(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


how come tat day during the zoo outing ur gal dont look like she is so active in the pram?


Denson has been falling down v v often recently..
especially last week.. got a BIG blue black on his forehead.. hit back n front.. cant do anything to him.. brot him to john little sale, everyone will comment.. some aunties will come over to suggest remedies for his bruises... haiz.. not as if the mummy wan the bruises oso mah..

my hb too...

me deciding too....2 sch of thoughts so dunno which one better?

Yah traffic like shit...will get worse
Piggy, GUG quite strict de..they will closed the door & no photography is allow. so parent can oli peek from a small window from the door.

Probably they nv check also, mayb u shd feedback to the centre on this.
mine also...sleep v late
but I think it's parents lifestyle too
sometimes we come back late fr work so he wait for us

My gal sleep at 9pm to 10 pm at my mum's place on wkday. On wkend she will sleep at 7.30pm to 8pm.


Oh no glad he is fine now. My gal also v active. Alway has ba lo gu. But she is not afraid at all. After few sec of crying can start laughing already.
ya lo now he gt 2 cut on his nose sumtime alr hold on to them can still fall sigh~

icic.. ya den abit boring tink i will get my HB to go with Kyler den i got nothing to do!!

ya my boi also can keep luffin after tt....

hope kyler is ok now. poor thing.... sigh... boys are boys. very active. fall already still not scared. ethan also the same. btw, wat time can i go over today? if too late i go over tomorrow instead can? cos thot of rushing home for dinner then can bring ethan down to play lantern.
my gal was v tired at the zoo keke, she's supposed to take her morning nap but she didn't/couldn't, waited until 1+ pm then knock out. :p

At this age is liked that. They will fall v often cos they climb here and there.... Than we will be v busy looking out on them to avoid fall.


not only boys are active. My gal also v active like a boy... Haiz....
i be home ard 7pm ya let me know if u wan collect other day also can or u to collect after the boot is here? i go collect from u den u no need make another trip..

yr gal can sleep so many hours? i envy u! mine usually sleeps at 9.30pm. plus minus 1 hr. no matter what time he sleeps, he'll wake up around 7.30am.
Luckily Jovia can walk pretty well..but dunno wat happen to her left foot we noticed she was limbing when she walk last night but she doesn't cry but can tell it's discomfort
ya lo... now i got no energy to look out for him al the time!

kyler can walk v well also but he like to chong or run.. tt day also walk machiam like drunken move almost trip also..
joyful:: bahahhaa~ denson oso roti-prata arh? hahahah.. my mattea & keona oso roti-prata n da zui chuen!

babyS/piggy:: ya lar.. kyler poor thing.. dat day fell twice.. both oso zhong tou jiang!.. wat more.. sun zhong ru wei oso? aiyo!

i'll sms u tis evening. it's ok, i'll collect frm you 1st. cos my hb's glucosamine just finished this morning.


yr gal also v active? so far, the girls i've seen like so guai. i see my boy also headache.

monitor her. If it continues, go check with pd. My friend's kid suddenly limp then check xray got fluids. Apparently it's a viral attack. He's well already.

Wow that is fast. Bevlyn still refuse to walk still prefer to crawl.

Is it of the shoe which made her discomfort?

Oh ok... looking after them is not easy especially after a tired day at work....


Yes, she is v active like a boy. Now she already started to climb up the chair even though she has not learn to walk. She even stand on the stand fan and play with it.
mashy, ya will continue to monitor her. if viral attack may hv fever right?

SL, jovia oli walk when she turns one so i thk consider average. Jul's Sam walk at 10mths old lolx
piggy: yeah he hit the power socket area..

bobo: i agree with u... the ledge was quite sharp and its hard, if fall liao, sure cause injury.. doesnt help that the slide was there too. Then shayna kept going there that day and she not as stable, so everytime she goes there i got to run there too.

i think at this age, when they are exploring sure got more injuries one right.. Shayna, twice already got one blue black on her leg (both at diff times) and we dun even know how she got it, ahhaha

oh, haha! i thot she slept frm 11pm to 12pm. hahaha!


mine also prefers to do his spiderman crawl instead of walk. my hb put his hands under my boy's underarms & pretends to hold him & let him walk. and he can actually walk without my hb holding on to him. (my hb din support him at all) it's either he's not confident enuff to walk or he jus refuses to walk.
ya lo always hit here n there.. i told him his nose v big liao no need to make it flat...

he fall be4 liao but still find it fun to move tt way... ya is it the shoe mus monitor her ya..

no prob jus let me know

my girls nowadays sleep between 8:30-9pm.. will be up abt 12ish-am + 2-3ish-am for milk.. n then wake up at abt 6-6:30am le!!! early bird!!!!!!

but sleep early good oso la... cos sometimes hb & i will go for movie.. or go supermarket aft they sleep.... at least hv some time to do tings on our own..
be4 Kyler can walk steadily he refuse to walk prefer to crawl also when he can alr walk a few step w/o support den 1 day he prefer to walk den keep walkin liao..
my boy sleep pattern. He still wake up like 2 times during the night.

730am - wake up
11am - nap (1.5 hrs)
4pm - nap (1.5 hrs)
10pm - bed time

Not sure if I should cut down his nap times in the afternoon, its like going to war to get him to sleep. My mum got to sling and rock him.

Will bring him to the room around 9pm but will take > 2hr for him to ko if I dont nurse him to sleep. sian....
kyler sleep ard 7.30 den i dream feed him at 9 den let him sleep all the way till 6am n yes they sleep early is gd i gt time to do my thing

My gal also refuse to take her nap. Put her in bed she will cry like nobody business. We will just let her cry and she will knock out after 30 mins....

1) Sharon / Ryan

1) Donkeymami / Jovia
2) kikilala / Kiiron (Sun late morning)

1) April / Edric
2) FatBobo / Mattea
3) FatBobo / Keona
4) Piggy / Kyler
5) kikilala / Kiiron

I dont mind Suntec if its on Sunday late morning. (if not will get quite crowded)
Else mountbatten Sat/Sun is ok.

hmm... mountbatten is near to old airport road food centre, so maybe daddies can go there to la kopi and gossip?

About GUG class at suntec on Sunday, what time is the class? And what courses do they offer there? I might be able to join in if timing is suitable since I'll be at suntec for church every Sunday.

1) Sharon / Ryan

1) Donkeymami / Jovia
2) kikilala / Kiiron (Sun late morning)
3) mystifiedjan (Sat)

1) April / Edric
2) FatBobo / Mattea
3) FatBobo / Keona
4) Piggy / Kyler
5) kikilala / Kiiron
6) mystifiedjan (sun)

1) Sharon / Ryan

1) Donkeymami / Jovia (Sun)
2) kikilala / Kiiron (Sun late morning)
3) mystifiedjan (Sat)

1) April / Edric
2) FatBobo / Mattea
3) FatBobo / Keona
4) Piggy / Kyler
5) kikilala / Kiiron
6) mystifiedjan (sun)
Thanks piggytoh. Cant find this information on their website on baby passport too. Ok, will take a pic of baby tonight n start applying. Thanks!
i tink bb passport n adult same.. when we collect also mus go personally ccos they need to see our face mah
they will sent u a notification with further instruction 1
piggytoh & donkeymami, document needed only a digital photo image file? No need to scanned birth cert or anything else?
