(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

yah... i hope to find a good permanent solution soon. really giving me headache.

u asked me if i want more. yes... i do want 1 more. but looking at the state i'm in, it's never possible unless i strike million toto. haha.

hahaha.. your edna really cute & hands v itchy huh? kekeke.. ok.. will buzz u & c if u free or not.. most likely on weekends..

thanks for the explanation! i just realised got Wakodo gungun & haihai & maybe dunno whatwhat.. do u know what's the diff? sekali i bought wrongly hahaha.. I've got the one in white tin & red wordings.. about $46 for 850g if not wrong..

--> Just check w/ hubby, he said the one we bought is haihai.. gungun for elder babies (9mths onwards)..
Happy birthday Elsa! May you enjoy abundance of blessings in all area of your life!

Jes, K does give a stunt look when too many strangers crowd around and overwhelm him, but after he'll be ok.. I think we need to tell these friendly aunties & uncles to take it easy so not to scare our strange boys.

BBEthan, I am now imagining the your MIL's shocking look that day your hb (having enough of being "threaten") told her, "well, in that case, U go then!"
I used to think I want 3kids, but of course age is not on my side, and I admire you for the love you have for kids! We need more Chinese peoply in S'pore like you!! Thanks!

Bestberries, wish you best in your travel & on-the-go-pumpng experience.

Aida, welcome to Jul MTB thread. Dun b too worried abt your bb, so long she is striving. Kaelem's PD was saying that he is on the "heavy" side, thats worrying to me, cos I certainly dun want him to implicate his health/ growth if he becomes too heavy. If u r SAHM like me, heavy bb may not be best too, now K wants to "bond" with me so much, my shoulder is breaking.
Mashy, your girl's growth is due to the low growth genes/ hormones u told us? What is your experience starting weaning food for your boy? Is Hayley starting weaning food yet?
Agree with kim, size doesn't quite matter, most important is baby is healthy. Weight isn't the only marker for baby's developement, it's just a convenient comparison. And think it was in alst week straits time that an article mention for babies uner a year old, bb weight as not critical as not too over/under. Weight will chnage as they start solids and learn to crawl/walk.

Maybe your baby has high metabolism? Or maybe both you and hubby are skinny and bb inherited it?
for my case, since my bb got rashes last wk & PD advised to try new FM, i just rem that yan mentioned abt wakodo lorr, cos' also happened i saw it @Liang Court last weekend.. then yan relate to my earlier posts abt my bb's rashes & told us here that her boy used to hv same prob & better after changing FM/Wakodo. No intention to relate Wakodo w/ "anti-rashes"
Pprincess: yup.. I shall not worry too much abt baby flipping.. Let him take his time.. and just give him as much tummy time as possible..

Aida, I've been weighing my baby too and he hasn't seem to be gaining much weight since his 2nd month check-up.. :p But I've been weighing him on the normal bathroom scale. I stand on it first, then I carry him.. ha ha..But dunno if that's accurate

Hmm.. My baby has developed rashes around his chin.. He's on TBM.. and the rashes are those dry looking kind, circular, just below his mouth, around the chin along the sides of his face.. Can I apply 1% hydrocortisone? Dunno if it's too strong for bb's skin.. :p It seems to be spreading.. :p
thanks ladies... but really.... i ponder every nyte...
maybe she inherited my hubby side... definitely not mine.. hahaha
anyway.. can friscocrem be taken for baby age 4 mths.... i've tried to go to the website but its under construction.....

the main objective is to start feeding her by spoon, to learn to swallow earlier before reaching 4 mths...

ya. could be coz my boy has low growth hormone. he gained a lot fr 3mths abt 1kg each mth till 8mths with fm (before i knew he's allergic) then slowed after he kept getting sick. i weaned him when he was 5.5mths. She hasn't started weaning yet but intending to with rice cereal first since that's the lowest incidence of allergy. also going to give fm to beef her up.
My mum got scolding from me yesterday. Held my girl up and tried to get her to shuffle her feet to "walk"... at less than 4 months....
Freaky thing is, my girl actually could "walk" ~ lifted her leg, bent knees and did it for alternate leg and repeated it a few times... and I've never taught her that.... freaked me out. Now banned my mum from doing it... Reminds me of Chucky (*shudder*)
We are back fm Char's 4 mo chk-up and vaccination. She has doubled her birth *YAY* but this merlion threw out all the rotarix on the spot, urghhh... Gina, at least Ju En kept it in till she got home, mine got nada, zip, "gor-nok".
Gordon Max got jewelry for kids. Just bought for Naomi silver charm bracelet, necklace and earring set. haiz. so cute!

try not to use anything with steroids to apply for baby cos it is still quite harsh. The last time I did, my baby had skin decolourization till. In the end I used the california baby diaper rash cream and it worked! Maybe you can try diaper rash cream
My girl's 4mns and one wk old and yesday i just tried frisocream just one tsspoon and today i tried one little bowl and she took it well actually she ate quite fast..but i feed her bit by bit.
Princess, ya I rmbr by a a certain age the baby starts "losing weight".. He tried to roll over at the playpen today, butt too heavy.. then cleaner told me his butt rolled over but head din go over.. Sigh, head and butt cant coordinate.

Lamagier, ya according to K's PD, if the baby wants to sit up or stand (K is), it's ok, but never to make them do it.

ETirto, for once when you posted "Gordon Max" I almost called my hubby to check on one of our friends named Gordon Max.. hahaha..

MEnglee, according to the PD, water and food intake and toilet visit by both adult and infant will make the weight less inaccurate. But I do that all the time to have a rough gauge of K's weight too!
lamagier ok.. agree that rush is no god hehe...
btw.. i tink the 'walking' ur girl did was wat they call steps... if u rem the massage class at birth n beyond on the notes they did mention =)
dun freak out yea... edna also like tat...
at least ur mum did that on ur 4 month old girl. u know my fren did that on her 1month old boy and proudly claim that her boy can 'walk' and even video it!

haha! is like that. anyway i think also quite true that the smaller size dey are, the faster they are. bcos not so heavy mar. if they bigger size, head is bigger and heavier also. so harder to coordinate.
Kim, he does twist his waist but no sign of attempting to flip. just stop there.
well, he prefer to curl & pull his legs all the way down & SUCK HIS TOES instead! caught him doing that alot of times. buay tahan....

My gal with nanny day and night charge $800. I think now market rate is $800 to $950. For day time only is $550 and above.

R u looking for nanny?
Hi mummies,

for those who have start cereal, should we change the teats to bigger size or use the same teats. my gal now using Avent teat no 2 for her milk, So if i want to feed her cereal should i change to no 3?
Your gal with nanny for how many nights a week? Now worried I may be giving my aunt too little... She's looking after my girl 3 nights a week, I give her $700.... Oh mine...
darius can turn and lie on his right side totally alreadi for 1 month but still cannt flip. hahahhas.

dun u find that when dey suck the toes veri cute?! LOL.they sae the leg mus b long enuff for them to be curl up before dey are able to suck their toes
i love to see him curling all up and sucking the toes or holding the legs high up.
If serving cereal thru bottle, best use variable teat. No.3 teat is just another hole of the same size, unless you make the cereal very runny, mostly likely your gal will spend a lot of energy sucking. Read the instructions on how to use the variable teat, very important as your gal might not be used to the faster flow.

Why not make the cereal a meal experience and spoonfeed? But do only if your girl can hold her head well, as she will need to learn to swallow the cereal when spoonfed, chances of choking higher if the bb can't support the head upright well.
Re: money for caregiver
I give $500 for my MIL to take care of Gen from Mon to Fri, only bring Gen home on fri night... Sometimes Gen stay over there for the entire week if both of us have work commitment during the weekends... MIL didnt really want to take our money, told us not to give if we dun have enough moo-lah to spend... Insist on giving even though $500 is not a big amt coz its not easy taking care of lil Gen...

Gen had already started on cereals last week... She's using NUK teats... I had to change it to the large hole coz she couldn't get anything out from the medium hole with the milk+cereal mixture... still yet to spoonfeed her coz she keep facing down and dunno where to place her in to do the feeding... she too tiny for the jellymom also...
Twinkle & Pprincess, K only arches his back and twist his waist, he cant flip cos either head or butt too heavy, or both, cant even lay on the side.. I was told I can put him in playpen, throw in some toys and he'll flip when learning to grab those toys, I did and what I saw him doing was, he grab the toys (some times I attached them on the side) and pulls himself to flip, but still unsuccessful cos butt too heavy..

RE: Teats for cereal
My gf taught me a C&G way, u take the old #1 or S teats, slit a cross on the tip of the teat cos the flow of the milk/cereal will flow according to bb's strength in sucking, usually leak proof too!

Joanne, u hv bumbo right? heard it's great way to feed using this too.
I bought the jellymom for her... Should have bought the Bumbo initially coz jellymom's thigh area (hole) too big for my tiny Gen... still left too much lobang after i place her in, thats y cant use that now.... jellymom more suitable for bb with thick thighs...
I thought about doing that, but worry that residue can get stuck at the slits if don't clear properly or breaks off and the bb ingests the silicon. So I heck it, just take it as a reason to change the teats.

i fed my #1 on his rocker for the 1st few months before he could sit upright. He didn't choke. So i suppose it's perfectly fine to do that.
Hi mummies,
Need advice as to when is the safe period to resign without having to pay the company back any money. My maternity leave entitlement of 4 mths has just ended officially on 15 Nov although i was back to work on 5 oct. As such, is it safe for me to resign in the first week of december or end nov? Any mummies actually resigned during their maternity leave here?
Re: Jumperoo
For mummies who are keen on the rainforest jumperoo. I bought the rainforest jumperoo from amazon.com and the total amount including shipping is approx.$210. Kiddy palace selling at $239 i think, so i saved about $29.

i am putting my girl in the FB rocker in upright position for the past two days and feeding her. She's swallowing well too eventhough her head at times little shaky
There is a 2nd hand one in WTS asking for $150, pickup at Bukit Batok, kinda too far for me to see its condition, which seller says is 8/10. Thought hard about it, think I stick with the rental first, delivering tml, see whether she likes it, as much as she likes kicking the last big piece of FP toy we got for her, it's really taking up the floor space.
btw, about over a day ago, I was looking at the jumperoo price on amazon, there was a dip in price to $69, worth a look at.

Lamagier, my rainforest jumperoo will arrive on thurs! Rented fr mygrowingtoys.com
Wonder how lucius will respond to it.

Joanne, i din know bumbo and jellymom are of diff sizes...thought standard size? Maybe i should get the jellymom fr the BP...scared my boy outgrow it. A pity din let him try during the last gathering cox noticed some mummies brought it along with u.
