(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

ETirto, I guess when kids grew up and moved away fr home (MI & Vermont is already v diff, UT is even far fr that, and not to mention we now lives in SIN), one's liking, thoughts & outlook of life also changes. It's really difficult to "hold" on to some same worldview. Just take photos for instance, MIL told me that she wants to do an all RED outfit (that's why I ordered those red polo Ts), then when I arr, she says they ARE Not gonna do that.
Also, there are (considered) 4 families here, so ppl r v diff. My IL is one, my SIL's ILs is one, SIL, hubby & son is one, hb, K & I r one... not the best melting pot.
I also found MIL's children--hb&SIL couldnt agree with MIL in alot of ways..

I hv 4 other siblings, and thinks my family is much better. Or perhaps we are less wealthy, just take as were given to us.

alternatively if u want to give for first feed, give her milk first then the cereal. sometimes amanda also seems to cannot wait for milk. now she also recognises the bottle. but she drinks 100ml n she stops already. the rest go to distract her to drink.

prob that 1 tbsp not enuf for her.

not sure if u want to try this method while feeding. not very ideal but at least i managed to keep her still n made her finish.... i carry her n sit her on my lap with one hand n use the other hand to feed her.
HBB, looks like u gv edna cereal s part of her meal.. I din start that way, I gv K between feeds (cos u knw he always hungry) so he only has 1oz reduced the milk feed after the solids.
I gv twice a day, whatever that's new will be fed in am, between his 7+am & 10:30am feeds; another around 4pm between his 2+pm & 5pm feed.

Now, his feeding is abit screwed due to chg of time, teething & sleeping also not as long block in the night as in SIN.. so must adjust again when we go back.

MIL was surprise that K automatically open his mouth to receive the spoon during solid food feeding cos she kept thinking he'll be like her 2 kids, gotta make feeding like playing (whh I totally disagree, I even told hb K has to b in his rocker, his only chair, for feeding and not in jumperoo), dun want bb to associate eating & playing.. Cant imagine running after the kid around the house/ worse neighborhood like some, just to make him eat. tsk tsk
wat cereal u using? Healthy times i give like 8 tablespoons.. if jst 1 spoon not enuf ba.. organix i give 3 tablespoon coz its more filling n gluey compare to healthy times thus no need so much...

im getting so sick of the nagging tat i think paying $45 to the Pd to ease my ears is not tat bad an idea after all... n b gd for her to hear it frm the pd herself so she knw its a wasted trip!!! i shall consider tis option.. hahaha
bbethan ya i tot of e milk 1est den cereal den i wun b able to judge hw much cereal she needs arghhhhh
yes tot of holdin her to feed manz lol
BBEthan, at least u can distract her to fin the bottle. Whn K is done, he purses his lips so nipple cant go in. This trip, I also found out K is "Chinese", he just wont take cold milk
due to weather, milk turns cold quickly, so I hv to warm the bottle again to continue tsk tsk..
i totally agree wif u on the part of nev associating playing wif eating!! no way im gonna run round town after gareth jst to feed him.. he jolly well go hungry if he ever gets tis crap habit.. no offense to ur mil ya since u mention tat her 2 kids r like tat b4

I always think bad habits of such are not the nature of kids but cultivated thru us adults.. tats y wen my gf moan n whine wen they had to run after their kids to eat i always point the finger at them!!! blame urself not ur kids coz u make them tis way.. hahaha..
if u r giving 1 tbsp, then set aside the 30ml u need n feed her the rest of the milk first. in this way, still can guage how much cereal she's taking.

u r giving 8 tablespoon of healthy times?? that's a lot. he has a good appetite. how long does he take to finish 8 tablespoons?

same.... she'll purse her lips very tight when she had enuf. otherwise, she'll just push the teat in her mouth to the left n right of her cheek without swallowing until milk just dribble out from her mouth. very notti!!! so i'll just stop n try feeding her half n hour later.
how do u all define baby crawling? amanda has been cruising around the bed/mat. drag herself forward when she tries to reach things ahead... commando way. considered crawling? she hasn't learn to sit up yet.
hahaa.. yah.. great harvest..for me n him!..=P i bot healthy times brown rice today.. can start or nt? or isit betta to start w normal ones?...=\ hmmm...
eh..yah, shud gif mayb 2nd feed or so.. cos normally if nana din drink thruout the nite..sure feeling v hungry wen wake up, so nt a gd time to gif her cereals since she gotta wait.. hee.. cos even puree, i oso gif Jav maybe in the noon or sth.. so at least, he's nt too hungry to nt b able to wait..=P

Jav same as Lucius, drinking 200ml nw liao.. n can last for abt 4 hrs plus or so.. same as u n HBB,my supply no longer enuf.. it dropped quite a lil.. n nw hes drinking more.. not enuf for him liao.. nw using up my frozen stock.. once finish, it'll b byebye bm.. n halo fm liao.. hahaa..

i see..

hmmm.. i oso dono if tats crawling.. cos Jav started doing tat abt 2 weeks ago..did Amanda start the backwards yet?.. cos my parents say wen they start to learn hw to crawl.. normally is backwards first..den forward.. Jav cant sit by himself for v long yet oso.. he can sit a lil.. but nt straight.. its like w/o support but will bend forward..using his hands to touch his feet..
Re: Need Vpost Shopping Help
I'm trying to buying s'thing fm Macy's and shipping to the vpost address but the macy system won't accept the vpost ID (w numbers) on the first or last name fields, where do you fill in the info? Trying to get the order in before noon. This's gonna be my 1st vpost shipping, any advice is appreciated! ;)
Belated Merry Christmas to everyone!

Minrui not enjoying her exersaucer as much as the jumperoo. i suspect it's cos less cushioning on the exersaucer & the base where her feet stands on is plastic, so not as comforterable. The husband's friend gave us a GoodBaby walker. Surprising, she enjoys being in a walker , smiles a lot and enjoys going backwards. A bit hesitant cos many people told me being in walker too long will impede her learning to walk.

Nigel so cute, such a sweetheart! Haha, got photo of Naomi with purple ring on her forehead? I wanna see.

re: Milk
Wow, everyone's baby drinking so much. Peanut, my girl been stuck on 150ml of milk for the last 2 months liao, drinks about every 4hr. Weight gain slowing down and losing some of her "Michellin" baby look.

Do most mummies experience decrease in supply after bb start on solids? Starting my girl soon. IF really will decrease, then I gota figure out how to squeeze in extra pumping to try to maintain supply. Lucky now still enough. I still can manage to pump extra 400-500ml a day when I latch her... or maybe she's drinking less...

i saw your post on selling home made bb food. Just to warn u, Singapore requires licensing with regards to cooking. So it is probably not legal for u to do this leh...U may wanna read up on the licensing part.
gareth finish it quite fast.. together wif his rest of the milk about half hour.. coz healthy times is so flaky unlike organix where its more solidified.. so tats y i have to add 8 tablespoon..
yan..ya i tryin to slowly increasen u mean frstart gareh had 8tbsp?!
today gave 2tbsp w jus 30ml milk den easierto feed...still nitemarish!!! cos she keep stickin finger in mouth! arghhhh
it doesnt help she keep cryin last nite! duno is it cos she skip her evenin nap(weaning her off evening nap)

ya can start le bah =)

pd say say that is nt ctrawlin.cos edna aso same thg.she say crawlin is on all 4s nt dragging.. nw edna can climb onto e bigger pillow.jus a min ago i gotta pull her back...she literally doing obstacle course nW! nt forgetin her screams...realy machiam cheong sua!
the reason y i din giv her in btw feed is i dun wn to encourage snacking which will lead to obesity. and also e cereal is actualy to replace e bottle milk feed, also a transition to porridge for lunch n dinner in future.

she will get snacks as t break in future aft gg thru 1 cereal n 2 porridge meal. mayb i will try snackin her w puree in aftnoon like u suggest jus oonce awhile
sam u r bk! hws cameron?! i miss strawberry farms! hehe

ehh 10am for the class huh? din realise haa thanx for reminding
ya its quite difficult as gareth oso like to suddenly rub his hands over his face... then it gets all messy n yucky.. bt no choice gotta jst wipe him again n cont wif the feeding.. i think u can try 3 tablespoon oredi coz edna got gd appetite.. i started gareth wif 6 tablespoon then now 8..
wat! started w 6! omg... aft tat hw much milk he drink?
i noticeedna sweat even more ever since i gave her cereal...any connection? hmmm she smelly smellt nw aft foolin ard whole morning
he drinks the remaining of the milk.. i think shld b arnd 120ml or 140ml.. coz i will heat 180ml of milk n use it to mix wif the cereal. then the rest he will drink it once the cereal finishes.. really alot ma?? but mayb coz he used to it as his main meal which is lunch n dinner so mayb tats y he can drink n eat more during tis period of time. Like the 3rd feed of the day which is arnd 5pm i give him a small snack which will b either avocado or pumpkin or banana puree. but for the puree i stop now coz he like tummy not so gd lately..
hahaha, edna so fast can climb 'mountain'. Can't imagine what it'll be like at your place when she can throw "grenade"?

I go a scare last weekend. Left minrui on my big sofa cos she fell asleep. Just went to kitchen to get a drink then heard her cry. Already woke up and flipped over with her lower body dangling off the sofa.... Sigh... No more sofa for her from now on
lamagier...ya manz whn she learn n practice grenade throwing she better learn to take cover too! From my smacking haha...
wah ur heat must hv almost jump out! scary! tat day at hotel she half body dangling off bed aso...sigh... i wish i have a big cot haha so i cn slp in it while she play.....

u ask bout ss droppin... well my ss drop bt i dun tink its cos she take solid.cos i pump out one. do cont pumpin yea! jia you!

thanx i will try again!
hi yan/hbb, me just started baby Mia on solids 3 days ago.
it's a MESS! halfway she keep putting her fingers into her mouth then touch her whole face. then keep snatching the spoon and put into her mouth, not to eat! but to put to the side of her mouth as if it's her teething toy.
she will eat half then spit out some together with her saliva, is that normal? haizz...and she will only open her mouth slightly when i put the spoon to her mouth. i hv to slowly squeeze the spoon into her mouth. she still dun know or she is full? so confused.
as she is only 5months plus, do u all feed milk first then solids or the other way round?
i feed her milk first then solids...cos worry her milk intake drop.
Thanks. was worried that the class caught up on me and I forgot when it was.

reached home at 2am, I missed my home man. Went to cameron when I was 5, from my vague memory, didn't change, thing just got older, and smack right in the holiday season, going out during peak hours like morning and evening means 1hr jam up and down the hill. The strawberries were picked bare, decent size ones are farmer's market bought. I really believe that global warming is catching up, weather is warm during the day. Good thing is fresh corn is still as sweet and crunchy. BOH tea is great after a climb to the viewpoint, and tea with home made scones and strawberry jam at cameron inn delish, not to mention aged english steaks at the smokehouse near the golf course. dropped in melaka for some nonya food too, nice but a late dinner that made the drive home so very long in jam back to jb with the returning cars for mon.
Yan, hows gareth? hope he is feeling better now.

Lamagier, when can we start placing bb in walker? Is it too early now?

Mummies, does yr bb knows how to recognise faces already? My mil tried to carry her the other day to sleep, bt ariel was crying so loudly n tearing the whole house down. She was so upset with her and passed ariel to my fil. I didnt realise ariel was crying coz I was in the bathroom enjoying my long bath... haha! When I took over, then she stopped her tears and even smile at me. Naughty gal... But I am glad too coz at least my hard work for her pays.
Btw, so many mummies started on solids already. I have yet to start... targeting on 7 Jan 2010. wondering whether I shld start earlier.

thank you for informing me
because i tot of those making pineapple tart ppl also making homemade tart so i thought it ok to do so. ya will read throught the NEA requirement. Thank you.
I only put her in walker for about 5-10min cos also not sure if her bones are strong enough. SO just let her play play a bit only, like the exersaucer and jumperoo.

My girl also used to wail when I go take shower in evening. The moment I carry she'll stop crying (hahaha, very good for my mama ego). Think she understands that when at home in the evening, I'll be around her. When I'm out of sight for too long, she starts to fuss. Only got better after one or 2 weeks.
Think she finally got the concept that even though I'm out of sight for a while, I still will come back to her.
oh i see... so not considered crawling. she's not crawling backwards at all. it's always forward. sometimes leave her butts a bit... sometimes she push herself forward. bought the bumper mat n she loves it cos she can moves around.

i tried putting her in the walker. she sits for a while n start crying already. prob cos i didn't adjust to a height where she can touch the ground. so she doesn't know she can "run" in it. my purpose is more to put her in it for a while so that i can do some thing.
its normal for babies to push out the food as the way they drink milk is such tat they will push their tongue out.. so wen they r first starting on solids it does take alot of patience. Coz they dun knw how to swallow n oso tryin to get used to the new taste. some babies learn to swallow fast but some slower so plus minus give urself 1 mth. I feed solids then milk.. coz its their nature to wan to drink milk no matter wat coz solids is not comforting n filling to them compare to milk which they r more familiar wif. but tats my personal opinion.
I haven't started solids for my gal too; waiting for her to reach the 6 mo mark, so will intro on Jan 9
guess if wan bring kids to the strawberry farm cannot go on sch hol else no berries to see LOL

had another round of fight w edna w cereal... she jus cant it still! haiz
my ss drop to an all time low.. 120ml per 4 hour.. i duno y.. i been pumpin n latchin religiously! arghhh
last nite din sleep well thou.. edna keep crying for duno wat reason
HBB: Lack of sleep affects ss. Talking about lack of sleep, Max keeps waking up numerous times a night. Not really sure why but in order to make sure he doesn't wake everyone up, I usually feed him and he'll go back and sleep. He used to be such a good sleeper but not anymore!
last nite i also resort to latchin edna
sigh.. and now thr she goes crying again
tink her nose block ... been takin zyrtec n nose drop for 5 days no improvement.. i tink she is a TCM girl.. dun react to western med!
looks liek gtg tuina AGAIN
HBB: that's not too bad. Last time whenever Ally had the cold I would take her to the osteopath and it would end up costing me hundreds! But it did work much better than stuffing her with medication
jillian ya lor i agree
tis rnd we brought her to pd becos we bought travel insurance.. can claim so tot try out PD.. .. no more nxt time LOL
I usually feed 4-5 scoop (milk scoop) of cereal (Friso) w 90-100ml of water (slightly gluey) to Lil Cate, she seems to enjoy the cereal more than milk, still stuck at 180ml. Is that alot? Cos sometime my ger still want more but dun dare to give scare overfeed.

Just had her third 6-in-1 jap, rota and pnuemo jab, she scream the whole clinic down (not cry, scream). Ever since then, very clingy to us kept wanting to carry abt instead of laying down in cot.Having slight temp now. 95 percentile in her height - 69cm! but weight only 75 percentile - 7.3kg. She is gng to be lean rather than chubby..
My niece who is pri 3 is standing at 1.5m about my hb shoulder , he 's 1.79..the younger generation seems to shoot up like trees...
i suspect my menses might come soon.. if coincide w the growth spurt means mati for mi cos i tink some mummies ehre mention when menses here then ss will drop as well! arghhh
those mummies who hav such experience canshare?
when does the ss drop? before menses come? or during?
Lamagier: don't think so cos its been going on for a while. I've given up trying to find a reason for his night wakings, just waiting for it to pass....

HBB: For me its usually the few days before. But once its over ss goes back up to normal.
Mine too!!!When some days before menses arrive,ss seems to drop.And when menses came,worst!!!
Could hardly pump out much.
In fact,it doesnt seem enough for her to latch on as she struggle quite a bit by pulling the nipple.

When menses finish,I can at least pump at night(when ss came,I couldn't pump out much)

My friend was telling me to take more longan,red dates drinks,and possible take fish and half ripe papaya will help.Therefore when I had my menses,I drank longan,red dates drinks.It does seems to help a little.Not sure if is it already on the day 5 of menses,when finishing liao,that was why ss start to come back to normal,or it is really true that longan/red dates helps.

The day when menses came,I could hardly latch her,therefore,gave her 3 feeds of formula,and the rest feeds are either latch or EBM..No choice..
