(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

hi mummies,
please find below the link for my BP on slings.


Kim... Coz we don't have the baby weighing scale so got to resort to the traditional way.. Ha ha But I sure hope my baby is putting on enuf weight!

And my little one did 4 flips today.. YEah!.. From tummy, to a lying on his back position. But he still doesn't know how to do it the other way round.. ha ha.. Quite funny coz i kept pushing him to flip from lying down to tummy and he got angry AGAIn..

Do babies dribble a lot at about this age? Coz my boy has a lot of dribble.. Today I went to the pharmacy to get aloe vera gel for him but the pharmacist asked me to try Sorbolene cream.. Hope it works. Apparently it's better than baby lotion coz there's no perfume and stuff like normal baby lotion..

Should I start thinking about cereal feeding coz the little one turns 4 months next week? And what brand should I start on? Hopefully I can find similar brands here in Melb.. Coz here they don't sell Similac..:p
Devilene, with the slight increase of the USD, I think works out about the same as what you paid for, though still cheaper than retail. The BP is quite attractive in that case.
Noelle, decided not to, for the time being, since she doesn't have much interest in her teethers, she rather chew on her hankies, occasionally the chilled teether. I'll observe first, when the teething really kicks in, if the teethers she has now doesn't satisfy her. hehe, the reviews do say it's like a doggy's chewtoy lol, might have to find something to fasten it to the stroller or something if bringing it out (my girl likes to kick stuff outta the stroller).
Lucky you, I think there're quite a few organic brands of cereals in AU, should be reasonably easy to find them in store.

I bought Bellamy's but according to BbEthan, taste AWFUL, especially when made with BM, and Joie's first taste of it is the same (I did taste it, but BM/FM/cereal just taste bad to me anyways). It can be fed from 4months up. PD recommendation will be to start from 6months, and I think that recommendation is similar with books too. If your bb can wait having to take cereal regularly, just hang on to it. I only tried it out cos she hasn't been spoonfed lately and is resisting swallowing when fed from spoon (used to feed her water with the spoon).

My gal with her nanny day & night from monday till friday night.
urs 700 is ok lah. one of my friend her nanny also take 700 for day and night from monday till friday leh...

Re: teats for cereal
Thanks for mummies infor...
i should change the teats to feed my gal cereal.
anyone using "Y" teats for pigeon bottle?
Sam, has your jumperoo arrived? Did joie like? If cereal mix with milk and taste awful then how? I also wanna let my boy try out soon...wonder how to make him like it if he rejects.
Sigh... Feeling like hunchback of notre dame + ninja turtle from carrying pump + chiller bag + laptop around everyday. Been trying to comfort myself that use this as weight training to lose weight, but really heavy..... Only like using it to bang into people who try to rush into the mrt without letting passengers alight first =p

Other mummies who carry pump around, jia you....
not yet, coming tml ard lunch time. hehe gotta wait to see her reaction lol.

How much is Lucius drinking already? He's gaining weight well? I've stopped BM already, wanna to start to "bu" myself, so she's on full FM, but haven't reached up to the full recommended feed amt on the FM, which is around 210ml for recommended age. Cereal puts a more stress on the digestive system (unlike our BM), so no rush to push it. I might try it with a little puree, so she gets a bit more flavor, maybe sometime ard 5 months. Don't be too focused on making the cereal as a feed replacement lor. I'm giving her to let her experience solids, think that's the fun part of solid introduction.
Lamagier, why not leave the pump in office, buy the sterilizer bag/unit to sterilize in office, and latch/use a spare manual pump at home? I used to carry laptop to work every day, some more the full desktop replacement kind, my arms wanna break already everyday, can't imagine if I'm still had to go to office with pump and icebrick. Xin ku le~
yah..tuina's gd..i mus admit!... haha. ltr bringing him back again... hmmm, den i beta look out for Jav.. but so far for me is asthma nvr had ezcyma..butmy hb has ezcyma but no asthma.. haha.. i hope Jav wont have any of either one!...=P haha.. u r rite.. it takes v long for him to hold e bottle n drink cos somehw somewhere he will lose control n drop e bottle.. but nw i let him lie dwn n hold n drink sometimes.. wen im lazy to fite w him..muahaha
eh! i oso wan rent yr jumperoo!..ahahaha.. can? can?

ya lor.. i fite w Javier owaes oso... now worse, even pacifier he wanna fite with me!.. i put in, he pull out, i take away, put back in, he pull it out n swing arnd..den throw one side.. -___-
i tin mayb he dislikes pacifier nw..=\

i am oso interested in the exersauce.. but its nt cheap too right?.. i tink maybe jumperoo more fun for the lil ones cos they get to jump in it?.. tats wad Jav likes frm ad i see.. wen i hold him standing up n carry him up n down while saying "jump jump jump!" he will laugh n laugh..

where u stay?... hmmm..nanny's rate is abt 600-700 ba.. tats wad i charge.. although mine is abt 650 w/o nites but w half day sat cos im dip trained in early childhood..

yah.. haha..mayb our strange boys 'tai shou huan ying'..tat all the aunties n uncles r attracted to them..hahaha.

Jav's doing the 'walking' too.. wen we hold him up.. he likes to do tat or the jumping.. like wad HBB says..tink its normal..=)

Jav oso kicks things outta his pram everytime.. blankie, hanky, pacifier he will hold n drop.. sometimes i feel like tying his legs..hahaha..=X
Joanne and other mummies who's trying on rice cereal. Have you try the Earthbest brand? I guess it's more expensive then Organix?
Cool. I'll go check that brand. Thanks Sam.

I'm also interested in the exersaucer. Looks really fun! Think the prices are better on Amazon.com (USD 109 for the triple fun exersaucer jungle).. But dunno how much it'll be with shipping.. Shall check out..
Re: enlarged/swollen lymph node under the arm
anyone heard of this before? got a shock when I saw this on my son's left armpit. doctor is not sure of the cause but said it could be due to infection. Gave him antibiotics and he now got diarrhea. worry...
Sam/FOZ, can I just double check...this rent that toy thing charge delivery and pick up? or can we collect/return it ourself?
I didn't rent from them, but I think the co I rent from also waive the delivery on rentals over a certain value, rent-that-toy waive the $10 fee on rentals over $35 (in their FAQ). Maybe can email them about self-collect & dropoff.
I didn't tried the Earthbest brand... Think I'll still prefer the Organix than Nestle... But my cheapo hubby just refuses to buy the more ex Organix for lil Gen...

The jellymom might look similar to Bumbo but the thigh area is bigger than Bumbo one... u may wanna take a look at their website for more explanation... I bought mine at $59 with tray coz I also bought their bumper playmat... http://www.smallsmallworld.com/furniture.html
Minrui did a flip!!!!! hahaha, her daddy used his hand to bait her... She was turning her head to suck his hand and eventually flipped over!!!

I only have 1 pump... sigh... Thinking maybe when my niece wean off BM, I buy my sister's pump from her

I got jumperoo from rent that toy. Free delivery. Send to your place and pick up from your place =) Hee, like the convenience =)
re: flipping
seems like more and more babies are starting to flip! i tell myself wait till 5 months. hahahhas!

could the diarrhoea due to the allergic to the medication since u mention that after taking the medication that he haf diarrhoea?
u may wish to call ur PD to check.

meng lee
im also looking at exersauce! roughly hw much isit thou? much more exp then jumperoo?
like not much people taking up exersauce.
Any mummies knows where I could get Baby Orajel in Singapore? Or any good baby teething pain relief I could get here? I dun mind going anywhere in the island, i need to get it asap....
YAYYY! Now Stacia's rashes all cleared! I'll just stick to Desitin & Wakodo hahaha..

She likes Wakodo so much that she drinks 800-900ml/day now. Normally 680-750ml/day onli. The poop oso changed! When on Similac, her poop was so pasty like ls & color a bit dark! Now, it's yellow & no more watery/pasty! I dunno whether it just happened to be her another grow spurt or not.. Btw, fr where & how much did u buy your Wakodo stock? The one u said w/ free delivery? TIA!

really salute u!!! Can carry laptop somemore.. I gave up after carrying pump & cooler bag & my own bag for few wks.. Decided to buy 2nd pump.. that's why now die die must continue b/f! Though v tempted to stop..
wah... Stacia can drink so much after introducing Wakodo to her... hm...

U wanna let lil Ju En try it? See if it can stop her merlion symptoms or not? Or can ask LS to donate some Wakodo milk powder to let Ju En try for 1 feed, see if it improve or not...
Not sure if lil Cate is teething, she has been cranky for few days and not wanting to drink milk. Had to wait for her to fell asleep and replace her pacifier w milk bottle. Sometime she will drink up the milk but there are times which she will kick up a fuss when she discovered it's milk bottle in her mouth and not the pacifier..:\
Anyone experiencing this? The teachers at the infant care had a hard time feeding my ger cos she fuss alot whenever it's milk time..sigh..
My MIL told me Gen is teething also... She's been screaming and drooling non-stop... MIL keep asking me to find baby oral pain relief gel for Gen, but I yet to buy any...
yea.. no joke.. but again, dunno if it coincides w/ her grow spurt heheh..

if u wan, i'll bring for juju when i see u or when i try your toenk toenk.. =)

can i hv the contact for the playmat that u purchased $10 cheaper than ssw? tried to search but can't find. Thinking to buy w/ the haenim playyard oso.. do u know if they got package? Thanks!
LS, the email is [email protected], the thread is http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3123754.html

I think their system is "discount dollar" for past customer, not a package thing. I got the playmat first, cos no need for the playyard yet (there's this whole bidding/securing panels package). I guess no harm to get one shot, seems that a recent question asked on the playyard in FB, says they do the best deal.

Congrats! Stacia's rashes is gone! Oooh, incoming heavyweight baby
Ya my gareth used to merlion due to reflux n he had those milk rashes.. now he is fine coz jap milk r very fine n not as heavy as compared to local fm.. I oso got it frm Isetan which can get free delivery if u member.. Mashy jst mention abt wat jshipping something.. Gareth oso can drink alot more now range frm 180ml-210ml per feed.. its becoz its not heavy n its actually quite nice taste compared to local fm.. hee.. babies oso know wats gd stuff when they taste it leh... hahahaha..

So far myself n my gf babies who get rashes frm local fm all swap to wakodo n they r fine.. so i dont think its coincident but no idea wats the relation.. all in jap leh so dun knw wats it writting la.. but i did ask a jap n it has all the nutrients tat our local has... oso u knw jap la.. they very particular abt the quality of their products so i feel quite safe giving it to gareth.. U mention something abt jshipping.. can give me more details... tia

Wakodo HaiHai is in red and its for 0-9mths baby.. Wakodo GunGun is in blue n for 9mths onwards..

can let ju en try if u dont mind changing her fm coz wakodo is quite effective for gareth n my gf babies so far..
re: vuilli sophie - kids got choked by the legs.

Huh! I just bought it. oh oh. I still purposely read the instructions and is it said to help on reaching the inner gums.
LS, Glad to hear that Regis's girlfriend rashes are cleared ;)

The Wakodo fm sounds very attractive. Feels like trying cos Regis sometimes refuse to finish his feed of 100ml. So little still not finish somemore. haizzz...
thank u for the contact! shall email them.. haha.. stacia kiasu.. wanna compete w/ joie hehehe..

hahaha.. is Isetan selling cheaper than $46/tin if buy more than 3-4? I'm waiting for reply cos' someone wanna sell 8tins @$250! Hope she'll my msg..

yeah, regis can have back her snow white skin wakaka.. what brand is my 'son-in-law' taking now?
Hi guys, how are you all? Been reading but lazy or no mood to post lah...

<font color="ff0000">Muffingirl</font>, how is your first day back at work?

<font color="ff0000">Joanne</font>, can get the teething gel at $9.90 at http://infantshop.blogspot.com/2009/02/infant-cream.html (you might wanna check if muffingirl can get it cheaper for you)

Hey, I finally finalised our end of year trip - we will be going to fly into HK, stay a night in Disneyland and the other 3 nights in Macau, back on 1 Jan 2010. Wanted to stay longer but I have to attend my cousin's wedding on 2 Jan 2010...btw I am just bringing #1, #2 is second class citizen again...

I am tempted to try Wakodo too, after all these good comments, though austen has no problem with good, old friso...

Noticed that a no. of moms rented toys after my posting on rental - I should mentioned to the toys rental companies something about commission...hehe...
No need thanks.. we all share share ideas leh.. ay u find where the lobang!!! share wif me la.. wahhahahahaha.. i buying $46 all the while.. actually in japan tis is the cheapest jap fm lor but wen come to sgp we take it like gold n the price shoot up!!!

Can try la.. but u mst b prepared hor wen regis start to go on full FM they be consuming like 1 tin every week on average.. so its quite costly to maintain.. I oso feel its very ex to maintain leh but wat to do.. at least he dun throw up anymore.. Nw im still partial bf so 1 tin can last me 2-3 weeks.. i cant imagine wen on total fm wats it gonna be..
If austen no issue wif friso.. stick to it la.. coz i feel it really gets very ex in the long run.. so if no need then dun bother wif it i guess unless u dun mind payin for it.. then of coz go for it..
LS, wah 800-900ml is a lot, hehehe, even my tomi dun drink that much.

mrsC, i'm experiencing the same thing also, have to make my tomi zzz and replace the pacifier wif milk bottle and angry when he finds out and make a big fuss, so must try and try again. today he's on milk strike, so heartpain when he drink at 10am and not wanting milk until 8pm, sigh...i'm one of those panic moms who feels unease when my kid dun want milk. maybe should change milk powder.
today was on leave and brought my girl to PD. Today she is 5mths old and she weighs only 5.8kg. Underweight according to PD. Average should be abt 6.5kg. And till now, haven't double her birth weight. He checked and mentioned that she looks pale and her eye white also look pale.
said she could be aneamic and ordered a blood test (results out tmrw). Said probably it's becos she's on tbf and iron deficiency. He also suggested FM and cereals since she may need iron more which is lacking in BM. He gave multi vits and iron supplements. Seems like I can go slow in BM now since my milk seems to be the culprit. Going to start her on FM first before starting cereals. don't want to stress her little body at one go.

And was super upset with Parkway Health staff when they were drawing her blood. She was screaming inside the room for at least a few minutes.... Not crying... literally screaming. When they carried her to me, insist that I apply pressure on the area they drew blood from. I was there trying to comfort her and bend her arms so that there's pressure. And I see that there's no more bleeding and I believe no matter what pressure I'm going to put, it's confirmed to be bruising there based on the time they spend trying to draw blood from her. the nurse keep reprimanding that I shd apply pressure. Then ask me to change position to carry her. Was darm fedup with her, scolded her to let me just calm her down first. Only then she stopped. This is not the first encounter with them handling children in this manner. #1 also went thru that before. Next time if any of my children is going to take blood test again, I'm going to feedback to the PD.

remembered u mention abt starting solids for Edna after 7 mths. Do consider her requirement for iron too. I didn't think abt this point when I thought of starting at 6mths. I only thought of allergy and stress on digestive system. But of course, if she's all right with her BM needs, then shd be fine.

haha... pasir ris too far for me. anyway bb sitter is just an option I'm exploring as my backup plan.
I jst check jshopper very ex!! Wakodo is sellin at $110 per tin inclusive of shippin... actually my ideal fm i wan to use is Meiji but sgp dun have so thought of shipping it in but really too ex liaos.. Meiji cost like $160 per tin..

thanx for reminder i will ask pd rgd tis nxt month.hope amanda cn gain her weight soon.i suspect edna nt double her weight yet as well.looks like i better eat my iron tablets =)
