(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

i also wonder how to sterilise??
my office has no fridge n no hot water

will hot water b enuff to sterilise?? jus pouring hot water over it?

i've to go back to work on dec 6. But already decided to tae NPL for whole of 2010. if boss say no, then will resign lor. dun think i can tahan work and handling 3 kids. lost so much time when i had #2, so want to make sure it doesnt happen again.

u dropping by ur mom's place first? dun have ur mobile no, otherwise easier to contact.
hb took the car with him, so i'm at home. got aia fren coming at 2pm. if not too long, maybe i go out to the sale and check it out
mashy, all i remember was that its blue checkered, with no toys only vibration and music. I can't find it when I tried to google it.
harlo all jus come back from e toy sales so much see until i blur aiya if i know u gals goin can go together i bott 3 item cost me $75..
piggytoh wow the sale seems worth going for. do u know what time it opens until? u mind sharing what u bought? just wondering what toys to buy for babies our age.

my 7 week old gal is awake most of the day. i have to carry n play with her whole day long. need to start buying some toys to engage her but dunno what to get?
carefree & ktmum,
I bott a 2 way writing board with stands for 25 a learning table with songs, shape n alphapets for 40 n a toy with music n shapes for 10.. i bott mainly those learnin toy with music 1 for mon to thurs it open from 11 to 5 n wkend till 6pm. Last day 11 oct.
my arms, wrists n back r broken! been carrying sam since i fed him 120ml ebm at 215pm. everytime i put him down, he works himself into a screaming rage! out of desperation, i'm popping him onto mt boobs. sigh...

same here haha..have been carrying n playing with my baby since 1plus. slept quite soundly for abt an hour when she was lying face down on my chest though. when i try to put her back to cot, she started crying! u can try putting him oh your chest see whether he likes it?
went to mattel warehouse sale earlier too. total damage $220.

my loots:
1) Aquarium swing $100
2) 3-in-1 Rockin' Gym $50
3) Royal Stepstool Potty $50
4) Little Superstar Classical Stacker $20

Lucky Weishy was there else I would have bought some extra same function stuffs haha

anyway, rainforest swing is selling at $150 only. display sets @ $120.

sharon, carefreelife
they have a lots of fisher price stuffs. include the swing.
50 bags in each box of lansinoh. her email is [email protected] (nick is c-mum).

mashy, mich
i know which swing u are talking about! still a few pieces there.

u were there? didnt see u leh! we were there from 12 till like 3+. but went to the hawker for drinks for 30mins. wow those items u bought are good. i see the toys i gong liao! really donno what to buy. haha bought those that weishy said is good.

my hubs like to make sam sleep on his chest too! i just put him face down. hope can get just 15min of pumping time! sian.. he's already stirring


no use burping. this seems to be his new pattern since 2 days ago. after bath n his 1pm/2pm feed, he'll act up like this the whole afternoon till dinnertime. then again from 9pm till 2am!

i'm not gloating or something. But hor, I'm rather happy that the bouncer that i bought for my gal is working wonders for me now. Usually she'll also cry for me to carry until my arms wanna break. But today with the bouncer, she's sleeping peacefully in it.
mashy, your $40 is totally well spent!

reira/piggytoh, wow, you have alot of very good buys too.

jul, mb you can go get one of bouncy things to let Sam sit on? The one with vibrator really worked well when last time my #1 was fussy.
oh i was ther fr 11+ till 12+ wor how come din see u gals haha...i carry kyler all the way lor so tiring..

1 lok yang way..
i want to buy the bouncer too! is it fisher price brand? got vibrating mode? now i put baby on my lap and bounce her manually heh..
Reira:wah lau so fats u post liao!!! i guess u now napping wakkakakkakak tired right :p me too but just put 2 to sleep......

my loots...too much to poat cos i lost count too....prepare myself for xmas gifts tooo kekekke kiasu ma

Mattel sales commends

~lok yang road ( got canteen beside...walk in.....security will ask u to turn right even b4 u ask :p )

~got jumperoo think 200

~the stuffs mashy n reira n piggyth bought......

~limited edition barbie ...so nice!!!!!

~packaging are torn...n dusty...tats why sale la

~prices from 2 to max 50 ( most items )

~buy elephant slide n spend mroe than 150 got free delivery....

~best day to go SAT...according to slaes person

~11th last day

~all items under the TENTS with 3 fans...btu still super HOT!!!! esp if u brign bb like reira or me...my tod ( she slept some more! ....carry 12 kg n shop under hot sun! )

~free sample diapers upon purchase...but dunno how much la.....i try to "dig" frm them also got 5 only....

~advice....u can get those jumperoos etc...but keep in good condition n sell it next time
too much is also a waste of MONEY...dun forget still hv MILK/DIAPERS/MEDICAL fees to pay

~by bus... form BOON LAY INTERCHANGE #192.....tell uncle he will advice when to alight

~think 11 should be best time bah..nto so hot yet if not.......how cheap also no mood liao.....

me n reira hv to half time at canteen to eat n drink kekekkeke
piggytoh:issit!!!! wat is missing?????

ya i bought $400 worth of loots kakkakaka hv to plead them into delivering for me :p
oh on top of the learnin table got some removable item n 2 r missing lor.. jus now carry kyler no hand so ask the sales help me take who knows.. wow $400 still gotta plead them ah..
the rocking gym is $50 leh! haha just nice mah. my hubby gave me a $250 limit to spend lol argh how come i didnt went to check the price of the white board! $25 only! haiz... should have bought it. sad! oh well, there'll always be a next year. haha i saw july thread a mom post that they got the stacker, i didnt see it so i ask the counter. lucky i saw it on july thread!

i wanted to buy the spider bouncer too but already got swing lol if weishy not there, i sure buy both the swing and bouncer. $40 is really cheap price... but then, can the bouncer bounce? or it is called bouncer but the function is soothing vibration?

my boy also like that. the moment he hear the pump noise, he woke up and cry for milk. i think it is because he is scared that he have to drink from bottle. else wont be so "zhun3"!

btw, do they have this type of sales every year? now got kids liao, must buy toys le.

no lah. we reach maybe slightly over 12. *dont remember* i used sling today... busy struggling with it and argh! made the both of us so hot, sweaty and smelly lol

that swing u posted is the swing i bought leh! thats the aquirium swing. $100! *dance*

Edit: i think the one u posted is old model. the one i got is this http://www.rent-that-toy.com/ToysInfo.php?id=25

yah the rainforest jumperoo $200. kns i thought $40 cos they paste there big big $40. how i wish i can go again on sat.
piggytoh:ya hv to cos if only u buy the elephant slide n plus $150 worth of others then will deliver...so actually me just tryign me luck :p

Reira:me also ask then he sale add me into their mailing list :p so me will post la whenever there's one :0 dun worry
Thanks for the contact.

Mattel sales - Is there any reason why the sales person says Sat is good day to go? Are they bringing out more stuff?
i dont think i saw the green color one. i wish if someone is going, help me buy the white board!

haha ok.


what do u mean by this "carefreelife:no l e but got better ones" ?

oh i wanna buy something like ur swing. U bought at $100, but what is the retail price for that? Btw only can use till 12kg and how many swing speeds are there?
yen:think like wat pris says...everyday bring otu new stuffs.....btu sat is 2nd last day so if u wan oki stuffs.....better sat.....sun guess all sold out liao bah

carefreelife:the items there are newer
n some items singapore dun carry
babymaking told me that the rainforest swing (newer model than aquarium) is retailing at $199 now (sales price). over there is $150. so agar agar the retail price for aquarium should be $150 ish bah.

argh my boy kept wanting to suckle now. haiz i wanna set up the swing!! 36t3^%#$^%!
mashy, mich

erm.. what does the bouncer look like? i'm confused between bouncer, rocker n swing

the rainforest swing works on batteries?

actually i wonder how long the batteries will last for these swing/rocker/bouncer items. scully every few days need to change batt. super expensive right?
jul, this is what we are talking about: http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2011&e=detail&selcat=bgb&pid=47989

Think its all the same lah... different terms for the same thing. But the rocker can roll back and forth. But the bouncer cannot.

All of them with vibrator/music works on batteries. No lah, dun hvae to change every few days. Think every couple of weeks depending on how often you use the eletronic gadgets. I have one too, but vibrator/music died liao after my #2 baby, so now have to manually rock it.
