(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

coolkero > some spitups of milk/curds are normal, cos baby's sphincter muscle that closes the stomach off is not fully developed, thats why sometimes can spit up

gina > you can come flip with timmy anytime, bring ju en along for me to boobooboo with her :p
domperidone can get from any GP. It's actually meant for digestive problem, some use to help increase milk supply. Haha, my GP likes to give me domperidone for digestive problem, but I refuse to take during pregnancy cos dun want to expose bb to too much meds.
Gina, Sam,
Thanks! Haha, I bought Minrui a red flowery sundress from the facebook (Leona Chia).... Hee, no need worry she has no cute dress for her aunt's ROM next sat
same! darius also but he fussed only when he's 3rd month which leave me puzzeled and kanchiong bcos im onli a few days away to be back to work.
immediately chiong down to KP and bought 1 NUK bottles wif latex bottle to try and is ok. so went to bought somemore.

darius head is not even stable. cant hold on his own straight up for long but PD sae it gd enuff for him. not sure isit bcos of his size?
i heard from relatives and frens, dey sae the smaller they are, the easier and faster for them to do stuff like flipping. but slightly bigger size babies or heavier babies will take longer time.
my fren whose bb is nw 8.8kg at 5th month just learn hw to flip 1 week before turning 5months old.
but another fren of mine the baby alreadi know hw to flip at 4 months old. another 1 at 4 days old. interesting hor.

my fren was also telling me abt this domperidone too!
she sae her gynae gave it to her. but she dun encourage us to take bcos it's not supplement but medication.
but super tempted and not sure if we go GP dey will be willing to gif or not
For those who keeps getting clogged ducts, u can try taking 1 tablespoon of Soy Lecithin daily. Just add to any beverage. It helps. U can get a nature farm or any pharmacy.
thanks! yea, at times i feel i shudn't hv been complaining too much! I've asked so long for Stacia & God hears my prayer so i shud b grateful right? hehe..
hope u also enjoying your weekend w/ Lucius & family..

thanks for so many useful info! btw, what is the recommended mth to put bb in jumperoo? Mommies w/ jumperoo (hbb, gina, lamagier, etc) -> is it stated in the box when u get your jumperoos?

i saw the dress u ordered in your FB.. it's v prettyyy!!! minrui will b da mei nu on it hehe.. rem to share her pics ok?

your birthday today? HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!!!
it says 6 mth.. but edna was in thr since ehh less than 3 mth =p
i guess it deoends on baby?

who wans to hold on buying then i rent my set out for 1 math or 2 LOL

Thanks for the info.
Just one quick question if it is medication, is it ok/safe to eat much of it since it will go to the baby via the milk?
WOW pprincess... Flip @ 4 days old is amazing.. My bb also not showing signs of flipping... He gets super annoyed with us when we leave him on his tummy for too long... And will be bu shuang for a while after that.. hehe

Happy b-day to ETirto...
Re: Photobook...

I used it for my actual day wedding photos... it's not too bad.. Pretty decent.. apparently I heard the photobooks are done in M'ysia..
re: rental of toys
i was also thinkin of renting toys to try out because dey aint cheap!
at first thinkin of jumperoo. but then my fren advise me not to since it have a max weight it can carry at 12kg and my boy already 7kg+ yet his neck not stable yet. and also i think exersauce is much better since other then jumping, it can also spin and rock.
ani comments on this? bcos realised not mani people take exersauce compare to jumperoo

nevermind lar. take it as dey flip later, we enjoy more first. hahahha. once dey know hw to flip. we haf to keep our eyes on them 24hrs or bring them wif us to do wdaever ting we need to do.
my fren's bb flip at the most unexpected time when she was admitted to KKH and flip in front of the nurse. u cant believe the look on the nurse face.
Happy birthday Elsa!

Hee, I like flower flower dress, though on minrui & not me... Hee, for someone whose wardrobe almost all black, my bb wardrobe is surprisingly colourful =p I figure I can dress her in all sort of silly stuff and still look cute. Once get to toddler, then will start to look silly

The jumperoo came without the box . But the rental lady ask me put baby in, ask me how many month is baby, then never say anything. Saw on some website that if baby can hold head stable and not able to climb out then ok for jumperoo. My Minrui also just hit 7kg... hahaha fat girl
Hi mummies, did u feed milk with cereal for your babies or separately? That is, cereal alone not mixed with milk. Coz I have different opinions from older generations. *Headache*
Do you know if they would rent the items on weekly basic instead of monthly? It would be great if I could rent some toys for the gals when we go home next yr.
she hasn't start on cereals yet. trying to hold back till she's 6mths old. thinking of going back to PD at gleneagles for 2nd opinion and also for a growth assessment.

i suppose it's safe altho the official stance is no. drs have prescribed this to bf mothers n haven;t read any negative literature on this. start wif 10mg 3x a day first. coz some may get side effects. i got headache when i doubled to 20mg 3x a day n had to cut down.
my gal no matter how she eats still small. think she'll be those next time can eat an elephant n still stay slim. some pp breathe air only can get fat. :p
thanks cookerro, that's exactly the one I've been looking for. at OG orchard, ya?

Thanks for all the bday wishes, haiz. getting old already. hahah...last year my boy could sing the happy bday song in english. this year he can sing in mandarin for me. I guess next year naomi can sing along with his kor kor as backstage singer.
On lah.. i rent fr u, can? but edna how? hehehe

Wahhh.. minrui 7kg already?! That's heavy for a gal! Stacia onli 6.19kg, taken last wk @clinic. Tday I carry her & weigh.. abt 6kg nia..

I rem sometime ago u mentioned abt Wakodo milk right? I was @Liang Court last nite & saw it. Bought 1 tin for my gal to try out cos' PD said the rashes cud oso be fr milk. He asked me to try NAN HA but I just feel it's more to advertising
Btw, the preparation is the same w/ normal milk or not (cos' it's all in Jap!)? I mean 60ml water to 1 scoop? TIA!
Etirto, i saw it in cktang too last time, but i bought from OG near bugis cos my #1 go NAFA, so drop her i go shopping.

re: cereal in milk
for my #1, my mil insist put cereal in milk, but my PD advice us not to, because doc say if bb dun like the taste of cereal in milk, they might not take milk later. in the end my mil still wanna try, saying it's how her kids grow up, but my #1 didn't like it, and whew mil give up, and i gave seperate and #1 ok.
Medela's silion teats right? Gen can only use latex teats... Btw, my lil Gen merlion today at Dian Xiao Er restaurant... aiyo... shocked me sia... never saw her merlion b4, jus like Ju En at Mintymom's house... That kaypo girl keep looking at the toddler yelling in the restaurant, ended up she choked on her milk... haiz...

Sometimes, our babies r so weird... Suddenly dun like silicon teat and prefer latex ones... Mine too... Silicon teats for first month only...
Gen also yet to flip even though she's so light... but her head is stable le coz she able to lift up when on tummy and already in walker...

Re: Jumperoo
Let lil Gen tried out the jumperoo, courtesy of Ju En's... She still prefer her walker to the jumperoo coz she could travel about in her walker and poke her nose into everything (super kay po girl)... She could move forward now, but not as fast as her backstroke thou... Nonetheless, she could only sit in her walker for less than 10 mins, not more than that thou...

Do share with me on wat ur PD says about gaining weight for our light weight babies... Gen's thigh seems thicker after feeding her cereals, maybe coz I only get to bring her home on weekends thus her growth seems more obvious to me...

Re: Metro Ladies' Night on 20 Nov 2009
Mummies who are Metro cardmembers, there is a 20% off storewide PLUS up to additional 20% off at the Ladies Department on 20 Nov 2009 at Metro Paragon, 6 to 11 pm...
Wonder if Monsoon's clothes and accessories have additional 20% discount, so tempted to buy shoes and stockings for lil Gen at Level 3.... hm....
Re: cereal in milk
I mix the Organix white rice / Nestle white rice with Enfalac... Gen seems to be drinking pretty well, finishing up everything most of the times...
i dun put edna in the jumperoo often
i do not allow her to tink she can play play play everyday haaaaaa
most of the time i put her on cot so she can roll all voer n explore the stuff.. nwo she like to pluck off the caterpillar fr the railing! then drag it to the other end... arghhh
u r free to bring stacia over toplay the jumperoo lar jus buzz me! u kwno whr i stay rite hehe

i tink edna have not double her birth weight leh... hmmmm
Wakodo is 1 scoop - 20ml water.. for example 150ml water i put in 6 scoops instead of 7.5 scoops as i generally put in more My boy love it n can drink 210ml of it.. hahahaaha.. So for 210ml i put in 8 scoops..

enfalac last time the best he has gone is 120ml n mst use force then drink.. so im stickin to it..

some cereals oredi have milk content in it such as friso n nestle thus no need to put in milk.. overloaded if still mix wif milk.. other brands which dun have milk content its up to individual to mix wif water or milk.. tis wat i read so far..
U use the panel inside the tin to level the amt of fm frm the spoon.. tis fm is very light compare to the local fm.. u dun even need to shake it much to dissolve the milk.. my boy oso had rashes b4 n after i start him on tis milk.. its so much better.. u can try..
good morning mummies...
For those whose babies are taken care by MIL/mother/relatives, can share how much do u give them for allowance for helping take care?

anyone here who put bb with nanny? what's the market rate now?
My girl prob like what mashy says, beathe in air also will get fat. Hahaha, that's wy I keep calling her fat girl (got scolding from my sister)

My aunt takes care of my girl (include week day nites). My mum told me $700 std rate, so I just follow. Add $50 when she starts on solids like porridge. If only day, it's between $500-600 I think. Expensive.... but what to do....
Lamagier, thanks for the contacts. I rented the rainforest jumperoo...so now waiting for the person to contact me for delivery. Hope my boy will enjoy it. How's minrui doing in it?

HBB, sorry yest went offline suddenly cox my boy din hav a gd sleep. Which applies to the mummy as well
Haiz...in the end my milk ss for that night plunges to miserable 80ml only.
Emailed you. How come suddenly looking for infant care?

She seems to like it. Look very puzzled initially, but last night she has learnt to sit in it and watch TV =p. She was whining when I put her on the couch, but was ok in the jumperoo. Prob a nice change from lying down most of the day. But the seat comes up to just below her arm pits (she's vertically challenged), so she leans forwrd and starts to suck on the jumperoo... haiz... need to line clean diaper cloth around to protect the jumperoo... Hope Lucius will like it. Which site you rented from? I may want to change to a different type after the rental expires... Rent That Toy only has the deluxe one....

You might have to check with the toy rental people. SO far I've only came across monthly rentals
looking for backup plans. want to see how much nanny charges or infant care services or consider letting my mum take care. fed up with my MIL already. every now and then when quarrel with my hb, will bring up $ issue and say want to go out to work and ask us to find childcare for baby. so better do some homework first in case she really means it.
Your mil headache, why keep using baby to threaten you guys? Later really bring to nanny, she'll create trouble again how?

Re: Dec gathering
Mentioned to my photo enthu colleagues we having group photo for 24 babies.
They asked me what advertisement are we shooting for...... Hahahaha.
His exact words were "Is it a commercial shoot? If yes, let me know which product it is for and I will look out for it on side of buses, magazines ,etc… "
so many posts over weekend. i brought bbies out to vivo on sat and parkway yest. i'm boot.

bbethan - err, MIL must give $$ meh ? i didnt give my MIL. hoping no need to give... :p

renting toys - is the toy rental shop good ? are the toys from there clean or dirty ? i got hand me downs from SIL, now my house so many bb furniture, overtaking adult furniture. rocker, bumbo, tummy time mats, car seats, stroller, bjorns, exersaucer... dont feel like buying more, else need to find space to store.

jitters jitters... gg for biz trip tom. think i've got the pumping logistics sorted, thanks to kim and other mummies. tried on manual pump for 1st time on sat, its painful and tiring. sheesh, need more practice sessions. will update it i manage to bring back any milk.
hi everyone... im new to this....
i have a daughter delivered in july... now shes 4 mths already....
when i went for her 4th mth immunisation, i met a parent with her daughter abt the same age as my BB. but when i placed her BB side to side with mine, my heart sank... her BB is so huge and plump!!!! can you imagine a baby at age 3 mths weighs 7kg whereas mine weighs 5.8 at 4 mths...

so i asked her is there anything xtra 'ingredient' given to the BB, she said she added Friscocrem to the milk at every feeding...

ladies... is friscocrem that good?

my BB is on S26 can i still add friscocrem to it?

i stop BF because after a mth it dried up

ladies i need you advice....
actually we don't give my MIL $$ for taking care of bb too. both of us give her some allowance since we got married for household and my hb is paying for the utilities etc. thus i feel fair enuf not to give anymore. furthermore she's not cooking for my #1 or us and i still hv to do baby's laundry myself. she's literally just looking at baby while we worked. haiz...

anyway all the best for yr trip. i'm sure u can make it.

dun think she'll give trouble lah as long as she can wash her hands off us. actually she's not those nosey MIL lah... just that she's simply just want easy life, get $ n hv her own life. but she just doesn't understand that we are sloughing hard to earn $ and we also hv our own expenses. she has the old thinking of depending on children to support them after bringing them up.
The jumperoo I got is clean, and of cos, looks a bit old. I've also decided not to buy any toys liao cos most toys so bulky... lots of storage prob.

Sigh... it's also tricky when it comes to money issue. Hope you & the husband will be able to work something out
So lucky! If you'd already got toys for each stage for their development, no need to stock up. I happened to be stuck in the rut that relatives are expecting new arrivals or kids still in that stage of using the stuff. But the big-ass toys really take up too much space for me to buy them, cos gotta keep the boxes in case we move or sell off. Just placed a rent order this morning for the jumperoo, waiting for their reply too for availability.

probably good to find other options of childcare that are flexible if your MIL got bored of being stuck with the baby. Sigh, sad when old folks don't understand that "$ is hard to earn". Maybe when you found the option, sound it out to her, in case she's fickle and says she wants the baby around, don't waste money and all that nonsense.
