(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

edna so funny... test test a bit (eh... actually it's a BIG bit) n decided she's not ready. anyway, since she's gaining weight well on milk n achieving her milestone so well in advance, i dun think it's a cause of concern. see when she decides she wants to eat again. she realised her mistake that she's burning yr pocket a big hole n decided to help u save a bit. :p

anyway really diff PD diff opinion. One of the PDs told me now milk not impt but solids are. so confusing.

but i strongly agree that if they dun want now, try again later. one day they will accept. last time my boy was taking cereal well. but when i introduce porridge when he was 7mths old, he rejected it all the way until abt 10mths old. Can't remmeber how much porridge n ingredients wasted.
Maybe like wat PD said give enda a lil to try
They can still survive with milk,cereal for now is to let them experience the taste of a solid food.((coz i understand that if intro too much solid for now,the bb might reject milk,their main source of food at this age)

Dun worry,im sure enda will pick up her likes on cereal again!!!!

Btw,have u called lnt reg the trial?
I can help u to ask them (the list of qns u wanna check wif them)since adelle going for the class tml.
nodnod, last sat i intro porridge, my ger seems to dun like it, dunno ijjit not used to it, or not nice or watsoever... hahaha~
godma says now dun cook fish porridge for her 1st, coz fish nw very ex!!! =P
oh ya.. cny coming. all fish prices going up. i better stock up on more threadfin before it goes rocket high.

yest i let her try pork porridge. she finds it funny cos it's not as smooth as cereal. at some times, she gag a bit. but yet she still wants to eat.

give her just the purees?
hmmm mayb i try tml....
nw she is crying herself silly by 'hugging' e wall standin up while i pump millk....milestones r really givin ppl headache
hbb, i've same issue as u. maybe starting our bb were jus curious wat is solid so tend to eat more. now starting to 'reject'. i used to feed 5-6 tbsp HB cereals + 2-3 tbsp fruit/veg puree. now reduce to 2 tbso cereals + 1 tbsp fruit/veg puree. N he couldnt even finish. 4-5hrs later cried for milk. gave him 120ml. he only drank 90ml.
HBB - Yann also had cyst in the gum - still has and has had for I dunno how long! LOL! Never mind, pay for peace of mind - that is what I always say.

As for solids - as far as I know, they should start as it also helps swallowing, in the development/formation of their jaws/muscles - something like that, but then again, I'm not a doc!!!! And she won't be drinking only milk all her life! ;-P As long as you trust your PD :)
ya lor mayb the curiousity worn out! LOL

the pd say its perfectly harmless for the cyst so im gg to ignore it...
fr thg goes it seems edna hav no prob swallowing since her 2nd cereal she already had thick ones.... jus a matter of she wan to take anot.. so i guess now bk to 1 meal a day or max 2.. mayb my 3meals a day scare her LOL

so now juen also not eating much cereal?
thanx for the reminder of edna's name hehe
Re: milk/ solid till 1yo
k's pd encouraged us to start giving solid as meal instead of snack cos bb may end up prefer milk to solid, and will b problematic when bb gets older. My grandaunt's grandchild was problematic, until 2 yo, he still doesn't knw how to swallow or chew, grandaunt still hv 2 blend everything and add into milk for him to suck... Tsk tsk tsk..

Today, I took k for durian. The first was too sweet, so he gave a disgusted expression despite my effort mashing it before feeding. The next was bitter less sweet, and he loves it, and can eat w/o mashing!!

Lindy, thanks be to God! I m so happy for u!
i agree tat the solid shld b as meal also.. i been emphasising it for edna since i gave her cereal..sigh.. but seems like she like to oppose me
cannto force feed her also else she will hate the spoon even more as the pd sayshe will associate the spoon as 'war'
Re milk/solid till 1 yo: Solids are recommended to 1) teach babies how to swallow and chew (as milk requires just sucking), 2) supplement nutrition and 3) variety in terms of taste and texture. The longer you wait, the harder it may become to introduce solid food.

BUT milk should still be their main diet. This means that the amount of milk intake should not be more than solid food intake.
I hv the same understanding as what your ped advised... The solid feeding now is to supplement milk intake. It's good if the LOs like solid, if not, we'll juz have to keep trying. No point getting too stressed up abt it ;)
A little relax on the solid should be okay since it's not really that long that we intro it to them. Hope Edna gets back her interest into her milk feeds too. Did the PD tell you anything to manage the discomfort from the cyst?

Got your msg, I can go on Friday, think weekend gotta pack my house since got dh around to tackle the bulky items, and I got lots of boxes from Joie's stuff, didn't throw incase I let go or hand me down. But if more convenient with other mummies who want to check it out, sat, for a short while is also okay lar. Do they operate on Friday/Sat?
ya i hope she get itnerested in her feed soon.. funny thg is.. the last feed is better..she can drink 240ML aft some battle.. but day tiem 3 feed cannot at all
pd say the cyst wun cause discomfort.. juslet it b

i got ur msg aso but yet to reply u haaaa
Im fine w friday if u r free.. else nxt week also ok.
Hbb: at least now you have peace of mind. Its true that they only need milk for the first year. Think Max is cutting his first tooth soon, he seems more irritable the last few days, even today during swimming with Sharon he wasn't his usual happy self. The funny thing is, he now knows the minute she's going to submerge him. Once she puts him in the position, he starts to tahan his breath, quite funny to watch. I borrowed a friend's Konfidence swimsuit for him but I think we're not going to use it cos when he is actually swimming, the suit is too buoyant and makes him turn sideways.

If anyone is interested in swim classes for their babes, please let me know. Max's teacher is really good with babies, she teaches at her house located along Thomson road.
realy? he sure knows ah.. that measn the class is really good haha
thanx for sharing ur contact!!
yes i agree w u sharon is realy good! she is so gentle n motherly!!!

oh ya idid not let her wear her konfidence suit for the class becos it might hinder her movement but for other time when we go swimmin ourselves occassionaly i let her wear...

i hope i hav enuff milk to sustain my lil sucklign pig... my parents actualy said edna lost some weight (they din knw she is on diet) sigh
nw she is 7.4kg.. ok lar not too bad a weight hehe
Dino-mum, actually I'm also a Dino mum because Nigel and Gen are under the same species.hehe...
waaaa so good you can escape and take leave together...Btw, tmr Metro got 20% liao, u want to take "urgent" leave again...? hee...

Linsu, congrats on your sat-off, hee,...and Kim congrats on your new iphone...hehehe, so it's white right?
Btw, Lurpak is so expensive. I remember I scolded my helper to have bought such an expensive butter..hahah...because I bo chap, I used blue-band.kekeke...

TJE, please la, you're already so slim. anyway, the men get fatter too after they got married, right? I'm trying my best to start exercising. Yesterday tried to run in the threadmill, only 10min start feel like want to pengsan already. hai z haiz...
ehh u still can run 10 mins i tink i can barely do 5 mins..imagine i can do 2.4 at 10 mins last time.. tsk tsk.. i need training
sam i haven gt idea ifthey gt classes on that day at wat time.. but the MIM @ first its onli on sunday and starting in feb
no trial class for this as it sonli 4 lesson
she actualy call n ask if im keen to sign up for it cos she reserve a slot for mi but i told her i wan to start anew class w my friends instead
dino-dad not afraid coz we always have his and my parents to fall back on... after all, both of us r the first among our family to produce them grandchild... keke... sometimes when I lazy, I jus ring my dad and ask him to pick up dino from the in-law house to my home when dino-dad had to work late... super "nua" dino-mum here...

mashy & Bbethan,
ya hor... Our 3 girls r the light-weight champion here... so far most have already exceed 7kg mark except ours... next time take the 3 girls pics, place it beside the 3 boys pic... OMG!!! Light-weight vs Heavy-weight Champions... sure big difference esp when some of them exceeding 10kg mark... going to double our girl's current weight soon...

Let jiayou jiayou for #2... I'm aiming for Rabbit year, now still have to "E-brake" first... after Sep then "re-open" my production factory... I agree!!! Girl spend our $$$ like tap water coz their stuff r too pretty to resist... I wonder at times izzit I keep yearning for a baby boy during preggy that lil Gen turns out to be v rough and behave like a boy... I calculated that by the time the 2 kids graduated from Uni, I'll have jus retired from service at 50yo... keke... maybe by then I would have become a granny liao... :D

congrates on ur sat-off...

I jus asked my MIL, she give threadfin porridge for Gen... Other than that, lil Gen also tried frog-leg porridge, spinach porridge, bak-ku (pork) porridge and carrot porridge... She finished the entire bowl of porridge for the above variety except carrot... She "return" back the untouched bowl of carrot porridge to my MIL... So far so good, she loves porridge and bread... no allergic reaction to the above food thus far...

U havent try porridge for Edna right? maybe can give it a try, supplement it with milk after that thou... She could be like Gen, skip the puree/cereal and go straight to porridge...

My PD also highlighted us to give porridge to lil Gen when she went for her 6mths check-up... PD thought that we have already given Gen porridge after telling us to start solids for her at her 4 months check-up, he was shocked that Gen was not given any porridge as meal during the 6 months check-up... right after that, my MIL started feeding porridge and luckily she took it pretty well to spoon-feeding... but hor, so much car-bo (bread and rice) consumed, i still cant see much weight gain yet..

Tomolo I'm on PM shift, working alone so no urgent leave to take, even if sick tomolo still have to drag myself to work during shift duty...

Oh dear... pls dun remind me of the 2.4km... OMG!!! my exemption till Jul this year... shit... I still have to clear for the FY...

I hate running... I HATE RUNNING... super super hate running... must aim properly for #2 and get another year of exemption... :D
then maybe we check it out on Sat. Went to their course timing page, MIM@First got an ongoing class at 12.45pm on Sat (Funan). We meet maybe around 12+pm to check out the school.
dino mum
haiz i gues si will try porridge n see how... but i know i def will die till vjia lat if i giv porridge now becos she stick to me like a leech now... i barely gt time to run my biz.. tsk tsk

ehh now they dun exempt u girls fr ippt aft birth hor?
last time gt exmeption forever one leh
sam i cant go tis sat cos i got JWT trial
u wanna go along w jillian or whoever who wan to check it out 1st?
lamagier cant make it too cos she gt JWT as well
that was the past policy... now if never take IPPT, then gonna kiss bye bye to promotion, to PB, to lodging, to everything... haiz... only 1 year exemption, and i wonder how those mummies undergo C-sec managed to pass their IPPT after 1 year of rest only... ~faintz...

u try and see first, if she like to eat porridge, then problem solve... dun have to worry that she'll reject solid... i do agree with wat Kim commented, if 1year milk feeding only... next time might have difficulties getting them to eat solids or intro spoon-feeding..
ya the new policy came in force onli recent 7 yrs i tink..when i was in service already no such ruling.. sian rite! tsk tsk.. i barely can jump before birth.. hw to jump aft birth? thats myworry last time LOL
i see.. try some other tings like porridge like wad dino mum they all suggested.. hehe.. snacks?.. like fruits ? hehee..

u will b surprised.. Jav fly to 7.4kg liao.. hahahaa.. cos he eats like 5.5 tblespoons+ 4.5 tblespoons of fruit puree for lunch.. 6 tblespoons+5 tblespoons of veg puree for dinner.. n he can finish everything.. he oso take milk oni 5-6 hrs.. but can drink at least 200ml.. i tink hes really showing no single sign of teething yet.. appetite so well.. he saw me eating ice cream today, giving my hb some... n he cry cos i nvr gif him!in e end, i gif him lick a lil.. den he smile.. aft tat i hide frm him.. he cry lor!... greedy rite!
jes, what cereals u feeding jav now? HB? oh so lunch is fruit. dinner is vegetable? hehe. what have u give him so far?

Bbethan for Organix's banana rice cereal did u add bm/fm or warm water?
i gif HT so far.. tried the brown rice n oatmeal.. nw starting barley.. yah.. i make it a point gif him one fruit n 1 veg per day..cos he hates to drink water nw n sometimes i see him passing motion push until v hard.. but comes out is like " yi tiao" one.. *abit disgusting..sorry* hahaaa.. so im tinking even aft fruits n veg he pass those "yi tiao" one oso so diff.. i cant imagine w/o fruits n veg hw he gonna pass out his motion.. n to tink he even cried once.. wen he passed quite alot.. =\
so far, i fed him..
Fruits: Apple ,Pear, Plum ..
Veg: Broccoli, Potato, Sweet Potato, Carrot..
e first time i gave him broccoli, he gave 1 v "not nice" face..n refused to eat much.. den this time round, i mix 1 potato to 1 broccoli w the cereal.. n he gulped everything dwn.. hehee..
jes, jav & kaelen good friend leh. kaelen refused to open his mouth when i gave him broccoli. i tried for 2days (4 meals) still he closed his mouth v tight. i taste it myself. NICE MA! :S
HBB, did the PD mention that Edna might be teething? Naomi was having 'sudden' cries at night,and rejected food/milk more and more...then a few days later the first tooth pop out. Now waiting for another one to pop out liao. She seems to be quite irritated with it. She scream and scream in the daytime till I cannot do my proj.

My PD said, at 6 mths start with fruit or veg puree/cereal or porridge are the same. then on 7 mths start to introduce meat into the diet. only 9 mths then fish. so I really take it very slowly on naomi. In the morning she only take 1 baby banana plus biscuit mashed into cereal. then evening she will take 1 chunk of pumpkin plus 3 tbs of cereal. I haven't give her lunch yet, partly because I'm always on the go and I don't let my helper feed her solid. Sometime the evening meal is forgotten also because I'm too bz...heee... The milk intake become worse now. she only can finish 80ml at one go and leave more and more for the ghost. But the PD mentioned to me that we can keep the fm in the bottle for 6 hours. so don't waste.
Milk sample;
I only take 1 tin of sample on every visit. and it's not the Pro-cal one, it's the Immunify which Naomi doesn't like.

Linsu, forgot to tell you.
The konfidence suit is like romper, so I think although the material is quite thick, the water can easily seep in from ketiak or thigh area. defeat the purpose....When I read the 'instruction manual', it says that the body warma supposed to be in contact with the skin to prevent the cool-water to have direct contact with the skin. but again, how cool can the singapore water be...heheh...but if you want the more effective one, can buy the thermal suit (the one pc suit with long sleeve and knee-length). My gf bought it at paragaon level 5. it's quite costly, about $70 but she bought size 1-2yrs, so can last for quite sometime liao.
Linsu, another thing I forgot to tell you.
Indon got baby orange. It's green and yellowish color. It taste 100% sweet, I try it myself, there is no hint of sourness or acidic taste at all. very nice and healthy. When squeeze directly from the fruit, it can only make about 20ml. so it's just nice to be mixed into pureed. and you don't need to dilute it at all with water. Rich of vit C and good for immunity. so I always ask my hb to bring back 5kg. kekeke
I know some people here always worried about orange causing the phlegm. but my PD said it's only for those processed or make into ready made juicy can cause phlegm.
hehe... javier is the thorn among the roses

i just add a scoop of FM and water. nowadays i don't add BM into cereal cos it turns so watery which makes it difficult to feed and she also doesn't like.

Amanda also like Naomi... like to leave a bit for the ghost.Give 120ml, forever leave at least 30ml. always give her at least half an hr break then feed the remaining. sometimes she thought it's a new feed and cry when finish the rest. then when i make another 30ml, she doesn't want to drink already. she's wasting all my milk as if it's water. *super angry*

Edna leech on to u becos of her recent prob or simply just being sticky to u out of sudden? i realised amanda is so sticky now. at first i thought it's becos i was at home n spend too much time with her. yest when i go home, my MIL also complained she's super sticky. cannot leave her to even wash bottle or go toilet. if not, she'll cry until big tears roll down very chiam type. but once beside her or carry her, she's ok. also i find she also likes to climb on me n leech herself on my chest. is this just a stage? dun remember my boy behaving like this.
thank u!
i'm very happy too hehe..

thx too! no prob on the typo.. u ever give K watermelon? i'm thinking to give this evening but dunno if we could give raw (no steaming?) or not.. need to sieve as well? Mommies, help!

hmm i just told my boss that i need to spend more time wif my baby cos to squeeze doing everything on Sunday, it's really tough! Furthermore, she's now closer to my maid than me so i heartpain (this one i 'bluff' a bit la) cos i totally ok abt it as i couldn't be there to comfort her when she needs me on weekdays.. she'll know who's her mother when she's big enuf to understand.. then my boss started to say, Sat half day only 4hrs ma (9-1pm).. so i told him, but it'll make a great difference cos i can't spend the whole morning & by time i reached hm & finished my lunch it's about 3plus already (which is almost the same with working 1day til 5.30pm).. then he said, ok ok.. 2 Sats..

i love blueband too! it's so nice for fried rice & toast.. hehe.. yup my mom brought the 'jeruk baby' too on her last trip.. i wish we could buy it here..
Thx on konfidence info! since so many mommies has not so good review on this, i'm gonna give it a miss! will just buy thermalsuit.. but very hard to find 6-12mths one leh.. i went to shop u said b4 (ocean paradise) but i think they only have 1yr & above thermalsuit.. stacia is quite small built.. hope i could get a suitable one soon.. dun wan her to catch a cold in her virgin swim.. btw, she's crying at midnight too these few days.. but no teething so far.. i'm wondering if it's just a phase cos seems like a few babies here like that..
dinomum - ariel in light weight (6.7)catergory and amber in middle/heavyweight (7.7). dunno to laugh or to cry. i'm still trying to figure out if i remember your original nick. i cant. what horrible kind of office ask you to take ippt. i run 2.4k in 16 min last time in jc. haha. i'm the 2nd or 3rd last one to finish.

this sat's JWT trial - errr, can someone repost the details again please please. thanks

konfidence- haha, mummies got no confidence in konfidence. i'm so lame.
