(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Thanks HBB!

Soy can also trigger her eczema
I was drinking soy milk when I tried to eliminate dairy fm my diet, that din go well then...

i'd prefer to give it cold too! read somewhere it'll soothe when they're teething (though stacia not teething yet) but it means we could serve it chilled.. i'll take out fr fridge & warm it with my palm if it's too cold, before opening the lid to give to my bb..

thanks! i've got the vanilla & banana pack yesterday fr marketplace.. but if u saw other flavors, lemme know ya.. in Jkt, there's peach, pear, etc.. quite interesting for babies i find..

okie! thank u!
Mei and Jes, Thanks for telling me that HT cereals are all flakey. Silly me thought that my box could be expired.

Went Vitakids at United Square, Organix don't have brown rice cereal? In the end, I bought the HT ones again.

Jes, you mixed 5-6 tbsp of cereal into how many oz of milk?

I had to add almost 7 tbsp (are we talking abt those chinese drinking soup spoon?) of cereal into 3oz of milk. At this rate, 1 box will be finished very fast.
Feeding problem

Seriously I think Regis is opposite of Juen. Regis feed on very little (~90ml) milk and the situation is getting worst. Sometimes 1oz, or if I'm lucky 2.5oz. So for every amount of milk he leftover, we'll make into cereal. He will gobble it up and still open his mouth for more. He is taking 1 full meal of cereal and upto 2 full meals of porridge daily.

Understand that their main source of nutrients should be from milk. But currently, he's taking equal or more amount of semi-solid food than milk. I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing. Any advice? I hope I don't have to go to the extend of letting him go hunger so that he had no choice but to finish his milk.

My pd will be calling me back later to answer this concern i have. Will share in here too.
u r rite.soy fm is lilkely to cause eczema flare up compare to goat milk.cos beans stuff might trigger allergy....
No worries Twinkle

Peanut, I have emailed Mas (PIC) and cc you in the email. If she does not reply on Mon, think we can give her a call. Cox i'm also not too sure whether suitable anot. I told her our bbs are 6-7mths old.
jes, i went DJ salon. Same?
B4 rebond, i always saw a POOL of hair on my bed & during shower. everywhere in the house ntg but my dropping hair.
After rebond, no more dropping on bed. shower yes. but is those normal kind of dropping. not alot.
Well it works for me & HBB lor. Good luck!
PD said it's perfectly ok to take more semi-solid food than milk now. She suspect maybe Regis doesn't like the conventional way (cradle position) of drinking milk, cos it's quite restricted. I partly agree on this cos at times, I would put him in sitting position, and he would suckle afew more times.

Nevertheless, below are the things to note:

Give more water
Give fruits, even papaya.
Cereal should be from a qualified source.
Can start to give fish from the porridge. (BTW, my porridge has carrots and spinach too)
Can intro milk in sippy cup which may could be more fun for him.
Talking abt drinking from sitting position, anyone has any recommendation which and where to buy straw cup? All along, I have been specticulating the problem around the formula milk, well, maybe and just maybe a straw cup could improve his milk intake.
hahahaha!.. okok... physiogel liao.. but jus nw see nana ok lehh.. cant spot anything.. hehe.. tat means it worked well!!.. Jav came back jus now gt one BIG RED patch under his chin.. n in the morn don haf lor!! now im suspecting dono isit the mat n tings at the jwt not hygenic!!! .... Ewww...
anw, thnks so much for lugging the huge bag there for me..hehee.. =D

Thnks for organizing the trial!!.. hehe... ohhh.. mine is Pukka.. hahaa.. so maybe if mine cant do it.. mayb can go yrs.. hehehee.. wad flr isit on?..

u can only do this tues?... my hb said ok to my rebonding liao!!.. hahaaa.. i told him abt the miracle tat HBB n Twinkle had- no massive dropping of hair.. hahaa.. so he agreed.. muahaha! nw.. my mums side.. hmmmm...

okay... today's trial.. hmmm,seriously speaking, im nt impressed..i feel nt alot of parent n tchr n bbs involvement.. so, i don tink i'll sign up.. but im still considering kindermusik.. its seriously the oni one trial tat Jav enjoys n nvr cry... e oni tink i enjoyed today is seeing all mummies n bbs.. AND!... Jav SAT... like FINALLY.. hahaaa
I let Joie use Pigeon magmag straw cup (the egg-shaped one). There's a updated magmag in the conventional clean-shaped cup with handles which is double the price of the old version, but since I have sippy cups that are something like that, I got the egg-shaped one instead. I'm only letting her drink water from it, cos she knows how to suck, with gusto, but didn't swallow everything she sucked up (imagine the mess if I gave her milk in it, cos I gotta change her out of wet clothes when she's done with the cup). lol she just like to suck the water up hehehe... The straw is reasonably soft, so she likes chewing on it. So far it didn't leak on me when I bring it out in my bag, unlike disastrous avent bottles and cups. BTW bought just about a week from BHG at Bugis since I was in the area, there's a 20% discount in the children's department.
ehh i got endorsement pay from u anot? for rebonding LOL
aye. no prob.. cos today dh drive us down so i can lug down else fat hope LOL
the stupid combi pram too light to let mi carrys o many thg at 1 go

btw tat day those straws i got.. r the wrong ones!! arghh now even my mag mag cant fit!!!!
oh, your magmag is the egg one right? I bought the replacement straws just in case, looks the same leh, nv open try yet lar. oh no....
hahahaa..sorrie.. no endorsement!!... hahahahaa.. nvm laaa, was tinking if u cant bring dwn i'll go yr hse n lug it back.. haha.. meanwhile will mess up ya hse even more.. n steal some of yr pineapple tarts

im using the munchkin cup.. Jav likes it... even tried milk w it.. the only time he dislikes it is wen i fill it all up w water.. hahaa.. he tastes a lil, will pull out look wad colour.. if he sees transparent he will refuse to suck anymore.. but if its milk ( which i oni tried twice) he will drink v quickly.. but jus now, he jus drank more den half a bottle of the water.. dono wad happen.. but he jus gulped it dwn suddenly.. mayb feeling really thirsty!..
oh yah ladies,
i wanna order some party stuffs frm mayb overseas.. or some bulk purchase frm some companies in sg.. im going to check out their diff prices on mon.. is anyone keen?.. i mean, if u've tot of yr lil ones' 1st b'day theme.. we cld all share in diff stuffs n i cld ask for more discount?.. =P
the straw that mymag mag use is round one.. and long one.. but the replacement one seem to b flat on the suck part and L shape!!!

hee if u can find pineapple tart in my hse now.. u can have them LOL
jes, salon #04-74. look for janet. if u going, quote my name.

re : jwt trial
told my dh i so paisei to organise such a trial. cos quite disappointed.
or we happened to be the 'sway' group?

hbb, talk abt music, i was actually telling my dh jus last week i'm keen in signing up maybe a term for my boy to try. but haben decide which one to sign up with. sorry wat's the music ctre u were telling me today again huh? my dh as long as i'm the one paying, he OK with anything. :S
we were talkin bout siempi.. at funan ctr.
ehh ur $ also his $ rite? hahaaa
ehh dun need paiseh lar
we r grateful ut ook the trouble to organise!! u se ei alwasy talk talk talk end up.. all come to nought! arghh i still hoping for the siempi one lor haaaaa
Jes, HBB,
I've been thinking about the 1st b'day party but undecided on where to hold it...how are you gals going to celebrate baby's 1st b'day?
haha I wanna buy the birthday decor too! Was shopping online till I siow picking balloons, plates, goodie bags and invites, but end up nv order cos I don't know where to store the stuff atm *silly* plus I booked a weekday for the venue, don't know if got enough kids to come lol.
re: jwt trial
My babies enjoy the trial (since I never bring them to any trial before)...so twinkle, dun need to paiseh...I really appreciate your effort in organising the trial.
Happy to meet the mummies and babies today but too bad didn't have time/chance to talk to some of the mummies. I tot I was early (arrived at 12.45pm) but my boy made me so busy...gave me a full diaper of poo right before the class started...sigh...and it leaked and stain his pants...arghh
BTW, tot I didn't see bestberries today. hb said he saw another mummy with twins but she left after a while....bestberries, were you there?
ya ya hahaa

bestberry din go....
atm im waitin for ballot result for chalet for e party.... if cant get then holdat function rm i guess

weekday? y dun wn a weekend?
Her birthday is on a Tues. The weekend before her birthday, the choice chalet units are left no much cos member get to book 6ms in advance and 20% of the lots are corporate units. Anyways, we recre the place, weekdays fewer people, more space to enjoy with family and friends, plus weekend rates very siong, cos min 2 nights booking. We saw people having buffet catering and went to ask the recep, they got no selected caterer, so free to choose our own yeah!
HBB, icic....chalet is a good option. Initially I tot of holding the party at punggol but now cannot liao coz I will only move back end of next year....aih...headache lah...
Twinkle - thanks for organising it today! Totally agree that it wasn't v good. I'm also not impressed, but it's not your fault, so don't feel paiseh! :)

I felt that we were doing more work than the teacher and she like not so enthusiastic!

Jes - can't imagine that it wasn't Jav's (HK actor - he really looks like one!) first time sitting! He sat well!

Dunno whether or not to celebrate first birthday...husband says no, if we really want, then its' just immediate family - I'm like 50/50...

It was nice to meet you all and put a face to the names!
oic...nw i keep finger x i get e unit else duno hw...cos i wn noe till may i tink
e weekend i wan is last weekend of sch hols....

i dn like chalet actualy...all ecleanin...yikes.... n i dn like to stay out of hm unless on hols
Jes, i only can't make it on Tues cox my mum isn't free to help me.

Twinkle, thanks for the effort in organising the trial. I think i enjoy the company of all the mummies and bbs here rather than the teacher and the equipment there hee...

Sorry today my boy was somehow cranky despite being fed and slept enough before gg for the trial. So din manage to identify a few mummies. Chiyojade, i dun even know who you are

Beverly, the KM trial is held next Sun, 7feb 10am. If you are keen, can you email me your details (bb's name & DOB, Mummy's name & contact)? I will send you more details on the trial.

Re: 1st yr bday
I'm also considering chalet/function rm. But the theme is undecided yet. Jes, which web you ordering from?
kitty - I also dunno which one you are. :-((

I was the oldest looking one - LOL - by myself, no husband. :)

HBB - I am thinking of doing my own flashcards for music. You want me to send you a soft copy(via email) when done? I'll find out from husband what kind of cards they have and then am going to do my own - so can "reinforce at home" - then again....dunno if I'll get round to reinforcing it. Making the cards is very easy - do these things all the time...you'll prob just have to enlarge it to a size you want, that's all. :)
Re: Over feeding?

Xuanyin is 8.4kg during this week check up 95%. wow is she consider overweight? coz the nurse did not say anything.
My BB sitter only feeds her cereal but also give her milk when she cry like 7pm feed then 9pm feed again.
no soild food only till weekend, last week just tired potato but she finish 1 whole potato with 2 scope of cereal in meal.
am I over feeding her?
Japa, in case no one reply on "Bouquet Garni" it is a bundle of herb you tie together to flavor the soup or stew. Usually consist of parsley, thyme, bay leave, cloves etc. I think I used too much of cloves for the vegetable stock, but I love it in fish stock. You pick your preference of herb..

BBEthan, another way to rid the nappy rash is to avoid using wet wipes/ wet ones. Use only water to clean her butt, then air dry before putting nappy or diapers. When the rash starts to bump up, it's getting serious, I hope Amanda feels better sooner! I discover the purple one by chance actually cos the hospital uses the blue ones and I started using until one day the sales person got the purple for me, then I asked why is it not the blue and he said that is probably new packaging. Then initially I quite like it as it's indeed difficult to wipe away, and also it has a pretty strong "plastic" smell. But now that I am using back the blue, I find it disappeared after every diaper change..

I went to get my new hair cut today.. Now I should be 500g lighter, at least I felt my head is!! Next week, I shall go do the color and treatment!!
Sunsweet, if your hair is curling at the wrong places, and you like straight but not like rebonding "flat", ask you hairstylist to do a "soft-straight" or "soft rebonding", it leaves the volume near scalp but the end is naturally straight. I did a half-head soft rebond this time cos the style I picked requires the fringe to be straight (my hair is naturally waved, asked Gina, she saw before!), while volume at the back.. If you need to color your hair, maybe you can do a streak and not whole-head dye which is also not going to flatter your curl.
Jes, my hair drop sort of reduced these coupe of days also, and like TJE, I see lots of bb hair at the fringe. Some said this is a sign that hair-fall is stopping. Well, I am just so tired of my girly-square-hair-turned-ah-soh-hair, so I went and did a total change!!
Note on Hair Dropping, my stylist told me hair dropping usually last about 6 mths. But my old-wives-mom said, if hair started dropping after bb is born, then it'll stop when bb turned 4 mth, but if hair drop started after bb turned 4 mth, then it'll stop when bb turn 1 YO.. Anyway, my stylist has a boy who was born on Jul22, and she did not have any hair drop cos she said tonic BEFORE deliver helped to reduce hair fall, as not only the hormones is the cause but the clogging of our ducts (for those who felt very hot at the end of the pregnancy) also contribute to hair fall after childbirth.
Chiyojade, you can arrange for hubby to take bb for a short while while you do that. I brought my mom, and 2 sisters along since they also has to have their hair done.. But when I go again next week, I will have to arrange for baby sitter since its a weekday and all are working!! SIgh! I think we both can bb-sit for each other for a short time just so we can go for our "beauty-time"..

Lamagier & Minrui, you can help by making it more liquid, and leaving the spoon in her mouth longer than usualy so she will suck like sucking the bottle teats, and swallow the food. Mommy & baby jiayou!

Sab, you should always direct your qn to the PD, cos he will tell you if bb is over weight according to her height too! like K is 9.1 and 71 cm, PD think he is on the heavy side, but then he said not to be worried cos by the time bb starts to crawl, he will shed weight.. Likewise, you cannot just judge if yours is over weight by just her weight alone. And since bb will crawl and loss weight, I think your bb should be ok. I usually list down the qns I have for the PD before my next visit so I won't forget when I see him. He must have thought I have alots of qn that he even asked me if I have any qn for him.. The qn I usually asked when he tell me the percentile will be, "is he over-weight" (Cos I kept thinking my boy is short), is his eye ok, is the head too big.. On the 6th mth visit, I even asked him the size of K's manhood (cos it seemed to have shrunk), then he pointed out the because of the increase in fats at the pubic area, it will make the penis looks shorter, he even push the skin back to show me the actual length (phew!), I even asked about his scrotum as I found K's very firm and nice but his cousin's is loose and saggy.. Ok, you can think it's too private, but being a first time mom and a female, what do I know right? It'll rather be a silly qn than something I regret later!!

I think I am a Duracel Bunny, I w/up at 0545hrs and had been on the go the whole day.. it's close to 0230hrs.. I better go the bed, or I may fall asleep at church later!! tsk tsk, not nice!

Have a great Sabath!! See you on Marvelous Monday!!
Thks for organizing the trial.

Wow,so many mummies plan for the 1st yr celebration already.

Where are u going to check on the party stuff tml?(Mon)Those at Bugis area?>
tje, the fisher price ball is too aggressive kind, and the looks is scary.the vtech one is soooo cute! I will post the video in FB later.
what is veeramasy? for doing perm hair?

sam/lamagier, if you happen to have a link for the puff, pls post here. thanks!
hahahaa! i will dig them.. hehee... no laaa.. i purposely wait till e day u start doing den i go mess up.. hahaa..
yah, im ordering e plates n cups n balloons n some decor.. hehe.. so u wan balloons?.. i will call tmr cos don tink anyone will pick up today.. hehe..

haha..okok!.. taken note.. hehe.. thanks!..
no laaaa.. don say tat, u did a really gd job by trying to arrange the class n coordinate everything!... its jus mayb we really sway meet the nt so gd tchr.. =S

im balloting the chalet oso.. so oso nt sure will get anot.. if cant get means will b at chalet or function rm.. hehe.. BTW, hbb, we're balloting for the same place or no?.. cos i noe Sherryl n i r the same place.. we gonna fite!.. hehee

hahaa.. ya, i was browsing thru alot of pgs too.. wanted to order but tot it wld b gd if we cld ask for wholesale price.. hehe.. soooo, i let u all noe again on mon??... hehe..
yah, weekdays def more spacious n cheaper.. but i cant, cos everyone's working n studying.. n Jav's 1st falls on a Sun.. hehe..

hahaha!... don make me happy lehh..haha.. HK actor... hmmmm, hw i wish.. =P anw, its really his first time sitting unsupported!... hahaa.. althou i tried to force him to learn sitting at hm.. but nvr once succeeded..

hahaha!..okok.. sorry, i was all mixed up tinking u meant anyday cannot xcept tues.. wahaha!

ERGH... 6 mths!.. or till 1 YO... its really no joke man.. i tink i really gonna b botak.. *Faints*
nt too sure leh.. im still searching for more.. so im tinking i mite b running arnd.. or most prob i'll call dem up first.. hehehee.. u wanna come? =P
would like to check if any mummies are experiencing their bb puking 1 tablespoon an hr after feed? Recently, my boy has been puking though we burped him, is he too full? We tried cutting down amount per feed but it still happens. Any advice?
sab, one whole potato sounds quite a lot. unless yours is the baby potato. baby doesn't have sense of full yet. so if they like the food, they will keep 'asking' for more
jes i dun tink u n mine same pl...btw diff dates ma so i wun fight w u hehe...actualy i tot of sharing a chalet w another bday baby so each pax take 1 day bt see hw la

hbb/twinkle, the JWT trial instructor is a guy or gal? last sat was a guy and he's quite ok.
i hv to agree that the highlight of the trial is the swing...

tried yoghurt on MIa today..and she HATES it. keep crying when i feed her.

kim, tks for the info. yesterday i cooked veggie stock and porridge for Mia, she loves it! finish the entire bowl.
