(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

HBB she used to sleep through the nite! last feed at 8pm til next morning 5plus then wake up for milk...

ever since she can flip, she kept waking up, sometimes is really hungry sometimes think she woke herself up by flipping in her sleep...

hmm ya one more feed on top of her usual milk. so i'll still give her milk 4hrly, then at noon give her one feed of solid and evening around 6 another one.
amber: i think it's the same for all babies, my boy used to sleep from 7pm - 7am, now that he can flip in all directions, he wake himself up 'cos he pushed himself to a corner and cant flip anymore, get frustrated then wake himself up, find out he's hungry then cry. I guess it probably has nothing to do with feeding habits but their current growth stage.
waking up at nite
wa.. so many babies can slp frm 8pm onwards till morning!!! gareth can only sleep frm 1am onwards till 7am..

baby poo
anyone can advise me if my boy is having LS!! he usually poo once a day or few days poo once.. past 5 days he poo like 3-4 times a day.. watery n pasty in yellow..
edna also wakes up n cry at nite few times a week. liek u say .. the moment theylearn hw to flip.. they will wake up... edna is no different.. nowadays we jus shut our ears.. aft awhile she is bk to sleep =)
she haven drank milk at nite for 5 weeks i tink.. except a few days ago i tink she wasnt feeling gd due to block nose.. so i latch her a little(5min) to unblock her nose aft tat she went bk to sleep

is the poo alot? or v little? if its alot alot kind then it might b LS
cos i ask the PD also sometiems edna poo more than once a day(her usual) she say if its a bit then not LS..
usually LS is very watery type that it gets absorbed by the diaper n not much residue of the poo left on the diaper. as the frequency gets more n more, u see all liquid n not much poo left.
Coolkero, I m still in SLC. wow, lots to share.. did lots too--shopping(but no to my heart content cos no malls shopping, somehow felt as if my hb family is trying their v best to prevent me from shopping aarrgggh!); visit the Mormon temple; skiing; went for this thing call Christmas Candlelight (Mormons); of course Christmas service (traditional, so a bit boring for me if not bcos K kept me awake at church); sit in hot tub, walk thru the Christmas street where every household put up their Christmas decors outside their homes to "compete" with other neighbor and bring upon the spirit of Christmas...

Best of all is sitting with family every meal--something I rarely do back in Singapore.

Tomorrow is boxing day but again, dun think there is any shopping opportunity.. a Singapore friend who tagged along her hb posted to Idaho may visit. Then 27Dec is celebrating my & parents-in-law's wedding anniversary. 28 is packing up, 29 we go see the Salt Lake ans fly to San Francisco then home.

K is not well.. SLC is rather polluted and I was having trouble with my nose for 3 days after I arrived.

So much family "politics" too.. was telling hb when we took a walk to the park this evening that this is the first home visit that I felt time passes too slowly.. wonder how it will be when we return to Michigan in the summer.
lavenderbear: ya think you're right..

yan: used too sleep through now no more
getting exhausted waking up 3 to 4 times at nite

HBB: ya i would wait a while to see if she goes back to sleep on her own, sometimes she does sometimes can't, got to carry and rock her back to sleep and sometimes like lavenderbear says, she realise she's hungry so got to make milk..
i see.. mayb i shud go visit vitakids n see wad can i get..

Jav is the same.. if he slps at 8pm he will still wake up at 11 or 12 to haf one feed.. den slp thru.. sometimes oni till 5am or 6am ...

hmmm.. hw come e family will haf politics?...is the family v big?
hmmm... ytd went parkway w pil n sil to haf dinner.. den decided to visit Isetan, cos i rem Sam saying she saw some sets of the Avent steamer cum blender dere.. n tadaaaa.. we saw 1 LAST pc..w 20% off avent stuffs.. my hb grabbed den while walking i saw scout.. ( i noe.. its been a long time i sae i wanna get..but too ex, always cant get myself to buy it..hahaa) under leapfrog oso 20% off.. wanted to buy, but hb told me another time cos pil waiting..while lining up, i saw the membership card n tot i shud jus apply one.. n theres this promo if apply ytd wld get dono 100 plus points.., n spend $50 u get $5 vouchers.. so,total the avent stuff cost abt $150 or so.. n we got $15 vouchers.. so we tot y don we get the scout w the vouchers.. n the 20%..paid oni abt $33 for scout.. heee..happy!

haha, since u can come online, u can always shop online & get them to deliver there. :p No need to go to physical shops. hahah. So many things to buy online there too leh.

I myself have been bioing baby konfidence wetsuit from US for my gal.

Anyone here knows which other brands sell baby wetsuits? Our swimming pool water is so cold, wanna get a wetsuit to keep my gal warm when she goes swimming.
Hi guys, how was Xmas celebrations and how has boxing day been for you so far? Having fun?
Me just back from my cousin's church wedding and the tea ceremony, tomorrow is her wedding dinner at crowne plaza at the airport. She looks super gorgeous, like all brides...

I also love family sit-down dinners, makes one feel warm and cozy all inside, my belonging needs under maslow's hierarchy super high!
Every family sure have some politics - just close one eye lor...I am also eagerly looking forward to my HK/Macau trip, especially the shopping part. So exciting!
btw I like the idea of walking down a street where ppl decorate the external of the house to compete with neighbours, must be really funny if you get invited into one and realised how dreary it is inside, when compared to the outside!

Heading out for a BBQ soon (I know it is raining) but this friend's place has a huge and nice, sheltered balcony. He makes a mean pizza and his Mrs blow my brains away with her pecan pie...

btw I received a most beautiful bracelet from dh for xmas and if I have time, I def would like to post some photos and show you guys.
i ask the pd same qns also haaa
i say it suddenlyc hg fr 1 poo a day to 1 big poo then 3 small poo
she say its ok unless its 3 or 4 big poo instead of the usual 1 (for edna case lar)
so u monitor
like bbethan say if its all water then likely to b LS

hugz... time will fly off faster soon! drag ur gf to go shopping w u for boxing day! LOL

wah big harvest for Jav ahh LOL

wootz so nice of ur dh! show us pic ok hehe..
i got a pendant from my dh too hehe... thou i would hav wish the money was spent on a camera lens instead LOL
i tink i might need to buy milk powder v v v v soon
my supply really cannot meet edna's demand now
she can drink 260(thats the max i giv her) at 1 go .. 4 feed a day
i know that means its a sign of she might b able to take solid already.anyway she is turnign 6 mth old in 3 days time.. so instead of 1st jan i might jus giv her cereal starting on monday (cos tomolo dh wun b ard)
i realy dun wish to giv her formula.. hope some
miracle will happen tat i suddenly have MORE MILK

the last i rem i suddenly got a bit more mmilk was 1 mornign in KL.. i got a bit more than usual.. and the onli SPECIAl thg i had was champagne the nite before LOL
so mayb ishld drink it on a daily basis? lol
which cereal are u giving edna?
Healthy times,earth best or happy bellies?

can i start my gal with happy bellie(organic brown rice cereal) for a start,or what others should I give instead of the one I mentioned?
Wow...so many mummies are still around during the festive season! Hope everyone had a spendid x'mas & boxing day with your fam! I was so busy with my friend's wedding on x'mas day
but it was special.

bbethan, i started earth's best white rice cereal on my boy on x'mas eve. So far so gd...he seems to like it cox i love the smell too. I'm giving him once a day nw but 2 tablespoons cox he seems to wan more. I'm glad his milk intake has increased too recently...taking about 200ml nw. Hoping he can stretch his feeding time to 4hrs. Dunno when is suitable to start brown rice. Do we need to finish everything before moving on to another type?

hbb, i'm also trying my v best to catch up with lucius's demand. Initially 160ml was still ok...but recently i find it really stressful
JIAYOU together k!
that's good right?
think amanda's really a small eater. she's still taking 1 to 1.5 tablespoons. cannot finish 2. n yet her milk intake reduced instead.
bbethan, i gave him during his feeding time so i dunno whether he likes or he's jus hungry lah. But i din feed him with milk immediately after cereal. I waited for abt an hr then feed him with the usual amt of milk. I'm trying to upz his appetite now. U tried increasing bit by bit?
yup... think she prob has to go real slow. now starting with 1.5 tablespoon. i gave her milk after the solids. prob that's why she's not too hungry to finish up the rest of the milk.
wow.. edna really is a "drinker" wahahaha.. gareth still drinkin 160ml on average only the occasional times wen he wans more...but he on solids so dun knw if tats the reason he stuck at tis amt.. i wan to bring up his milk intake but he cant seems to handle it..

so far i try healthy times n organix only.. will try happy bellies as well.. he takes well to wat i give him so far..
i oso give him milk straight after the cereals coz cant wait la... after feeding he oredi dozing off how can wait i wonder..

baby poo
today he poo twice but not tat watery till it absorbs all by the diaper yet.. i still wondering why his poo pattern out of sudden change.. i din give him anythin out of the ordinary n din introduce new food.. but since it din go pass 4 x a day i still not tat freak out yet but im really worried if he is having tummy discomfort
bbethan, ya maybe you can let her digest a little while more after the cereal. I usually give milk only if he cries immediately after the cereal finished. Hahaha if not...he will wait for a little while cox i scared he can't stomach all too.
i gave happy bellies today. struggle v hard to feed cos she wan snatch everythg!
i tested abit of e cereal...ehh to me its v v v v sweet! i will cont givv for 3 more days to chk for allergies. scary thg was aft feedin her, the cheek gt some rashes for 2 hours! despite i wipe her face..scare allergy leh.... aft 3 dayz i will try healthy times cos i tink nt as sweet. intend to alternate for her so she dun get fussy w food.

ya jia you! hehe

ya aft i fed her tat 40ml milk mix w 1 tbsp cereal..she keep cryin... duno is wan more or wat then i gave her milk.she gt prob finishin...took longer to fin 200ml of milk.bt eventualy still fin thou

yan..gareth on BM? if so it could b wt u ate.
This is a good family, jus that different way of lives that each other has to adapt, mostly on us from Singapore. A very diff hospitality.

Jes, not big family but it's about the heirlooms.. not many or worth alot but SIL is not happy she has most of everything **puzzled**. Honestly, I dun even knw what we got cos hb told me to only select those "left overs", and for 3 years, I haven't hear anything.

FOZ, thot your trip was 20th.. I must still hv preg brain.

Mashy, thing is I already made very clear I WANT 2 DAYS OF UNINTERRUPTED shopping days.. I check the water konfidence suit, I am not really keen to order cos over holidays season, deliver may get screwed up and get here after we leave. Hey, why not u asked your cousin (the iCouple) to help after this crazy season?

HBB, I really miss alot of my homes & can u imagine I also miss my electric pot?

I am down to only 1 feed in the night..
cant seem to produce any more than that..
mashy, I ordered the konfidence online but end up the same price with metro when having 20% disc le...dissapointed...

Boxing day? is a another packing day for us. Finally we have unpacked everything. the scary part is we have tones of clothing after donate some to charity. no space to put. some are still with tags! I must be crazy.
Online got LOTS of sale. Gosh those little pretty dresses from marks and spencers are way too tempting to resist!!! anyone knows local M&S whether they're having sale too? Oh I miss Orchard..hahah..haven't been there for a week.

Kim, my in-law family is surprisingly free of politics. after 9yrs married to my dh, I never seen any single conflict at all. Dunno how they brought up the kids. they will give each other and love each other so much. Sometime I do envy them as my own parents family is not as harmonious.
Hope you can have your shopping day soon!you better do it now, when you have 2 it's more difficult to have the UNINTERRUPTED one. hehehe. enjoy!
Nigel surprised me on Xmas day. He colored Naomi forehead, hands and walls with his purple stamp. arghhhh...so naomi has to wear her xmas dress with the purple circle on her fore head.
Gosh,happy bellies tasted sweet????(i jus purchased it yesterday)
Hmm,same here...would alt 2 brands of cereal to try so wont be sticking to only one brand..
The only thing i heard fr the staff at vitakidz was tat,the texture of healthy times is rough,earth best is creamy and happy bellies is fine..

Hmm,waiting for ur feedback of healthy times cereal once u try it.hehe...(Think i might wanna get earth best to try alt for her)

U going to HK/Macau?Do share wif us the trip..*hee*Had the intention to go come next yr.
U bringing #2 going?
kim...lol i noe wt u mean...

haahaaaaa ur nigel is cute haaa sorry cant help bt laugh

sweet in my context cos i hardly take sweet thg! i follow direction 1@tbsp cereal to 4 tbsp milk.v v watery.will reduce e fluid today =)
Most of your babies can feed on so much. Regis still on 100ml every 2-4hrs. Now I really think he has very small appetite and his growth is much slower compared to the first 4 months.
Yan, is Gareth's poo better today?

Peanut, i rented fr mygrowingtoys.com @$45/mth. Hee....lucius still enjoy the luxury of the jumperoo at the moment cox the person is out of town.

Lamagier, did you rent the exersaucer for minrui? Did she enjoy it? I'm still thinking whether to rent it anot...
he poo twice today.. still yellowish and watery..

i din eat anything out of the ordinary.. jst my normal diet.. im getting really worried.. he hasnt been tis way except during his NB days!!! n now he is 6mths how can b poo the same as NB tat sort of poo!!! but if i go to the PD, he cant do much i gather coz gareth only pooing 2-4 times a day so to them its not serious LS to prescribe any medication, but tats my guess. Also gareth been spitting out milk or merlion again once or twice a day like his reflux days..
Im getting really stress up now wen i see him tis way again.
yan hav u been givin gareth any semi solid?
if u suspect its LS u can try givin a bit bit of banana. if its realy LS it will slow thg down =)
banana not promote poo ma?? coz i always thought if constipation eat bananan!!! hahaha... or mayb im jst ignorant..

not i dun wan to bring him to the PD. But i called the clinic n the pd told me if he is not pooing alot n 6 x n above there really is no medication for him. as for his vomitting pd oso told me to let him be coz oso not advisable to go on med again as he is not as serious as the last time where he was merlioning every single feed. but i think i will call the doc again on monday n see how..
i always tot so too
but i read that annabel karmel book it says it help both to promote pooin and also help in LS ... cos gt a certain chemical in banana that holds stool together
then my ang moh friends also say the same thg hehe
hur hur.. so i not tat ignorant la... so it does promote poo... kekeke... do u reckon i shld bring him to the pd?? wats ur take on tis
ehh if u wan peace of mind do go ahead lar
but if pd tink no need medication dun force urself to giv him medication .. jus let it be n monitor
u might wan to watch out for sign of dehydration in case its realy LS, if u dun bring him to pd.
signs like dry lips, eyes look 'sad' (not bright), got wet diapers anot.
any one hav an estimated guideline on hw much milk to reduce if givign cereal?
gave edna 1 tbsp of cereal w 30ml milk. gave her 200ml of milk
she still fin her milk...
how ah???
she been figeting like a octopus in the bumbo or high chair when i feed her
wanna die manz.. so unlike my nephew when i feed her he stay STILL! arghhhhh
oh ya when i feed her in the morning.. she alwasy CRY... itink its becos she is v hungry aft no milk for 12 hours so she dun wan to wait for cereal!!! arghhhh
he still as active as b4.. eats and drinks abt the same amt daily.. can still kick n luff n turn la.. no diff.. diapers oso abt the same.. tats y im so hesitant to bring him to the pd coz pd oredi told me over the ph frm wat i describe to him he is not gonna prescribe any medication as its best to avoid medication for babies as much as possible even thou he is oredi 6mths. but my aunt who dotes immensely on him is nagging at me to bring him to the doc.. haiz u knw old folks la...
I give gareth cereal the 2nd feed which is 1+pm and also at 9+pm. I make it like his lunch n dnr. hahaha.. morning they r too hungry to wan to slowly eat la, jst wanna gulp down everything... For the milk intake gareth takes arnd 180ml of milk on average so using this 180ml after heating up i pour in to mix wif the cereals.. so watever is leftover i give him drink so i nev reduce or add any extra amt. Unless he starts screaming for more milk, i will give another 30ml.

if thats the case for me i wouldnt bring to PD .. but u r the mummy.. u dun let ppl control u.. u decide hehe... i knw hw naggy old folks can be... u gotta ignore if u dunw an to bring to pd =)
still the same words fr me.. monitor if u dun bring to pd =p

ehh u knw edna is forever hungry!!!
even the aftnoon feed she will kick n scream for milk the moment she see the bottle! we tease her.. .. can see cannot touch she get angry n cry LOL
and im stress up by her since i dun hav enuff milk for her demand! arghhhhh

ok thanx for ur guide.. i tink tomolo make my day easier i gi vher milk in morning instead hahaaa giv cereal at 2nd feed instead!
aft she had the cereal she gt some rashes ard her mouth.. then it disappear aft few hours.. i tink her skin is realy sensitive !!!! arghhh
