(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

robinson have sales again. today and tml till 11pm. bouncer selling at $59.90...

Lailai, where you work? i work at bugis area
today very crowded. hee i monday on leave stay company with my gal, by the way she is my first child

lamagier/hbb, is redang nearer to us then KL, or KL nearer? can drive there?
I brought doodle pro and some coloring stuff for my boy when we were on driving trip. otherwise he can't possibly sit still on his car seat more than 1 hour. I remember during our flight (only) to Jakarta about 1 hour, he refused to sit down and keep walking around. (he was about 12mths).

Isetan having 25% rebate for HSBC. Darn I don't have
HBB, PD said he got 2nd viral attack... by right flu and cough should be better within a week.. think cos my mum and hb also sick so think virus spreading around.. lucky his lungs is cleared now but still on medication..

Pinky, have u seen how the bouncer looks? frm Robinsons website, the size of the bouncer seems small leh.
KL nearer, about 5-6hr drive.
Redang in Terengganu, takes about 10hours. So best to take coach or to take plane (but a 3 day trip cost about $300 by coach, double the price if take plane). Can also consider Pulau Perhentien if going Terengganu. Beaches there pretty nice too. Quite a few good dive sites

Important note is malaysia islands gets strong currents during monsoon season. Some resorts do not operate during monsoon season. So if wanna go, best between late March to early Aug.
bbethan/yan, thanks for advise. lucky i didnt buy oats & multigrain. the vitakids staff actually recommend me the organix banana cereals since the box stated can start from 4th mth. but i prefer something plain first.

hbb, i bought nestle (cold storage) & happy bellies (vitakids). there i was told by the vitakids staff to put to fridge once opening. i was there pondering .... "sure anot?"
so come in to check with you.. :p
bbethan/pinky, feel so demoralized.
today changed to feed Mia with carrot puree.
mouth never auto open when spoon is near, unlike yrs! after 1 - 2 mouth, still continue scream and make so much noise. pear sour she dun want, carrot sweet right, how come still like that?
feed her brown rice cereal she also like that.
i already try feeding her solids at 5.30pm before her 6pm milk feed.

re JWT Trial:
Twinkle, any more vacancies for the 16/Jan? would like to bring Mia to join if there is..tks
you have to be patient. She need time to get use the fruits. My at first also like. So my mum told be have to be patient, one day she will open her mouth to eat the puree

any mummies enrol shichida method for this coming jan 10?
try again another day. my gal dislikes apple. after feeding her for a wk, i stopped n reintroduce to her over weekend. takes it much better this time.

now she screams when we try to feed her water. end up i got to buy the pigeon bottle with a spoon type to feed her water. but still v unhappy when we give her water esp when not taking solids.

do u all find yr babies bowel movement change after intro solids (in terms of timing). last time she doesn't poo in the middle of night when sleeping. but recently she does it. sometimes i didn't realise it until next morning. all dried up n squashed. last night, i carried her n smelt it. quickly changed her n she was screaming away with her eyes closed. if continues like that, v easy to get diaper rash. no wonder she was screaming away last night.

my girl will poo in the very early morning, when she wake up, she will keep quiet when she poo, but after poo she will scream for us to wipe it for her. One day she can poo two times. one at morning and one in the late afternoon.

japa, you are welcome
bbethan, i change the food i feed her every 2-3 days. till now she only tried rice cereal, pear and carrot. will try carrot again tomorrow before moving on to sweet potato on fri.
Mia loves water! just like her daddy i guess. in fact i keep worrying that my MIL will feed her too much water.

pinky, my gal will make noise when she pooing. then after she poo, she will be very quiet! haha...opp from yrs.
not sure if it's due to the timing of the feed. i fed her at 6/7pm. morale of story is don't feed too close to sleeping time?
i see.. thanks for the info!..=)

but he doesnt seem to b sinking leh.. he will jus purposely try to push his neck downwards n chew on it.. haha.. i tighten till the last part of the float liao.. cant go anymore..hahaa.. is his neck small or wad?..hmmm..

aft starting on puree.. Jav starts to poo more n more.. haha.. dere was tis time poo oni once in 4-5 days..recently hes back to pooing like everyday 2 times or so..
jes, mummies, where u all buy the swimwear for yr babies? buy the thermal type or usual ones? any brands in particular?
want to buy this fri and bring Mia to swim on sat!
then just buy the swimming disposable diapers right?
i jus bought those normal whole pc swimwear for Jav.. Kiddy Palace sells..Tom&Stefanie.. united Kids.. Mothercare(but too ex,nt worth the price cos e other places can sell same things for much lesser).. even downtown east.. hee.. i din buy disposable diapers but the reusable one from mothercare(which for this,is better frm mothercare as the others frm other places nt as gd..the 1 i bot can wear frm birth till 3 yrs..)..hahahaa..
HBB, thx 4 the welcome. I applied Desitin like war paint on her! haha

Yan, a fren taught me 2 buy those disposable blue mats fr pharmacy n that's wat I did. Laid it on cot/bed then put bb diaper-less on it then air the butt ;)
But if yours no rash then no need 2 air lah.

Sheryl, my dd also 7+kg! Chubby wubby.

Didn't realise there's a bug going round.....
hi mummies,

check with you all, my girl hasn't pooed for about 2 days. She is on 3/4 BM, 1/4 FM. Is that normal? What can I give her to make her less constipated? Can I give her papaya or glucose water?
haha war paint! hahahaaa hope ur girl rashes get better soon

ya KL is nearer

edna poo same friquency (once a day) sometimes twice. but now the poo start to stink big time! arghhh.. and its not as watery le.. now more like paste.. can see she got prob passing motion LOL cos she will gek.... LOL
quite a funnysight.. but since its still soft stool not constipated not a problem but i tryign to feed her more water now.

oic.. then in tat case i shall fridge mine too! thanx for the input!!
btw im not gg to feed edna w nestle cereal =p

oh dear.. hope ur bb get well soon
poohbear.. no need worry for now.. monitor a few more days (max 5 days) if she poo then ok.. chk her stools see if its hard or soft.. if soft then its not constipation.. if its hard then u prob need to giv stuf flike more water or prune juice or sth =)
normal for babies to go wifout poo for up to 5 days if still on bm.. no worries as long as wen her next poo u see is the same as b4 and not hard.

thanks for the tip.. so far fingers cross no diaper rash but he still poo out bit by bit as u mention 3 times today but its those watery yellowish type.. getting worried if he will get dehydrated if he goes on tis way. he oso cant drink as much milk oredi coz like lost of appetite.

carrots have some sweetness but it also have the raw taste of veg so some babies not receptive to it. u may wan to try bananas and avocados which gareth receives it quite well..
oredi gone to the pd yesterday.. now on med.. think its the med tat is makin him lost of appetite.. if he go on wif the LS pd advise to change to soy milk temporarily till he gets better but seriously i dun think he will drink a drop of tat stuff coz it taste horrible!!! now im diluting his milk coz pd told me dun give the normal amt as it will make his LS worse.. he practically drinkin water now.. i putting in only 5 scoops of wakodo fm to 160ml of water..
ya likely to b the med make him lose appetite.. wait anotehr 2 days n see how
hope he get better soon..
anyway hw long is he on wakudo liaoz?
talking bout formula
i have decided to go buy a tin of fm tomolo... and giv edna 1 feed formula a day until i have enuff supply to TBF her again... i shall not give up!!
gt a darn feelign she is not drinking enuff tat y now she refuse to nap longer in day time!
Re: viral infection
Cough, block/runny nose….then I have viral infection too! I got it from hb and pass it to my boys….sigh
My elder one been coughing for 2 weeks…not sure if I should bring him to see doctor since it is getting worse. but feel so sian to bring him to KKH coz everytime got to make appt and wait. if go to A&E, can only see medical officer…..looking for good pd near my place….

HBB, huh…so can only take max 3 cycle of antibiotics hor….I didn’t know at all! Must really take note coz my elder one took a 14-day course earlier….very “siong” liao.

Yan, ya…soy milk tastes horrible! Doctor recommended soy milk for my boys last time when they had diarrhea and they became constipated after that.

BTW, HBB, which fm u going to get?
Re: avocado
going to let my boys try tomorrow. I remember kim posted something about how to prepare this but not sure about storage. can we keep it in the fridge/freezer and how? will cause wind or not?
avocados cannot be stored at all.. mst make n consume immediate as it will turn brown in colour.. think better bring ur boy to see doc soon coz like my pd says lately the virus goin round is quite bad.. wa soy will make them constipated at the end!!! so LS cure but constipation!! tis kind of ting oso got trade off ar.. i oso dun wish to start on soy unless it gets real terrible his LS coz i really dun think he will drink it..

he on wakodo for 2 mths i think.. but not fully on it.. like 1-2 feeds a day max as im still bf..
i gt dumex gold or wat ever at hm...brand new unopen. bt i intend giv edna goat's milk so gotta buy.abit too late nw to ask for samples.too last min... anyone wan swop my dumex w karihome?
Have u tried rice cereal, applesauce and banana to reduce LS? BRAT (banana, rice, applesauce, toast) are supposedly good to reduce LS, although some say that banana will induce phlegm... Also, plain yogurt if the child is on antibiotics, but since our kids are so young, chk wif ped if it's ok to give yogurt at this stage. Ooh, standby a bottle of electrolyte solution (eg Pedialyte) if LS alot to replenish the fluid. Hope all the kiddos feel better soon!
Hoilday fatigue? My ss also dipped. now just enough for my girl, no extra to store =(. And cos fridge too small, only can store about 50 packets, lasat her for a few days only. Scare not enough, have to emergency go buy FM and if she don't wanna take FM, I can go bang head on wall liao.

Half day today =)

Husband getting annoyed with me cos I told him I got issues with bb getting over-stimulated everytime got to his parents for dinner (bb will have trouble sleeping) and i got mil issues. Get a feeling he's going to blow up at me soon. SIgh. It's either I keep it to myself and I blow up or I communicate with him, he keeps it in and he blows up.... Feel like taking bb and hiding under a rock...

Thanks for the advise. Baby C finally pooped this morning!
Alot and very smelly! Think she decided that she don't wanna store her poo into the New Year....hahahahaha
so nice... me working full day today. doing year end closing. hopes tmrw don't hv to work.

vent here loh... no point venting to the man. tell him once n if he doesn't take any action, leave it till he sees it for himself. no point quarrelling n end up straining relationship with no solutions to whatever problem.
hb & sil knows I go on SMH, don't know if they come in here to read or not. Afraid vent here, they read & got tell mil, strain relationship. As the chinese say, later "yue miao yue hei".

The husband won't pick up on stuff like overstimulation cos I'm the one researching on taking care of bb & I'm the one putting bb to sleep.... he has the perception that bb directly moves on to fish porridge when starts solids.... hahaha...
And it's his mother, he's used to whatever she does, don't find anything wrong so he will just think I'm picking on his mother
oh oh... i see. fully understand. *hug hug*
change another nick n vent... LOL

my gal also gets overstimulated whenever we go my parents' place or go out. sometimes before sleep at home, she also play too wild with her brother. sometimes she ends up having difficulties to sleep. nowadays i try to have a period of quiet wind down time before she sleeps if she gets too wild before that. not sure if minrui uses pacifier. whenever i picked up signs that she's tired n yet overstimulated, i give her the pacifer n start the wind down session immediately... can manage to delay for half an hr before putting her to sleep. that way, she settles into sleep much better.
been reading n trying to catch up!

re: introducing fm
I'm now still doing tbf n intending to introduce fm after Darius turn 6mths old cuz supply alreadi not enuff n been using my frozen supply
but was wondering hw Darius can cope when at 6mths am going to intro both solids n fm to him
dad was saying not to intro fm for 6mthd n above immediately
instead he say buy a tin of for below 6mths den slowly change to above 6mths fm
any idea? I know enfalac a+ is suitable till 12mths but not sure will affect dem in anyway?
Hum, maybe I try get minrui a nuk pacifier and see if she takes it. She spits the avent one away... Am resistant to introducing pacifier, but the way she behaves when over-stimulated makes me feel it's good gor her to have pacifier.

When tired & over-stimulated, she gets really angsty, shakes her head and sucks her fist angrily. Only quiets down when latch and repeat all over when I unlatch her. Takes at least 2-3hour before she's calm enough to fall asleep.

I was her pacifier for the whole of Tue nite after she came back from dinner from my pil (they keep playing with her from 7.30-8.30pm, bring out lotsa noisy toys, mil keep rubbing her cheeks and play peek-a-boo). and she woke multiple times in the nite so no rest for me
lamagier- just change nick. no need to re-intro yourself. we'll know its you if we see weird name popping up ;p hang in there k ? i got lotsa issues too. all no solution kind.

bug - geez, i'm coughing and fluey. last night i slept in separate room from bbies cos scared spread to them. darn the bug.

hbb - why nestle cereal not so good ? its commercial and more economical than those organic bb stuff. having said that, i'll still feed my bbies organic stuff till pocket got hole. gg to shop for cereals today, haha, so excited abt starting solids
need to buy fancy bowl to match my fancy spoon

me half day today. kns got landed with 1 new matter have to reply by today. kns kns.

I dun mind storing some Mamil Gold 1 or 2 at home since my gal is on it.. and recently feeds FM once a day, as these 2 days she wakes up mid of night due to teething pain i guess..

If you are keen to let go your mamil gold drop me a PM
eh we trade in cash?
change nick also no use, still can identify... forum display both user name and nick name. the name in brackets cannot change one... like TJE's fattyg.
good morning mummies

Happy new year 2010 in advance

haizz today work full day and my hb work 1/2 day onli.

lamagier, you are already a good dil, me worse. i think my mil have already never see my gal for 4month. only my fil come to my house visit my gal onli. i dun bring my gal go up because the house got dog and the dog hair is everywhere in the house and my mil two week mop and clean the house once. my husband know her mother charater and i told him that i will never bring my gal go up, the house is dirty and bah bah bah... so he agree with me and he never once request me to go up also. anyway my advise is if he dun bother then you also act blur and do your own way that you feel that is right. you must stay happy and cheerful ok

mummies i will be selling bento box, bowl, spoon fork ( hello kitty, my melody, keropi, japan doll and bear.)will be launing the webpage once ready. all are import from japan

dun KNS lah keke me full day leh.. like Bbethan, have closing to do.. boss on leave so i got to stand in to make sure he gets his figures by end of today loh..

Anyway mummies, u started flashcard for your child?

I wanted to do so cos my #1 didn't go thru flashcard so wanted to let my #2 try.. where to find good content for flashcard?

we print them on A4 paper stick the words on those cards that we get bookstore? I don't know how to go about it... pls advise...

these days as #2 can sit longer in her walker, i begin reading story to her as well when i read to #1... she likes the colourful pictures and tries to grab the book .. which makes her Jie Jie so frighten that her lil sis will tear her book..

Totally a love-hate relationship btw them..
dun think there's any difference. stage 2 fm are richer in nutrients to meet their increasing needs... that's all. that's what abbott staff told me. but if u think bb cannot adapt well, it's also ok to start off stage 1 n gradually intro stage 2 milk.

just ensure she doesn't get over reliant on it.
my gal seems to be a bit addicted to it at times. but no choice for me cos i dun want to be her pacifier. trying to wean her off from latching. always end up she vomits cos overfeed n family policy is no-cry out policy.

u can google for free flashcard templates. yes... just print out, fold n stick on A5 cards. if u want some A5 cards, i can sell some to you. i've a lot leftover. no time to do n flash.

Thanks bbethan. haiz, now dilema is to let he have pacifier or not.

haha, my nephew also dun quite like his sister. last sat he kept kissing my girl. Walk around, come back and kiss. Asked him why he never kiss his own mei-mei, he thought for a while & said "becos she not nice"
