) down before dozing off. I also switch on this cd which plays "sleep" music. So everytime she sleeps, it's the same routine - drink water and listen to cd.

Works like magic for my elder in the past. So doing it again since I took over this week after my stupid maid left again. Now this new maid just follow what I teach.

El-Nino, in the past, when baby doesn't drink water, we use the syringe and force feed her. You can try that? Cos if baby drinks lots of fluid, will prevent a lot of illness too.
re: cleaning bb nose
GP told me nvr clean their nose or ears cos we might accidentally hurt them.. cos i used to do that :p

re: bb eating porridge
my boy dun like to eat porridge also.. he prefers cereal.. once in a blue blue moon den he'll finish more than half bowl of porridge..

re: bb crawl
babymaking, ethan onli learn how to sit bout 3weeks back..den he next thing i know he starts to crawl and stand up within 2weeks.. different bb develope differently ba.. dun worry... although i was worried myself when he can't sit by himself at 8mths old.. keke
I saw at Kovan yday this mini electric stove that is ideal to bring for travelling.
It comes with a pot ( look like mass tin ), plastic container with fork n spoon.
Now having promo, also giving out mini claypot, mini steamboat pot, 5 metal ( like tupperware, different sizes ) when we purchase now.

All these for $69.90.
Do you all think its reasonable ? or expensive ?

The sales person claim tat we can we can use any pot with this mini stove.
She plug it in, on it n off it n let me feel the stove top ( its like hot plate ), its already warm, so it transmit heat pretty fast.

Im thinking if i should get it so that can use it if travelling....but feel its alittle on the high side...

My bb can't crawl too. He is 9 months too. Everytime when he is left on crawling position, he will push himself up to sitting position in the end. Went for his 9 months check up yesterday. Nurse assessed him and commented that he seems like the kind who will proceed on to stand then walk.

Ray refuses to eat the same thing for two meals.

So we have been feeding him different food for 2 meals. He will not eat porridge daily too and he hates cereals.
By the way, Hou Zhou Shan is not available in Oz coz of the ingredient used. My HK friend here recommend us Bao Ying Dan from Eu Yan Sen for baby cold, cough, etc. I was told to stock up for winter.
i got the bao ying fen but hor tt 1 took a while to see the effect leh.. btw the onion u mentioned the other time is red or yellow onion?
Hi Babymaking,

u dun accept PM.. can u email me ur address? Sembawang is quite far for me, so got to see how i can arrange..

would u be at home on friday late afternoon?


do u need mi to collect for u? anyone staying in punggol ordered and need mi to collect?

Thanks so much for the offer....
In the end, i didnt confirm the order with babymaking as her location is too far for me :p

Zac is a premature baby. So u need to 'correct' the age by using the EDD. Premature babies take about 2 years to catch up to their actual age.
Dolce, yes, very effective. Now over here we are entering winter, I need to stock up and place in all the rooms coz Kai got lots of playmates coming over to play.

cloudme, onion not like fruits does not attract flies.
that helper protected her "little sir"....

apperantly they were crossing the road when a but hit them...
the helper flanged the "little sir" out b4 she got pinned under the bus wheels...
so sad and it happen at CCK..near my mum's place...

the helper died instantly lor...she only 24yr old only...

in yesterday...hmmm xin min or wan bao?
my son havin flu now it has been 5 days still haven recover so mus quickly try the onion method hope he will recover faster:p

I feel having the onion helps to recover faster and also will help prevent others from getting it too.
I have it in my room n so far it works well!
Best is that its hassle free, just place the onion, thats all

Thanks to Pris for this very effective n helpful tip ;D
aiyo i thot u said u feed ray with onion...
so i feed my boi with shallots...

i mince the meat with shallots....luckily my boy never reject...

so it's to put in the room not feed them huh?
