(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

actually when i jus married my mum got force me to pray so i pray for the 1st 2 yr den i stop cos i am a free thinker la so abit bochap den who knows after stoppin for 2 yrs happen tt i was doin confinement last yr so my mum volunteer to buy n pray for me not knowin i alr stop.. so this yr i thot got children i jus continue to pray lo... :p

celine:: indeed!
imagine, cant even pat them lor, scream n cry...until vomit smtimes! my helper see le oso scared! cos there was once, i was so helpless, i sat in their bed n cried.. n my helper see le, she oso cry!
piggy, tat's wat i think so last time if i remember i got pray sometimes i forgot..this yr i tell myself need to pray since got small kid at home (kids usually more pandang).

After u get out of the train, look for Southern Exit and u will be able to find the hotel soon.

After exiting the Southern Exit, when u walk out u will see a donut shop (Krispy cream, must try v nice but alway long queue), than there is a escalator. Go down the escalator and turn right and walk down u will see the hotel.

Next to the hotel is a stretch of small shops selling food. The ramen shop is great, must go and eat, yummy and very good price
if me I surely cry too, dun said helper. The two are your precious babes but they dun want you to carry/touch is truly terrible. Anyway, hope all gone!

Congrats having a boy again... Gd can save $$$.


It sound scary... My gal also saw those things when she was young and she cry everyday. That was a nitemare to us... So know how u feel... Glad all is over for u....
Thank you April for the wonderful photos ! I finally have a nice & clear family picture !! Yippee
yup.. thanks all... hope all gone!!!!

after dat nite (the ritual at the dang ki..) i was not supposed to wear black for 3 days. n hb & i not supposed to attend any funeral wake for at least next 6 mths. (actually this yr my hb really go quite a few times la.) wat u all norm do?

btw wana ask u all, normally aft attend those 'white' event le.. do u 'wash' with smting before u return home??
my prac is use the pomegranade leaves put in water niah.. but the leaves cant be frm our own de!
That sounds scary. My niece saw something also when she was around 6yrs. She came back and told my MIL that she saw a boy boy on her parent's bed. Ehh...the issue is, she is the only child.

Dunno whether you believe it or not, have a "tong shu" at home. Can be a back issue. Will help to keep it clear at times...
My friend suggested to wash the leave before stepping into the house. Also remember the red strings.
She is also an advocate of not bringing the babies out to places late at night during 7th month.
Hope that all is fine for your family. Sometimes cannot dun believe such things.
your practice is correct ba ... my mum use shi liu hua leaves , ok to use our own ...

when we attend the wake, we have a piece of red string to take back, then on the way back, throw away the red string. Upon reaching home, before stepping into the house, prepare a pail of water with leaves / shi liu hua, can wash the hands and face before entering the house.
re: Ben10 cake
anybody got nice recommendation for ben 10 cake either image or 3D also can BUT must look like Ben 10 lah :p
my parent usu will ask me prepare a pot with water n uncooked rice they will use to wash hand n face be4 they enter the house..
joycec:: sorry, wat u mean the "tong shu"..wat back issue n help to keep it clear?

i sure believe de. my fren's nephew-in-law..(tink this was 3yrs ago or wat..tink he was abt 4yo...cant really rmbr le.).. the parents brought the little boy S n his little sis to a fren's condo..n the all the little kids played in the pool. then ya, suddenly they found S floating in the water, send to hosp.. of cos severe la, went into coma! coma for very long..more than a mth. our another fren actually suggested her father (who oso tiao dang) to go hosp n see if can help in anything.. but the parents said no, cos they are christians. later on.. the boy could not be saved la. so poor ting....

on the day he passed, (btw, they din tell the younger sis wat really happened to her gorgor!).. the little sis told the ah-ma she saw gorgor with an uncle (or was it another boy) in the living room! the ah-ma scared, n quickly brought the girl out of the hse. (apparently, she said she saw the uncle (or boy) in the pool oso!!!!!!!!!

Think Polar has the Ben 10 cake but than the cake not v nice.... Maybe u can check out Ecreative if they have....
oh ya piggy, nw dat u mentioned..i rmbrd.. so funny.. some time back, my fren had to attend a funeral wake.. den she called hm to ask her hb to help prepare the water.. she oso use the rice grains method de... then, when she reach hm, she omoz fainted!!! cos her hb put omoz a whole bowl of rice grains!!! bahahahahah~ which actually a pinch shld do le. LOL~

hmmmm~ prolly in future, can combo it mah... put rice grains + the shi liu ye!
tong shu is the chinese almanac. My mil said can help to keep the house clean as well. So you do not necessary need to keep the most recent issue in the house. Just have any tong shu will do. I have one copy in the living room.
only heard of putting the shi liu ye in water to wash and face but not the rice grains...

My mum brought those shi liu ye body wash... So we normally use that to shower only when we attend the funeral....
joycec:: oic, u mean like.. juz keeping a copy in the hse. ok.. juz like keeping a bible or those 'whatever religion script' or something.. *sorry, no offence arh!!* i get it nw. hehe. thnx..but whr to buy a tong shu?
oh cos sumtime no time to find the shi liu mah so my parent use the rice method.. my father go involve in with some tiao dang pp n activity so they know alot abt all this.. keke..
btw if u wkday wan to collect ur iherbs stuff u sms me k usu i will reach home ard 7pm..

oh my hotel also south exit can go try the ramen u recommend liao

They have south and southern exit leh... Is different.... The ramen is actually at the stretch along the hotel. The 1 nearest to the hotel 1 is v nice... But than the place v small lor... Have to go early if not late lor... But take note the ppl there smoke there so quite smelly....
tks, checked with polar they dun have ben10

luckily 7th mth passed! I read your story I very scared all goosepimples!

Oh issit.... Cos I was at Prima deli and there is a lady looking for it and mentioned that Polar has it... wasted..

The other option is find the picture of Ben 10 and ask Ecreative to print it for u on the cake.. Think they can do it....

Should be different.... Yeah the krispy Kreme is v nice. Mr Donut is nice also.... There is another ramen walking distance fm the hotel also v nice. Is after Mcdonald turn left... The soup is quite special... talking abt food make me hungry....

Cant remember leh. Maybe when u reach the train station u take a look....

For Krispy Creme, there is a cafe think is at Shibuya... U can check it out.. Cos the 1 at Shinjuku 1 v v crowded. The other 1 at least still got place to sit. Than u can ask hb to queue for it... Hehehe...
oh no... so scary!

eer... the book is not called "tong shu" (like everything lose! kekeke!)
actual name is "tong seng(4)"
popular/MPH sells the english version even, usally alot during year end... not sure if they still keep stock for now or not.
If really want, then can also try those market stores that sells joss stick.

The book got alot of interesting information, even explains the gestation period of human / dog, when is the best time to plant crops, etc like oldern chinese encyclopedia
SL, i tried krispy kreme in msia vy nice & cheap there..jap sure vy ex esp now the yen is so high..waiting for yen to drop but i thk still abt 63 right?
my boy also cannot sit down for the lesson! wander around and I got to chase after him and pull him back... but I thought that's the whole purpose, to get him to get use to classroom learning. I dont think I can do that we him at home on my own.

I'm trying out my gym at Tampines Junction, if he like it then maybe start him there first. can consider the playgroup when he is 18mths.

Oh malaysia also has krispy kreme? JB don't have rite? Yes, is exp.. If not wrong is between 1.50 to 2.00 Yen. But v nice lor... Cant stop fm eating.. Hehehe... Before I went yen was 79 but than when I went is so high. Is 69 yen. Now 63... Will spend more lor... Btw remember to visit the daiso... They have so many cute disney stuff to buy which is not available in Spore...

The hair clip is so nice... There is 1 at Harajuku...
SL, i tried in KL last yr. dun thk JB hv...69yen not so bad..i thk when i go shd b ard 65 bah..cos now still stuck at 63 le.

daiso & 100yen shop is it the same ah?
pegsfur, i thk it's normal cos at this age vy hard to get their attention but i thk attend the class will help them to be more focus la.

Oh ok.... Thought if JB have can go and look for it... Cos really v nice....

Not sure leh. Cos never see 100yen shop. But Daiso also selling at 100 yen per item.
thanks will check it out.. cos i see the HSinjuku JR map like v big n confusin so scary... keke... the donut u mean 150 yen to 200yen?

Yeah the Shinjuku JR is v v confusing. So have to get out to the correct exit...

Is S$1.50 to S$2.00. Ard this price.... But worth trying...
i oso love krispy kreme... nothing beats it. used to 'ta bao' dozens n dozens back frm OZ...


y.. why.. why dun they cm to spore!!!!

Ya lor.... Should come to spore than we can eat it... Me also like it...


Actually is quite ok lor.... But KOI had opened an outlet at Clementi leh. U used to travel around to buy it rite....
ya for boi can know earlier.. actually i jus try my luck askin the gynae la he did told me usu if can see now is boi n provided the birdie is well built n strong lol~~~ den whe he ask me got see sumthing stickin out i alr know boi so i ask him is it 80% sure it a boi he told me no it 99% lol~
