(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Morning ladies..

haha my son quite violent leh always attack my bil gal dunno if can be a gd gor gor anot lol~ but he v sweet la will come m hug n pat me etc now I tryin to teach him to sayang baby

think children are naturally sweet, but for #1 they are used to full attention so will not like it if someone else come along or #2 fighting for attention since #1 always have attention.
my #1 is coming 5YO so they play totally different toys. Maybe your #1 age gap is closer with #2 so they are still interested in the same toys.

but recently my #2 also know how to take 2 ben 10 aliens and pretend fighting so now I no need to play fighting with my #1, coz #2 can play with him ahaha...
so cute, your kids can play pretend fighting together ... :D

dunno when that day will come for my kids ... when #1 play with his cousins, he always get bullied, is that why he'll bully meiemi ?
both my boys mah so can play pretend fighting. :p

why his cousins bully him? did you tell your nephews/nieces off?
lol yes my SIS kid also 2 yr apart so usu they play themslve v gd.. My boi all the while durin day time stay with my bil gal at my mil house wor n they only 2 mth apart they will play together but sumtime he will jus push the gal away if the gal attempt to take thing from him cos tt gal pretty aggressive also but quite funnie to see how the 2 of them sleep n play together haha..
kids are very funny lah, when they fight they very aggressive but when they are in good mood can play along soooo well together. My #1 and his cousin sometimes also fight (snatch toys) coz 1 year apart and always interested in the same toys. But when get along well, dun want to go home. :p
His cousins are 2 to 3 years older, so they'll also snatch his toys, sometimes beat him ...

if i see them snatch his toys, i'll tell my son to share the toys. (bcos they only meet once a week, is this wrong ? ) if i see them beat my son, then i'll say very sternly "No cannot do this"...
I think when they snatch yr boy toys, you must tell all of them must share toys and take turn.

Usually for my case, if his cousin snatching toys. I will warn both of them must share and take turn. The one that is holding the toy first can play for 15min then I timed personally after 15min I will ask him to pass on to the next one.

Cannot always your boy share then the others snatch mah, he wun feel good.
true, my son may not feel good, ok, shall follow your method next time. thanks

This friday is Children's Day. Mummies have any plans for your child ? Anyone going to Wild Wild Wet ?
I also let whoever playing with the toy to continue with it since the others are just covetting it. So if it's my son who is playing, I will stop the rest from snatching and get them to ask. And if it's other kid playing, I will tell my son to ask if it's alright to share or play together. If the other party isn't ready, he should wait for his turn or play other toys. It's fine if the party including my son is still playing the toy and not ready to give it up yet. I also give a time to allow them to continue playing.

I definitely will not allow any beating and I will not hesitate to punish on the spot if he does that. If it's others pp kids I will stop the kid, pull to the side and tell the parent.

Yeah, super long queue... Almost queue to the next blk liao....

Pine garden cake quite nice also...

My is the other way round. #2 bully #1. Cos #2 is v aggressive and what she see she want it. Even neighbour kids also scare of her....


Yeah this fri is Children's Day liao... So fast... No plan cos need to work... Just started new job not long ago so not taking leave.
no plans for this friday, I need to work leh is a school holiday wild wild wet sure crowded.
Resorts world Sentosa, i Love the pool there, is man made beach pool with sand at Hard Rock hotel bring them for a swim 2 saturday ago.

Think sure v long queue... U staying ard Clementi?

Ya lor... The gal older than her few wks also scare of her....
my #1 oso always bully #2.. so #2 learns from him lor

i oso got the bad case that they both fight for my attention.. to the point that sometimes i got to hide n seek from one..


children's day
everywhere shld be very crowd.. me continue working this day

Glad that you had enjoyed the shoot.
Sorry that I didnt answer your call, cos hp in the bag and Im attending to Nat.
Will contact you when photos are ready

My husband was telling me about your boy, he very clever with his facial expression..heehee
how come got such a man !! so angry when i read it !! the mother is not strong enuff to protect her own children ...
hee! I was helping my sis to buy children's day present for her students and it never occur to me that my boy is entitled to celebrate children's day too!
maybe buy some present for him.
My two nephews, 7 & 2.5 years old, always fighting one! can fight over the same toy somemore!
but the 7 yr old can click with my boy whereas the 2.5 yr old will bully him
mashy, do u knw in jap where can i buy cheaper shu uemera cleansing oil u mentioned? i chk their website converted it's S$150..so ex
kiki, but i heard drugstore sells even cheaper..i saw their RRP was still vy ex after converted to S$. even for airport jz tax free right?
i cant remember drugstore have Fancl anot but their retail outlet is v cheap also abt 40% cheaper so with the high yen rate maybe only 30% cheaper... drugstore is everywhere jus walk ard to check n compare:p
ok... I cant remember seeing shu eu at drug store. but I just go to the airport one and spend my last yen there.

now I use the fancl oil cos shu eu one will cause outbreak for me...
BB, thks for ur info.

Piggy, retail outlet means those fancl & shu uemura shops? not those inside departmental stores right? confused!
retail outlet means those fancl shop like the 1 in JPT.. i only know fancl cheaper dunno abt Shu Uemura.. but i bott something under SHuUemura from drugstore be4 so not sure the the cleansin oil..
our taobao loots arrived this morning!

will send email to inform the shipping fee and collection.

My boy trying to help me open the box

I love these fridge magnets... so colourful!

How much are they selling in Singapore?
We paid $6.10 for 1 set leh.
piggy, ya i heard fancl is cheap in jap cos my hubby in taipei if japan not tat cheap can ask him buy in taipei instead. but i nv use before later "touch wood* i got outbreak then how? so ex woh.

kiki, the fridge magnet us vy cute instead..i thk babymaking bot this right?
hmm Fancl product is quite safe i would say no preservative.. the cleansin oil is gd but downside is v short expiry i seldom makeup so always cannot finish be4 the expiry.. my sis told me KOSE cleansin oil is jus as gd...
Piggy, the shu uemura cleaning oli is 2-in-1 make-up removal & cleaner together so thinking to hv a try..so kose & fancl also the same?
for me after using the cleaning oil, still have to use a facial wash leh... for both fancl and shu eu de...

but somehow shu eu one will cause outbreak for me... I've been using it for years and I thought I have adult acne due to hormones changes... then how I know after I stop using for 2 weeks, pimples clear up leh.
yah! I thought will arrive around Thurs, but they call me this morning and say can deliver to me already! I was about to leave for office, then decided not to go office today. kekeke!

yup same but like wat kiki say i still use cleanser to clean cos after all it oil so gotta use cleanser to clean again so pore is not block.
