(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

just went tangs, they have 15% for singtel user (just flash your hp) for regular price item. and additional 12% today and tomorrow for tangs cardholder...wah very worth it...i bought nuk bottle cleanser only cos bring 2 kids out cannot shop till i drop.
hehe I also wanted to buy the blender/steamer during the staff sale, that was 3 weeks ago, also no stock then. If have stock, it was like 40% off phililps products.

The beaba one I think is like 2 times the cost of the avent one, really much too steep for a steamer/blender, especially when we mostly have other methods to warm frozen foods.

Just picked up my taka mailer, additional 10% off for cardholders from 25 Fri to 30 Wed Dec.
lol the 8oz I made, I finished up about 4oz myself later, cos I don't want to keep food in the fridge/freezer beyond 2 days, scared she eat already got wind, cos these foods can prepare almost every other day, and main diet is still milk anyways. Was testing how much I can make with just that slice to see if I'm wasting much food.

thx for asking. my nose just started to get drippy. Every time when there's a public hol coming, i start to get sick. So sianz....

how r u coping now?

oh, i didn't compare the price coz didn't intend to get at all. I already have a philips blender and a tefal steamer, so doesn't make economic sense to buy. :p
pinky - my bbies on 90% tbf. will start solids after cny

lamagier - thanks
was it you last time when we were preggy, our bbies were underweight ? ariel was at 1 stage like 5th percentile or something and doc order me immediate bedrest. wow... thinking back now... it all seems so far away
your gf's blog is a very interesting read, been checking it out the whole afternoon cos I'm down with gastric flu and no bb to look after today :p
The advice on freezing food is pretty good advice!
Thanks for the link!

yar, if there's already a blender and steamer at home, really no need to buy another, cos the amount made is just nice for the baby. Luckily haven't invested in a steamer yet for my home, otherwise I would also give it a miss, cos I don't have much kitchen space too.
bestberries, 90% tbf....envy lah...can save alot on FM. my boys can finish 1 tin of FM in less than a week time....it's $34 per tin!
MuffinGirl - I was the one asking! :)

Def call and check about Steamer Blender - I went to CP that day and it was OOS! :) Aha! Now I know who took the last few! Hehhehheh!
oh... the lady of the blog is yr gf? I've been following her blog since i started solid with #1. She's really fantastic!

u can really sustain yr supply very well. Think mine is only half of yours. But the gal also not drinking too much. So luckily still enuf for her 1 day's feed.

My girl also drinking very little. u gave 150ml every 4hrs but most of the times she takes in only 120ml.

Today brought Amanda for her 6mths jab. Looking at all the babies' weight here, she's really a little shrimp. still hasn't reach 6kg mark yet... tsk tsk. only 5.99kg. Weigh her 3 times but still couldn't show the 6kg on the scale. But she's 63cm tall. The PD said she's not very tall either... so probably she's just very petite & small frame. I hope what she says is true. I don't mind her being petite when she grows up. Similar to the prev PD, she also advised to start her on red meat n fish together with porridge. Said we can cook the porridge as usual n grind them in blender till it's smooth as i told her she hasn't really take the spoon very well. Also asked me to up her formula milk intake.

Has anyone ever tried grinding the rice grains to smaller bits before cooking? will slow cooker do the job to getting a smoother consistency other than use the blender?
need to check with you ladies here...my maid just told me her aunt that she is very close to pass away and she wants to go back for her funeral. She has been working for me since mar this year, fully paid her loan. On the one hand I feed bad if she dun go back but on the other hand I also afraid if she go back and dun come back then I am in big trouble....also I am afraid if I say she can't go back she might be in bad mood and abuse my baby....anyone has any idea what I need to do when maid goes back on leave? Do I need to apply for anything or cancel anything? Will I be penalized if she doesn't come back?
good morning mummies

mashy, you too take good care of yourself and bb, weather turning cold at night so blanket yourself well

Yesterday i went to bugis BHG and i brought the philip steam blender. Luckily still available but only left 3 set. And now they having 20% dicount, after dicount i pay $159.20.

Yeah tml christmas eve, i wish all the mummies and babies here a Merry Christmas
poohbear, i am sorry i dun know how to help you as i dun have maid or hear any case like yours. Hope the mummies here can give you some advise
bbethan yes im bk hee
trip was good
70% of the time spent IN THE HOTEL hahaaaa
edna love it so much i tink the nxt day we came bk to sg she was 'lost'
machiam jet leg hahahaaa
ys u r rite! becos over thr no car seat
i literallyc arry her everywhere unless in stroller. sit in car she mingle w her cousins behind on our laps.. got sooo excited w the kids tat she keep squirking that she lost her voice!

i think bringing young kids on holiday.. more then 50% of the time they like to stay in the hotel..

Last year when i brought my toddler to KL she also love staying in the apartment then out shopping haha
u r back!!...Welcome back..haha..

the avent at BHG bugis haf meh?? tat time i went they don have oni gt the normal blender leh!!... -.- hmmm.. later im going dere.. will go check it out..=)
hahaa ya lor cos she get to swim in thr.. aft tat wash up pop her into sleeping bag and she go lalaland hahaaa

jes hehe thanx!
re;AI cream
anyoen else wants? gotta ask sis to order fr her clinic
Sunsweet/pinky, u all were at cityhall last evening? I was there too helping my friend to choose the avent manual pump. Robinson was so packed...can hardly moved my stroller around

Minty_mom, i saw the red ferrari carseat! It's selling at 295 right? Really a gd deal...but i still hav not decided which one to get. When's the sale ending?

Sunsweet, my boy is taking 160ml at every 3hrs. So far can only increase him to 180ml max...can't take in anything more than that.

hbb, welcome back! Edna is so cute...knows how to enjoy life! I'm also going to start lucius on cereal this Fri. I think i can expect his reaction. Hav tried letting him lick apple but he frown...shall get something sweeter next time.

Lamagier, i also recently bought the cereal cox he jus turned 5mths too. But the white organix cereal is oos at vitakids. So i bought the earth's best one to try out.
try papaya or water melon hehe... but water melon abit liang... but licking nia shld b ok hehe

i bot the other cereal for edna cos seems better w the DHA n probiotics. u might wan to try
tink its Happy Bellies or sth. but double the price thou. the organix OOS so giving her this one

she can sleep is better then can't sleep.. keke

BTW the passport, we can't just change the photo right?
cos for my elder gal her photo in passport is totally off.. so got to make new ones??
hbb, i suspect apple abit sour for him. Hmmm....ok papaya will do...my mum's hse has lots of papaya trees!!!!

Re: carseat
Ya i rem it was so exp...that's y this deal is really gd. U bought your carseat already? Which one are you using now?
hbb, ya it's happybellies...in the form of tin right? I bought it too cox hb compared and say that one more nutritious. I KS, everything also buy one to try....
what kind of apples do u all buy to make puree? i got the royal gala ones. she doesn't really like. my mil said she tried a bit n find it a bit sourish. when i tasted it, finds it ok leh. what other kind of apples r sweeter?

yest i gave avocados. she loves it! but it's really hard to find ripe ones in supermarket.
Sunsweet: the new biometric passport means that you need to make a brand new one each time you have to change photo. Very ma fan

Carseats: If anyone is interested in buying a Maxicosi car seat, go down to their dealer at Kaki Bukit cos they're selling off their old models at reduced prices.

nope did not pop by city hall yesterday.. suppose to be goig today but since blender is oos then might not go.

180ml is quite a lot..cos my toddler only drink 180ml per feed and its 3x a day on top of ther 2 meals (lunch and Dinner)


Car seat: i'm thinking of getting a car seat but my rear seats are semi bucket seats.. so i think not many brands to choose from.. I have not reserach on that yet..
cos of the nutrition
in fact e lady at vitakidz rec tis than e organix one
i aso lettin edna try everythg in case 1 oos then gt bk up
but might take happy bellies n healthy times permanently...

- Fuji apples are slightly dilute in taste
- Royal Gala will be sweet if they are very ripe
- Delicious Red is usually soft and if deep red will be sweet.
- Cherry apples generally sour cos not ripe enough.
- Granny smith generally sour cos not ripe enough.

so usually I'll go for Delicious Red if the season is in.. I see them few weeks back at nutc.. wonder still have??

I saw some Korean apples at NTUC.. have not try them but looks like Fuji to me.. keke

will cooking longer bring out the sweetness of the apples better??
hello mummies!

been a long time!
brought my ger for her 5th mth jab, last dosage of her 5 in 1 & pneumoccocal today! Hurray!
asked PD when can i start her on solids, and he said anytime now can try intro cereal to her already! Hee hee hee~ Mabbe try on fri too! =D But, dunno what to get...
didn't know got Delicious Red apples. going to hunt for them. it's the deep red type? so far only tried royal gala n fuji apple. last time my #1 prefers royal gala cos fuji apple very bland. cook too long also not very good right cos all the vit c will be gone already.

oh ok... let me experiment again. dun like to keep until it turn brown inside. sometimes thought ripe already but inside still v hard.

does yr ger has high fever or gets very cranky after the pneumoccocal jab? hv been postponing it cos heard it's more painful n usually more reaction to this jab.
so far, no fever for her for the past 2 dosages, hope today's wun too.
Yah, the PD gt say the pneumoccocal more painful wor... today, my ger wanted to cry when the PNC jab goes in, den no voice came out lehs! Wah piangz... after quite a while den got voice... hahahahah~ But she stops immed. once i carried her... can even smiled to the PD... =D
by the way, this clinic @ Sengkang, if u having PNC jab there, they'll asked if u wan apply the numbing cream or not... $3 i think... need to apply 15mins before the jab, my fren said no use de, her ger still cryyyyyyyyyyy until CMI~ LOLz~

my PD's clinic dun haf such creams thou...
hbb, which cereal are you starting on fri? cox the happybellies cereal that i bought is the brown rice one. Have multigrain and oatmeal but no white rice.

ya lor can use medisave and more imptly.. i dun hav to pay hefy consultation fees! cos go PD gotta pay consultation leh.. th ejab is 170... 60 for consult!!!
today went kinder clinic for 1st time... pd was v nice... charge edna 60 instead of 80....
