(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

BB: just apply for baby passport as you would for adult passport.

no need birth cert cos if u key in birth cert number they will also have that info mah..
hmm.... dunno leh..

but u can just type in ur lot number of ur gain IQ and then see if its affected lor.

but scary.. i thought it was some chemicals but no.. there are small common beetles! and if u consume it, will have some GI issues cos of the dead insect inside ur tract and reduced in take..

i think thats more scary then chemicals man..b

Think Gain IQ should not be affected cos similac is only for stage 1 (New Born to 6 mths) and stage 2 (7 mths to 12 mths). But no harm to check it out....
oh no! I gave my boy 1 tin of stage 2 then...
dont know how long the beetles had been there before they decided to recall! and I dont know the batch no...

come to think of it, do you all keep a record of the FM batch and mfg date consumed?
kiki, dun worry. I called abbott singapore and the customer service assure me that singapore similac and gain are all not affected and are manufacture in Singapore.

Phew... my girl also trying out gain IQ.
Thks BBnGG for the information. Phew my gal was on Similac Stage 2 as well....


I also don't record the batch and mfg date leh. I just ensure that when I buy is not expired will do...
javier dunno drink how many tins of similac too.. i remembered seeing from the tin that similic is manufacture in singapore then juz took GainIQ to see and is manufactured in Ireland
oops my bb has been takeing similac then now Gain IQ since birth........think singapore should be safe right? I am sure if got beetles we can see right?

now should have promotion price for weekday class at $545 before GST.

the Parent Edu course is $195 for 1 parent
if both wanna go den will be $315

deposit is $300 compulsory!!
but can get back if you give 1month written notice of withdrawal.

$50 reg fee non-refundable.

Their next intake is Jan'11. but i most prob will only go for the Mar or Apr'11 intake.

can i join the GUG trial class too?
If im fine with all 3place do i put all my names in?

1) Sharon / Ryan
2) dolliepollie / Darius

1) Donkeymami / Jovia (Sun)
2) kikilala / Kiiron (Sun late morning)
3) mystifiedjan (Sat)
4)dolliepollie / Darius

1) April / Edric
2) FatBobo / Mattea
3) FatBobo / Keona
4) Piggy / Kyler
5) kikilala / Kiiron
6) mystifiedjan (sun)
7) dolliepollie / Darius

Have you all heard of this sch?
its somehow similar to JG.
the price oso somehow cheaper den JG.

Bubbly Babes
weekday 1X $370/term
weekend 1X $426/term
weekday 2X $592/term
weekend 2X $637/term

they mention if we can form a new class they can give us additional 10% off.

i intend to go for the one at UE Square.
anyone keen to go for trial tgt?
they are quite strict on the age thingie..
so i can only join the bubbly babes now cause Darius haben turn 18months.

we probably lookin at April intake at TPY branch weekends, most prob sat 4.15pm class..

do u noe if we miss 1 class, do we get refund or makeup class?
oops.... after reading the archive.. hahaha.
i will delete my name from the list den.

1) Sharon / Ryan

1) Donkeymami / Jovia (Sun)
2) kikilala / Kiiron (Sun late morning)
3) mystifiedjan (Sat)

1) April / Edric
2) FatBobo / Mattea
3) FatBobo / Keona
4) Piggy / Kyler
5) kikilala / Kiiron
6) mystifiedjan (sun)
oh. like dat i can lei.. hahaha. but weekend.. i need to check with hubby liao.
so u all already paid the deposit?
im oso going to the tpy branch.

they have no makeup class and no refunds.
if ur child is very very very sick den 1parent got to seat in.
if minor den just go. this is what most of the parent there do. cause to wad i know after every lesson they got homework for them.
so if you miss 1lesson den the next time u go u wont know wad they do.
Hello ladies! Finally back from my jap trip
Really tiring but i think ovann enjoyed himself .. cos he loves taking trains. The weather is hot in the day but cooler than s'pore weather now, and cooling at nite.

U might want to reconsider if u want to bring yr capella there. The stairs at the train station is a killer! I'm lucky cos we hv a lot of hands since my hubby & sis & her hub were around to help. I can't imagine if we were to do it on our own. And now my hubby just love the light Jeep stroller cos it's really light.

GUG class
Are u all signing up for the weekend class? If i'm signing up, it's probably a weekday class, so won't be having same classes with u ladies le
Anyway, i'll go for the trial first b4 deciding.
oh really huh... no escalator or lift? cos i no matter wat my HB gotta carry Kyler n Stroller together... maybe go home n discuss with him first..

btw the iherbs is here can email me ur eddy so i can mail it to u?
pegsfur, welcome back! how was ur trip? Ya i knw the stairs in train station will be killing us esp their subways cos usually no lift or escalator. even hv could at another exit cos they hv diff exit in the station. so i prepare ergo carrier & stroller lastly travel in light. jz one luggage.

Not all stations hv escalator or lifts. Even hv, u have to find it cos alot of times, it's hidden at some corner. Another altanative is to bring carrier .. put kyler in carrier, den your hubby fold & carry the stroller. Yr hands also free to carry bags/shopping loots.

Ooh ... ok, will pm u in a short while. So how much shld i pay u?
piggy:: i can go your plc to collect over the wk'n (if convenient for u)? thnx ya.

btw.. nw im considering agn oso.. if she start the girls with playgroup when they're 18mths.. or juz keep them at hm... n start when they r sue for nursery lvl!!!! haiyo.. really headache!! but hor, it's NOT compulsory that a child need to go into playgroup or wat when they hit 18mths de or by MOE law or smting.. have to attend at least a 2-3hrs prog???
Fat bobo,
no la...
Last time our generation... We start at kindergarden
then my sis generation start at nursery
now it's pre-nursery at 3yrs old...but not sure compulsory snot
my frend's boy didn't go any classes at all n started pre-nursery this yr, he also adapted well

wow...sounds like a good break for u
how's food for ovann like?

The trip was fun, and it was really an experience since it's the 1st time we bring bb for tour.

Oh, another thing to note, not all restaurants or eateries are bb-friendly. Tried to get hot water from a few restaurants but was denied. Either they dun hv, or they dun want to give .. even though we are having our meals there. I prepared hot water myself, but cos we were out the whole day, it was finished by the time we had dinner. KFC and 7-eleven has hot water though.

Having a meal is really a challenge cos their space is very limited. And alot of their eateries are those counter seats. We always have to take turns to eat and feed bb.

I prepared the pigeon porridge for him, he's ok for the 1st 2 days, but aft dat he refused to eat. Milk intake still the same, just that he din eat solids. Even when he ate our food like rice or noodles, it's always only a few mouthfuls. Luckily i brought cereal along too .. and he gobbled up the cereal for his last 2 meals

yes, usually their restaurants are tight. Esp the cheaper ones. Some are even on the 2nd floor with only tight stairs to go up.

I'm waiting for my hols till very sian liao.
the prob is now i cant carry Kyler at all not to mentioned carrier... tt y the hotel i chose got underpass so no prob with lugagge only prob is durin goin ard lo... nvm i see wat i can do..

Is not compulsory to put a child in playgroup and pre-nursery. Just that we as a parent alway worry that they do nothing at hm that why we put them into those classes.


Is best to bring a light stroller. Cos subway they have a lot of exit to yr hotel. U will have to walk a big round to look for the exit....
Ooh .. now then i remembered u hv a bump
Den u get hubby to carry kyler in the carrier, den fold & take the stroller, u handle the bags
But if yr hubby gonna carry kyler and take the stroller at the same time, maybe he can try a back-carrier instead of a front one.

Ya, some restaurants look nice & slightly more spacious, but on the 2nd floor. Haha .. anyway, it was an experience for us. Good that ovann din really fuss, only eh-eh abit when he's sick of sitting in the stroller

GUG trial
I'll be going for the trial this sunday at 11.30am at Mountbatten branch. Anyone else who missed the previous trial wanna join?
haha it ok Cos if use carrier I mus buy 1 my current 1 I tink up to 10 kg nia..btw I gt email u the cost breakdown down u cam check

sigh will look ard see how actually my current stroller not v heavy I find ..
pegsfur, jovia doesn't like the pigeon porridge so will bring cereal to stand by.

Expected their restaurant will be vy small, i will prepare hot water myself. i bot a small kettle for the trip too not some hostel i stay may not hv electric kettle.
Piggy, alternatively u can consider take their limo bus from airport to hotel dun take their train. normal gng out jz a bb bag & stroller still manageable even hv to climb stairs.
bobo, if u dun send them to playgroup or cc means u need to keep 2 maids right? mayb you work out the costs & pros & cons before u decide. if i hv a choice i wun send jovia to cc when she turn 18mths
Kyler dun like Pigeon porridge also
no la i not worried from airport to hotel shd be quite ok it the normal goin ard..
mind adding me in the trial list?
you can contact me at 90019005.

JG Trial:
those who have POSB everyday card.. You al receive the new card?
it comes tgt with vouchers... got FREE TRIAL for JG class..
i was considerin tt also but if take narita express alot cheaper with the package.. n i tink train is better for the kid la..
donkey:: i tink keeping them at hm.. n keeping both maids still cheaper then sending them to school! sighz.. i duno lar!

dolliepollie:: izit all everyday card will auto get the new card (wv vouchers)? i like the design of the new card..hehe...

aiya.. i might be gog on a road trip to msia in mth of nov nw.. hence, not sure if i still can sign up for the GUG..since no MU (rather, they hv..but in credit form).. so prolly will wait till dec or next yr?
suggest we hold the enrolment for now.. till aft pegsfur + dolliepollie attend the trial can? rest can wait right? anyways..it'll be for mid-nov class since few will be traveling. :)
playgr or sch not compulsory now jus tt i rather he go to sch den stay at my MIL house learn nothin n pick up bad habits... so it more like ur preference n budget la..

fatbobo: i think all should get the new card cause they come out with new features. and vouchers..

i can only go for trial now and enrol only next yr lei.
my #2 popping on nov. after confinement will be dec liao...

sorrie ar!! can add in one more?
me and janice..
u already booked the slot?
if yes den i call them and arrange myself?
