(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

check with you all ah...
how long can we keep the milk making making huh? sometimes my boy dont want to drink and I'm thinking if I can keep in the fridge and warm up the next time or not...
so wasted leh, everything pour away...
btw u buy the bon bebe hoppa rite? can recline 1? sian my capella stroller v lousy here torn there torn mus buy a new 1 for #2...
i sprinkle more bb dust for u hope u get a boi for ur #2 my #2 also boi... so lots of boi bbdust for u
I still go by the 1-hr rule, esp if he hasn't drink it yet, and keep it warm. If he drank halfway & refused it, i'll throw it away when the milk turns cold.

But my friend, who has twins, used to prepare the milk and store in fridge first. Then when bb wakes up and wanna drink, she'll warm it up.

GUG trial
Went for the trial yesterday with janice .. hhaa .. only 2 babies in the class
Anyway, wld like to check with mummies here how did your bb behave during the class? I'm quite interested to sign up but Ovann doesn't seem interested. He was literally doing his own stuff during the class, walked all over the room and looked for things to play.

Is that normal as in 1st class like dat de .. den slowly will be interested in wat the teacher is teaching?
Piggy, congrts! #2 boy also..i thk u dun mind to hv another boy right? haha happy for u le.

ok ok thanks for ur bb dusts
yup i bot the hoppa at $129 can reclined but oli 2 level for toddler is ok.

so fast torn liao? u mean the fabric?
Pegs: shayna is like that for all the classes i brought her for. I decided to not enrol her for classes now bcos of that cos i dont think shes prepared for classea
dolliepollie, congratulations on your #2 !

you can drink the unfinished milk, it's good for you too.

piggy, congrats again, take good care, especially overseas ...
i thought only my kids are like that, cannot sit still and read ... thought of enrolling her to playgroup so that she can sit still ... cos when she sees other kids sit down, then she will follow **hopefully**
baby s,

Oh, shayna is like dat too? I actually thot boys more prone to things like dat leh. Ovann was pretty ok when he attended the Kindermusik & gymboree trials. But maybe he's now more mobile, he literally walked all over looking for things that interest him. Like u, i was oso thinking if Ovann is not ready for classes yet. So u r holding on till she's 1.5yr old?

I'm thinking maybe he shld go for gym class instead, like those gymboree kind, where he can climb & crawl & run, more than those structured kind where he has to sit and listen to the teachers.
i can give you bbdust too because I have 2 boys too haha..

congrats, you can recycle your #1 things for your #2
Congrats! You have 2 boys as well! Save money! i feel bad for my #2 cos he might not have a lot of new stuff to wear. haha...

Usually i will keep it for 1hr as well. I will keep it warm. Thereafter if he doesnt wants it, i will throw it away. i know it is a waste but dunno what to do with it.

I might be thinking too much but i am the one putting Aaden to sleep on weekends or weekdays (when we bring him home early after work). Also, in the morning, he will actually look for me and snuggle up next to me, waking me up asking for milk. I dunno with the arrival of didi in Dec how he is going to feel. Aaden is sleeping with us now on the bed.
with GPS is easy with rental car to move around. Ferringi is very far from gurney drive. we did drove pass ferringi on the way to fruit farm tour.

maybe is a new environment to Ovann, so he is exploring the place. so far for the trial lesson attend Edric do sit and listen. different child behave differently.
ya lor v lousy.. the side 1 whole side torn den the top also...

ya my neightbour 1 worse use on ly 4 mths torn also.. the fabric not durable so lookin for 1 but since buyin 1 light 1 for the trip was thinkin of buyin 1 no need buy 2.. ya la boi also.. for me i dun mind but was hopin for ga cos my HB prefer boi lol~~

thanks:p ya can save $$
hi to all mummies,

pegsfur, ethan also move here move der.. lol
but i might signing him up for the suntec 1... but onli starting next yr.. cos term 6 starts next month... till dec... and we cannot make it.. so can onli start in jan 2011

my boy now coming 5 still move ard in a new class! Give him some time. Once they familiar with the place and finish exploring, they will settle down.
thanks for the foto.. argh v sad my hB tt day was vacuumin the room he accidentally knock the frame of the foot print now the glass of the flame is broken sigh~~~

Kyler also move ard the class but glad when the teacher is havin story time he v interested also the art n craft time... maybe he excited abt the surroundin so explorin ard
April, thanks for the pics!!! super nice shoots!!

anyone can recommend soft teats? ethan takes more that an hr to finsih his milk.. thinking of chaning to softer teats... he is using pigeon now
oh no! y the frame is on the floor. have not hang? I collected on 22 sep, ask my HB hang it up yday afternoon. tink the corner of my frame crack oso.

take an hour to finish milk tats veri long. maybe the hole on teat is too small?
haio everyone~
it's monday agn.. grrrrrrz~

oh..i hv someting to tell u all. remember previousely i mentioned my girls r owas crying n screaming so bad in the evng when i was handling them alone? eventually, last week..i went to 'consult' some deity...n was told that in the nite..im not me!!!! apparently, according to him, my hb 'brought hm something' aft he attended some funeral wake!!!!!!!!! n ya, so.. ya!!!!!!!!!
He did sm rituals on me.. n my hb... n gave me an amulet to bring hm, burn it n let the girls drink the water.

so far, not much chance to observe if it's really working, but there was one nite, Keona came n rolled on me n slept on my tummy!

yup... juz to share niah!
april, thanks for uploading pics! Ur fren so nice he tried to captured every single babies on that day

piggy, mayb can bring the frame to those shop making frame to replace a new glass? i jz collected mind last sat but our one dun hv glass de.
april, thanks for the photos and advise on Penang.

pegsfur, think kids won't sit still till maybe primary school. My girl's enrichment class teacher is complaining that she keeps moving around and she is also 5 yrs old!
Fat bobo

if it wasn't u, how do u know your gals were fussing? And shouldn't u be the one drinking the ash water and not your gals since u are the one Kenna possessed?

I didn't know s same as c. Hahaha. I thought he's the only one running about. Btw, I sent him to berries and he likes it. Was shocked when he started trying to talk to me in Chinese altho I dun understand him. Hahaha.
i dun tink all babies captured la tink too many le :p sigh.. the glass is the base with tthe foot n hand print on top wor abit headache... will see how it goes... heart pain

wah sound scary sia..

it is very common for toddler to move ard in the class, they still cannot adapt to classroom style. Give your boy some time
u r most welcome! we rent the car from Avis Car Rental, enquire online & reservation online with them. the rental car collect direct from penang airport.
you can bring back to the same shop? Think they can do repair. I asked her b4 "what if got accident" she said faster pick up all the pieces they will try to patch back with their best effort. Yours is only the glass so for sure can repair.
april, ya lo.. sometimes he suckle for like 10mins onli drink 10ml... nanny say prob he used to latch on then find the teats too hard.. so am thinking anyone has softer teats to introduce?
mashy:: not really possessed kind la. i was still me! but they kids see another face, and not mine! he already did some rituals on me le mah. unless i had brought my girls there that nite, the deity would have done some rituals on them too bah. cos he asked my hb to sit down n did 'omoz' same to him.

i was telling my frens.. few nites before i went for the 'dang ki' tingy... i was with the girls, Mattea slept le, then i was lying in bed with Keona, i pretended to be asleep n she came near to my face n like looked at me..so i suddenly open my eyes n like playing 'peekaboo' with her..aft like 2-3times, i suddenly see her face changed! i could see fear in her eyes n face.. i quickly STOP playing with her.. n talked to her n tried to pat her to sleep instead!!!!

my hb is a roman catholic, but he too suggested we 'seek help' in watever means regarding the girls n i in the evngs... so ya, wen to see the dang ki!!!!!

but good ting.. nothing else is 'changed' or affected. so ya..... :)
mashy, its great C likes Berries! Is it the Bishan branch? I called them up last time and they say no more space, so I picked another Chinese enrichment class instead. Ya S' teacher complains everytime I see her that S is "bu zhuan xin" although she seems to be picking up whatever she is teaching though she is moving ha ha ha
your story sounds very scary! so everything ok now?

yes do call and check first should be too expensive since only the glass right?
cos tt day i took out took pic n post in f/b to show some of the gals.. den when my HB vacuum dunno y so careless the whole thing face down knock onto the floor whole glass crack... cos now i cant drill mah so haven hang

if i were u i will jus try anything also.. hope everything is alright now...

I let caeden attend the nursery coz his Chinese is really bad but next yr think I will switch back to k2. The calendar will be out end oct so I will try to switch then. Ya, he's with the bishan branch.
april:: ya.. during the 7th mth.. it was more jialat.. so at first tot.. i tot sm 'dirty tings' cm n disturb disturb?!? my mum even bought those chui hua, n let me girls bathe for 3 days, n asked me to bathe with it for one day oso!!!! then hb tink tink.. like not juz the mth itself! den even hb, who's a very 'chin chai' person.... he even said we go get help..he said be it watever religion de..we juz go try k. im a free-thinker, he's a catholic.. since he said so....for the more i tink shld get help! cos i very xin ku oso.. esp whn hb not at hm in the evng.. very jialat!!

celine:: the other evng was orite.. Keona came to 'lud' all over my body before she sleep..... but on most nites, we go out n they sleep in car or whrever.. so i cant really tell the 'results'!!!
during 7th mth jovia also will cried & fuss can tell she vy tired but cant sleep cos her eyes is closed then i tok vy loud like dun play anymore, she wan to sleep alr..dunno if "they" can hear as in dun disturb her anymore..i faster go & pray at downstair lo.
she oli cried & fuss for twice during 7th mth after i pray alr she was ok back to normal. i told hubby nxt yr we must remember to on the 1st day of 7th mth.
donkey:: to be more exact.. they cried n dun wan me to carry or even to touch them, eg, patting them on bum bum! n this is only when im handling them alone, ie, hb out on entertainments.
she oli cried & fuss for twice during 7th mth after i pray alr she was ok back to normal. i told hubby nxt yr we must remember to pray on the 1st day of 7th mth.
donkey:: smtimes, i oso very fed-up..n angry n duno wat else to do... i oso said out loud.."pls go away, dun disturb hor..our M/K wants to sleep le arh..pls dun disturb!!!"


oh, those 7th mth prayers.. once u start hor.. rmbr every year have to do oso de arh.
bobo, ya this yr i forgot to pray when i saw pple pray alr chu yi cos i thking now got bb pray better..then hubby told me nvm we pray on shi wu bah..whose knw jovia cried for 2 nights for nothing..it's not she sleep half way wake up & cried is she wan to sleep but cannot sleep lo.
oh yah better do not drill now u hving 2nd child. better place in the storeroom, ask the shop staff tink Rita what they can do for u.

during 7th mth edric suddenly scream n cried in the middle of night. i carry him he still cry oni my HB carry him then he stop. every year my HB will pray on the 1st and last day of 7th mth.

hope everything will be ok already... its really heartbreaking to see both of them dun want you to carry/touch them
