(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

WHOAMMM!!! so sleepy @work fr 2pm 'til now!!! trying sooo hard to open my eyes.. (- _ ^)

my sis teach me to put unripe avocado on top of the rice (uncooked one) for few days.

when u mixed the fruit puree w/ cereal, u did it on the 1st try or u fed joie on the fruit puree itself first for few days? cos' i'm thinking to mixed vege puree w/ cereal.. hv u given joie vege puree?

ex but reasonable since got probiotics n dha. earth best ones are already $8+ and it's a small pack.

i remember seeing happy bellies cereal (but cannot remember if white rice or brown rice) at simei ntuc before among the organic section. maybe i shd go down there to see if they still sell there.

i normally warm up the puree, then warm up ebm n mix it with cereal. will scoop the puree beside the cereal n scoop a bit of both into 1 spoon for her to eat.

the workshop sounds interesting.
Re: Ripening unripe fruits

if i have an unripe fruit like pear/ avo, u can try wraping it in a plastic bag with an apple.

and leave it on the table top.. the frutis wil ripen within a few days.. always work for me

I think wrap with bananas might work too.. but i have not try it.
"If your fruit is not ripe and ready to eat and you want to hasten the ripening process, it's really easy to do. Just place the fruit (peaches, plums, nectarines or kiwifruit) in a paper bag out of direct sunlight and at room temperature. (Be sure to keep the bag and its contents dry.) Fold the top of the bag over so it's closed. If you want to speed up the process, just place an apple or a banana inside the bag with the other fruit. Be sure to check the fruit daily to be sure to not over-ripen. The natural ethylene produced by the fruit inside this bag will cause the fruit to ripen faster than by just setting it on a counter or leaving it in your refrigerator. You can tell that the fruit is ripe if it yields to gentle palm pressure. Once the fruit is ripe you can place it in your refrigerator..."

linsu, Jes
I usually warm up the puree first, abt 1oz. 1st try of the veg/fruit, I give her straight to try (of cos I taste myself first lar), if she grimace a little, then I make cereal to go with it. Things that are a bit tart like steamed apple/pear, usually I give with cereal. Pumpkin, I give as it is cos got enough flavour, not overly. I tried pumpkin with a bit of beetroot, she also lap it up. So far it's once a day probably a late lunch/brekkie kind of thing. give her some time to work up her digestive system to 2 times a day, say 4 wks from when I first start.
bbethan, i bought the earth's best one too. Thinking of trying the white rice first cox happybellies dun hav white rice cereal. Then moving on to brown rice...

Any ideas where else sell bb food apart from vitakids?
most of those organic shops sell.
there's one at tanglin mall, carrefour suntec, great world city. but usually they sell more ex than supermarket. think for now Healthy times is the easiest to get.
bbethan, can i check with you about making the cereal, i shd warm the bm first then mix with the cereal right or heat both of them together?
Alright thanks bbethan. How often are you feeding amanda with cereal nw? Cox my boy is still drinking at 3hrs interval now...wonder how to squeeze in the time for cereal. Hav tried stretching his milk intake to 4hrs but he jus can't take the increased amt of milk
Feeding her twice a day. Once in the late morning/early afternoon n once in the evening. so far i only give her 1 tbsp of cereal w fruits/veg puree. tried increasing to 2 tbsp but she cannot finish. i follow her usual routine... 150ml every 3.5hr/4hrs. during those 2 feeds, will pour out a bit to mix w cereal. after finish, will let her rest for half n hour n let her finish the remaining milk.

maybe u can try to feed him the cereal and then milk during his usual feeding time n see if can drag the next feeding time to 3.5 or 4hrs.

I just started on solids(once a day) and my bb doesn't poo every day now.
I also notice my supply is less. I want to stop in Jan, so can I ask how to stop breastfeeding? If I feed less and less, will my supply just decrease? After all, breasts will be engorged, right? I notice supply is less because last time, when I don't feed for 6h, breast is so swollen and hard, but now it's full, but not unbearable....
Re : JWT Trial at UE sq

Called the in-charge earlier & was told he will definately get back to me on the details by end of the day. Till now i still yet hear from him. Sigh. Guess holidays mood for him? will check with him again on Monday if i still rec no reply. Shall update again.
Morning mummies,

Wishing all in advance Merry christmas

Have a wonderful christmas eve dinner tonight..

May all the kids enjoy their 1st christmas and have wonderful pressies
Hee i about to ask how come no body here and sunsweet appear

yea Merry Xmas to all!!
May Santa visit us all!!!!

gg to roast my birds now!!

U roasting turkey? or chix? keke

it's a cool, rainy christmas eve to being with.. how i wish i'm sunggling in my bed in this nice cool weather..

wah... drool...

u having a big party?

Me waiting for my mummy's roast chix tonight.. my fav christmas dish.. :p

Hopes she remembers to pop in some potatoes
tis yr no party at my pl cos too many clean up .. n my hse is v messy lol
gg frend hse tonite

tml gg my mum's
my family lookin fwd to e chicken which i onli do once a yr

yes potatos! yummmm
ok i gg to chop e stuffin le...
enjoy yeah!
Blessed Christmas to all!!

Kitty - the Ferrari carseat is $239 for members. Dint do comparison w other models, just went ahead to buy cos it looks good, is well padded, n can be rear facing too. Will upgrade Matt to new carseat soon when he outgrows current capsule carseat.

PNC jab - paid $165 at marine parade polyclinic (singhealth) Used medisave
but need to pay $3 "admin".
There's a PD on 4th lvl eastshore tt charges v reasonable rates for jabs n consultation. $30 for repeat, $50/60 for 1st visit. Brought Matt there when he was sick. Clinic is not crowded n can see doc v quickly.

Healthy times brown rice - I started with this cos never buy white rice cereal :p so far Matt is ok, no signs of heatiness. He takes 2 tbsp per feed. When he finish this pack, will try happy bellies. Bought both at ntuc marine parade organics section.

Bbethan - where did u buy earths best?
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!! Enjoy the long weekend.

Minty mom
I bought it from the organic shop within Carrefour Suntec. Think it's Four Seasons Organic or something like that. They have outlet somewhere else too but I can't remember where.
i see... thanks for the info.. mayb i shud go walk one day.. hahaaa..

eh.. don cook yr canary tog oso okay..hahahaa..

okay, i see.. so u don mix them all tog in a bowl?.. hmm.. cos i tinking if mix tog will taste weird anot.. ahaha..

wad abt u? do u put it aside like hw BBEthan does?.. or u mix them all tog?...

Merry Xmas to all ladies & your families.. enjoy the silent nite w yr loved ones.. n of cos,with the new additional member to all our families this yr!.. =D
Hi hi merry xmas to all mummies & the little bb! Sorry to intrude, any one tking Nan pro pls PM me if keen, i have a tin to let go in the west.thanks.
mummies who gave bb first cereal,is it fine to give any of the category of different brands,say happy bellies,healthy times,best earth etc?
For eg,under healthy time,there's oatmeals,brown rice etc,is ok to give any one of it?

And also for mummies who give BM and mix with the cereal,do we need to heat up the EBM when pump it on the spot and stir with the cereal?
Merry christmas to all mummies!

A few questions:

For those who've started solids do you all strictly follow the wait 4 days rule? and after how long then you start giving 2 meals a day?

mummies who bought the avent steamer/blender, where can i find the product code or serial number for the warranty registration? i can't seem to find it...
avent steamer/blender
ladies who still wan to get tis can try john little at marina square.. i rem seeing it there.. n there was like 3-4 pieces still.. do call to double check..

merry merry xmas to all of us here...
if is freshlypump jus stir in no need to warm up ...

start w breakfast 1st.. wait till u fully transit fr milk to cereal for bf then move on to lunch/dinner
actually, PD advised to give cereals with milk as last feed of the day so baby can sleep through the night & not wake up for wee night feed. I guess there's no right or wrong as long as baby is eating and growing well.
lavender bear
the reason why giv in mornin is becos in case of any allergic reaction we will b awake to notice. in some serious case immediate medical attention is needed.
onli aft u test out that thr is no allergy reaction then u might wan to giv it at nite isntead
and its not true that if more filling at nite then can sleep thru. in fact its the whole day calories intake must b sufficient to enable the bb to sleep thru at nite. too filling prior before sleep might actualy cause bloatedness n wind in tummy(indigestion)

but like u sau so long as bb is healthy n ok.. then u cn go ahead w the nite one onli
lavender bear
like u say no right n wrong lar jus tat soem precautionary measures =)

i duno leh i saw it at vitakids so i jus buy
anyway i frequent vitakids often hehe
no see the heinz one lor
Hi, alot of mummies talking abt first cereal here. I'm giving frisocrem white rice. My bb love it ! And it really smell nice , best of all, jus add water. Save the hassle to mix with milk cos it's alry contains milk. Maybe cos I give friso formula for my gal so maybe got the same taste bah.
for the start make it watery so baby easier to swallow as they have no idea how to swallow.. once they get the hang of it can make it a bit mushy so they can feel the texture..
Hi all! Merry Christmas. We just got done ripping more papers to uselessness.. hb & I decided NOT to wrap any of our gifts to "save the earth" this year, so we used the plastic bag that came with the stuff we made, and those paper bags which can be recycled.

Congratulations to those little ones who just started solids.
Thanks HBB, i've been giving her brown rice cereal, broccoli and avocado for 1 wk plus during noon, my mum kept saying to give another 'meal' in the evening so that she will sleep through the nite... so i did try to give carrots + brown rice... ops so far ok..
now i don't know whether to continue the evening 'meal' or stop for a while til she has tried more food...

anyway she didn't sleep through the nite...

sometimes e waking at nite could b due to simply a habit n nt hungry.
nt sure wat u mean by another meal. u mean 1 more feed of solid on top of e usual milk feed?
if tat is so...i would encourage becos tat encouragesnacking. endup they hav many many meals a day ...e caregiver get busy...bb get too used to snackin they dun bother to slp thru.
jus what i tot =)
