(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Piggy, i tot from airport to hotel, airport to hotel is more troublesome i tot? cos u need to tag along ur luggage to climb the stairs.

cos I check le from jr to my hotel gt underpass v straight forward so quite ok jus mus walk a dist which I am ok cos my SIS say along the way gt shop can check out too now pegsfur is sayin their jr mostly got stair n I mentioned I wan to bring my Capella so she warnin me
cos o wan to save on transport also if not too much a hassle n I worried the 1 hr journey on bus Kyler can't sit still..

maybe u should consider getting a light weight stroller. Then again it'll be your hb carrying. So long as he is ok then no prob already.
when I went hk while preg last time, my hb carried stroller. My boy could walk though. When need to carry, let your hb handle, u just jaga.
Piggy, if ur sis go there before shd b ok

Cos japan train station really scarly unlike Spore..even in HK u cant find escalator..the escalator/lift oli from platform to control station go up to the street still need to climb stairs. tat's why my hubby insist dun wan to bring my maclaren to jap this time rd cos he knw he will be the one carry like siao hahaha.

at least your gal take cereal. My gal dun like bottled food, dun like cereals. Pigeon food too starchy gotta mix with rice then she eats. Anyway she's eating our food already. So we'll let her join us in the meals there. She loves udon.

Then thanks to the hfmd, she's drinking room temp milk. Not even slightly warm. Will prob bring a bit of hot water since it'll be cold there. Then not so cold for her.

What else should I be thinking of?
mashy, i realised my gal prefers rice than cereal now cereal jz bring to standby. she dun like bottled food too

No choice jz let her eat wat we going to have.

Ya the weather is cold so need to bring hot water out for drinking & making milk

we've decided to bring along the daytripper. Coz that one can recline. More comfy for my gal.
and it's built quite small so should be able to manoveur ard the tight shopping areas. Just cannot hang a lot of stuff.

If u jus worry about going out with stroller should be ok.... Cos just when u take train than yr hb has to handle the stroller. if u take the nite flight and reach Jap in the morning, there will not be any limo bus leh. Think limo bus only start fm 10 am or 11 am.


Think the trial is only for certain class rite... If I dont remember wrongly.... If u going for the trial keep me posted... Maybe can join u....


POSB will change all to the new card. But batch by batch lor... I recd 2 wks ago....


1 for 1 friso is for 900g? How much is it?

you're going for so many days & just need 1 luggage? i going 1 week onli but hb said must bring 2 luggages cos hv to bring ethan's cereals etc... last time we went US for 2 weeks onli need 1 luggage. now wif a baby & shorter trip, we need 2 luggages. faint.


the staircase at station really a lot. even if hv underpass also need to climb up & down the stairs rite? cos it's something like our mrt, we have to go up to the platform mah. but if yr hb dun mind, can go up & down the stairs a few times. my hb already mentally prepares himself tat if we really cannot manage with the luggages & stairs. haha!
oh izzit i haven check the timin but have decided to take NE la:p so far walkin ard tokyo i also find ok with stroller jus tt the gals mentioned abt the stairs maybe let me hold my boi n let him climb stair my HB carry stroller hahaha... my boi alr well trained in goin up the stair in my IL house lol~~~

cos i check le from underpass to my hotel only few steps accordin my sis so ok.. my concern is stairs from the exit la... keke..
you make the milk with cold water or let it cool?
I tried to make mamil gold with room temp water and its like lumpy leh...

I'm going to bring the tiger food jar, rice and dry scallop. just in case need to make some porridge.
RE: hot water

oh no, i totally forgot abt this until pegsfur mentioned. i kept thinking like s'pore can just get from restaurant. are you gals going to bring a thermos flask to put hot water? means i hv to buy one liao.
now 1 more thing to bring.

yeah... Cos wanted to take the limo when we rch there but than too early no limo bus. So take the NE instead....

That will be a gd idea.... Since yr boy can walk.

Btw congrats to u too....
Zen, i gng for 12days so need to do laundry every 2-3days. most hotels have washer & dryer operated by coins. so jz bring 2sets of clothing will do.

2 full sized luggage? Wow! We can't manage with 2 kids. Think we'll just pack 1 big and 1 cabin sized one. We'll wash our clothes in the hotel. Also since it's cold, no need to change so many clothes. I'll probably just change the inner most layer. The rest if not dirty or wet can wear a few times. :p

Bring baby along is liked that 1. Also remember to bring more diaper. Cos is not easy to find diaper there... Only certain shop selling....

Is best to bring alot of the thermos flask....

I just use room temp water. No prob leh. No lumps. I'm also using mamil. So strange. Maybe it's the way we shake? I shake sideways since no bubbles dun care. Hehehe.

I've thermos. U may wanna consider getting those with straws? Then can put warm water and drink direct too?

ya i bring thermos flask everywhere i go too cos sumtime i make milk in the car.. since now my boi dun like milk maybe shd jus buy cow milk n feed him ther keke.. like u 1 luggage is not enough for me too.. bb thing alr took up 1 luggage lo... :p
Babys, no choice i hv to check in/out 4 hotels/hostel if i bring 2 luggage, 1 stroller i dun thk we can manage. the luggage space mainly for diaper & FM. i will bring one empty bag for my loots. also diaper used up liao will have more space too

I guess it also depends on how big is your luggage. Mine is a 31". They say too big the airlines may reject. I think can la. I'm also changing hotels 5 times. So have to reduce the amount we carry. And I've 2 kids with me! Hahaha. I haven't packed yet, hopefully can squeeze in all. If not I'll get my hb to carry a backpack. Those backpacker style type. :p

ya, my hb said bring 2 luggages. usually he's the one who always say travel light. this time round, he said better bring 2 luggages. can drag so ok. my boy dunno how to suck from straw leh. so old alreadi still dunno how to suck from straw. i also dunno how. but he has been drinkin water from cup since 5mths old.


ya, i dun hv thermos flask cos still latch on. i onli need warm water when making his cereals so usually i'll get from wherever we're eating. haha! now need to buy 1 liao.

is there dryer & washer in every hotel? then i also dun bring so many clothes. cos i dun remember seeing them in my last trip to japan.

RE: Thermos Flask
how many litres one shd i get? 0.5L enuff?
haha! reminded me why I dont like to take public transport during winter.
Bombastic smell and their aircon system in the train/shopping centre is super weak. I have to bring a mini fan if nt sure faint one!

there was once we bet in office on how many days the locals recycled their clothes... and winner is 5 days! can you imagine never change clothes for so long... and they dont wash hair too!

do the japanese smell bad too during winter? i know the PRCs smell super bad during winter!!! when i was in states,the factory outlets, i was wondering where the foul smell came from. hb said it's chinese smell. i thot he's jus making some crap comments. then i really it's TRUE when the busloads of them came down.
Mashy, mine is 1 size smaller than the largest i guess la so far i travel wif this luggage to australia & HK so far no prob so shd b within their guideline.

Mine is soft case & expandable so i thk can squeeze. i hvnt pack too but hv to target to jz bring one
cannot 1 person push the stroller 1 person drag 2 luggage cos bb stuff got milk powder n biscuit i be usin 1 hard cover n 1 fabric.

the hotel i stay have washer but doubt i usin la cos only few day :p also i tink dryer can only be use on certain material??? not v sure

hahah u make me luff dun wash hair also??

since making cereals only, get the smallest u can find. Mine is tiger brand. Good no funny smell. Those cheapo and free thermos have a strong metallic taste.

kekeke! I like winter coz toilet not so stink. When I went china last time I already wanna faint at their train station toilet. Can't imagine how much worse it'll be in summer. I think it's the same everywhere during winter. I know of Australians who dun bathe for days in winter too. Hahaha. I think some places no bath, so they need to go to public baths to bathe. Funny hor?

ya lor, I think can drag 1 big 1 small at least. I'm making my hb do that. I will carry my gal and push my boy in stroller with diaper bag. Is your bag the new type? Can stack another luggage on top? Mine is the old type no pull up handle. Gotta drag around with a strap.
Piggy, if jz walk on the street can one person drag 2 luggages but most of the time we take train & we stay 4 diff hotels & hostel so it's like 8 times we need to climb horrible stairs wif luggage lo.

somemore if the station is crowded we cannot let kid walk by themselve also need to carry them.
