(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

hbb, true that less to handle for a few hours, but must wake up much earlier to settle her to bathe, breakfast, and sending, then come back settle the other one plus make lunch. btw, u start edna on solid already, how's her reaction? anyone helping u out when u r sick?

Able to get someone to take turn and care of Gareth? Maybe ur relative? Caregiver? U should take a couple hours of sleep and rest b4 continuing to care for him... Afraid that ur body can't take it esp when it's already showing signs of fatigue... If it's me, think I can't even endure for half a day... U r doing great taking care of Gareth, jiayou!!!!

Will inform if I managed to find the email address...
Btw, I dun swim with her, I still dun dare to wear any kind of swim wear yet... The daddy swim and bath her at the children's changing room... Now that they r still young, should be okay fir the daddy to bath them if there's a children changing room... However, might not be convenient to bring them to male changing room if there isn't any children's changing room avail...
ya lo..no children chg rm v ma fan.i dn wam touch chlorine water...haiz..

no one helpin out as yet... sisis busy w her hse stuff so duno wan ask her help anot she gt a big monster aso
ya started edna on happy bellies cereal since boxin day.disastrous 1week...eeryday i scream n smack her cos she behave like octupus...wrigglin and turnin all over e high chair.sneeze w food in mouth.... dh took over aft 1week.thg ge beter nw.suspect she tot its toys tt y she gt her hands all over.oh ya she spit out almost everythg on day 1 cos its watery.fed up...day 2 I gave her thicker one...she cn swallow so better.nw she take 2.5tbsp of happy bellies cereal mix w sme water n puree like carrot or appple.i dn use bm cos the cereal turn too runny to feed her. finishin her 1st can of happy bellies in 3days time!
yan, hope Gareth gets well soon. sound so poor thing.

hbb, wow edna finished 1 can of happy bellies within 3days? good appetite!
u too, get well soon.
chiyojade, the trial shld be 1pm as per my conversation with the in-charge previously. He "forgotten" to indicate in his email. Will check with him &amp; update again.
Good morning!
Coolkero, what a day to start school with such down pour!!! I was telling hb, kids already feel down to return to school, and has to rain!!
Kitty, aren't you glad you are on leave now? Hahas

To moms returning to work after LWE, drive safely! This rain may cause more inconV to the already manic Monday!

Yan, I missed quite a number of posts and may have miss the cause of his LS. Post if you have time k?

I am now on a mission.. I need to purge my house cos too many things that are not being used for many years, so time to spring clean, as such the date I am comfortable to have the mom &amp; babes play date would probably be Feb1, a Monday.

K stayed awake for whole 14hours in the day yesterday then KOed from 6pm to 7am just now.. only 2.5 feed between and a 50mins fussing cos he cannot fall back to sleep in his room. So I took him back to ours and slept between hb &amp; I for 2 more hrs. Hope his recovered from jet lag now.

HBB, how Edna's rash/eczema? recovered?
RE: Jumperoo
Fracture?!?! Oh dear! It's K's favorite! He even did "Grandma-roo" and "ah-ya-roo" when he is being held by grandma and aunt!

I was just telling hb before he left for work, I intend to install a ring on the ceiling for spring (can be used for Yao-lan or hammock), can also do a self-innovated "Jumperoo", and he said I am being silly

I just check, he's no longer tip-toe at level2, think I better bring it up to 3 later.
I think it's still probably better to put a soft surface underneath for absorbing impact. Joie was tiptoeing yet her jumping was vigorous enough for her to scrap her toes till the skin broke. Like you said, the kid has a marvelous way of bearing the pain, I didn't know until I saw blood in her cot after lifting her out to put her down for nap.
Sam, oh dear.. K alike! his lef 2nd toe tip skin was tore yesterday evening after jumping!! Even when i bath him after that, he din even show any sign of stinging.. He uses the Jumperoo on the carpet.. and the toe where the skin broke was the one on the foot that usually curl like ballerina. My FIL said that is his quick foot, and the one that doesnt curl is the strong foot.. Well, he's coach before, so I guess it makes sense too.
Yan, is Gareth on antibiotics? Julian poo like 5-6 times when he was on antibiotics. I understand how is it to be on nebuliser cos Julian needs to use 4 times a day for 3 days two weeks ago. He keep wriggling so have to use toys to distract him. I din sleep well for almost 3 wks cos he keep waking up due to phlegm and blocked nose. Jiayou! Hope he will get well soon.
morning mummies - 1st work day of the new year! i'm determined to be happier this year than last year.

started bbies on healthy time brown rice yest. hee hee so exciting.

cerelac vs organic - i stood in the supermarket for like 30 minutes reading the labels. the cerelac has other added stuff, like glucose, cows milk. some bbies may be sensitive to this, hence i chose organic.

flu - i had flu evering single night from NYE. did my own countdown in my sleep. now better. stayed away from bbies the whole time, although brought them out shopping in the day time.

jumperoo - oh dear. i was thinking of buying jumperroo last weekend.

discovered this shop called baby boutique at tampines. near the placenta processing shop. they sell all the baby stuff under the sun in their small tiny 2 storey shop. and cheaper than outside.

bot a baby highchair over the weekend. bbies cant sit up yet, but robinsons was having a sale. cannot dont buy.

kim - welcome back from your hol.
Mummies, Happy New Year to all! I was not free during the weekends to log in. Just came in office &amp; face with heavy workload... Gt to clear them before I go on leave. I read through the thread later.

Pinky, sure we can arrange and meet up for shopping.
I wana get those nice headbands for my gal.

Twinkle, u posted previously abt sending yr bb to the clinic at TPY Central for jabs. Is e doc gd w kids? Do they do pnunemoccal jabs?
not 3 days la..i tink abt 8 days.i started givn her llunch/dinner as well since she adapted well to it n my ss was low.but aft cereal...giv milk was atorture! drink so slowly. i mix in fruite or vege puree w e cereal bt today i no strength to heat up anythg so jus giv plain....

edna eczema yoyo...the arms beter for few days...thenast nite seems a bit mre again. n realise her left thumb gt a bit.tat part is tricky...cos she suck tat thumb.cant apply anythg!arghhh
nw i alt btw AI cream n e california cream which foz kindly sared me =) hope it improve

re: stinging wound..
notice edna no reaction aso whn i apply anythg or bath her whn she gt wound(some as big as 10cent coin).guess thr is a certain threshold of pain they cn endure
Thanks for organizing twinkle!

re : JWT trial at UE sq :

1) Twinkle
2) amy03
3) lamagier
4) HBB
5) chiyojade
6) Sheryl
7) kittyng
8) Jes
9) lavendarbear
10) mashy
11) beverly x 2 (Pls block 2 slots)
12) Sherryl(pinklilies)
13) Preciousthots
14) Pprincessbaobei
15) japa

23/01/2010 : -

1) pprincessbaobei
2) preciousthots
3) sleepless

30/01/2010 : -

1) Twinkle
2) HBB
3) Jeslyn
4) Sherryl (pinklilies)
5) Beverly
6) Beverly
7) Chiyojade
8) lamagier
Hope all sick babies get well soon.

Jes, javier feeling ok? Must have really scared you when he wailed...

HBB, feeling better? It's sucky when you are sick and still have to take care of bb alone. Especially when scared will infect bb....

Who's sleepless? TYpo error? Just curious. Cos saw you added sleepless to the jwt trial list,but never seen this nick appear in forum before
hi twinkel - thks for opening up more slots. yep i can go for 30 jan.

ayuki - guess we'll have to meet next time.
bev - will finally get to meet u and twins

re : JWT trial at UE sq :

1) Twinkle
2) amy03
3) lamagier
4) HBB
5) chiyojade
6) Sheryl
7) kittyng
8) Jes
9) lavendarbear
10) mashy
11) beverly x 2 (Pls block 2 slots)
12) Sherryl(pinklilies)
13) Preciousthots
14) Pprincessbaobei
15) japa

23/01/2010 : -

1) pprincessbaobei
2) preciousthots
3) sleepless

30/01/2010 : -

1) Twinkle
2) HBB
3) Jeslyn
4) Sherryl (pinklilies)
5) Beverly
6) Beverly
7) Chiyojade
8) lamagier
9) bestberries
re : JWT trial at UE sq :

1) Twinkle
2) amy03
3) lamagier
4) HBB
5) chiyojade
6) Sheryl
7) kittyng
8) Jes
9) lavendarbear
10) mashy
11) beverly x 2 (Pls block 2 slots)
12) Sherryl(pinklilies)
13) Preciousthots
14) Pprincessbaobei
15) japa

23/01/2010 : -

1) pprincessbaobei
2) preciousthots
3) sleepless
4) mashy

30/01/2010 : -

1) Twinkle
2) HBB
3) Jeslyn
4) Sherryl (pinklilies)
5) Beverly
6) Beverly
7) Chiyojade
8) lamagier
9) bestberries
nw no fever le,last nite sucks.shiver under layers of jackets n quilts.force out e sweat n gt a bit better bt my limbs still numb.duno y.
gastric feel weird too... esp i gt no history of gastric problem

wah 2 pair of twins in class! fun!
re: Hua xia swim
Oh crap. I've been conned. I took my girl to swim at North point on New year day (cos want to let her swim in the big tub &amp; want to be first customer cos know they dun change water). They charge me $4! $3 for swim disper &amp; $1 for the big tub! They other time I went they charge me $5 ~ $2 for the "bubbling" effect, but the jaccuzi bubble thing spoilt when I went on new year day. Very disappointed with their service. Taking my girl to normal swiming pool once she hits 6 mnths

The skinny chinese lady is sucky. I befriended a staff there and she said all the staff have issue with the skinny lady that's why only new staff at North point cos no old staff wanna work with her.

Joanne, Yah, I know veyr long time back they only drain half the water &amp; not all the water in between babies, but so far haven't encountered them rushing me to end the swim yet. I'll bite if they do. THe swim not cheap leh...
i went on new yr day aso!wat time u went? e skinny lad i was v v piss whn she keep KISSING edna! n ehhh they say big tub $2 leh.y urs onli $1! same day lor.... anyway din swim in big tub thou
maybe it's really gastric flu. Will have flu symptoms + stomach problem. First time I had it, I had no idea what it was. THought it was just my normal gastric problem + fatigue from exercise. Best go check with GP if you can find someone to look after edna. Cos gastric flu takes a few days to clear

I went at about 10.30am-11am!!!!
duhz... i was thr leh... hwcome din c u?mayb we miss each other...1 in 1 out...

ya will stash edna somewhrn go doc later...dn wn spread to her
Hope doc will be able to find what's wrong with you. By the way, edna still waking up many times at nite? Manage to guess the reason why she's waking so often?

My little bugger been waking up 3-4times at nite and I can't figure out why. And wants to suckle before will go back to sleep. So tired that I put her in ed with me but she sleeps with her arms wide open and takes up half the bed &amp; tries to grab me when she wants milk. Arg.... I'm dreading complaints from my aunt tmr, after she spends tonite with my monster
HBB, I hope Edna's eczema becomes better too! Did you tell the girl to stop kissing Edna? That day we took a bus and the aunty seated next to me and K (in my bb bjorn) was friendly, and K was even friendlier, he stretched out his hand to touch the lady, so she held his hand, my hb straight away told her not to. Although with a "please" but I still feel pai-seh.. cos it;s not her fault cos it's my son who initiated..
I am one person also quite weak to stop anyone from touching K..

Bestberries, thanks! Hey, I am looking for a high chair, do you have a photo of the one you got and how much you paid?

good morning mummies!
Today still feels like holiday for us since my in laws are in town and my hb is still on leave till end of this week. Gosh he got so many leave to clear although he was already on leave way before xmas. also when Naomi was born, he was on leave for the whole mth.

Hope that all sick babies get well soon.

Yan, sorry I missed your post. anyway you've got the number from twinkle already right? So did you bring him to the PD? Nigel was on nebulizer every other mth since he was 4 or 5mths old. so I end up buy the machine instead of renting it. and you have to remember to coil the long tube nicely, cannot even have slight bend, because the air will flow back into the machine and burn it. I had to go to the service center to replace that, so damn expensive! Dunno y he keeps coughing on and off, somemore he was on tbf. my hb blamed me for bringing him out almost everyday to town. He followed me to exercise session, shopping and lunches. But once he was on nebulizer and got the medication from the PD, he was ok within 5 days. No need to wear the face mask, just put it infront of his nose and distract him by let him watching tv. he is crying because scared of the noise, may be not because of the steam.
So far (touch wood), Naomi never use it. she seems to have stronger immunity than her brother. I feed her steam potato yesterday ard 4pm, then last milk ard 10pm, slept through the night till 6am. so happy.

Kim, welcome back. nice photos. K is soooo cute.

Hbb, hope you get well soon. go see doc already?

Joanne, lucky that time your hb never renew the hwa xia package hor. the diaper policy thingy is so sucks! bring her to my place on weekend la. Naomi swims every other day now. kekekekeke...have you buy the round float with the seat for her? it's very convinient, and she's can enjoy more compare to the neck float, looks very kelian....and when she sits on it, the water can cover till the chest area (because of the body weight). I like to bring her to the big pool so that she can soak more. In the baby pool, she can 'walk' with her float, because the depth is only like 40cm. she seems very happy. I must take picture soon.

Coolkerro, this is the picture of the push around buggy. http://common4.csnimages.com/lf/1/hash/1022/1695195/1/Push+Around+Buggy+in+Pink.jpg
edna wakes up to cry once a nite (duno wats the reason)usualy she cry ard 5am which we suspect mayb hungry? but usualy we ignore her... unless she cry for v long then i will latch her(so far happen once eversince she 'slept thru')
last nite she cry at 3am instead... i jus doze off onli aft my sweat out for the fever. haiz. and when i go check on her(rare) she was throwing tantrums... arms n legs moving furiously! so i siam 1 side n hide instead then she stop
mayb ur girl growth spurt? let her cry for about 15 min 1st n see if she cont... if not then mayb realy ned to drink.
hahaa ya they usualy take up half the bed if not more if they sleep w us.. tat y she is in her cot forever LOL

i stare at my dh n we try to take edna back ...

the other day on mrt a indian lady try to play w edna... she keep doing the kiss on her finger n offer her finger to edna... im quite 'ok' w it since tis their custom... thou not v comfotable w it.. but she keep offering her hp to edna cos she see edna try to take my hp n i dun wan to giv her.
the hp look ehhh dirty.. u know..the sweat n oil fr the earrs.. the saliva fr the mouth
YUCKS.. i keep saying "No edna NO!!" she still offer to edna.. end up i look at her n say dun giv the hp.. dunw an let her play w hp ... and ehh..she still giv... tsk tsk
Oh, guess I gotta be a bit more discipline and let her cry cry a bit more &amp; see if she stops. So far I've been very soft hearted and let her latch after whining for a minute or two. My aunt &amp; uncle are going to be very sleep deprived if this goes one =(
ya need to cry a bit longer
1st few nite sure cry alot one hehe....
at least u care bout ur aunt n uncle sleep.. very good! hehe someppl dun giv a damn cos they feel they r not main caregiver!!!
Hey, lamangier &amp; Hbb, my tim also been waking up more at night *sobsob for me*
started when he was teething - normally he will wake up once or twice for milk at night with eh eh sounds and then dream feed then sleep automatically. Then teething he wakes up about 4 times and we rock him if it is not 3hrs from last milk feed, if not I feed him.

Now teeth have been out for 3 weeks but he is still stuck waking up 4-5times a night from midnight onwards. Driving me nuts!!!!!

It's either he is used to waking up so many times or he is getting used to being unswaddled (stop swaddle for a week) or milk is not enuff and he needs solids which I haven't started yet.

Any tips??
hee i tink he is used to wakin so many times
liek edna.. she is use to napping onli 30 mins isntead of 2 hours! drivignme nuts so todaystart.. training her to b alone for 2.5 hours aft iput her in cot till nxt feed!
she sleep.. wake up.. sleep again...
I thought my girl getting hungry easily, so started her on solids, then realize no use also. Cos start off with only 1 teaspoon of cereal. no impact to her milk intake =p

But i gave 3 teaspoon on the 3rd day (added to much water, so add more cereal to thicken) She puked a bit 2-3 hr after meal. Still wake as many times during the night =p

Think might be possible she's teething that's why pattern change, but can't quite tell
baby_sara, can i put u in waiting list first? cos i'm organising this trial for jul mummies. if anyone decide to backout will reserve the slot for u. hope u understand.

curtis, will add u in.
re : JWT trial at UE sq :

1) Twinkle
2) amy03
3) lamagier
4) HBB
5) chiyojade
6) Sheryl (pending)
7) kittyng (pending)
8) Jes
9) lavendarbear (pending)
10) mashy
11) beverly x 2 (Pls block 2 slots)
12) Sherryl(pinklilies)
13) Preciousthots
14) Pprincessbaobei
15) japa (pending)

23/01/2010 : -

1) pprincessbaobei
2) preciousthots
3) sleepless
4) mashy
5) amy03
6) curtis

30/01/2010 : -

1) Twinkle
2) HBB
3) Jeslyn
4) Sherryl (pinklilies)
5) Beverly
6) Beverly
7) Chiyojade
8) lamagier
9) bestberries

i hope i hv not missed out anyone.
sheryl, yes the clinic do pnunemoccal jabs. $500 for 3 jabs. can use cda account to pay.
my personal experience with the doc not v pro in the sense he cant answer most of my qns. Eg once my boy got v bad rash on his face &amp; ears crack. The doc said is common for babies &amp; didnt give "proper treatment". after a few months cos really v bad that i brought my boy to PD. I havent even told my PD the reason for coming, he immediately told me my boy has eczema.

Another negative point, the clinic dont really do assessment. i requested to measure my boy's weight &amp; he was quite reluctant. height he said no need. :S

i'm considering of bringing my boy to PD coming month for pnunemoccal jabs instead. :p
how r u feeling today?
when u ignore edna when she wakes up to cry, does she escalate to screaming? amanda nowadays screams when she awakes from her sleep even in the day. at night also like that. how to ignore her? she's disturbing the whole house n neighbourhood with her screaming leh.

dun know if i'm seeing if her solid intake is helping her to sleep better now. been feeding her 2 meals - 2 tbsp with 2oz of puree. last meal at abt 7pm over the long weekend. she manage to sleep with occasional stirs (sometimes wake up looking for pacifier) but will go back to sleep very quick after a few rocks. but abt 5am+, will start fidgeting a lot. also trying to delay latching her until she cries very long despite rocking. observing her pattern now.

i realised she's not very interested into milk. drink at most 120ml n stop. gets very angry when i try to force her to take more. but when feed her cereal, she's ok. yesterday she was eyeing on her brother while i was feeding #1. keep looking until like drooling. fed her a bit n surprisingly she took it without stopping. not sure to start her on porridge soon.
bbethan, i think you shld. i gave my boy fish porridge yesterday (3rd day of solid). he was eating so much faster than cereals. gave him 4 soup spoon. :D

btw any mummies know what is the difference between using rice cooker &amp; thermal pot to cook porridge?
Twinkle, noted for the review. I only need my ger to take the 3 in 1 n PNC jabs. I can opt out fr the assessment but not the weight. I am not bringing her to PD coz there r consultation charges plus the q at her PD is always so long.
bbethan im better today.. jsu tat i still gt sore throat, headache, and also numbness in my limbs. duno y... but i survive the morning hahaaaa nw waitin to bath edna.. not much strength to carry this suckling pig.

yes she does scream at nite if we ignore her... i dun care! think 2 nite ago she cry for 30 mins!!! at tis stage both me and my dh tired out by baby liao so we managed to sleep thru it thou dh will check on her secretly. make sure she is ok.
the trick for edna was dun let her see us.. dun even touch her at all.. no sound nothg!! then she will go bk to sleep unless she needs sth like feed or watever. but diff baby giv diff cue.
but since u say u gave solid n she is better
go ahead n try giving solid n see if it maintains so. hope she sleep thru soon!!!
edna gt the bad habit of 1 cry at least.. super sian one! cant imaigne nxt mth when wemove her to her own room manz

i am wondering if im overfeeding her
i giv her 2tbsp of happy bellies plus puree(estimate amt about 1 ice cube) then 150 of milk aft tat. she gt prob finishingtake 868162864 hours to fin lor.. mornin 1st feed i giv 200ml w the cereal... is it too much?? cos she is realy like a pig now.. and drink milk so slowly!

no diff one jus a matter of hot fast or slow
so fast u giv fish liaoah! good manz u haaa
edna fin her happy bellies liao.. 8 days 1 tin.. im gg broke!!!!
