(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

the other time I got the flashcards from some web call brilliantkids
u may wan to check dem out

thanks for the advise. in that case will buy a tin of enfalac to intro before gifing enfapro

hi mummies,

i got something to tell you all.

my table beside is a auntie who is 60 yrs old, wah darn angry becaus6e my lady bought us a ctn of cherry, i wash and distribute to everyone, then you know what she did. she take some more cherry from the ctn box and she wash already and she just give it to her department only then she say very loud" who want go wash yourself, i dun have time" then i told her off that she is so selfish. then we have some agruement.

dear mummies, now i feel that i am stuip never listen to my hb, dun play kind to other and i have a collgue who baby is younger that mine by 2 week then she dun have bm and her son always fall sick then i give her my bm to her son. haizzz hao ren mei hao bao, next time i must hack care other ppl matter. so angry.....
bestberries/lamagier, refer MIL, me also hv many issues with her. i do tell my hubby. at certain point in time, hubby will be sick and tired of these feedback, so now i try to control and tell him in the correct moment and put it in a different way. but i will always tell straight to my MIL for certain things.
the other time i finish work and return home, she is still hogging over my gal and playing with her. i told her straight that she already spent a whole day with her, so pls let me play with her now.but i put in a neutral tone la.
it's a never ending thing with MIL, but we shld not let them ruin our mood ya!
mummies rulzz!!!

Your Gal is in Kumon right?

Can I ask how you find abt the way they let the child learn?

Your gal enjoys it?

Does parents need to do a lot of homework with them?

I'm thinking of enrolling my gal to Kumon next year as an enrichment.
princess, bbethan, talking about stage 2 fm.
I have been introducing Naomi with the stage 2 similac. the reason is very stupid. she's not yet 6 mth but i have run out of stock for the stage 1 ones. and we simply forget to buy and really no time to go supermarket at all with the moving house and all. so since I have 3 cans of stage 2 samples, I thought just give it a try. I have 2 cans from Metro and the other one is from my PD. Have anyone redeemed from Metro try that already? I found that the texture is little bit funny, more like clumpy and when we mix with hot water, there is no foam at all, unlike the usual stage 1. Naomi doesn't like the taste at all. Plus her milk strike, she pratically didn't take that milk at all. She even had loose stool, more like LS le...Then I open another sample can from the PD, so surprised that the content has different texture, it's exactly like the stage 1 and it has foamy effect when it's mixed with water. So I conclude, the ones from Metro might had turn bad during their storage or they simply need to clear stock. very jialat.

Lamagier, hang on there. No use complain to the men lor...just learn to take it easy. when you said your baby over simulated and turn 'angrier' and fuss more at night, you know yourself are also get more anxious and your baby can 'understand' that. I have learnt to be very cincai type. baby cannot drink, it's ok. cannot sleep, it's ok. just give them your biggest smile and you feel better yourself. Hmm...my in law will be in town tonight. They're not hands-on to babies anyway, my hb is the youngest in the family, so the coming of the new baby in the family is not as exciting as they have numbers of grand children already.
beverly, I was told by my PD, if the cough has been long (like 2 weeks in your case), it may be the case of Microplasma. It's mild, but very difficult and long to cure. Need a certain type of antibiotics. regular physician or other PD tends to blame it to viral infection. anything with that symptoms, they'd say it's viral infection.
my boy has been coughing for very very long. it's not like very heavy type, but it's more like asmatics. I brought him to 2 GPs and 1 PD, finally went to my fave PD at kinder clinic, paragon. We always feel reluctant to go there as the q is super duper long. But it's worth it. Once he was given the correct medication for the microplasma, it's clear within 5 days.
Re: Similac
my elder kid was on Similac stage 2 last time . Both Similac n gain tend to be foamy. Not sure if due to Avent bottles. Now she drink grow not foamy anymore. Now Similac 2 got 2 range. Old range is pro calci. New ones are immunify. Written on the tins, if u notice. The stores still selling both but diff price. Maybe those metro and ur PD ones r 2 diff range? Now my bb I give friso. Cos I don like the foamy thingy in the bottle.
bestberries.... ehhhh ya nestle is economical.. its e stuff inside bah..puts me off.... hee.....
sme ppl r nt so particular thou.

understand wt u mean manz..e guys wun understand wt is overstimulation one! hugz to u

sunsweet aiya mine is foc one dn wn trade in cash tt y suggest exchg ha...mayb u go req for karihome sample n eexchg la hee... dn wan $ involve la.. i was offered diff brands of formula bt din take since nt givin edna.so if anyone wans cn tell mi i go take n we exchg =)

oh i started edna on flash card for 3 mth then stop for 2mth cosv busy...new yr resolution is start on it again!

etirtyes i suspect whn they giv out freesamples like metro kind.... shld b clear stock or sth...nt v ethical i would say esp its feedin babies.wt if tummy upset!! gosh
tat time e mattel sale they gave free packs of pampers active samples.cos i bot alot of thg so they gave me more.... by guess wat? e pampers already got yellow spots n patches inside! YUCKS!
after open a pack of 4s...i threw away e remainin 6 packs!
i tink mayb is e holiday fatigue u said...tt y ss drop.
today ss better...duno is it cos of my massage session yesterday.... im still tired thou
Wow, this threae moves so quickly!

Yan,I boiled porridge water (um) n used that 2 make FM instead, ie replace water with um. It seemed 2 help. But since yr boy on solids already, guess u wld probably wana try the foods the other mummies suggested.

Noelle, Thx 4 posting abt the acronym BRAT ~ Easy 2 remember! I shall hopefully remember that wen she starts on semi solids..

HBB, thx, her rashes finally cleared after 1.5 weeks! Her LS also more or less cleared I hope ~ fingers crossed! She had a lousy 1st Xmas so hope she has a gd 1st new yr ;)

Etirto, Hi! u think we noe each other? From another thread? Hello anyway!
Hi girls!! I am back and just did the first half of my KO session.. K is still KO-ing..

May OUR new year be filled with bountiful blessings!
happy new year everyone, may the tiger year bring happiness and good health to our little ones.

kim, welcome back, do share pictures and stories wif us later.
lamagier, same same feeling everytime i go inlaws, hang it there buddy.
etirto, got pic of your little tikes buggy? i want to buy too...
My first post for 2010!!

Wishing everyone a great year ahead... and good health and happiness to all the little ones as well as all of us.
Happy 2010 everyone.. May this new year be fruitful, exciting n prosperous for everyone tog with a lil new addition in our families.. may everyone be healthy n happy in this tiger year!... =D
wah.. u r strong willed.. i like it. hahaa.. i told myself.. once my ss drop till no more liao.. i'll jus say byebye to bm n hello to fm alrdy.. but i was telling hb..even if one day i pump jus left 20ml..i oso will gif.. until i become 0ml..den i'll gif it all up..haha..

welcome back!! =D

i'm the kinda person i will say to my hb even if its his mum.. cos i feel, if i tell him.. he can go tell his mum off.. jus like if my parents do sth, he doesnt like.. he'll tell me to tell my parents.. so if we happen to don like anyting they do, we'll tok amg ourselves, n we'll go settle out w our own parents.. n of cos, like wad Japa says, its an never ending story.. sooo...stay cool.. n can vent here.. hee..

ya, my hb oso always say.. don need to b too nice to ppl arnd u..cos u nvr noe, they mite nt appreciate u at all..but of cos, if ppl who treats u nicely, can gif them back the nice treatment too.. some ppl jus don appreciate things n tk it for granted, although u may b nice to them, they mite still turn n gif u one bite..hahaa..

any mummies went countdown ytd?.. brought Jav go swimming w our frens n their child at Chi Swimming Club.. den went bowling.. den dinner n coffee.. n we jus countdown amg ourselves at starbucks..hahaa.. HBB, i finally went to Forum to tk a look, cos we had dinner there.. but, wen i went, Vitakids closed liao..=(
shall try again.. heee..
happy new year mummies!

i have a rather silly question to ask..what type of hangers do you use to hang up your babies' clothes, and where do you buy them from? i know daiso. giant has some but the curved part for hanging onto the rod is rather small, making it difficult put on and take off..

beverly: sorry, took so long to reply..yes i have a helper, but she's new from Indonesia, so had abit of comms probs initially...adding to my stress

TJE: my younger son was formerly on Similac Neosure for low birthweight babies..puked alot too, and had alot of phlegm too, and cannot sleep in aircon at nite cos his nose will be blocked...PD told me the phlegm was not because of similac per se, but because of the puke irritating his throat...causing phlegm..true enough, now that he has stopped puking (Thank God)...his phlegm and stuffed nose days are gone too...so I am guessing your little one's phlegm could be due to the same factor...changing the formula may not help reduce phlegm if she continues to puke...(just my two cents worth..hope you dun mind)

bestberries: aiyah why are you not going for the JWT class on 16th! was hoping to see you there and get some advise from you...

RE: Good PD in the East
There is this PD whom I have heard is GOOD and CHEAP...opposite the Holy Fam church along East Coast road...Kai Clinic...mummies in the East can consider this PD...
help!! K very talkative, kept saying "ga-ga-ga" "da-da" (of course da-da made hubby very happy) "aa-aa-aa", now talking to his cot mobile..
and dun want to sleep although already missed the am sleep and only shut eyes for less than 30mins just now.. Every time I lay him on my arms he'll cry as if it's torture.. he's abit jet lag but kinda recovered this am...

I am still recovering from the flu-like symptoms caused by my hubby's good work-- all fan & aircon full blast yesterday.

sigh! what a start for the new year!!
jes.. i dun tink will hav 0ml onela..at least gt some 10ml at least so long as u pump....hehe
my ss seems bk to normal...mmust b i been over eating...happy! hehe
Jes if you can, try to bf as long as possi.. I thought I will stop after last latch last night, but I gave in just now.. I really hv no much to give and when I pump, I cracked my nipples, so I really have to stop. Apart of me still think I should have "tong".. cos getting the 4am feed is now a challenge.. I have to standby the bottle with fm, then put pre-mix the water to the correct temperature and store in the thermal flask as standby. More work..
Jes, thank you for your an wei
hahahaha good news i have shit my desk not with the nasty auntie anymore
very happy.

Lailai, me work at bugis... hee hee maybe we can plan to go out on weekday to shop cny clothes for our gals
kim.u wanna consider shift k's slp time n last feed to an hour or so later? tat way u dn hv to wale up at 4am to feed.mayb can do like 6am..n ur dh feed before he go work
Happy New Year to us all!
I just got back from a trip thankfully bb didn't cry v much on the plane - my biggest fear was that! During the first take off, we had prepared milk and so that was OK. Then he cried a bit at landing when we got there and I had prepared water and that was not so good because he wanted milk! So he only cried for like 5 mins.
On teh way back, he slept throughout the take off and landing, so phew! All went well....now planning for second trip! :)
Happy 2010~~~~~!!!

Yan, I let my boys try avocado yesterday…end up 90% in the dustbin…arghh!!! but I dun blame them…coz I dun like avocado as well.

Not sure if my boys are having LS but definitely not their usual pattern…last time once every 2 days and now, 3 times a day. My mom said it may be caused by teething…

Noelle, in fact, I feel that rice cereal make them poo more frequent. Their pattern started to change since I started them on cereal.

Lamagier, if cannot change nick, sign up another account?

Etirto, Microplasma??? Is it more serious than viral infection?

HBB, what’s wrong with nestle? Care to share?

Ayuki, dun stress…the most use body language....hee….I brought most of my hangers from Japan Home…quite ok leh dun have prob hanging onto the rod….Have another set from Carrefour, the brand is lucky baby if I’m not wrong. The curved part is quite big too.

Kim, welcome back!
hee.. yes! u r right.. the doc at Kai Clinic is v good.. im their patient since i was a bb.. haha.. im thinking of changing Jav over to him alrdy since he has finished all his jabs at Mt A.. =D

hahaha..yah lor.. nvm, 10ml oso gif.. so good!!.. mine nt enuf for Jav.. but im thinking once my pump arrives i'll up my no of pumping again.. hee..

yah... wld like to bf as long as i can.. yah, preparing fm in the middle of the nite can b a lil ma fan at times.. esp wen we r all groggy frm slp.. haha.. sometimes i jus tk my own sweet time n make cos if i rush, im sure i'll haf some accidents. hahaa

Jav tried Healthy Times Brown Rice jus nw.. he seems to LOVE it.. jus open his mouth n gulp everything down!.. anw, cos i mix w bm.. n its a lil watery.. am thinking can mix into bm in bottle to drink?.. or better nt?...
cos i saw my fren's girl, shes drinking fm+frisocream cereal(which looks like normal powder to me..) for last feed.. n she'll slp frm 8pm all the way till 6am to 7am next morn.. so im thinking of trying..
Jes: When I was weaning my #1, I remember a nurse advised me not to put cereal in their bottles. She said babies need to learn to regulate how much food they need and through spoon feeding and taking rests between each mouthful, they will learn to stop when they are full. But with a bottle, its a continous action. Babies also need to learn to eat from a spoon so its important to spoon feed them as well.
But I do know that it is common practice of putting cereal in their bottles and then changing the teat to a bigger hole. I guess its an individual opinion. You might want to take a look at this article. Hope that helps
Welcome back Kim!

I thought Frisocrem already has milk ingredient in it? Got to add FM/BM to it ah? If need to, paiseh, cos nv use Frisocrem before.

Re: Feeding solid
Been kinda lax on keeping up with the solid feed this past few days, can only manage one solid feed during the day. The silly papa wants to spend everyday this week going out with his girl, so it's kinda tough trying to sit her down to feed, can only give her milk instead. Her solid got pushed to 6-7pm with apple puree in her cereal, she looked famished by then though. Looks like she really needs more than just milk

Trying to feed her in the zoo on NYE is just madness, apparently, lotsa families think it's a great idea to do the zoo that day too. Pooped her out today too waiting in line for a NY's lunch at Hard Rock Cafe, got her first face painting of her fav animal on her arm hehe, but she was more interested in the kids jumping in the air castle. tsk tsk, PD appt coming up next week for her hep B jab liao, must make good on the wt. scale.
saw yr photos w lil Kaelems! so cuteeeee!!!.. he looked like he enjoyed lots!..

yah.. tats wad i heard too.. shouldnt mix.. but im nt toking abt those errr.. v 'gor' the cereal.. is those tats watery.. like frisocream?..hahaa..i oso dono leh!.. =P anw, thnks for advices..=D

i oso dono leh.. she put some fm...n some of the frisocream into a bottle.. mix..n it turns out to look like jus pure milk.. n jus feed..hmmmm
hbb, can advise y u dont like abt nestle? or pm me if inconvenient to share here can? tried nestle cereals & nestle fm today. ended up rashes jialat jialat. now spreading to his face, legs & hands. going to bring him to PD tml.

any mummies can advise .....
when having bad rashes cannot blow fan right? wat abt aircon?

any other remedies?
Beverly: Thanks...but where can I find Japan Home..never heard of this place beore..

Jes: You're a patient with Kai Clinic since a baby?! The PD must be rather old by now? Btw, not advisable to add cereals in the bottle. May cause choking. Also like what Jillian said, should train the little ones to eat from the spoon. The muscles used to eat is the same as the ones used for talking. Good to get them to start flexing those muscles...

Some mummies mentioned earlier that their babies like to stick their fingers into their mouth while eating and thus making a big mess. Guess what I read: 'Even though it is a little messy, letting your baby put their fingers in their mouth while eating will help them learn to swallow.'
Ayuki and jes, anyone of u have the contact details and addy for this Kai clinic? Pls share them wif me as i need an extra contact on hand tomoro in case my PD is close for the long weekend. Gareth is still coughing n sneezing n LS twice a day so i have to bring him to the PD again as 3 days of medication din help him in fact it got worse.. Thanks

If you still awake n reading, pls give me your contact for your PD at paragon. Thanks ya
K is jet lag.. decided to place him in his cot in his own room..

Feeding Solids
agree with most moms here about feeding thru spoon and not bottle as bb needs to learn to thrust the food to the back and swallow, it's diff from drinking..

Sippy Cup
K received his first sippy from his aunt, I see that this is his other learning curve. He tends to chew on the spout instead of sucking cos 1. he is teething (I think 2nd 2 bottom incisors are coming and not the top), 2. the spout is diff fr the bottle nipples.
Well, he just have to suck it up on his own..

Yan, hope Gareth feels better soon.
Yan: 223 East Coast Rd..63441377. They seem to be open on Sat - Sun & Pub : 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (got everything off the web...hope it's correct). Hope Gareth gets well soon!
Sam & Jes,

Frisocrem just add hot water then cool water. No need milk cos it contains milk already.
My bb loves the taste! Always finish all like not enough..Hee..
Smell v nice also!

But I rem for my #1 I feed nestle cereals need to add milk.

Thanks for all the info n well wishes.. Gareth is not very well.
He is on a neubiliser 4-5 times daily for 5 days due to his plehgm n cough. He oso gotta stop taking milk only on glucose due to his LS.. Poor boy is so hungry!!! Heartpain manz see him cry n cry but cant give in to his cries for milk. The most i can give is once or twice a day rice water which doc advise give at nite so he can have better sleep.

Next week gotta go back for follow up. Hope he gets well soon.
oh dear, gareth also on neubeliser?
my ger too, today gave her her last treatment, but still can hear she gt quite alot of phlegm still... =( And the PD din ask me go back for follow up lehs, nt sure ijjit coz i nv loan the machine from them...

monday gotta call her usual PD le... hope he's back from his leave already...
ya LS till today so doc stop all milk intake not even soy oredi.. jst glucose n rice water. haiz.. ya he wail n wail wen i on the neubiliser..hates the sound i guess n the smoke blowing at him

he jst start today.. i dun think its coz i loan the machine frm him coz return is wed but mon have to go back let him see... coz he dun wan him develop into bronchitis. He wans to chk his lungs again.. How many days is your gal on the neubiliser? Did u buy the neubiliser.. He still coughing alot.. Haiz

yah.. the doc is quite old alrdy.. unless mayb his children taking over?... i rem seeing a lady sometimes.. forgot isit his fren or wife.. hee..

i see.. hee.. mayb i shud let him try too..

sigh* i wanna cry!!!..
Jav jus fell frm our bed AGAIN.. 2nd time!.. tis time round, hes w my hb..i don blame him la.. but still, i told him quite harshly.. tat it wasnt supposed to happen again!!!... aft the first incident, i swear nvr to let him b alone again.. unless he's inside his cot.. so normally wen im out to tk sth, i'll ask my hb look look aft him.. jus nw, i was out to tk water..n my hb was looking aft him.. n den suddenly i heard screams n cryings like mad.. n my hb saying.."oh no!"... den i threw everything in my hand dwn, ran in.. n hb told me, "he fell off the bed..again" i was like..... shocked, angry n upset n scared. den i asked hb, "why?!! how!?! i tot u r supposed to look aft him until i'm back.. i told u alrdy....bla bla bla" n he jus replied me" he was so fast.. he was quite inside n i walked out to tell u to tk e water n i heard the sound n he was alrdy on the floor, faced dwn!"....... n i jus keep telling him.."i told u alrdy.. .... bla bla bla..." sigh* i noe i shudnt blame him totally..but i kept telling myself this matter shud nvr repeat itself again aft the 1st time...ergh.. well.. im praying hard Jav's okay.. hes on my 72 hrs survellience full time again. hai..so wanna bang my head on a wall.
