(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


so serious! actually think mine was a different lump. mistaken lah, mine was at the right side of the neck, sort of like an additional lymph node?


the 15% members sale is till sunday.

Apart from the 6-in-1 vaccination, my baby had her first dose of rotavirus vaccination (oral) as well (which he suggested). He did not sound too concerned about her getting the vaccination at 6 weeks. Told me that even if she gets fever, it usually does not last beyond a day.

Taka sales:
Went there today. It was crowded. Regretted bringing my baby along cos it was so difficult moving around the narrow aisle.
the other time i ask someone abt the Baby Bjorn carrier... Taka got sales .. so can go and buy .. 15% for older design and additional 15% for card members .. for the one wif back support, 299, tat one only 15% for card member ..

anyone bought it ? issit useful ? any feedback ?
hi all mummies, hope everyone is ok here.

i was vy bad luck been hospitalised 4 days ago, been diagnose with a heart failure name as Post-Partum Cardiomyopathy (an uncommon progressive disorder that impairs the function of the muscular wall of the lower chambers of the heart at the end of pregnancy)and thats my 1st n last pregnancy coz of this problem.

Just want to let everyone know there is such heart failure thing might happen at last mth pregnancy n 5 mth after give birth.
I've been using it..i like it far! Don't really know how to use sling so have to depend on the carrier! at least my back doesn't hurt tt much using it...and my hub can use it as well! Doesn't look too bad on men as well! lol..
morning mommies~

Anyone know what is "epsom salt"? Just research about milk blister and found out that thats the culprit that make my left nipple hurts when nursing. haiz. dont know how i ended up with a milk blister. been a week ++ already and it is still there. i thought it will disappear after a few days!
hi magmag, do take care of yourself. U family has got history of heart problem or hypertension ma?

Hi Kyrie, yeah, becos i also dun know how to use the sling, tats why tot of buying the carrier. But my hubby said it wont be useful cos if go shopping, bb can sit in the pram. and how often will i use the carrier? and prob after she can walk, she wouldnt want to sit inside.

Issit hot when u carrier ur bb? Esp with the back support, the whole piece like cover ur back. Does the bb look hot ?
Will she keep turning her head left to right and struggle inside the carrier ? maybe i shd go down today again to try wif my bb .. cos yst didn't bring her down.
ML:walking usually takes place between 10 to 18 months max....so u can use teh carrier till 12 bah...sling can use longer cos can side sling.but use watever's comfortable for u la
since hubby will be carrying....use the carrier....

yes after they can wlk they dun wan to be carried but after a while again they would want u to carry
kids now veyr smart...they know wat is TIRED :p

Bjorn:if u use this should be oki bor.....not as hot as fully covered wth cotton etc...its mesh i think
morning all

A sunny day today, hot it does get too hot and humid in the afternoon.

Magmag, do rest well. Did the doc tell you wat cause the heart problem?

hope you're ok. Take care. Yah, how did u find out abt the heart condition?


my gal also found her fist. She prefers her left fist and will be sucking and licking away. She's been very interested in her feet lately and had lurched forward a few times attempting to get hold of her feet.

i'm also curious how u found out bout yr condition? i had some breathing problems recently and can feel my heart beat extremely fast at times...
I bot the Bjorn Synergy..the material's very airy so it's not really hot..used a few times to the market and he doesn't feel really hot when we come back. My boy seems pretty happy in the carrier and he doesn't really look left/right..he falls asleep after a while!

Actually if u can use pram then dun need to buy the carrier lor..my flat no lift so i no choice have to use carrier! my pram's always in the car..so can only use pram when go out with hub..
Morning gals .... finally have a little time to come in for a while. Ovann had his last feed at 11pm last nite, den slept till 7+ this morning then he woke up & cry for milk ... wow .. first time he slept for abt 8hrs straight! And he's still sleeping now after his morning feed.

Wld be going to temple later on ... but was so tempted to go to the mattel toy fair as well .. dunno if i can psycho hubby to make a quick stop there ...

Was reading the archivies and found it funny that u said u drew black lines for your bb to stare at
My Ovann has been talking to his black & white moo-moo patterned pillow.
<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, think our babies are the same, hate the stroller. Ray screamed his heart out from day 1 when we were back from hospital but he is okay with the carseat when in the car.

<font color="0000ff">pegsfur</font>, that's a good start for Ovann and he is so cute talking to his pillow haahaa.

Same here ... still can't figure out how to use the sling. I'm hoping Ovann's neck strengthen fast, so that i can use the carrier instead of the sling.

My milk supply still the same but sometimes it seems like decreasing. Gonna try the nursing tea Baby S recommended, if that still doesn't work, then i really 死心 liao.

yah, at this time, they like contrasting colours. I read in a book by Burton White that at this pt, all u need is a white board, draw a few black straight lines. My gal loves to stare at it too. I've also a few free black/red/white cards on shapes which i pasted on the wall. My gal likes to look at them too.
reira, after 2 months she got bored of all the toys liao and kept eh eh eh each time she sits in it. So if want, have to rent a different one every month to keep them entertained!

mashy, you gonna buy a bread maker? Don't buy Severin. I had one used only for 1+ yr and the motor died. Now I am using a Breville so far so good. I heard BlueSky from Carrefour is good and cheap but since June no more stock. I love to make my own bread, yesterday made a rosemary foccacia.

magmag, take care and hope you get well soon.

i'm considering getting one in case my gal is sensitive to wheat n i've to bake my own. Haven't resovled her poo prob.

Did S sing 'joy to the world' at home? C has been doing that with actions n it was hilarious. He rocks his shoulders as he does a tumbling action with his hands. So funny.
mashy, does that mean you'll have to go on gluten free bread if she is allergic to wheat? Its real easy to bake your own bread and much healthier too. I make all kinds of bread like bluerry, prune, cheese etc...

Hmm... I'll go ask the 2 girls about joy to the world tonite. C is so funny. Have you decided whether he will be joining the graduation concert? I'm worried S will chicken out when its time to go on stage!!
Mere Mummy : my also remove mitten and he go tear his face until have abit of blood I see already heart pain and faster wear back .I did trim and cut his nail leh but maybe sometime the baby nail cutter cant cut deep inside leh .

Advise : My baby this few day keep rubbing is face and eye WHY har . Sometime he can rub until he cry and "pek chek" (Only when the time he going to sleep )
bean, when they are sleepy and pek chek, they do all kinds of things like pull ear, pull hair, rub eye... its just a reflex action I believe.
sharon, pegsfur

hiya.. dun tell me i wasted $$ again on the MIM sling


just brought sam to the pd in his pram. he was willing to sit in it all the way walking there coz he was asleep haha.

ok now my ILs will stop nagging me abt sam's phlegm n reflux! else they keep asking me wanna go c doc! but had to waste $37


try fenugreek? i ate that - 2 capsules 3x/day. slowly can see results.
need some advice

last nite sam drank some 60ml (average) of ebm/fm on n off every 1.5h from 930pm to 2am before he finally slept. in between, he spit up / merlion-ed n choked.

any of u encounter this? i guess it's prob his reflux thing combined with phlegm, n shd get better in time. but very pek chek leh.

n hard to keep holding him all the time to let the milk settle. not to mention heart pain my ebm
carefree life
I bought the swing at $60 from the mattel sales

I was the one who wave at you when u came and spoke with u, I ask u how u come, rem? J

re-Bjorn carrier
Think BP is still cheaper than taka sales…anyone knows if the carrier can be front facing? Cos Jania likes to look ard when we bring her out, so if put her on carrier, she can’t see much

re-sticking out tongues
Jania has been sticking out her tongues, is this signs of teething?

ya, if she's sensitive to it, then i'll have to skip the wheat.

I suspect they're performing joy to the world for the concert. And yes, i've already signed him for it. It's good to help him with his confidence and learn to deal with stage fright. He has been practising so hard, it's a shame not to let him go up the stage right? He can sing 2 stanzas of the song very well already.

C sat down on the stage at his first concert. hahaha. I even took a photo of it. :p

Said can' be helped. Hopefuly will resolve by 3/4 mths. But she suggested changing to anti-reflux FM like Enfalac AR for the FM feeds. Keep him slanted upright for a while after feeding. Feed smaller feeds like 90ml every 1.5 to 2h instead. No pillows. That's abt it lor

I'm taking fenugreek oso .. but im taking 3cap x 2 times a day ... dun see any significant results leh .. my 1 bottle gonna finish le.

try giving only the ebm or only the fm to try out. See if it has anything to do with the milk. Remember to burp him well. Must hear at least 2 burps.
mashy, I guess the kids simply have to gain confidence. This is S' first concert, hope it will be alright. She has been practising some dance moves infront of the glass doors, so I suspect that is for the concert. But I don't know what song it is, will ask her tonight. My only gripe is that the costume is so expensive and can wear only once! :p

Jul, yes, by 3 months baby's digestive system matures and things improve tremendously. Hang in there.

Me concerned about the thumb/fist sucking..cos i heard about kids who suck their thumb until Pri 6/Sec 1..aiyoh can you imagine 12/13 years old already still sucking thumb. so just wanna make sure she does not get stuck with this habit. now i just watch out and pull out her thumb/fist whenever she does it. i notice she does it when she wants to feed or when she is sleepy and wants to comfort suckle.


i think you mentioned you flashcard to your baby already? what flashcards are you using? anyone using the shichida method? or anyone heard of glenn doman method?
ktmum, glenn doman method takes alot of patience and dedication... I tried before but got too lazy so I sold away all my cards :p
hi all mummies, thks for the concern

Heart failure (Post-Partum Cardiomyopathy) might occurs during last mth of pregnancy or within 5 mths after delivery. (p/s: Sorry, is within 5 mth not after 5 mths)

My Story how i discovered this problem:

Start with Cough w/o any phlegm n feel breathless all the time especially when u lie down flat on bed (will get choke to wake up when sleeping time),go Polyclinic take x-tray, polyclinic doc said i m having lung infection n prescribed me 1 kind of strong antibiotics, after taking the antibiotics, i m Vomit n Diarrhoea badly till Gastric pain, theres how i ended up in A&amp;E SGH, from there take blood test n x tray again n been dianognosed that is not lung infection but is lung hv fluid inside due to the poor heart function (normal ppl heart will pump around 50 to 70% blood out but mine is weak only pump 10 - 15%) n my heartbeat can shoot up to 120 as that is like a racing heartbeat, after so many test on the heart, thats how the doctor define mine as this Post-Partum Cardiomyopathy.

1/3 of ladies will recovered after 6 mth on medication, 1/3 might hv improve on their heart function n another 1/3 might be whole life in this stage or even worsen.

Janice, if u hv those symptons, feel breathless, chest pain, leg swelling, heartbeat racing, better go check it up.
<font color="0000ff">ktmum</font>, Glenn Doman flascard methods.

<font color="0000ff">mashy</font>, you just reminded me about GD maths kits, think must start that with Ray.
