(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

i miss the taobao spree...

fridge magnets was cheap!
maybe you can buy the small bottle one to try? if you always wanted to buy in SG, then Jpn sure cheaper mah...
if not next time you want to buy and try will be SG price lo

err... my rule for shopping oversea...
yes it does cleanse up ur skin maybe for me i wan to get rid of oil so will clean again maybe u go buy a small 1 n try first?
piggy, ya will get small bottle to try 1st cos not cheap for a big bottle & my skin quite sensitive so i used water-based moituriser..my skin so far quite ok wif clinique product..i using their moisturising gel which quite good.
i oso like fancl mild cleansing oil

when r u flying? u buy a small small one in sg.. and try first?

fridge magnets
hmpph.. missed that as well.
most cleansing oil need to use a facial wash to clean completely. If going Japan can get DHC cheaper there too.
keke i v lazy only started usin moisteriser last yr cos dun like sticky feelin after applyin moisteriser but now gettin older mus use if not wrinkle start comin out le... but i usin KOSE product more la..

my big bottle can last a very long time like a year. And it also depends which type u get. The normal ones are about $120 still cheaper than Singapore. U can buy a small bottle first.
Piggy, i used Kose before not bad also..then switch to shiseido white lucent but too rich for me then i switch to clinique..used for years liao so far so gd.
What do u mummies do if its ur child who is snatching toys? Cos shAyna is the one snatching toys leh. Even if she's not playing with it and another kid takes it, she'll take it from the other kid.

I've told her off b4 and sometimes take the toy away and give back to the child who was playing with it. Of course will be met with alot of protesting and sometimes crying.

What to do?
so far my boy is the one whose toy is being snatched.
he will scream, cry, stamp his feet and hit the air when someone snatch something from him.
headache also! I told him to share and then let him cry or distract him.

are they too young for naughty corner?
usu I am the 1 who snatch from him cos he play until dun 1 to bath usu I let him cry n if he go snatch or kena snatch I will tell both share share also but gd thing is my boi not those die die wan kind if he kena snatch he will make noise but v fast divert attention in other thing..

I'm sahm mah. Hahaha.

Babys & kiki

sooner or later, the milder ones will learn to retaliate. My boy was the one being bullied all the time when he was younger. Then he learnt to retaliate. So better to teach them the etiquette. If they want a toy, ask the person if it's ok to share. If not get them to trade. As they get older they will then know
what to do rather than bullying others.

actually I think shouldn't let him be the one to share all the time. Imagine their frustrations. Always to give and can't play what they want. Should let him 'win' sometimes. I stop others from snatching my gal's toy too. Since their parents not there to teach then I will tell them they should ask else wait for their turn.
Kiki: i already bought a time out mat.. Haha.. But never use yet. But i practice time out with her. Like on sunday she kept insisting to crawl on the floor at a place we were at but floor alot of nails so i disallow her. She got angry and tried to grab my specs twice despite my warning and slap on hand. In the end i bought her out to a quiet area away from evreything and stayed there quietly with her, staying in one spot. She knew she was being punished. (but i kena time out with her.. Haha)

When she snatches its cos the other kid has a toy she likes. She may not be even playing with it then. If no one is playing with that toy she's fine and plays with other things.

I've tried taking the toy away from her and giving it back to the other kid to play..
Gd morning...


Bevlyn also the same as Shayna. Whatever toy my #2 takes she will sure snatch. I will stop her and let her cry. After a while she is fine. Tell her need to share but she alway ignore... Quite stubborn.
Toddler's Creed

If I want it, it's mine.
If I gave it to you and I change my mind later,
it's mine.
If I can take it away from you,
it's mine.
If I had it a little while ago,
it's mine.
If it's mine, it will never belong to anyone else,
no matter what.
If we are building something together,
all the pieces are mine.
If it looks like mine, it's mine.
SL: but after i take it back and give to the other kid, she'll still continue to try to take, distraction doesnt work leh..

I am not bothered abt her crying, i'll let her cry but how to stop her from snatching the toy back
my boy's cousin behaved abit like your gal haha...the toys lying on the floor he dun play then when my boy go play with it, he run over to snatch back. ahaha..

in this situation, of coz need his parent to come over to tell him. Tell him to take turn and let the other party play first since that kid already holding it then after awhile let him play.

but take time to let them understand especially your girl still small my boy's cousin already 4yo! :p

our toddlers still still small for time out I feel lah else you put her in the baby cot as time out? I am not sure whether it works thou.

oic, I thot how come I eat my cleansing oil leh for a moment :p

yes I think the same way, I will let my boys "win" once awhile cannot let them always be the give in party. :p

I know what time out mat you are talking abt! but was thinking need to buy that mat meh? specify a corner for them can already right?
it has been a long long time since i read the forum and i hope everyone is good. gee..
talking about discipline, yeah, bb is still in their own self centre world... good to start discipline them early and my ah lao is already implementing naughty corner.
he started months ago, but i am not in favour of that the last time as i think bb might not understand. but i guess now is a good time to start the naughty corner. heheheheh

now my gal is funny. she drink water from her cup, and then take out and give a loud 'ahhhhhh'.
Celine: oh i didnt buy those mats that have the word 'time
Out'.. I just bought a bright yellow round mat from
Ikea. And i know where i will put it liao..
We have a punishment corner which is the playpen in the living room..

previosuly when he refused to eat properly, bang things, take out shoes.. we will send him into the playpen..

but wen we are busy, we need to leave him alone in a safe place, we will put him there too..

n everytime he cry until so pitiful..

indeed need a new time out corner... dont wan him to mistaken playpen n cot means the same thing (punishment corner)

i've dropped you a mail on collection.


i've emailed kiki to check on the size of the package of both our sutff. if exceed the dimensions of the promo price, we'll use 2 packages then 1 send direct to you ok?
I replied your email already.

btw how much is the promo price for the courier? wonder will it be cheaper then singpost registered mail?
is this the 0.35L one? I bought the light blue one...
then now I hated it! whenever I need to use it I'll be angry for choosing the blue one! haha!

the promo price via gmarket only $4.90. but limit to 80cm total. i jus sms piggy to check how she wants it.

this is the 0.5L one. why u hate the blue one? too small or the colour? my hb asked me to get the silver or blue but i like brown & pink. is 0.5L too big for travel?
yes obviously i missed your post :p
thot the items are still in air haha...
will try to collect from your MIL this evening ard 7pm ok
mine is the 0.35L one... so far I havent run of hot water before, since my boy is still on partial BM and I only need hot water for cereal + milk. thought I should get a even slimmer one.

I hate the light blue... cannot match with anything! ~angry~
ya, i also like the slimmer one so i getting the 0.5L. hope it's really really based on the pics.

my hb said boy should get blue. brown + pink harder to match anything. so he said then get silver. but silver so common looking.
