(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs


i bought the pearl powder from medical hall. no brand one. it really pearl and they blend into powder. oh have to take good care of ariel ya
ji feng shan got contain pearl too

ya i dun like the smell of the similar, too fishy. i also try before friso, nestle nan and enfaclac. in the end she only want enfalac. maybe you can ask your PD advise before you change the fm.

my charloote tml turn 5 month but now she is like a fat girl. everybody say that her hand look like lotus. faintzzz.

my mum give my girl drink porridge water so that can keep her strong, not easily fall sick.

Joie still on Nan 1 atm. She has a 2-go habit when drinking her milk, always leaves me 30-50ml in her 180ml feed, maybe milk not that warm anymore or something, will finish the rest of the bottle when the milk is warmed up. I might experiment with the FM again, come 7 months, cos the content will be slightly different to aid digestion and compliment the solid diet. Got Friso 2, and Similac 2 sample cans in my cupboards. Similac, now has the more obvious smell of soy-based formula with the new probiotic/prebiotic ingredients, if I remembered right, Joie didn't care much for strong soy-based formula, drinks but rather not finish if she can help it.
i took gareth to the clinic today as he was coughin last nite and kept waking up.. guess wat.. got viral infection manz!!! dun knw where he get frm la..haiz.. but my pd advises those wif babies dont go out too much lately coz he admitted a few babies recently due to this viral infection. So i think best to stay indoors for now till he gets better.. haiz.. i hate feeding him medicine coz its like feeding him poison, very very difficult
last week whn i brot edna to pd...pd aso she she viral infection.... weird ritye.anyway zyrtec din work for her tsktsk....end up today go tuina...sinseh say gt a bit phlegm... tt y nose aso block.throat alot of phlegm stuck thr.... haiz
viral infection?!?! what's the symptom? my boys having runny nose and the elder one started to cough 2 weeks ago......brought him to see doctor and got the nose drop but no improvement.
the barley drink u gif to Joie..is it those that we normally cook for adults to drink.. or special ones tats for bbs??

Javier went for his first swim in a public pool ytd.. he seemed a lil scared in the pool at first.. den suddenly it rained.. n we waited till the rain stopped n went in again.. aft some time, den he gt used to the water n start kicking a lil.. hahaa.. anw, HBB, does edna chew on the float?.. cos Jav chews on the float somehw.. i dono hw he manage to do it.. but each time i look at him, i'll see him chewin on it.. -.-
i duno hw they defien viral infection
edna onli hav sore throat n block nose also say is viral infection!!!

edna no chance to chew cos the neck float is below her chin LOL
Same ones, didn't know there's like special ones. There's like 2 kinds of barley, the small one and the bigger one (from China). The small one not very liang, so not very effective. The bigger one from China takes longer to 'open' when you boil it, but more potent. Once you see the barley open up, can stop the fire, and pour out, otherwise boil too long become clumpy/heaty. Only difference is baby one don't add sugar that's all.
cough is one of the symtom coz tats the main reason y i brought him to the pd today as he have prob sleeping oredi. vomitting n LS is also another symtom. phelgm n running nose too.. tats y i was given 4 kinds of med.. very hard to feed.. but i think he told me the main symtom to look out for is the cough, fever, runny nose n LS..

sore throat is a form of viral infection thus the need for antibiotics.. but the tummy ones r the more serious form of viral infection esp if it gets to the fever stage..
oh edna wasnt even on antibiotics leh
tat y i say weird!!!!
he onli gave her zyrtec for her nose thats all!!!! anyway it din work on her...
ya i alwasy tot get fever then mayb hav viral infection so its not true =(
mayb edna inflammation not tat bad yet so nev put her on antibiotics ba.. oso gd la coz so small on antibiotics is no gd de...

have u tried happy bellies yet? i bought happy bellies brown rice n also babynat fruit cereal today after the clinic
edna been eatin happy bellies ... yet to start on healthy times.
initialy mix w bm.. thne v v runny that i gt problem feedin my octupus! nw i onli use water to mix...texture is thick.easier for me to feed n i see she cn swallow so i jus let it b =p
if mix bm...i scream at her alot to stay still...dn move...open mouth! take like half hr to feed... mix w water... 10mIn can fin 2TBSP!
talkin bout antibiotic
i was told bb or toddler cn onli take max 3 cycle of anti biotics a yr...u girls might wn take note
Re : JWT Trial at UE sq

Was being told that the in-charge is currently on leave till sat (2/1/10) so the earliest he can only get back to me is SAT. Sorry for keeping you all mummies for waiting.....
HBB, how do you store the cereals? in air tight container under room temperature or in fridge after opening? went vitakids today & was told to keep in the fridge after opening so that can maintain the freshness. is it so?

or any mummies doing that?

btw what's the difference between brown rice & oats cereals? which one is better to start off with?
as usual, she woke up several times last night. refused to stay in yaolan. carried her out n latch, she doesn't want. put her on bed, she cried even louder. fed up, i put her back in yaolan n she fell asleep. dun know what she wants. for her, i'm sure it's not due to solids. she's already on solids n yest evening, i fed her 150ml milk followed by 2 tbsp of cereal + sweet potatoes. then ard midnight, i still give her FM. she's definitely full. i believe it has become a habit.

zyrtec is a v mild medicine for running nose. my PD was telling me he only gives that for running/blocked nose. will not give any other med for cough, etc as med doesn't really work well on babies. but if there's fever developing n disturbing sleep v badly, got to watch out. cos most of the time it leads to bronchitis n neubiliser is the best solution to treat.

bm very strange hor?? dun understand why cereal becomes v watery after stiring n stiring. but once mix with FM or water, the texture is totally different.

normally ppl will start off with rice, oats then multigrains. oats more difficult to digest i think. i'm storing my cereal in air tight container.
babies start off wif white or brown rice cereals. oat cereals are for slightly older.. even thou it says ok to start at 6mths for oats i rather hold it abit till prob 8mths..
jes, are u using the neck float? if he can chew, meaning he's sinking le...I mean you should tighten more on the neck side. I start to use the round float with the seat. kekeke..naomi cried because the water was too cold I think and the kor kor splashing water to her.

TJE. Bring her to my PD la. at paragon, then can shop...hehehe...btw. you want to send her to St james. She will travel 1day 1 night to get to Holland from your place le...move to Holland la...kekeke...
Btw, I bought Naomi a little tikes push buggy...heee...so cute. she can sit already
ehhh which one u bot? i gt e happy bellies one already in tin form so i din put in fridge or anoter container.bt if its those box one debn i will put in air tight container.

ya lor weird lor.... tt y decided put water instead hahaa

ya lo med dn work on bb...so nw tink i prefer tuina... so tiredlast nitesuddenly achin all over till cant slp...n edna wake up so early!
urg, my silly girl last night also decided she wants to wake a few times. Not sure if it was cos too hot and humid. On the air-con then she managed to sleep longer. Cry cry, whine whine, suckle a bit then go back to sleep. Repeated 3-4 times. Sigh. Not sure if she did take enough milk to add up to her normal feed. Today brain cannot move liao.... lack of sleep.

HB, I think lack sleep = milk drop. Been taking bb home these few days so been sleeping later & sleep less, and my milk ss also drop
when u add water, do u still give same amt of milk or reduce?

lack of sleep sure result in milk drop. i've been sleeping 3-4hrs a night only. initially drop but once body got used to it, it regulates back again.
lamagier...i aso tinkin if i lack of slp...which i tink mayb nt leh..stilll fig out y i so tired haha
deide to giv edna her feed early today...scare she growth spurt.... end up she take her own sweet time to drink! arghhhh
HBB, thanks for sharing abt the antibiotics. My boy was on medication for almost 3 weeks and was given 2 cycle of antibiotics. The worst part is last wk, PD diagnose that he had bronchitis and needs to use neubiliser for 3 days.. Haiz! Wonder when will he recover.

He is already 5mths and I have yet to go for his 4th mth and yet to go for his 5in1 jab and rotavirus. Keep postponing cos he is still not well.
tinklebellx...oh dear..hope ur boy recover soon. he cough for v long?

bbethan... ehhh... usualy her 1st feed is 240ml. nw i giv 2tbsp cereal..add water then get quite abit )happy bellies brand) so i giv her 200ml milk.
it need quite a bit of water to get e cereal wet...i tryin to ration my milk so i reduce abit
etirto - i bot the little tikes buggy too x 2. but my bbies still cant sit up by themselves, have to use cloth and cushion to 'tie' them to the seat. haha so funny looking. so far i think the bbies love driving. ur bb can drive by herself ?

wish all mummies and bbies good health in coming new year. i feel a sore throat coming now... hope it clears by tomoro.
yes i stay at Hotel Maya ... it was good.. In fact tis is our 2nd stay thr.. considered a return stay as we purposely go to KL for the sake of Maya. we had a deluxe suite... big n spacious! we r lookin fwd to gg again nxt yr =p

if u plan to go ard KL.. then dun waste money on maya.. cos u will keep tinking of gg bk to hotel and gg nowhere else haaaaa
Hi ladies! I'm new 2 this thread. My daughter is also a July baby. Hope can get some advice n share with you all.

M planning 2 start my dd on solids nxt mth. I m a sotong mum that needs advice ;) Is it start with white rice cereal then progress onto brown rice cereal? I hv seen some boxes with oat barley cereal. That's not the same as white rice cereal, rite?

Yan, does yr child still hv LS? I juz wanted 2 share dat my dd also had a bout of LS n runny nose. PD said it was viral as well. He gave some probiotics 2 restore her gut. Her LS was very lil each time but watery. She normally poops once a day but she was going almost every 4hrly. She was still active so PD said no problem BUT her LS caused a bad diaper rash. PD said LS tends 2 b acidic n can eat the skin. Even tho we changed diapers frequently, she still had rash. The rash got so bad it became a fungal infection. Dd was very distressed each time we changed her diapers cos it was probably painful n sore. Her slp became really bad @ nite. screaming n crying. It was a tough week! So I juz wanted 2 say juz watch the buttock area n go diaper-less if u can so that no diaper rash occurs.
You got add cereal to milk before giving cereal alone or directly move on to cereal by itself? Was thinking directly give cereal to minrui when I start, but seeing kim and some other mummies mention they started off the solid by adding a bit of cereal to milk.

How much did you pay for the Maya deluxe suit? I'm so tempted to go too seeing how your pics. Edna seems to have so much fun. My fren asking me to go redang in Feb... Now wondering if minrui can tahan 10hour bus ride or not....
HBB: we just want to go there and chill out. Not too keen on going around KL with Ally and Max. The kids would prefer to stay in the hotel and swim I think. Might consider booking a room there,think they're having some promo till next year.
no i did not add to milk.. becos i dun wan to make edna tink she can hav the bottle forever.
in fact im gg to make her try drinkin from straw soon. so tat by 1 yr old i can say bye bye to teats n bottles

ehh my dh paid for the hotel.. i tink quite cheap onli... gt promotion i tink. u can check out the webby for promotion too
if u wan i ask my dh check if he can book for u then u go.. nt sure the promo he got ends when thou

hmm 10 hours of ride.. if carry i tink most bb r ok w it.. but considering need diaper chg n etc.. madnes smanz.. and i tell u by time u carry her tillr edang u prob too tired to enjoy... i was shack out by the KL trip cos i carry her in the car most of the time(6hours?? while we go out)... the other 18 hours we spent in hotel LOL
then i tink maya is perfect place to go hahaa.. but the pool not that deep thou so adult who swim might find it not nice. jus bring floats along for the kids =)
oh ya.. breakfast n supper is included!!!
Yan & HBB
From my experience, pd will usually use viral infection if bb r sick... it happens on my #1. They will try to prescribe medication n give antibiotics if necessary. If its too serious, e medication dont cure, serious symptoms occur, thn they will hve to do lab test n all to determine which virus. Usually when they do such testing means its quite serious n may lead to admission. My #1 has history of hospital stay since birth... praying its not the same for ariel.

Pinky, my gal is also veri chubby. she is super round... faint! hope she doesnt remain this size when she grows up. she is abt 7.5 kg lo. whats the weight of yr gal?
ur ariel is a healthy lil girl!
dun worry hehe.. jus gotta watch out for the food she eat.. environment she is exposed to n etc...

sad to say edna is on my "everythg must ask mummy" list now.. cos she inherited her daddy sensitive nose which the sinseh say will trigger off cold n flu easily. so i need to b more kiasee which some mummies/friends tink im too extreme. i wish i can let her rug it out (still doing a bit of rug out hehe) completely... but tough... haiz
Thanks for the offer. But I prob not going KL so soon if going redang. Need to go apply passport for bb soon.

An ang mo friend took her then 1 year old to redang with me in April last year. Her 1 year old sat like a little doll in her car seat in the coach. Slept almost uninterrupted thru the nite and was pretty much knock out on the way back. Mummy's perfect little traveller. Hopefully minrui will be like that too. keep my fingers crossed
lai lai,
wow your gal also round round hor

my gal last 3 week weight about 8.2kg and her height is 67cm

mummies, my PD dun encourge to give antibotic unless is very serious. babies below one year old is not encourge to give antibotic

Lai lai,

do you notice which colour is your ariel like? my gal like red colour
Pinky, I have yet to check her height le. My mum brought her e other time round but she forgot her height. shld tke measuring tape n measure. How do you know what colour yr gal prefers?

HBB, thanks. Now with #2, I am more careful n knowledgable on how to handle bb. hope she will be strong strong, better dont follow kor kor steps. Still gt to bring #1 to PD next wk to check on his balloon in the tummy. Hope it has vanished...

Its fine that you r acting like this. better play safe than sorry. U r e mummy... I believe what you do will be the best for Edna.

Mummies, I am so bored. So much work in office, but totally no mood.
lai lai,

same same here, many work too due to long weekend.

i bought charlotte some toy with differnt color and shape so i place all the toy in the mat when she always flip around. when she saw the toys, she will flip over there and take the toy that she like, always is the red one with a ball bell inside the toy.
My Lil XR is teething. Grandma can feel her teeth bud at the gums..

This morning she woke up at 6am and couldn't fall back to sleep till 9am..

I think i'm getting teething nightmares soon..
thx for the tip.. yes LS is acidic tats y wen we adults get LS we oso feel the stinging pain arnd our butt!!! sorry hor so descriptive abt it.. heeheheheh.. but cant go wifout diaper la.. my bed is jst 1yr old new!! cant let him ruin it wif his poo... anyhow, my pd said to b careful lately coz he admitted a few babies tis couple of days due to the same virus so its not a gd sign.. told us to stay home as much as possible.. haiz.. festive season stay home.. heck..
Lamagier & Pinky....guess e 3 of us will be posting often here for today. haha! trying to force myself to focus n clear e load.

Pinky i will try your method n see which colour she likes.

Yan, no choice gt to stay home for bb sake. May not be a bad idea after all since it be super crowded outside now during the festive season. Now during lunch time, the malls r so crowded still... tink lots of ppl on leave. Thn in e morning, e train so empty. Envy envy!

Mi thinking where to go during the coming weekend. Bt w 2 kids, e places aso restricted. hee! ;p
