(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

haha i din travel ard la jus tt my previous job get to go to HDB hub can buy n sumtime if i go CHina town will buy also.. clementi have?? wher? i jus go on sat din see leh...

cos i dun drink milk tea so KOi nothing special for me but their bubble v nice:p

I was also shortlisting My Gym since it's nearer compared to Gymboree. Have u started Kiiron at My Gym? Think they hv a trial .. maybe go for the trial and see how. Their playgroup program looks pretty ok too.

Haha ... at least ethan was interested in wat the teachers were teaching and could sit there for awhile! Ovann's attention span was like 5 secs? I bring him back, he sit there for 5secs and then he's off again.

If u sign up next year, he'd be abt 18mths already? By then u have to put him in the Tots programme instead of the Babes programme?
hee! I saw my boy's birdie at 12w.
Just cleared my cupboard over the weekend and realised that I got more than 10 ultrasound pic of the birdie.
hmm... somehow drs like to print out that for me.
cos for the first 2 mth their sex organ genital is the same so for gal they scare it the genital not form or not fully develope but if boi n the birdie well built it v obvious... well seem like fated not goin to have daugther
btw the chinese calender all predict wrongly for me so dun believe ..
btw will mail out ur iherbs order this evenin u look out for it k... u let me know if u din received the cost breakdown k thanks..
piggy, ic tat's why i think book said oli 15-16wks can cfm. my fren also knew her bb was a boy at 12wks she was quite suprised & happy cos she wanted a boy.
re: KOI
I love KOI so much and am so happy it finally open 1 outlet in West and somemore in Clementi so near my hse!!

Koi Cafe Clementi
Blk 442 Clementi Ave 3 #01-101 (near Giodano)
yah... those calender prediction not accurate.
last time (like > 10 year ago) my roomate use a ring to predict for me and told me my first born will be a boy. that one very zhun!
Hahaha ... my sis used the ring to predict for me too! And accurate also that my 1st is a boy

Oh, but playgroup normally 2 hours nia leh ... u want how long?

Oh, i havne't chck my email. Will let u know after i check it .. er .. checking it now
actually the calender prediction predict wrongly for my #1 too.. n i ever use ring to predict it say boi, gal, boi.. so not accurate also lol~~

wah really near hahah nex time after my checkup can go there buy keke..

no la i stoppin at 2.. i hate preg leh plus v siong to have 2 if #3 i can nv be SAHM lol~~~

ya lo but also gd la know early can shop at jap almost start buyin gal gal thing lo... cos i dream of a bb gal n Kyler everyday mei mei .....
Bobo, Celine, Donkeymani

The KOI is at Clementi Central along Giordano shop... The unit no is 01-101... Hehehe.. Find the unit quite special...

Yes, the queue is alway v long but quite fast leh....

I also realised the shop last Wed and wasn't open yet till Thur. Hehehe... Normally don't walk that way to the MRT just that day duno why walk there and saw it... So happy.. Drink it on sat liao...

Btw the milk tea with glass jelly is v v nice.. Must try... Is better than milk tea with bubble.
no prob.. i mail out today u shd be able to receive maybe wed or thurs bah... i use a yellow wrapper v striking lol~
piggy, haha u can save more for having another boy
i thk kyler says mei mei could be refering to ur niece? cos they stay tog at ur in-laws place mah.
haiyo I love you SL!!! haha...

I was praying for a Koi in west zone and really it has to be in Clementi haha..

piggy, yes so near us right!!!
i also wanted a gal previouly as 2nd child but my #2 boy is such a charmer too so I think God really want me to have this precious gift. And you will realized both boys really can get along very well (at least for my case). They really love each other, when I scold my #1 he cried, my #2 will go over and hug him leh.
Then when #2 crawling around my #1 will crawl together with him play catching and hide and seek really very heartwarming

Yeah... Finally they open 1 at West area.... Wow u even pray for it... Hahaha....

Me only walking distance to it as I go Clementi everyday.... Maybe we will meet there 1 day. Hehehe....
you stay near there too? for sure..we will meet one day while q-ing for koi ahaha...

not exactly pray pray lah just wish got one near my doorstep and I think clementi good enough. At first I was worried if 1 day they want to open they will open at Jurong Point (there alot of ppl mah)

My mum stay there and my #1 CC is there. So everyday have to go there lor... We met once remember u pass me the teething tablet at my mum's void desk....

True Jurong Point and IMM will be too crowded liao...

Enjoy yr drink ok....


The milk tea with glass jelly is v nice.. Must try.... never try the hazel but before. Cos love the milk tea with glass jelly. Is better than the 1 with bubble...
hahah ya he know my SIL gal is mei mei but when i say bb didi he will turn away sumtime will come to me say mei mei n say bb last time be4 i preg he wun say mei mei at home 1.. hahah nvm la.. like u say save $$ on clothin
hope # 2 look more like me keke..

wah ur boi v sweet ya 1 thing is the brotherly bondin among 2 boys la.. if 1 boi 1 gal wun have this kind of bondin..

no worries..
not me lah, I did not pass you any teething tablet b4 wor...:p

even the normal milk tea is very nice le.

if travel with SQ you can request for infant meal, they give you Heinz bottle food ;)

really, next time you observe 2 boys bonding is different but also very heartwarming. And my #2 is quite "tei" too heehee..

Yup, requested post-weaning meal for ovann. His breakfast was pureed dunno wat i think it's chicken with mushroom, green vege and pumpkin with potatoes and a bun, and a packet of meiji milk. Ovann din finish it but he keeps eating the bun.

Ya, kids meal definitely not suitable for them, shld get post-weaning meal
They will serve bb's meal first, den ask if u & hubby wanna take turns to eat. Whenever u r done with feeding kiddo, den ask them to serve yr meal
But it's very hard to feed them with no seat. What i do is i let ovann sit in the bassinet (although we r not allow to), i hold him with 1 hand cos the bassient is pretty shallow. Then feed him with another hand
hi mummies,

yay KOI in clementi

I like hazelnut flavour. My hub will buy for me if he lunch at TPY or Bishan...kekeke

No leh .. doesn't taste like jar food at all. The baby potatoes come in whole, they din puree it. The chicken is pureed with shreds of mushroom, while the vege & pumpkin are pureed totally. Actually, i quite like the meal .. wld hv finish it for ovann if he wasn't fussing
Pegs: Yeah shayna was moving ard during class. Like the playdays class, everyone sit down to listen to story, she crawl off to the slide to play. During the gymboree class, havent even learn to crawl but was also trying to move away. I brought her for kindermusik trial with pjpj, can ask pjpj, she kept crawling away to play other things and xplore.

I'll let her start playgroup or classes at 1.5. Anyway i dont really see the need to attend now at this age..
u r so lucky that #2 loves #1 as well. i got a bad case of sibling rivalry. haiz.. when i scold #1 and #1 cry.. #2 dun understand and go beat #1 somemore..

yes, it is definitely good to form a playgrp of ur own.. w babies in the same age grp and fun to see each other grow up together
Good morning.

Hi Sharon,
In australia, the kids only take the Hep A vaccination after 2 yo. I think i'll wait until my gal turns to 2 before taking the Hep A jab.

depends on you whether to take early or later ...
morning gals!

maybe your #2 side you more, so when you scold #1 he help you to punish #1 too :p

yes, I heard from afew of my frens/colleagues their kids tends to have sibling rivalry (due to lack of attention/jealousy of one party?) so will take some time to get along. Thats why I am very grateful my 2 boys can "survived" together :p

no I did not go yesterday coz fetch my #1 from his enrichment class. Ya I heard long queue?

re: ben 10 cakes
Pine garden got some ben 10 cakes and the price very economical. Look at these designs


