(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

chiyojade, i'm also using mustela cleansing gel. in fact i emailed them previously (before i delivered) if it is necessary to rinse off for infant/bb who yet cant support themselves.

this was what the staff support replied : "You could apply the Dermo Cleanisng Gel onto you baby’s skin while he/she is in the bath tub and use the water from the bath tub to rinse off."

i really no idea y he LS so badly. It all happen so fast out of no where n then the nxt ting i knw he got cough n phlegm n flu. So the 2nd visit pd put him on nebuliser so he dun develop into bronchitis which will then be really mafan. Im suspecting the LS mayb due to allergy but cannot confirm yet. I start him on Happy Bellies brown rice and Healthy Times barley cereal then coincidentally tats wen he start to LS. Not sure if they r the cause of it thou. I oso gave him abit of those jap sweet potatoes so i really dun knw wat sets of this LS.

2day is the 3rd day he on glucose so i really praying hard pd give me the go ahead to at least feed him abit of milk tomoro. Till date gareth not on antibiotics yet as my pd dont encourage giving antibiotics. He would rather i admit gareth and put him on drip than to prescribe antibiotics to him. Which i kind of agree as im oso not a person who likes to give antibiotics at such a young age. So really pray hard his LS gets much better tomoro if not then im goin to be stayin at Mt E with him i guess.

I manage to see my pd coz he was open tat day. No worries abt it, i knw u very very bzi wif your new house. ya i oso be getting the nebuliser coz its useful n it fix the cough n phelgm very effectively n quick too compare to oral medication. Ya i give up using tat stupid mask la. I jst put the tube near his nose and now distract him wif tv, toys n watever i can jst so he breathe in the smoke n dun make so much noise.
babyethan, nope didnt use any other stock. just rice with water & fish. my mum bought "wu yu" which dont really hv fishy smell. but she mentioned chinaxxxx market's "wu yu" quite cheap but fishy smell v strong.
I paid $5 to Hwa Xia @ North Point, $3 for diaper and $2 for use of big tub... I asked the staff to turn on the jacuzzi but their reply was "eh... I think its spoilt, not working..." Kaoz... now that u mention they charge $1 for the big tub when the jacuzzi is not working... faintz~~~ double standard again... urgh... I encounter the same staff also on both trips... hate to see her ard coz her service suckz...
As for the water drainage, only Northpoint drain half-way and fill up again... definitely not for HFC branch coz the tub we r using r empty initially and filled up when we r there...

I gotten their email address, [email protected]
Gonna draft that complaint tomolo...

Ya lor... luckily never took up their 15 sessions package... The HFC branch not bad but the pretty staff no longer there, I love her service coz she never fails to massage and entertain my ger when we r there... now that she's not at HFC, i also dun wanna go back Hwa Xia le... Esp when the unpleasant experience at Northpoint... Lil Gen has 2 round float with seats and the neck float, am getting the arm float for her soon... but hor, Gen seems to prefer neck float than the round float with seat coz i guess she used to it at Hwa Xia and the movement not restricted...

Re: Walker
Lil Gen was already on the walker at 4 months... I know that Canada had actually banned the use of walker and that KKH also got paper mentioning the danger of using walker... But still, i believe in using the walker... I guess the usage of walker on personal comfort level and discretion even after reading all the above papers... Gen could only move backwards at 4 months but now she could move back, front, side-side in the walker and her movement r fast... She always walk to the dustbin at the kitchen and throw everything (including her toys/biscuit) into the dustbin... We make her try walking by counting steps for her... she usually could walk by our counting, 1.. 2.. 3.. up till 10 but she would jump when she miss her step, jus like me when I lost my count at marching, I'll jus jump once to follow the marching again...
Hua Xia HFC branch & Plaza Sing branch staff rotate every month and they get 1-2 days off a month. If the staff you are looking for is not at HFC, then prob is at Plaza Sing.
Think I'll still let my girl have a go at the walker since she's so happy at finally not needing to lie down the whole day =)

Hee, I go look for the mat you are talking about. The husband dare not bath minrui outside tub cos scared she slip ~

Re: Baby bath
I use Lactacyd. Before that tried Avent but my girl ended up with horrible rash around her neck and face. I always rinse off even if it states non-rinse cos not comfortable with the thought of chemicals lingering all over baby's body, after the Avent Non-rinse baby wash gave my girl such bad rash.

These days I use the Lactacyd like shower foam instead of putting it into tub of water cos bb starting to be more active and sweat more. SO definitely need to rinse
joanne - haha so cute your bb march to count. i dun have walker at home, wanted to buy over weekend but hb decided against it cos i have split level at home so dangerous for walker

no rinse soap - i also dont rinse. the hospital said if only 1 or 2 pumps into a tub of water no need to rinse. i use j&j top to toe.

yan - oh dear. did your pd say why LS ? cld it be the ingredients in the cereal ? and why your pd told u to stop breastmilk ? is it cos he thinks there's food allergy ? hope your bb recovers soon.
Joanne: I was going to take Max to their Northpoint branch to check it out but after hearing what you and Hbb said we won't be going. Its ridiculous how they can charge everyone differently and a swim diaper is a swim diaper what, why should we have to buy theirs if we already have our own?

Didn't realise that there is no rinse soap, so blur. I use QV wash on both my kids and always rinse off. After Max turned a month old, I stopped adding his shower gel into the water cos he loves to suck his fingers and I didn't want him drinking soapy water.
mummies who hv given both healthy times n happy bellies.do u giv e same amt or u giv more for healthy times?today gave edna 4tbsp instead of 2 cos it seem so little

abt wu yu/ threadfin, there are some "fake" ones which are cheaper but fisher... these "fake" ones can imitate because their skin colour and texture is similar to the original.

its better to buy from more reputable/ familar fishmonger else will get cheated..

other fishes i gave to my #1 before includes "ang zuo", promfet, cod, salmon, actually kambong also good cos its small so less chance of mercury contamination but tends to have more bones got to be extra careful..

I read that its better to intro Chicken/ beef, then pork and fish later (10 months)..

I dun go PD so no food chart from PD.. can share what's the food chart you got?
Info posted by kim before on the food chart:

These are from the chart given by the PD:
potato, carrot, spinach(I love this but cant imagine K eating this), yam, sweet potato, pumpkin, turnip, parsnip, cucumber, cabbage, broccoli.

banana, pear, apple, papaya, watermelon, plum, peach, cherry, apricot, avocado.

Rice, oat, wheat in cereal or bread, corn, barley.

pork, chicken, fish, beef, lamb

Now, concern of WIND:
cabbage, broccoli sweet potato.
concern of cooling food:

cucumber, watermelon that most people say will cause bb to cough.

Food to avoid until one year old:
seafood, peanuts, tree nuts, egg white, orange, kiwifruit, mango, pineapple and cantaloupe as they are the highly allergic.

Soy, legumes, berries & egg yolk can be introduced at 9mths.
the thread is moving soooo fast! cannot really catch up

re: swimming
I onli heard frm my fren last sat that bb can actually hold their breath under water!
wanna send Darius to learn swimming cuz his legs is always going the frog style
if we go to the public pool, mus let them wear wetsuit and swim diaper? totally no idea on all this.

can keep mi in the loop for the aquaducks as well?

me scare germs.. that's why #1 went for her 1st swim only at 1yo.. now she likes water play but still yet to get her to learn proper swimming..


I'll copy that down! thanks a mil!

I got the Diet Theraphy for Infant from popular last night & was reading 1/2 way.. Would say its imformative.. will used for my toddler as well.

Jus to share the book suggest not to give the following at before 9 mths:
- cabbage due to wind
- spinach due to nitrates, hinders absorbtion of iron
- fish & pork might cause allergy, so intro Chicken and beef 1st as they are less likely to cause allegry
- any kids of berries due allergy.(to be give after 1 yo)
- Honey given after 14 mths

options of 1st grains to give
- millet
- brown & white rice
- barley

anyone tasted lentils before, i read many recipes that recomend lentils (red lentils for easy cooking) but i have not tried them before any one knows if its nice keke..

Question: When we feed creal w/ veg puree and cereal is mixed with BM.. will calcium in the FM/BM used to make the cereal hinders the absorbtion of Vit C & Iron from the veg?

If so its it better to make veg puree with Cereal with water rather than milk?
Dr Ngiam still @ gleneagles, currently temporarily at #03-03. But they'll be moving to the annex blk probably end this mth or early next mth...

If u nid the no., let me noe. BUT... They still hung up the phone thou, =.= I just went this morn to see Dr YY Yip...
Hi guys
Happy New Year! Hope 2010 been treating you well so far...

We got back from HK/Macau on New Year Day (full flight) - had loads of fun, alexis was super excited to see the Disney princesses and Mickey and gang, she kept hugging them and shaking their hands. We took tons of photos but on New Year Eve, while dining at morton's, alexis pressed a Trash All button on our camera...the only few pictures we have are those we took AFTER that dinner, and 2 5R ones I purchased in Disneyland.

The weather was quite perfect and we enjoyed our stay at the Venetian, much nicer than Disney Hollywood Hotel! We went on the gondola where the guy sang some Spanish songs and Twinkle Twinkle for alexis
We also caught Zaia (cirque du soleil), which was fabulous, as well as a pretty decent free show at the City of Dreams! Food was good, we ordered room service every morning in Macau as alexis does not want to go out till after she is fed. Not much shopping though, except I got myself a pair of Jimmy Choo! Some tops from Shanghai Tang, and the usual stuff from Disneyland. Oh and milk bags coz i ran out. The brand is Manny from Taiwan and good quaility - thick.

Yesterday was Alexis's "promotion" from pre-nursery to nursery, she did well, no fuss and remembers fondly her classmates and teachers. Her class is "Turquoise Tie", last year she was in "Red Rose". School was pretty organised and offer reassurance to parents. Though we were offered a place in NAFA, we turned it down to continue with Bethesda. Plus NAFA offered us only the afternoon slot...Gina, yes, if you want a school like St James, better head down to register NOW.

My place is also split level so austen can only go into walker at the lower level (where living room is) but I am concerned he may one day wandered into the garden and kena stuck! :p We started with the walker only at the end of Dec, I think he likes it. Also started him on cereal on Xmas Day and carrots on 2 Jan, he dislikes the carrots! I got the tiny, organic ones from NTUC. Will try again. He even pushes it away with his hand! Will try potatoes or sweet potatoes next, prob next week...

Sunsweet: Kumon
My #1 started in Kumon only since end July 2009 and so far, pretty good, I think it fast-tracked the kids' learning and instilled discipline as they gotta complete the homework (few pages only) everyday. She enjoys going to Kumon. One of her classmate's older brother has also started at the same time - he is in Pri 1 this year - his mom told me she seen vast improvements in her son (used to take 30 mins to complete the homework, now takes no more than 10 mins). However, I do believe the teacher plays a part, alexis's teacher is quite good with her (needs to know how my daughter ticks...). Which center are you planning to send #1 to?

Sunsweet: Swimming in public pools
Even water at private clubs are treated the same way as public pools, I think you need not worry so. Go swim already!

Please also keep me in the loop abt aqauducks, or Marsden or any other swim school if you are looking into it, many thanks!

Photos of your baby in CNY clothing
I am planning another montage soon - pls email me your baby's photo in CNY clothing so I can include him or her in. Do remember to write down your child's name, I look fwd to catching all the cute expressions in lovely shades or red, orange, blue, yellow, pink, etc!

How's Gareth now?

How are you now? Still hiding under the duvet?

Joanne and all who go Hwa Xia
They sound HORRIBLE! I hope you guys quickly finish your package and spread the word to other unsuspecting mommies/daddies...

Bathing baby
Me no rinse too...

Nursing moms
Quick check: how is your supply now? Mine is like only 100ml per breast every 6 hrs, pretty miserable.

wah, lorsoh...
Mine also dipping since a week before Xmas. I only managed about 200-250ml every 4-5hr, just slightly more than what my girl drinks.
Think have to bottle feed instead of latch soon cos my girl seems to get latch very frequently. Not sure if she just wants comfort or if I'm not providing enuff.

Welcome back.. you must have a great trip.. didn't bring #2? along?

I'm still Expressing.. abt 300ml every 6 hrs..

tiring but i think i should insist since I can manage with the supply.

For Kumon, I'm not sure where near west is good. As you say it largely depends on the teacher and i think not all centers accept kids at 3 YO.

Also 1 thing my gal is extream shy and had bad seperation anxiety kind.. so i wonder when i can get her to attend class herself..

Does Kumon allow parents to accompany the child for her class initally?
it's quite an informative book hor? I find the bilingual part useful cos I don't always know the chinese/english name of some foods, makes it useful when explaining to the older folks too so no need to guess what it is when they only know the Chinese name of the food.

The Bethesda Alexis goes to is which one the Frankel one or Bedok one? I always pass by when we drive around the area but I don't notice stuff that don't apply to me (lol). Somehow become more aware of pre-schools in my area now. Kinda scary when the babies have already come along to six months now, feels myopic about such things
no bm coz our bm is oily n will make LS worse. 2day doc give me the go ahead to try 1-2 times for fm. but pathetic oso la coz 2 scoop of fm to 160ml of water.. so practically like drinkin water..

His cough n all tat recovering but jst the LS still not gd. You had a fab time?? Mst b rite and loads of shopping done??
re; pork

there seems to be differing views by different authors. Some say that pork is least allergenic.

FYI, my boy is allergic to chicken.
he is recovering stage now so doc ask me give like 2 scoops of fm in to try. Isomil my boy dun even take it.. he throw out.. he rather go hungry or jst drink water oso dun wan.. haiz
Will outgrow the allergy? Gets rashes?
That's really problematic cos a lot of food contains chicken, your son will need to be very careful, especially if he buys his own food during recess in school. You must be really worried...
the list my pd gave also say pork is the least allergic... so i guess realy varies fr diff opinion.. fish seems to b the last on the list!

im better now thanx! i fell sick aft the sms dialogue w u LOL...
u try to put in extra pump... rem my ss was dipping when edna was drinking 4 feed a day.. now i pump 1 extra pump at nite ... nxt day i get more milk! hehe...
hope u r feeling better alrdy.. =) ive stopped LS.. but still having tummyache here n den.. *Sigh dono to go or nt to go doc.. hahaa..
edna nw don need yummy food yet, but wn shes older, bet she'll fite w u over yr yummy cookings!..haha

i see.. but i like cant spot anything frm his gums.. or mayb i dono hw to see.. hehe..
haha.. i can imagine seeing timmy chewing on the railings..

my mum always does tat.. even for my lunch, she will prepare everything in small bags for me so wen i need it i jus throw in n cook.. hahaa..

i'm the same as u too.. use shower head n wash Jav's hair ... n he too will lick any water tat comes down his face.. hahaa..

i let Jav wear the reusable diapers which i gt frm mothercare n the swimsuit down to the pool.. so he wont feel so cold.. wad my fren did was to jus wear normal clothes for her girl.. n wear the konfidence float (e one w blocks) n jus go dwn like tat.. so depends on yrself whether u wanna get swimsuit anot.. =)

it is safe to go public pool..i brought Jav to Chi Swimming Club n downtown east as well.. gonna try safra mayb this wk..=)

i pump oni 3 times a day.. 11am, 5pm, 11pm.. normally the 11am pump will haf abt 360ml cos whole nite din pump.. n for the 5pm n 11pm pump will have abt 180ml - 200ml..=)
Mummies whose babies have started teething, do you give your baby any teething gel to soothe the gums? My girl screams everytime she drinks milk now so I guess it must be quite pain so wondering what to do toease her pain. Also does teething cause constipation?

I just started my girl on solids and so far she doesn't seem to know how to swollow yet...the food just keeps getting pushed out by her tongue...also dunno is cos she doesn't like it hence push out or just simply dunno how to swollow it...so far I have tried sweet potatoe, carrot, pumpkin....

Am also interested in aquaducks so pls keep me in the loop
jes, need membership to go the Chinese Swimming club?

re: feed milk 1st or cereal 1st
sunsweet, i am equally confused on this.
now what i do is 10.45am milk, then 11.30-12pm is food. then 2.30pm milk, 5.30pm food, 6.30 pm milk.
but i do realise that she drink lesser for her 6.30pm milk feed.
any mummies have better adv, pls let us know...

re LS:
does teething cause LS also? it shld not be the HT brown rice cereal cos she has been eating that since 25/Dec, and seems ok.
the LWE is not good at all. bb got a fever on 1st jan, luckily it disappear on 2/jan. 2/jan saw that her 2 teeth coming out abit! then 2/jan till now, she LS, around 2-3 times a day. am monitoring more to see if continue...giving her apple with cereal to see if will get better, else fri will bring her to pd.

Doc recommends Soy base Formula? or u can give some barley / rice/ porridge water..

Rice/ porridge water is good for curing LS
poohbear, on solids.
my gal will keep waving/moving her two hands to keep the spoon away. and i will be like gongfu idiot trying ways and means to slot in my hands in between and put the spoon to her mouth! esp when she is opening her mouth to protest. once the food is inside the mouth, she will taste and swallow (this is after 1 week+ of feeding). in the beginning, everything inside her mouth more than 50% is being spit out.
mummies, will this improve? will she stop waving her hands around to push my hands away when feeding her?
re : JWT trial at UE sq :

1) Twinkle
2) amy03
3) lamagier
4) HBB
5) chiyojade
6) Sheryl (pending)
7) kittyng (pending)
8) Jes
9) lavendarbear (pending)
10) mashy
11) beverly x 2 (Pls block 2 slots)
12) Sherryl(pinklilies)
13) Preciousthots
14) Pprincessbaobei
15) japa (pending)

23/01/2010 : -

1) pprincessbaobei
2) preciousthots
3) sleepless
4) mashy
5) amy03
6) curtis
7) japa

30/01/2010 : -

1) Twinkle
2) HBB
3) Jeslyn
4) Sherryl (pinklilies)
5) Beverly
6) Beverly
7) Chiyojade
8) lamagier
9) bestberries

teething cause bb to bite on everything.. so germs might get in and thus ppl tends to relate teething with loose stools..

There are probiotics sold in pharmacy for babies and children.. can give them that to have the good bacteria in them..
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all mummies and lit ones!

Yan, sorry to hear abt Gareth. Hope his LS can clear soon. So are u stopping all cereals as well?

Beverly and Winnie, hope your bbs recover real soon too! Poor thing...

Kim, u are right! I was enjoying myself in bed last morn haha cox my leave started. Only the beginning now and i'm running out of ideas to do with my boy.

FOZ, welcome back! Your trip sounds great
I'm planning for a hkg trip too end of this yr. I intro carrots to my boy yest and he dislikes it too which i wonder why... He jus refused to open his mouth after a few spoons. I also wanna try potatoes next. Let me know how Austen reacts k.

My milk ss is 120ml for every 4hrs pump...still no sign of increasing

Any mummies started on potty training? My boy started yest thou he still need me to hold him in sitting as he can't sit steadily yet. But he managed to poo all in the potty which makes clearing easy. Gonna try that everyday now...
japa/hbb, i borrowed my niece's potty to let him sit...a pity that one has no handle to hold. I jus erm erm for him for quite some time. And he poos & pees inside. Cleaner i think cox he wun get in contact with his poo but he still not used to sitting so he kept wanting to lift up his butt by standing. Gonna get one with a handle for him to grab...think it's more steady.

I din know it starts fr 6mths cox my mum wans him to start early as most bbs refuse to sit on potty once they knows how to sit.
Re: Feeding seems like fighting

keke my gal at times will be like fighting with me when i feed her cereal..

hands swing, hands grab spoon, i too slow she wails.. sigh.. I got to fast leg, fast hand when comes to feeding her cereal.
That's great! I tried when she was 3 months, that time she was willing to go weewee in the potty, but still don't wanna poo in it. So I stopped after a while. Just last week I tried to resume, since she can sit for a few minutes unsupported, but she cry when I put her on the potty. Sigh, maybe I'm doing it wrong, gotta remember how I started...

I did read that elimination communication can start as early as newborn, but takes a lot of work to read the signs and make notes of the times. But if succeed that means loads off the diapers.
Ya sam, that time when my mum was helping me to take care of my boy when i went back to work...she makes sure my boy pees in the toilet jus before bath, and not on the changing table. I tried after taking over. Only succeeded a few times

I think it all takes time for them to know wat to do at the right place.
I was reading a weaning book and it recommends letting bb hold a spare spoon to keep their hands occupied so they won't keep grabbing your spoon.

wah! Lucius going potty training!!!! My silly girl no difference in expression whether pee or poo... Just that she has taken a liking to peeing on her daddy when he tries to dress her after shower =)

He gets cough when he takes chicken. dun know if he'll outgrow or not. We're making it a yearly affair to let him try chicken once to see how he reacts to it. Yah, worried for him, so we've been making his lunch for him to take to CC on days that they are having chicken for lunch.

ya lor, my friend's kiddo is allergic to fish, also cause wheezing.
I will intro pork first. Then fish, then chicken.
according to wat i know fish allergy is v v rare in asian.
usualy happen to ang mohs as explain by the PD.. so i guess ur friend kid is the rare % of ppl allergic to fish
hi gals,
I'm on childcare leave for 3 days...my boys' LS getting worse...younger one poo 9 times (!!!) yesterday and today already 4 times since morning. Started him on soy based formula...hope to see improvement soon.

would like to check how long can I keep carrot puree in the freezer?

same same! My girl also gives me her kung fu moves whenever I try to feed her then when I win and manage to push the spoon in, she will keep the food in her mouth for a while then just when I think she has swallowed it, she spits it right back...quite a challange I must say!

potty training - wow that's really an early start...how to tell if they understand what we are trying to get them to do?

u can give rice water, apple sauce to stop the diarrhoea. do they take probiotics? probiotics will help too.

carrot puree can keep like bm in freezer.
JWT trial at UE sq :

1) Twinkle
2) amy03
3) lamagier
4) HBB
5) chiyojade
6) Sheryl (pending)
7) kittyng (pending)
8) Jes
9) lavendarbear (pending)
10) mashy
11) beverly x 2 (Pls block 2 slots)
12) Sherryl(pinklilies)
13) Preciousthots
14) Pprincessbaobei
15) japa (pending)

23/01/2010 : -

1) pprincessbaobei
2) preciousthots
3) sleepless
4) mashy
5) amy03
6) curtis
7) japa
8) lavenderbear

30/01/2010 : -

1) Twinkle
2) HBB
3) Jeslyn
4) Sherryl (pinklilies)
5) Beverly
6) Beverly
7) Chiyojade
8) lamagier
9) bestberries
swimming lesson: I don't have a heart to see the babies have to put their head underwater. I was told that the swimming coach will "throw" the babies inside the pool and let them "swim" up themselves. If I'm there I think I will strangle the coach. so for this time being, for Naomi, swimming is just for fun and let her happy in the water, that's all. she will get proper swimming lesson when she's 4 yrs old.

bath: I'm still using california baby. I bath her in the changing table and rinse in the tub.

Lamagier, my friend use the konfidence jacket with the floats on her 1 yr old boy. it seems that it cannot hold the baby by itself, as it can make them "topple" forward as they cannot control or hold their head up when it happen, so 100% supervision is a must, and we really got to hold them all the time.
as for the walker. I love the walker as much as her. she laugh happily and usually her kor kor will push her around the house. Now she can move herself around and keep her occupied for a while when I do something else. But actually they have to be on supervision all the time. got 1 time, I left her in the walker, she walked herself near the electricity plug and play with the wire. Gosh.
Beverly, yeah I think split level is not baby friendly...you have to put extra precaution. especially when they're about 7-8 mths old, they like to crawl around and start climbing here and there.
Jes, is Javier ok? do you bring him to PD just to check? take out the bed frame is a good idea....now he only flipping, imagine when he start to crawl etc. Nigel falls so many time and knock his head so many times too, till I thought I need to put helmet on him. He was super active. He can push up and stand when he was 7 mths only and by the time he was 12mths, he can run already. He's also the master of climbing. he climbed the window grill until his head touched the ceiling and scream because he couldn't get down.tsk tsk
