(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

hbb, thanks for the info. I dun even know whether I have tasted ma yau yu before (embarrassed *_*) Sometimes, I eat the things I dun even know the name haiz...

dino mum
ya i hope so manz.. my gf also say let her use up her reserves 1st
btu i worry cos her lips was wrinkly.. i cheat her to drink water by adding my nan bei xin drink which she liek alot also refuse to drink!!! wait becoem vampire!!!!

yes my eczema also fr father side.. my sis.. grandparents cousin all got this prob
i go to dr KB lim at gleneagles. his crema is very good
steriod cream.. but he self concort one.. and aft applying for say 2 to 3 time.. i gradualy cut down the use of it and nvr use again (i hav some on standby thou).. imagine i onli use about 1.2 box of his cream thou my eczema v jia lat.. prior before tat i spend a few k on diff doctors n specialist plus suplement.. all din work!!! I hear this doc good i go ..that doc good i also go! hehe i was tortured by it for tat long!
now my whole family go to this doc..

ehh not a misfortune.. its ur dino dad fortune also becos... w a wie like u then can he show his goodness LOL
my dh do most of the cleaning at hoem also... i know hw to do house work.. but im lazy LOL i onli do my own kind of house work LOL

hee i tink ushld hav eaten before lar...
it shows u r not a fussy eater cos u eat everythg ur mama cook
Need to make appointment before seeing him?
My leg now quite jialat, thinking of seeing him after CNY...
Maybe Edna is not eating or drinking well due to teething?
I told my MIL it's his son's misfortune to marry someone who dunno how to do housework, take care of baby and stuff... But I give him an option to stay at home and be "penguin-daddy"... Coz I be SAHM also no use, better that he be SAHD instead... Alamak... I'm so bad, so bo chap...
many thanks....
He refuses to sacrifice his car and financially v difficult to work out esp when we r trying for #2 this year.... Hm.... Well, I think the appearance and "Auntie-ness" of Chen Han Wei for the show (penguin-daddy) turns him off ba....
haa actualy its v rare to see a couple who work in same place hav 2 cars LOL
#2 this yr?! wah u r fast...
but if got 2 kids finance surely wil b tighter manz... he might even need to sacrifice his cameras LOL

my dh also alwasy say he b penguin daddy ask mi go bk to work instead... itold him if i ever go bk to work he willr egret it LOL
dino mum
btw the LNT trial
ehh need to go ask LNT to create a trial class for us or wat?
i am keen on a trial and a few mummies keen too but since ur trial full liao i tot organise 1 more... (lazy to call LNT to ask ahah)
I correspond with them via email since last year... Frankly speaking, they r v v slow in replying to my email... They always like to correspond via phone, I refuse to do that coz I got no access to hp during office hour... It's best to call them and arrange for a trial once u managed to get 6 babies... 6 babies is the max they can accept, I try to negotiate for 7 but was rejected... Now they offer us $150 for 3 trials for the weekend slot... The timeslot can be found in LNT website, under programme signup, download the application form and that class details r listed there... U choose on the slot u wan and tell them which r the dates u wan them to reserve...
We choose Apr as it's a brand new school term...
Dino-mum: Dont be discouraged by your girl's behaviour, just keep trying. I believe there's natural bonding between bb and mothers, cos we carried them for almost 40wks...
kitty: my mum uses ngor hee (hokkien), cos it is sweet. Not sure what's it is called in chinese or english. Rem to buy golden kiwi, the usual green ones can be too sourish. Scoop out the blacks seeds and eat it yourself. Make into kiwi juice with the rest of the fruit, ends up with very little left
HBB: Salmon is both a sea and river fish. They are born in fresh water, live in sea water then migrated back to fresh water to spawn (lay eggs) and die.

Re hubby being SAHD: Hai, so nice la you guys. If I were to rely on my HB to be a SAHD, totally gone. He can cook and all but I'm the one doing everything at the mo. :/
thanks on lurpak!

am gonna get golden kiwi soon too! she never try that.. but now my fridge so packed of her foods & seems like take forever to clear.. hehe
am gonna gather my guts & talk to my boss today on unpaid leave for alternate Sat! (wish me luck ya!) haha
been wanting to say since last year but nvr did! until now i find it hard to do things/gathering cos of it.. i need to spend more time wif my baby.. most of the time, the only chance we saw her on weekdays is in the morning & it's to say 'buhbye' nia.. & nowadays, she often KOed when we reached home cos she only take 1 nap (1-2 hrs) during daytime.. what about your babies? napping less also now?
sorry... i dun need breastpads now.

i can wait. i also usuallly ask for samples from PD. They r usually fine to give since it's free from the milk powder companies and they r just helping them to distribute out.

what i meant is r u giving rice cereal as the only grains? hv tried other grains like oatmeal, barley cereal, multigrains, etc? i hv also let her try Organix's banana rice cereal. she slurp that up very fast.

i only bathe her once in morning unless she's very sweaty n sticky throughout the day, then i bathe one more time in evening. otherwise, just wipe down in evening.

after not working for so many days this month... i miss my children n life at home with them. can really feel how u gals r feeling too. think i got too used to staying home with them.

when we r working, we wished we can be home to teach/bond with them rather than let them waste time with tv during caregiver's care. but i realised if we r at home, we end up spending time doing housework/cooking/feeding/bathing etc. so end up also don't really spend much quality time with her. just that the bonding is there compared to when we r not at home. i strongly agree that u shd try sending yr #1 to cc. they learn so much things there. pick them up early if u can so that they can go home to bond with the rest of the family since afternoon not much activities in cc.

envy u hv such a hands on hubby who doesn't mind at all. don't feel bad lah. must remember u r the envy of many many mummies. concentrate on trying #2... i believe yr hb really appreciate u bearing kids for him. All the best in yr TTC. Prob u will be the first to report good news with #2 in our thread unless someone is already preggy.

Juen is no longer in the small baby club anymore. Good weight! Amanda is only 6.4kg 2 wks ago when i weigh her. She can hold hands with lil Gen.

be careful when giving kiwi... though they may taste sweet. the fruit is still rather acidic by nature. don't give too much. when i gave my #1 gold kiwifruit that taste totally sweet.... his poo turns out too acidic n burn his butts. bad nappy rash.

re fish
i also gave Amanda threadfin. can also try codfish. but same like salmon... don't give too much as high in mercury too.
dinomum - thanks for the chin up. dino = gen ? r u the mum who changed your nick ? your urgent half day sounds so good. ok i'm gg to keep your urgent half day tip for when i'm feeling under again. i'm having stiff shoulder today cos last night dint sleep well. ouch.

penguin dad - most of my friends earn more than their hb, but their hb dont want to stay at home cos of 'face'.

graco strollers - think some mums here mention before but here it is again. some strollers are called back due to malfunction. be careful if you're using one. http://www.babycenter.com/204_over-1-million-graco-strollers-recalled-after-fingertip-ampu_10326639.bc?scid=momsbaby_20100126_A:3&pe=2Uwo1Ky

bb constipation - my bb constipation for 1 week already, she poop but small and hard. drink lots of 80ml water, prune juice, gripe water, stop eating bananas, still constipation. any more tips ? see her 'gek' and make sounds, i want to cry and want to laugh.
linsu - you go girl !!! tell us how it went. i'm too chicken at the moment to talk to my boss

bbethan - same boat same boat. at least you had a 'honeymoon' with your bb.
Linsu, m praying for u too!! If 2 shall agree, it shall be done by our father in heaven. Post us!

Re: lurpak
my favorite butter, so flavorful.

Kitty, hmmm... Looks like u gotta buy the poster for Lucius n yourself.. Hahaha.. Dun worry, whn I got wet mkt, I still dunno war some veg r called. N whn butcher ask me whicheat I want to mince, I also dunno, so I took the same as the one another lady bought for mincing. I learn alot being sahm though still not s gd s chen hanwei in penguins daddy..
bbethan no ..i gt a box of oatmeal thou bt i seriously dn tink its efood since she gt 3 kind of cereal nw sigh...will try later to test test again...

call up e PDs...1 clinic suggest tat shemit hv throat infection or oral thrush while e other sa mayb teethin.both say shld send dn to chk.

apart fr no eat/drink n cant slp well she is super active...cli,mb all over mi nw while i post...jump n knead me as if im a lump of dough......
not sure how many days leave u r entitled a yr.
take half day for 'me' time.
take a few days block leave to spend time with babies.
luckily for me, i still hv my maternity leave to "play" with. if not, i think i got to be v stingy with my 16days leave given that #1 is in cc n i got to leave contingency in case he falls sick.

hmmm... a bit strange that she suddenly lose appetite. maybe really teething since she's still active.
last nite she cry badly w/o stoppin... end up realise she sit up n cry...headache... carry her she wake up...end up pur her on my day bed to pat n slp...sth i nvr dun do...sigh

I may be a bit late in asking some questions. I hope you ladies don't mind and would share with me your practices.

In my previous post, I mentioned my baby was hospitalised, as such I stopped feeding him semi solids. Now I decide to resume. Can you ladies share what semi solids did you all give your babies and how to prepare them?

I wanted to buy the Heinz cereal but couldn't find at NTUC, Giant, and Cold Storage. Wonder if they are out of stock. Any idea?

Instead I bought the Happy Time cereeal and tried feeding my boy, but he just refused to take it. Wonder if is the way I have prepared. Cos I merely add water to the cereal.
heinz org flavour cereal i cant find aso.tink oos for mths le
try addin puree to e HT cereal for taste since its v bland w jus plain water
Amanda also like that... at one time, she was waking up several times to cry... cry until very pathetic type. she's not hungry or looking for pacifier... simply crying n most of time stop after some carrying. then after a wk or so, all these stopped n i saw the 2 teeth coming out. for me, as long as she doesn't look sick or behave differently in the day, i just leave it alone cos even if go PD, they also can't find out much. Edna has extra reserves now.. can still afford to see how she is for a wk or so. but of course, if u don't feel comfortable, just bring down to PD n let him check to be on the safe side.

can also try to stir in with his usual milk instead of water just to give the familiar taste.
heinz organic cereal - i bot from cold storage at parkway.

rane - can try add bm to cereal so that the taste is familiar to bb. hope your bb is feeling bettter now

bbethan - i still have 15 days ML. yup your plan sounds good. half day for me time, block leave for bb time. i tend to end up speinding all my leave time with bb, which end up i still got no me time. ok i'll change pattern. i have 21 leave + 6 childcare + 6 unpaid infant care. sounds like a lot but actually they use up v fast.
for me, i will apply half day leave in advance so that i plan what i want to do... like facial, shopping, etc. so morning go work, afternoon "me time". no way for me to go back home n see baby. cos i know once i go back home, the baby will be "thrown" back to me even i need some rest. really need to give ourselves some time of our own. can also use this half day leave n catch up pak tor time with hubby. i usually go back home as usual like when i'm working. so i tell myself bb is not neglected in anyway.
Re: baby talk

hey, don't be so uptight abt it. It's a proven success given that it's such a universal thing regardless of culture. Everyone does that. The Americans do that, the Europeans do that, the Asians do that. So baby talk do work. It may not be very scientific but I've also read articles which say that baby talk do help the children in the earlier stage of learning. We were brought up with baby talk too but we can still speak fluently don't we? :p

Re: TV
hmm... think this is something that u will understand only when you're faced 24 hrs with a bb who wanna be entertained all the time. I was like most of u here, hated giving tv to the kids. But when u wanna poo, go take a shower and tv is the only way out, u will just do it. An alternative which my gal likes is that she likes to watch the trains go by at my full length window. So i placed her there when i need a short break. :p Babies love fish too. Maybe u can get a fish tank and let your parents/ILs place them in front of the fishes when they need to go do something else.
For the puree, did you all make it yourself?

But the cereal itself is quite dry, do we have to boil it first before adding to the puree? or we can just instantly add into the puree?

Did you all feed porridge too? I am kind of concerned cos baby already coming 7th month but hardly eating semi solid food. Scared he malnutrition. For porridge, what are the ingredients you ladies put?

Bestberry, my boy has bladder reflux. Has to be put on antibiotics for 2 years. Hopefully by then, he will be cleared of the problem. Tks for the concern
think my girl pissed off with this mummy for hoping and praying for a baby boi when I was preggy... oops...

I'm hoping to TTC for a baby boi, but dino-dad doesn't seem keen... think he's afraid I'll neglect dino if I managed to get a baby boi... at least now that lil dino dun like me to carry, i should have no problem during my preggy stage coz I saw many #1 keep wanting the preggy mummy to carry, try ways and means to seek mummy's attention, etc... At times i pity the heavily preggy mummy carrying their whining #1 or running after them coz they refuses to go to their daddy... do u have this problem also?
Lil Gen & Lil Amanda are the light-weight champion of the Jul babies... We managed to take a group photo of the heavy-weight champion (K, Tomi & Timmy) previously. Next time we should take a group photo of the light-weight champions...

yup.. I changed my nick, lil Gen = dino... her nick given by Nigel (Etirto's #1)... keke...
dino mum
mayb ur dh scare he cant handle 2 dino hehe...

nw amanda still cry at nite?
gg to pd's later...pay tax again ...hope is pay for nuthg....
my nana also refuses to eat the cereal lehs!!!!!
ytd made for her for lunch, eat 1 mouth, and totally shut her mouth! and duwan to look @ me nor the bowl of cereal... =S
Den evening, i added in apple puree, she only managed to eat few mouthfuls. T_T.

Milk also cannot finished, except for the last feed... sigh...

dunno if she's teething again coz she's been sucking her lips... which i saw when she had her 1st 2 teeth earlier one...
oh... so it's Daddy's gal and Mummy's boy.

ya... my boy sticks to me like superglue even during preggy days. wants to be carried when in not happy mood. still remembered i was carrying him trying to make him sleep on that day Amanda decided to come out. Think she got fed up with him adding weight on her that she decides it's enuf n break my waterbag... 2 wks early.
Yes yes... must get them together n take photo... then take them together with all the heavy weights to see the difference.

now she doesn't cry like that at night *touch wood*. only cries becos either she's looking for her pacifier or her hand got stuck while turning 360 degrees in the yaolan. this girl is now so fond of turning round n round in it and sleeping facing down in the yaolan. i failed to let her sleep on our bed these few nights.
ya lor!!!! i cant't take it when my nana duwan to drink & starts to wail...! =S
u gt check check edna's gums boh?
den ytd night woke up twice, but when she's 1st teething, nv wake up so often lehs, just v cranky!
Bestberries: With babies who are prone to constipation, it's best to stop giving rice, apples, bananas and other constipation cereals like brown rice. Instead, give more fruits and vegetables until the problem is resolved. Try not to resort to giving juice all the time because after a while, juice will not work and besides, it's not very healthy in the long run.

Rane: I feed Eva 1 serving of cereal plus 1 serving of fruit/veg and each meal is different. I buy the cereals from HT - barley, oatmeal - and Heinz (rice) plus some organic ground millet. To prepare, I just add water to my cereals.

For purees, I make most of them myself except for things like pears - can't seem to find very nice and ripe pears here. In such instances, I'll buy jarred foods. I try to get those made with pure fruit/veg, no additives/sugar/salt and organic if possible.

Depending on my mood (and Eva's) plus what I'm supposed to intro, I'll mix everything up. I never give her just one food for taste as I find that when I mix things, it makes food yummier (to her). Plus I like to think of her as a mini-adult. I wouldn't eat rice alone at every meal so why should she?

For example, yesterday, she had 2 tbsp of millet with 3 tsp of pear puree for lunch and then 2 tbsp of pear puree with 1 tbsp of rice and 2 tsp of barley for dinner. Today, I'm introducing oatmeal so for lunch, she had 2 tbsp of oatmeal with 2 tsp of plum puree. Dinner will be plum + pear with a bit of oatmeal to even out the lunch serving. Am introducing spinach and sweet potato in a few more days so will mix that with a fruit to "tame" the taste.

I keep a steady supply of fruit and veg puree in my fridge/freezer - plum, spinach, broccoli, sweet potato, papaya and mango. Am making nectarine puree next.

So far, I've been lucky - she poos on a daily basis and it's softer than play dough.
Linsu - GOOD LUCK! Keep us informed. Said a prayer for you...Know what it's like...

Rane - don't worry about bb not being able to eat yet, but continue to try to feed. The main thing is to slowly get the bb to swallow. My friend's PD said that it can take a week before they learn to swallow sometimes,

Dino-mum - Jia you! We are also going to try for bb this year - asap because of my age! I hope to get another boy so they they can play tog but husband wants a girl...Sure spend more money if I have girl man!

Baby talk - I think I heard/read on BBC that baby talk - the goo-goos and ga-gas train their ears for various pitches and eventually various intonations.
YAYYYY!!! Thank u mommies for the supports & your prayers!!! I've spoken to big boss just before lunch.. he (finally) agreed to let me have 2 unpaid Saturdays in a month (eventho he's a bit held back & tried to 'change' my mind if I could give in)! I dun care liao so long I got my 2 Sats off now haha..

YES! Our ABBA is GREAT all the time...
yup yup
alternate Sat is already good enuf for now as I've been working 5.5days for 8yrs! maybe another 8yrs here then I'm gonna 'bargain' for 5day week kekeke...
tsk... as expceted...waste $!
pd say thr is nuthg wrong w my suckling pig.. execpt for a cyst on her gum which is normal
he say she mit nt b ready for cereal! ask me try bt dn force.say if she cn survive on jus milk up till a yr old! goodness.... no concern bout iron stuff either!
my fren's ger had cysts too, PD said coz saliva too much... edna's PD said the same thing boh?
*peng* Did u tell PD hw many tins of cereal she has ALREADY finished?

huh? the PD actually said no need solids till a yr old???? I understand that if u dun intro by 6mths, they may reject solids next time and want permanent liquid diet.
yes i told him she was ok for 3 to 4 weeks of BIG BOWL of lumpy cereal then suddenly like this
he say she could hav suddenly decided she not ready aft the 'trial'
he suggest i giv her a bit every meal and if she doesnt wan then jus giv milk until she readily accept it and dun force her to take

he say some bb take solid at say 8 or 10 mth... i guess i will jus follow wat he says... jus try a bit every meal until she regain ehr appetite again

phya he say some bb appetite will suddenly drop...

in case u r reading this.. mayb Juen is not ready sinc eu say she refuse cereal...
i tink wat he means is they can survive on milk till 1 yr old but of cos we gotta try giving them to 'test' it out when they r ready?

anyway he say edna not dehydrated as i worried... phew...
actualy im v shock the pd say noworries bou tthe cereal.. 1st time i heard but since i chose him as the alternative pd .. cant doubt him tat much also LOL
