(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

i dont think there is a rocker that can dont manually rock leh. unless u mean the swing.

omg not all the time got FP promo de ah. lucky Zachary! haha i dont want to buy all these at all initially. but it is so cheap!

i am also interested to know if the bouncer can bounce haha. the packaging got say?

anyone know how long can baby sit there? hope i didnt waste the $100. for now he still zzz a lot and rarely wake up to play.
reira and sweetmama
re-5S ; ..for me sometimes the shooshing works for my gal,
sometimes it's for a while..it gotta be trial and error

heard from my frens that if you want to prevent shanyna from fever after taking 6-in-1 vaccine, give
shanyna panacetamol when u come back..

din know it was you cos only recognise weishy at the mattel warehouse...I bot the other FP swing at $60, jania sat just now she seems to b nervous...
will let her try and get used to it..

why sat? new stock? wanted to get the rainforest mobile but dun have leh...
u were there ah? what!? what FP swing for $60!? which one!? haha i just let Zachary try, he seems happy with it. but... problem is he kept looking at his left cos the fish is orange red color. argh! he needs to look at his right! i wish the fish is at the right side not left. sad!
hello everyone. hope all is well

just wondering, if anyone know where can i donate frozen ebm to? just realized baby don't like to take thawed frozen ones. TIA!
cool gals

just got back just...long & fruitful day!

Reira & weishy
thks for call abt the rainforest swing - so happy to have gotten it.

email me yr account no ([email protected]) will tsf asap, cannot wait till 31st lah, wait the earmark $$ will also spend on other toys :p

re: mattel fair
-bought 2 boxes of older boy toys - match box fire engine & construction demolisher @ $20 each
- slam & dunk basketball @ $40
- walker + wagon thingy @$40
- rainforest swing @$150

Want to get the rainforest cot mobile but they said they think they ran out of stock but no idea also, maybe will restock again next few days - so anyone going to the fair again - pls help me get the rainforest cot mobile pls pls

your zachary is so big - mine is miniature as compared!

oh only swings are auto? i tot there shd be auto-rockers as well hee. i suppose ur swing is auto?

huh? y do u want zac to look at his right?




thanks a lot for the info!
babymakign :dun worry i will collect cash on 31st cos me dun chk my account n dunno my accoutn no :p......hv to go withdraw $ then i know :p

i also wanna go again le...but n o car very ma fan...anyone can give a lift :p
wow looks like you girls had a lot of fun shopping for toys at Mattel sale. Too bad I am returning to Shanghai next Monday. These toys are too big to bring along.
hi gals! Wow..look like u all had fun shoppin! I have the swing,rocker n cot mobile too...but my gal dun like the papasan swing,kp crying in it..try swinging both ways she still dont like...
the rocker is ok,she will sit in it but wun fall aslp in it..haikz..i think my best buy is the rainforest cot mobile cos she absolutely love it! Can buy me time when i bath... Haha..i didnt know sg have fp sales..i also wana go for those toys sales when i go back sg!

Hav to manually bounce by itself..not auto also..my rocker i also have to manually rock..rock till i sianz..wish it was auto too...haha...
wow! how i wish i were there wif u gals shopping!
i live so near to lok yang but i've no idea where it is. and i hv no time to go cos hv to work!

i check out F&P website. the jumperoo like very fun hor. but so ex. my baby is v active so think the jumperoo will be more suitable. but i also worried later buy liao then he dun wan to play how? waste $$$? sigh..... did u gals see the jumperoo at the sale?
i've an old-fashioned bouncer at home but he doesn't even wan to be placed on it at all.
u are welcome about the rainforest swing. haha the moment i saw the price i knew u'll want it! Zachary is big ah... he is 5kg ++ also leh. maybe his head is big. wow! u bought older boy toys already!? those are for how many yrs old de?

i want Zachary to look at his right cos he always look at the left. his physio therapist said need to do that cos he got sternomastoid tumor on his right neck. have to do that to get rid of the blood clog.

what is papasan swing? wa! u bought a lots of toys for your girl leh!! u have both swing and rocker!

yes, rainforest jumperoo is there. it is selling at $200. what is the normal price?
Morning all

Looking like you gals have fun shopping for toys for the kiddos. As far as I know the Mattel Sale is yearly but not always October. The last time it was like in April last year, coz we were back for holiday.

Tinkabel, like you, I also cannot get those bulky toys, there is no way for me to bring them back to Sydney. But the price at the sale is really a good buy.

my son had his 6-in-1 jab at week 6, and he didn't get any fever.. only 10% of babies will get fever. but the side effect he had was drowsiness - he was so drugged after that!
jul, the one you bought costs $120 at the sale, so difference only $19 so not so bad lah... what you have is very good cos can sit till they are toddler. The rest will "expire" and have to keep away when baby can sit up by themselves which for most babies are around 6-8 months.

reira, rainforest jumperoo normally is $239 in the stores if I am not wrong.

zen, if u are worried that baby get tired of the toy, then the best is to rent it. I rented the jumperoo for my older ones before for $50 a month. Towards the end of it, she dun wan to sit inside already. And I thot, heng ah, never buy.

pris, mattel sale is twice a year. Once in mid year, another time around now.
I think someone asked about what music to play for baby... I received a present from a friend, which is a CD collection of baby music entitled "Baby's Music Box Collection" from HMV.. the box cover shows 7 babies yawning haha... very soothing instrumental music - can soothe mummy and baby to sleep
I will b bringing my gal for 1st 6-in-1 jab but she's wk9 nw alr..cos GP says must wait she full 2mths then take better in case develop fever after the jab.

So far nv bring my gal for examination after jaundice review dunno hw heavy she is nw. also my medi shield still pending cos she hvnt go for review at her 1st mth. so mafan.
As long as my baby eat, sleep, pee & poo well shd b fine right? seems like oli me nv bring her for 1st mth examination by Dr
Re: Cot Mobile
My gal also likes her cot mobile (hands-me-down from SIL) i usually put her in the cot after i bath her..she will entertain herself while i can take a quick shower.
Thanks. So tempted to go down again

6-in-1 vaccination:
My baby had her 6-in-1 vaccination by the PD when she was 6 weeks old. Had low grade fever on the same day but recovered after one dose of paracetamol. However, she was fretting a fair bit for 2-3 days after the jab. Dunno if conincidence of related to the jab.
Claire, is there a tendency that they will reject our UPL? I'm also most likely taking it for entire 2010

Oh, thought u hav my contact no? I hav sms you when you delivered...did u receive it last time? If not...then i muz hav msged the wrong claire opps!

how did u find out zach got the tumor? supposed to be not serious n will disappear by itself right?


oh $19 diff only ah? ok i feel better now. thank u! haha

taka sale

anyone gog tdy? i'm gog to throw sam to mil for 3h n go grab some stuff.

will miss another pumping session, which i can't afford tho
oh well, can't be helped. give FM lor - can't be tied to my pump forever.

can't wait for sam to start on solids haha
Hi ladies,

Good morning to all..

Would like to ask for you ladies' take on letting your little ones watch dvds. I heard good raves about Baby Einstein dvds, however, I am in a dilemma as I am quite reluctant to introduce 'television' to my boy at the moment now.

Please share your opinions. Thanks.

The whole set caters from 3mths onwards... I have an ex-parent who was sharing that her boy had wonderful experiences with Baby Einstein dvds...True enough, I must say that her son is smart n knowledgeable at a very tender age.. Well, then again, I also agree with you that its too early to start now... ;p

it's bad for their eyes and their attn span. If u take a video of the tv, u'll realise that it flickers very quickly. not good for little eyes.

Noted about that. Thanking for highlighting that! My cousin till now, have not yet exposed her 2yr plus gal to tv programmes. Guess I would have to review my options now. ;)

Yeah.. Thanks gal... I think I have decided to put aside the dvds till my boy is much older.. Glad that I have you ladies... Thanks once again...
sharon:hee maybe u can use other materials to educate him
need a lot of attention though.....

i did play enstein dvds for hayley n she loves it...signing /shapes/colours...numbers all she know b4 1yr old.needs ahrd work after too....

u can use flash cards they love it
i also dunno how much is the jumperoo retailing. haven't checked it out yet.

i din think of renting it. din noe there's such an option. how's the condition of those rented toys? r they very worn & dirty?

wat is ADHD?

i din noe we cannot expose babies to tv yet and it's bad for their eyes. my parents & sometimes my hubby will bring baby close to the tv to look. but we din really sit the baby down to watch tv.
i heard good reviews for baby einstein dvds too! intending to start baby wif the one on signing. may i know where to buy the dvds at a cheap price?
bb einsteins dvds
i started it when my boy was abt 6 or 8mths old... frm then onz.. that's the onli show he watched until 1.5yrs old.. good good... stimulating for their brains.. boring for the parents..

it's onli 1.5yrs old later that he's introduced to other kiddy shows.. when he's 2 yrs old and went to a friend's birthday party.. he tot Barney is a dog kekeke.. a few mths later, i bought barney dvd for him and since then he's a gonerrr...
you were with weishy right? i was the person who told u where to get the Little Superstar Classical Stacker, yes i got the FP open top swing, just with speed function only, no music no toys..so you bot the aquarium swing? i was the one who asked them to bring it out cos i want to know how much cos the display set cost $80 and it's kinda of damaged...
Zen, the baby einstein dvds are great, Kai has them when he is younger, that reminded me to bring along for Ray to view when he is bigger in Oz.
