(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs


think last time most of us were on FM. Dun think we were more 'stupid' becoz of that. :p

Think BM or FM all good for the kids. I heard that before our time, our parents grew up on condensed milk! They're still ok. :p

Just that there's this personal vendetta that makes me wanna bf successfully. Argh. I'm still failing. sigh.

Haha, Joie likes her new toy =) My aunt said minrui fell asleep in the humperoo two days ago... Showed me photo of her slumped across it. My aunt put in a little pillow behind baby's back so she would be more snug in the seat.
Yah, parental gut instinct needs to be there too. Sometimes wonder if I'm too careless when it comes to baby. Only start to pay notice when I see other mummies discussing in the forum... else I just let her be....

Hope tomi's milk strike ends soon.

EH? Some nosey auntie I don't know came up to me (when I was sunning minrui for jaundice during her 1st month) and told me to boil 7 red dates in water and let aby drink to clear jaundice =p... hahaha, got so many variation of the same thing

These links were posted by FOZ sometime back
http://rent-a-toy.com/shop/ or http://www.rent-that-toy.com or http://www.mygrowingtoys.com/ or http://www.toysamonth.com.sg/
hahahaha Joie is like edna... pull out fr the jumperoo she cry... anyway edna will not hav her jumperoo for the nxt week or so.. see she gt withdrawal syndrome anot haaaaa

i knw of somebody who wan to sell a purple bumbo for $30.. if u keen letmi know
Evie, I think I'll ask her to check out the whole Japanese FM selection in the S'mkt!! hahaz

RE: TBF & BB falling sick
I dunno if one gf of mine was feeding her BM that was "not so healthy" (cos she insisted on BF despite having not enuf rest and v stressed up having not enuf bm), her boy easily get fever, flu & diarrhea...
Evie, ur boy quite same like mine, like Kenderalla (cynderalla's male version), 8pm+out time.but at least ur boy w/up at 5:30, mine is 4am..
I jst spoke wif the supplier n they say to me all other fm failed the test frm sgp AVA so tats y only got Wakodo.. I have tried Meiji n its gd but coz tis is long term so i din wan to do the shipping n getting frends to bring in as its too much of a hassle... Oso it can get too bulky.. so yeah i think if u thinkin of giving K long term best to get something tat is available in sgp. personally i oso would prefer to use Meiji than Wakodo.. but its to mafan oredi...
really? never hear before. but red dates very heaty leh.

try reducing the amt of milk if u want a thicker texture.

seems like most ppl here hv tried Organix n Bellamy. I'm thinking of getting Earth's Best to try it out. But seems like not as easily available in supermarkets now than 2 yrs ago.
Lamagier, ya, my mom tied 7pcs of some Chinese herb and put in a red pkt and placed by my boy's crib, and crushed another dunno how many and ask CL to put a bit each time inside bath water until depleted, my CL never listen clearly (dun pblame her cos my mom sometimes gv long story), and put all into one bath, depleted all at once..
BBEthan, herb shop lady say dun take more than 10 each day.. If your body can take, U can continue to drink red dates water too. My sister does that now, her complexion is better than before. Last time her skin is sallow.
Yan> I did call up Meiji Singapore, marketing dept to find out why they are not bringing in FM. The person in-charged said there wasnt any market demand! =( Maybe we should sign a petition to request Meiji to bring in FM.

A Japanese mother mentioned in some forum that Wakodo is the lowest quality among Jap milk.
Kim> how much is K drinking now? My boy is drinking around 140mL or more. There was once he slept thru out till the next morning 9am, he drank 200mL! Quite shocking for a 3month old @ that time.

Any mummies here taken their babies for their pneumoccocal vaccine yet?
bbethan and jes,
my place has enfalac, similac new formula, mamex gold and frisolac step 1. if u wanna try, just bring your case to my place, take some and try...you can have it if your bb suitable for the fm except similac...

ya. here's ava's reply to me.

The import of processed food (excluding meat and fish products, fresh fruits and vegetables and products containing meat) is governed by the Sale of Food Act and the Food Regulations. Under Singapore Food Regulations, importers are required to obtain an import permit from AVA before importing food into the country.

3 However, AVA allows the import of food for personal consumption without the need for import documents if the amount of such import does not exceed 5 kg and its total cost does not exceed S$100.

4 If the quantity and value of such import exceed the permissible limit for personal import, you are required to apply for an import permit through TradeNet by using the miscellaneous Central Registration (CR) number 99999990000C. In addition, you are also required to declare each food item accurately using the correct HS codes and product codes. A copy of the invoice of the food to be imported is to be faxed to AVA at fax: + 65 62215091 for consideration.

5 You may appoint an agent or freight forwarder/services of the service centers to apply for an import permit on your behalf. The list of freight forwarding agents or declaring agents/ service centre is listed at the following websites for your reference:

Not really lowest la.. hahahaha.. its the pioneer in milk powder in jap.. n its the cheapest in japan... i guess ppl perceptions r cheapest is lowest quality ba.. hahahaa.. We can try the petition but i do knw AVA does have very strict regulations on imported food stuff esp formula milk for infants so its not easy to get it in either n will cost alot of money to do it so dun knw if meiji will go thru all tat trouble.

gareth had his pneu jab tis mth.. its more painful than 6in1 so mayb if u give pacifier to ur bb, do bring it along as a comfort.. my boy very scaredy type.. abit only wail..hahaahaha

for personal consumption so far i have taken in 8tins frm hk b4 n no prob.. coz tats 1 carton..
Char took the 1st pneumococcal jab, along wif 6-in-1 and rotarix at her 2 mo chk-up. Had fever of 38.5 deg C that nite and very cranky for almost 3 days. This time round at 4 mo chk-up she didn't take the pneumococcal jab, postpone to 5 mo. I think too much for her to take 2 jabs at 1 appt.
Mashy & Yan> WHOA! Ok so far I got my friend to bring back from HK 2 tins provided my friend flys to HK. Other than that, I purchase from Isetan. However, Wakodo Hai Hai FM dissolves faster compared to Meiji.
Yes, Wakodo is pioneer among Jap FM but nutrition wise is lose out to Meiji or Glico brand. SIGH so I guess Meiji won't go thru such hassle huh? But they can import so much candies into Spore market...
Noelle> Im bringing my boy for his 1st pneumoccocal jab on sunday. Im worried he would develop fever & cranky for 1.5 days like his 1st 6-in-1 jab. =(
Heard other mummies commented pneumoccocal jab more harsh compared to 6-in-1 jab. How true? So far my boy didnt cry during jabs, worried he may have strong reactions to pneumoccocal jab!
Evie, Kaelem is taking about 5oz, about every 3hourly. 4am, 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 8pm. Usually the 12pm & 6 or 8pm is FM unless I am out & about I usually give FM cos firstly, he dislike the nursing apron; these days, he will "play" "peek-a-poo" with my when he latches on--He'll look at me until I have eye contact with him, then he'll smile widely, leaving the nipple hanging in his open mouth before he turned to hide his face in my breast... so I rather give FM than to expose my breast. Since yesterday, he has started rejecting my left breast... sigh, indeed so many changes in a short time.

K took the pneumo last wk.
Hi mummy,

sorry to interrupt. I am a May'09 mummy, I would like to sell off my Fisher Price Rocker (with vibration) bought 2 months ago as my baby hardly used. Willing to let go at $100 (bought $170). Self Collect at Bishan MRT. If keen, pls PM me thks
Kim> wow Kaelem has his milk on time. Good boy!
He is so cute playing peek-a-boo with u! hehe
My boy depends on situation. If he's awake, can be almost every 2 hours. When outside he would be in pram, where he will sleep & will not wake up for milk. Nevertheless, I will prepare milk for him when exceed 4 hrs. Once milk bottle pop into his mouth, he will drink eagerly! haha

U have 2 FB accounts? 1 for SMH & 1 personal? =p
Evie, no la, there's a 30mins diff, usually 30mins earlier if happened heehee.. Ya the other fb too messy liao. wa, dun tell me u googled me.. scary leh kekeke
I dunno if pneumo jab is more harsh or not but she didn't develop high fever this time round. Are u giving him pneumo wif the 6-in-1? I hope your boy will not have bad reactions to the jab this wkend, give him extra hugs.
Evie, lol, cos I hv many friends who love to google ppl.. as a matter of fact, I just googled my hubby & myself.. heh heh..

K developed fever on his 1st 6in1, so poor thing. So thing time, after his 1st pnuemoccocal & 2nd 6in1, I decided to give him the Paracetamol before fever comes. I gave him twice daily for 2 days cos I can feel his head was warmer than usual. Doc did warn me he will cry when he admin the pnuemo jab, so to pick him up immediately. so it went like this, I held his right hand (job on right thigh), shake the rattle to distract him, doc jab and pull out (wow good job, it's like a matter of 2secs), K gave a cry, I pick him up, he stopped his cry.. EZ~PZ
the amazing one is my gf!! she take in for me.. i used to go hk very often but now no more so my gf was the one takin for me.. but i dun wan to mafan her everytime la so i rather jst stick to wakodo lor..

Pneu jab is more harsh according to my pd tats y i chose to split up the rest of the jabs n not do it all at the same day.. but its personal preference la.. my boy reaction was quite bad.. hahahaha.. wail for awhile.. but like i say he is a scaredy cat kind so mayb ur boy is those brave brave type no prob la...
re: meiji FM

i think i know why meiji FM is not allowed in. It contains pork fat oil. So not halal. Just in case the muslim buy it without knowing?
hehe I went thru a few local FM to see what suits the bb because I'm more into her weight & bowel movement condition. Just looked thru Friso, Similac, Enfalac & Nan cans, seems like most of them from 8-12 weeks and 12 weeks onwards or >6kg like Friso, the stage 1 milk's amt of water can be around 180-240.

I think I might have a whole course plan to prepare myself better for BF for the next one. Feel like I'm too careless in looking after my health and diet for this whole BF journey.

HBB, Lamagier
When it came she was feeding, kept eyeing her new toy, so I put her in it when she was done and then took her after 10mins, that's when she cry to go back it. I put her in the rainforest jumperoo again while taking lunch. When I finished my lunch, she was asleep in it lol. But she's already half-tiptoeing on level 3, level 1 the knees are bent. I don't think it's going to last very long before the feet is squarely on the cushion (and it's not a very thick cushion). Was keen to buy before she's in it, but now looking at tension levels, like not going to go past another 2 months because I don't want so much strain on the knees or worst case push herself out of it.
ya, apparently it is the side effect of the antibiotics. dunno why the doctor didn't warn us in advance. Made us pay another $80 to find out...sigh
ur girl actualli falla sleep in the jumperoo!
tats like so cute

wah! why ur PD never tell u in advance. not only another $80 to find out, another trip and also make you all worriew for nothing!
nah, I think she's about the avg height of the bb here, just that she likes to stretch her legs. lol, wait till we hear from kitty about Lucius. Edna got boundless energy mah, lol your milk not the tiring kind...
talk bout milk
edna go crazy again
past 3 feed she drank more than 200! then i gotto know last nite dh feed her 200 also when i was out.. tsk.. yoyo girl
not only that...I took leave also. that's the children's emergency dept...aih~
tomorrow got to bring him for post surgery review. got to ask the doctor to follow up on the enlarged lymph node oso...hopefully she is able to give me a better answer.
Gina, check with u, u give JuEn the rice cereal yet? I gave to K this afternoon, he stopped the spitting ups.. I dunno if there is any link, but may be u try and see?
Thanks for the link... My hubby jus went to get the teething gel (Dentinox) from Guardian Pharmacy... Haven't use it on Gen yet... Hope that it works thou...

My girl is underweight also... She's 5.6kg at 4 months... Acceptable weight is 6.2kg for her age according to PD... However, Gen already double her birth weight but PD still says not enough.. haiz...
The phlebotomist actually draw blood from Amanda's arm to do the testing?!! OMG!!! For such blood test, jus need to prick their heel for some droplets of blood... No need to draw so much blood from their arm... I'm suffering from iron deficiency anaemia and always got to test for my hb level during pregnancy, I usually ask the phlebotomist to prick my finger for some droplet of blood to do the testing instead of drawing blood from my arm...
By right, the test result will be out pretty soon, within 3 hours (max) the test result will be ready... My gynae always call me within 3 hours after I done my blood test to tell me my hb level... Did the PD also do a Thalassemia test since he is testing for iron-def anaemia? I tested for Thalassemia when I was preggy coz it was a hereditary blood disease... Luckily, mine was only iron-def anaemia... Jus pop some iron tablets and the condition will improve definitely... Btw, is Amanda's blood test out yet? how was it?
Gen is on FM since she was born, I only let her drink a bit of EBM during the first month... I heard many ppl says FM will beef up baby but it seems not for my case... do update if Amanda did gain weight after feeding FM k? I hope Gen gain weight after introducing cereals...
I gave Gen according to the portion as mentioned in Organix box (mine is the old packaging), 4.3g to 60ml of liquid for 4 months baby... Its also not enough for her, I gotta double the dosage to make it 120ml liquid...

I'm currently feeding her Nestle this week... barely 3 days and she's begin to reject Nestle cereals... She scream when MIL fed her Nestle cereals... haiz... Seems like I gonna buy Organix again... She never fuss when we feed her Organix...
han yu mei mei
Big thank you for lending me your jumperoo, I love it! And nope, I have not fallen asleep in it - yet :p

I rushed to NTUC in Marine Parade after rehearsal, but the pampers not on offer leh...

Muack! Thanks so much for buying the Philips/Avent steamer/blender and Organix for me, and good to know you enjoyed 2012. We can discuss the film after I go...sam also went to watch it, right?

May I know why do you wanna give Kaelem cereal so early? Joanne said it is because Gen is underweight, what's your rationale? Super size K?

Jap Milk Powder
Can someone who are using Glico, Meiji and Wakodo please post a photo here of each? I found 2 pictures of Meiji but they are slightly different so I am not sure which one is which and I cannot find pictures of the other 2 via google image. My aunt is going to Japan and I am asking her to buy for me but to prevent her from getting the wrong can, I would like to show her a photo + give her the name (e.g. Meiji Smile 850grams). TIA!!

Fox/Pumpkin Patch Sale at 105 Tampines Road
My damage at the sale was $80, relatively mild, there are many people so I would suggest not bringing your child if someone can look after him or her for you. Place is air-con. They accept cc and cash, do remember to bring the coupon which gives an extra $5 off for every $60 spent, easy to hit with all that lovely baju. Free parking but only one lot left when I got there at about 1pm. No place selling drinks around so best bring your own bottle, it was a hot day and I was quite thirsty after the 'exertion'.

Stupid Weak Tooth
I had some pistachios and chipped my front tooth, have to go to the dentist tomorrow, damn damn damn, hope I don't sound like I lisp now! Darn!!
eh, just got bk frm hk leh..then can buy meiji fm to try..sigh, wonder if i should buy Wakodo to try on my Cate. Her feeding has stretch to 4-5 hourly and sometime dun even finish her 170ml..Nite feed lagi worse, dun even want to drink, took me an hr just to finish 100ml..
Btw, if i want to change fm, do i mix the old fm w new fm gradually?

can just do pricking? actually i also dun know they will draw blood from her. thought will be just pricked since she's so small. they just carried her from me n went into the room. the PD just said will do a blood test to check her blood count, etc. not sure if incl thalessemia test. i did it when preg too cos i had low hb count too. her result supposed to be out today but clinic didn't call me. today they opened half day. when i called the clinic to check, they r already closed. i'll take it as good news since no news.

last time my #1 also hates nestle cereals. they r totally different texture and nestle much sweeter. maybe they r not used to the different taste.

anyone wants Mamil Step 2 FM and sample packs of Nestle cereals - oats with prune flavour? i can bring along during the next gathering.
