(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

eh... i'm also thinking of doing my hair next wk. thinking of trying those korean perm but undecisive to go ahead leh.

bf cannot dye? i already did it before starting work. my gynae said it's ok. if u r worried, then just throw away the milk after the hair session.

i finally stop dropping A LOT of hair. back to normal liao. and can see tiny hair growing out from my forehead. now i've super short fringe. so ugly!!

re babies on walker
do yr babies refuse to sit in it initially? my girl is now crawling everywhere. yest she crawled fr living room to kitchen n back n crawled to the curtain n hide behind it. tried putting her in the walker but she just keep crying until we take her out. wonder if i shd just ditch it.
my hair also stopped dropping alot le... nowadays after a hairwash, at most drop 2-3strands only... and when i brushed my hair with my hands during the day, also not much of hair dropping le...
Jes, you let me know when your mum can help you then we can arrange to go together
Ya, i'm also dropping lesser hair now. Back to the usual no. of strands.
My hair also dropping like crazy! I was happy too early when most of mommies here dropped hairs ard 4.5mths post delivery n I didn't. Sekali ard 6mths they drop so drastically together with Stacia de.. Any science to explain this? Haha..
I already had my hair rebond at the 4th mth, can't tahan my natural curls liao ;p checked with my gynae got green light to go ahead leh... I think it's ok as long as the chemical doesn't touch the scalp.

What about Happybaby puffs? Does the shop that sells happybellies cereal sell them? Maybe you can try that, if you can't get the gerber puffs. I also gave Char some cheerios to munch with the gluey porridge.
I just gave MR Happy Baby Puff =) Wren delivered them with my 10 tins of Happy Bellies just now =p Haha, SHe looked so shocked when I first put them in her mouth. But unlike Joie, she hasn't figured how to transfer food from her fingers to mouth yet.... Silly baby gave up and tried to munch on my fingers instead
i oso dono if i wan go rebond or perm till nw lehhh.. sigh! cos i dropped alot.. n i was tinking if perm will haf abit more volume.. den tink abt it.. my hb say perm nvr highlight nt nice.. so i tot of switching back to rebonding.. my oh my.. i really dono wad to do!!...

okok! i let u noe again.. hehehe... =D mayb BbEthan wanna join us? hehehe.. so fun! if 3 mummies do their hair tog..hahaaa~

BbEthan n Winnie,
y am i still dropping like CRAZY?!!!... oh my goodness.. my used to b alot hair is nw becoming thinner n thinner n thinner!!!!... do u all eat anything or do anything to make hair stop dropping?? hahahaa.. noe i sound silly w the qn..

high 5!!.. i din drop initially wen most were dropping.. i started later.. but still, i tot it shud stop by now!!!.. cos alrdy coming 2 mths of dropping LOTSA hair.. at the rate, i tink i needa go yun nan... last time i tie my hair... is one thick bunch... but nw...=( its so thinnnn.. boohooo!!
Jes, according to my colleagues, u have to wait for six months before the hair drop goes to normal. Sucks right? My hair drops like crazy too and I stupidly went to yun nam. So expensive and they so hard sell. I stop going after 3 times of services cos I simply cannot stand their hard sell techniques. And they kept remind me of my hair drop said very serious despite me telling them due to pregnancy then they scared me say where got so much. My hair is thinning they kept increasing the seriousness and I m pissed. So I have stopped going cos I decided I am sick of listening to their rattles. I still have 7 sessions with them but each time kept asking me to up to 30 times! Now when I think back, I cannot believe I am so stupid.
My hair drops started around when my boy is 4th nth. He is turning 7 month and my hair still dropping like nobody biz. Thinning of hair and I could see some almost bald patch!
Jes, i did my rebond le!!! hehehe.

Like HBB, my hair used to drop like crazy. but after rebond somehow my hair stop dropping so much le. However my nottie boy always keep pulling my hair & i'm force to tie/bun up my hair. *wasted*
the price for the u like blender is about 60-70(cant rem exact price) but is usualy bundle w freebies liek a wok or soy bean maker.

im still dropping hair but nt as bad ever since i rebonded 1 mth ago LOL
gogogo rebond

yes im holding on to yoghurt cos of the eczema... sigh.. will very much wan let her try lor sigh.. but ok lar hold hold hold!! now her face gt a patch of eczema due to the cereal touching her face.. healign really slowly

jus got bk fr buyin dry stuff for CNY
edna got bk n smell like dry abalone.. dry oysters! hahaaaaa

aye u so busy diff to date u leh LOL
twinkle so where u go do ur hair?
i also end up tying the hair but i use a scrugy. or a shark clip.. tat way its tie up loosely wun injured the rebonded hair hehe

ehh who is special guest?!?!?!
Twinkle/hbb, i foresee i'll also be tying up my hair once i have rebonded cox my boy is already pulling my hair everytime i carry him. Despite the fact that i know it will be wasted.....haha, i will still go ahead cox it's still neater afterall.
no eat anything la! Lol! But roughy till 6 mths shld stopped dropping so much le! ^^

from feb, I'm working 4 days/week till mid June!!! ^^
HBB, i went another salon which my friend recommended. $130. hehe.
y eczema cannot eat yoghurt huh?
you havent tell me how much is the A1 cream wor?
special guest huh? u will know tml lor. *evil smile*

jes, i used mustela cream (the hypersensitive series) on my boy for his eczema. instead of using massage oil to massage, i used the cream to massage. his face, body, arms, hands, ears... i would say heal almost 90% le.

Mommies who hv First Food book, the long chinese cabbage mentioned there, is it same wif the veg used for kimchi? What abt the white onion? Same wif garlic or referring to big onion (da zhong)? Sorry, this mommy here hardly step into kitchen hehe
the AI cream is $31

eczema cant eat yoghurt is becos scare cos gt cow milk allergy. tat y i did not giv edna cow's milk FM..instead i gave goat's milk when needed =) already stand by 2 can of goat milk powder for her liao
hee not bad ahh...
i tot of givign edna once a day FM also but since i still got enuff ebm so i stick to ebm 1st since my sinseh ask mi to giv her more ebm instead of FM hehe.. but my Fm is to standby cos nowadays my ss yoyo cos edna dun latch well!! haiz
i'm trying to wean him off cos planning to look for a job. new workplace cant possibly ask me to tell the mgr/colleagues "sorry hor .. i need to go express every 3hrs."
plus putting my boy to bbsitter nxt monday. the bbsitter kept asking me to give my bb formula. (guess easier job for her) Thats why have to try out which formula is ok with him.
ya if bbsitter nt pro bf v mafan...
bt seriously...i alws tot bf easier..jus need warm e milk unlike fm must mix water...add powder LOL
So many mummies rebonding their hair! ;-)

I am just dying to go for a cut - if can rebond even better and highlight also can, but No time!! Who will look after the baby!?! ;-P

BTW, I have the last 2 weeks off from work (sorta) in Feb so if any mummies wanna meet for a playdate/group, I'm very keen. :)
etirto, gerber puff, i just bought at marketplace/city hall...are we talking abt the same thing? there's only 1 kind right?
i bought the banana flavour one...

ohyeah, ya i did train abit following gina ford's method. but i guess i'm lucky! she luvs to sleep...even during day time she need frequent short napping.

went to marketplace to buy baby yoplait today!
erm...so i shld feed Mia when it's cold? or leave it close to room temp then feed? heh..wonder what's going to be her reaction since it will be her 1st time trying cold food...

anyone put white radish into soup stock for babies? shld be ok right?
hbb, today Mia refuse to open her mouth to eat her cereal + puree!!!
i hv to bluff her by giving her a spoon and when she open her mouth to 'bite' the spoon, i pop the food into her mouth! then she will swallow.
how come she like that?? arghhh.....
LOL! Mine sometimes gives me problems halfway through, I have to try the "aeroplane method" and then he sometimes opens his mouth...but today, with husband, he finished all his spinach puree! Pah.
ya now i try the aeroplane method
i sing "up up up.. and down down down.. the spoon fly into ur mouth!"
imagien i was doing that today at forum.. ppl prob tink im mad!
where r u going to get yr hair done?

i like rebonding.... but same like u all, amanda likes to pull my hair n i dont want to end up tying. looks so much neater... but i cant stand the look when the hair regrow cos i've got a bit of natural curl.

it took me almost 4mths before the massive hair loss stops. i also didnt eat anything special. didnt even bother to apply any anti hairfall stuff cos i already expected it.
my hair still dropping like crazy n im goin crazy too!!! i oredi give up la .. wan to drop til i bald oso no choice liaos.. me not goin wat yun nam or beijing101 coz i dun believe in their crap!! n i dun think rebonding will do u any good coz its very heavy chemical n more damage done to the scalp.. i need a perm bad n colour badly but i REN coz i knw i will go bald sooner if i do it so its ur choice la.. see if u wanna take the risk.. frm my stylist he says the more chemical i do now the more hair will drop n i trust him lor coz he wont lie to me n dun wan earn my money rite.. he advise me to hold it till my hair stop droppin so drastically..
kittyng, sorry i will give KM trial a miss. dh just back sg. he feel is better to bring kaelen for his jab before cny meaning next sat. afraid he is not well by sun.
Radish sounds a little too cooling for baby same goes with long cabbage. Scared will trigger cough.
But if you are not feeding it daily it's fine i guess.

Linsu, i'll check out the price of the organic rice powder then get back to you.
Which goat FM do u hv on standby? I should probably do that too. Gave Char 20 ml of meiji FM a few days ago and her eczema worsened
I guess hv to hold off dairy till much later liao.
i was e one who went veerasamy rd one =)
btw gd try! keep tryin semi solid on juen..so long as nt force geed someday she will wn it!

i gave karihome goat milk powder.
Noelle: Have you considered soy?

Re yoghurt & allergy:
If your family has a history of allergies (ezcema included), then it's best to hold off until baby is 1 year old. But otherwise, it's okay to introduce yoghurt at 7-8 mths. The lactose in yoghurt is already broken down by the culturing and the milk proteins are limited or removed so it's safe for those with lactose intolerance.

Note that cow's milk can hinder iron absorption and contain higher amounts of sodium so try to intro yoghurt and cheese plus other dairy foods sparingly.

Source here: http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/dairy.htm
Japa: If I scoop from a tub (it is recommended that you give natural, unflavoured full fat yoghurt instead of those flavoured ones which contain sugar and very little good bacteria - if you want flavour, just add homemade purees into the yoghurt), I'd prefer to give cold and straight from the fridge than to leave it to warm up to room temp (more chances of bacteria growth and etc).
Rane n Winnie,
ERPS!.. 6 mths!! i tink i still gt like another 3 more mths to drop... MY GOODNESSSSSSSSSSS... by den i tink i'll becum BALD!!.. =S *faints

Really arrr.. hmmm, isit cos no need comb so much like wad HBB told me last time?... hmmm, u did in FarEast?!... which shop? hehe.. e shop i owaes go to is oso in FarEast... =D

really really ar!.. den i mus really go rebond..i mus pyscho my hb.. hehehee.. ask him sponsor.. muahahahaa!...

Twinkle, HBB, Kitty,
i oso will tie up i tink.. Jav LOVES pulling hair... its his pasttime.. he will grab my hair each time i carry him.. so nottie.. tsk.. out of all of us.. these 3 pulling hair monsters r all boys... tink its proven... boys... realli more playful..hahaaa..

mustela... okay.. i go find.. im gonna try HBB's AI cream first... if realli still doesnt get better i'll get the mustela.. hehe..Thnks!

BbEthan n Kitty,
maybe we cls go to town area.. i was tinking far East at the place where i owaes do.. but i gotta call dem first.. n see if its possible.. hehe..my rebonding n perming has always been done by dem..nt bad i wld say.. for me laa.. keke..
do u all have anywhere else in mind??..

4 mths?!!..no kidding man.. im really going to go BALD.. help meeeeeee.. hahaaa.. i xpected it but din xpect it to b sooooooo terrible n scary! =(

booohooo!!... i tink both of us r going botak.. i told my hb.. "if i go botak one day will u mind me?..." he ans : no.. den i told him.. "den can u pls do sth kind for me... but me a WIG" hahaa.. he was like" r u sure will really go botak? not so serious right.." but each time aft i bathe n he steps in into the bathrm.. he will go "wah lao!!" sigh! i realli hope this hair nitemare ends soon...
hee AI cream is nt mine.. is physiogel.. i wish i owe Ai cream LOL
edba got a patch on her face.. past 3 days i apply 5 times a day..finaly today it fade off a bit liao... later u see.. sigh...

sry, didn't log on yesterday night. Yup, I gave the Happy Baby puff from the BP like lamagier. It's a tate sweet, cos got sweetened by fruit juice, but melts okay in the mouth. I gave her the veg puff lol, don't want her to form a liking for the other flavors yet. Then banana after she's finish the veg bottles, I realised she doesn't like actual banana, gave her the dole one to try, she reject it, gave me sour face.
