(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

coolkero, after a while I was too lazy to give tim tummy time, cos he always puke up milk. But after buying our LG playmat, we started putting him there in the daytime....then he started trying to flip

muffingirl...hmmm, maybe i should get a playmat, cos that day at ai min's house, tomi is trying to flip, wondering if maybe the floor is harder so easier to start practice flipping??? on the bed too soft??? btw, u mean he'll puke milk after burb? izit often???
playmat is good for daytime
I got 2 LG playmats, one for my place and the other for my mum's place where he will be when I go back to work.
tim always spits up some milk/milk curds...yeah often...supposedly its ok

snapfish n shutterfly does that too n u can compare the prices. i did before with snapfish n another one in thailand. submitting one tom to shutterfly coz got free book for joining 'family tree' application in facebook. just need to pay us$14 for shipping.
It looks like it's much easier when the bb gives a little push with the arm as they roll over. Joie didn't flip from back to front until I bought the playmat (she did flip easily with a little nudge on the 1st day). All the while I use the bed for her, and she only roll to her side. This morning (3rd day after I got the mat) dh said she'd flipped by herself. lol I was quite amazed lar...

I was looking at rental sites last 2 nights, the jumperoo rental was ard $40 for the deluxe and $45 for rainforest, very tempted to buy but also thinking to let her try a variety of exersaucer/playcenter instead. Do let us know if Minrui enjoys it.

For those who asked, the hepatitis is not A, B or C. It's just caleld "hepatitis". They say that it's because his liver is not functioning properly yet. Both husband and I are not carriers as well. Want to know if anyone else has this problem?
I just tried giving her Nestle cereal... She didn't finish up, left a bit still... But if I give her Organix, she sure to finish up everything... Btw, where u bought the Organix white rice? I went to HFC and vivo today but couldnt find the organix white rice...
Ya, I agree, the stupid NUK teat is really irritating at times, hoping to switch to silicon also... I changing her teat so fast that i lost count how many I have actually bought... the teats alone waste so much $$$...

Baby crying is a way of communication. Babies can't talk just yet u see. So, crying may not be a gesture of feeling uncomfortable. Maybe she just want to communicate with you.

Also, probably bcos she knows that you love her so much that she can bully you.
ya.. i alrdy gave up my soya bean drink n beancurd.. now i tink even cold drinks i mus gif up totally..tink no more for me at all.. but i jus feel sometimes weather so hot v difficult for me nt to tk cold drinks..or mayb i shud nt feed him the next bm if i drink cold drinks.. im forcing myself nt to take any now.. cos i realli dowan Jav to hav asthma like me.. i went thru it i noe its v jialat one.. so for his sake, i tink i shud jus stop taking all the food tat will cause him to haf it.. hai.. like u said, its worth it!... edna has v bad ezyma? i noe it can b v bad..cos my hb haf it.. sian rite?.. i haf asthma he has ezyma.. we all package one..hahahaa!

yah.. i agree w u!.. im rather surprised Jav will recognise n stick to daddy even thou daddy works n sometimes doesnt come hm n spends lil time w him.. =D but does K crys wen he sees strangers?... Jav doesnt really cry wen he's awake looking arnd.. n ppl play n tok w him.. he will laugh n smile n play back.. but like tat time we went to my god ma's place for dinner, he jus woke up in the car, i stepped out go into my godma's place n the ppl crowd over to say hello.. he sees them, nose n eyes turn red n start crying not like hw he normally starts his engine.. but until v ke lian type..den aft like 5 mins, the same grp of ppl play w him.. he starts smiling.. hmm.. so actually i find him quite a weird boy..hahaha..

haha..i can imagine Timmy in superman pose.. sure v cute.. hee.. anw, where did u get yr LG mats?.. isit ex?.. n hw big isit?... hee.. sorrie ar..ask so many qns at 1 go..=P

nowadays i put Jav on the mattress on the flr n flip.. den he will jus flip a few rounds continuously.. theres this time he rolled off onto the flr..but din cry or wad but cont flipping.. so i tink even if they roll of the mattress oso nt tat dangerous..

oh ya, HBB.. if u wanna order desitin count me in okay!..hee..thanksss!

anw.. Jav went to tuina again.. im pretty amazed at hw fast the tuina works.. ytd aft tat he din cough anymore *touch wood* ..but of cos phlegm still dere.. so will go n tui n tui.. tui until all phlegm go away!!!!.. =D oh yah, i realised Jav like to hold his bottle nw.. anyone experienced tat? i bot him a first sip bottle today.. its w handles.. n he kinda like it.. i was actually choosing btw weaning bottle or first sips.. den i showed Jav n ask him.. in the end, he held on to the first sips..(tink mayb gt handles?) so i gt for him n let him try..heee.. i sound Kiasuuuu...=P
Re: Baby flipping

My Regis still can't flip but I can see signs of him trying to. Like, arc his back and butt until they are lifted off from the bed at 1 side.

I don't have a playmat, could that be the reason why he is taking longer to flip?

LG mats are $200+ if I'm not wrong. Hmm... pretty ex to me. And that's why I'm holding back as I think mattress on floor is equivalent.

Re: Dec gathering

Err... can you squeeze me in if someone back out? Regis probably not going to attend as many parties as I thought, so, I would love to bring him meetup with his FRIENDS!
Thanks mashy.
Haha, I don't think I'll make it in time to enjoy the Photobook discount, I go have a look at snapfish. 50% off... wow....

I go from one of the websites FOZ posted last week or so.... Husband don't want me buy jumperoo cos say bb outgrow it very fast and takes up a lot of space...

Yah, Minrui seems to be enjoying her time in jumeroo. Prob happy to be sitting up instead of lying down on cot/sofa/yaolan. Haha, my silly girl dunno how to jump. Tried to rock herself front-back instead... hahaha, so funny..

But my silly fat girl has shown no signs of wanting to flip yet... too lazy....
lamagier, snapfish discount till tomorrow if I'm not wrong.

Re: Baby flipping
peanut, your bb will be able to flip soon. My sons had the same signs like trying very hard to flip and the younger one able to flip today when I put him on bed. so dun really need playmat bah. However, my elder one still can't flip :p
My girl also not flipping yet...not even attempting...everytime I try to give her a nudge she just look at me with the "eh what you trying to do mummy" look and it's only because of the gravatational pull of her heavy bum that she will flip over when I nudge her then after that she is stuck in this funny half flipped position until she starts screaming...think her bum too heavy and plus she too lazy....

Mommies, when did most of your babies start flipping by themselves?
re : bb flipping

To think my boy is the oldest bb in July yet he still show no sign of flipping despite he only 5kg. When put him tummy down, he always there struggling & screaming.
jes ya the tuina is wonderful hehe...
oh ya btw.. asthma n eczema comes realy in a package one.. those who gt asthma likely to hav eczema.. jus a matter of whether any triggering factor to trigger off the eczema anot.
i got both!

cool kero
edna practise her flipping on my bed in morning or on her own cot. yet to open up the play mat for her cos still waiting for reno to start at home hahaaa

ehh lamagier
most of the time edna also shakin bk n front lar hahaaaaa
i refuse to let edna hold bottle
she try it once or twice... but to speed thg up i refuse let her hold lar.. cos it take 9698354279 mins to fin her milk if i let her do tat LOL
sam, muffingirl, HBB, jes, seems like i got good reason to go buy a small playmat now. btw wat will u guys do wif playmat or toys are ur kids outgrow them, do u guys sell or give away? btw muffingirl, i noticed tomi also puke some milk curds on and off, glad u say it's common cos i'm starting to wonder why burb still like that.

lamagier, i saw signs that day that tomi turning to one side when he was placed in the mat on the floor at mintymom's house. but when i put him on tummy time on the bed at home, he doesnt want to move, give him a nudge and he will struggle, so dunno if he's ready or not.
why buy a small one? buy a bigone and every oen at hoem n fit intot he mat and hav activity time
it last u for years.. put it at 1 corner..it becoem a cosy play corner for every one..story telling... reading... =)

my sis gave me almsot everythg... except the mat! cos her boy still use it now... she bot a brand new one for me instead hehe
My email.. [email protected]

i got my organix at paragon.. they got heaps there.. called b4 i went up today.. i got 1 original flavor n 1 wif banana.. did u try any of the purees? i got the organic babynat carrot n pumpkin for him to try.. let u knw how he goes wif it..

u get the teats during robinson sale time.. i got loads to stock up wen i had the 25% voucher.. its really irritating rite wen u feel the stickiness of it n wen at nite feeding half way gotta keep takin it out wen it flattens..

i did try not to screw it too tight but still the thing went flat.. dun knw y.. n im changing it so much coz i have 6 bottles in total as 3 at my plc n 3 at my aunt plc.. so its really costing me a bomb to jst to buy teats!!! hahaha..
HBB, aiyah my house no space, hehehe, cos wif tomi's arrival, the playroom sacrifice put a bed and playpen and some of my #1 toys gotta put in living room, my house sooo messy but gotta close one eye.
ya the teat too ex lar! haiz...

hahaaa... ok...
yea my hse in a mess also.. duno hw to pack manz.. nospace! and i onli hav 1 baby!
U have mail.

I got my organix there also... thought of buying more when I was at Hwa Xia HFC today but cant find any... I only bought the original. I bought the same puree as u but haven't let Gen try yet. Till now, I have't spoonfed her... Starting on Monday thou... Do let me know when u start him on the puree k?

I didnt stock up on the teats, always buy 1 pack at a time when i pass by KP... Heartpain to buy so many at 1 go...
i gotta change 6 bots leh so bopian la.. once got those 20% off deals at robinsons i faster stock up lor..

Haiyo.. the starting of spoon feeding is so messy n frustrating.. coz they dun knw how to eat frm the spoon n mess up the whole mouth n romper.. i think best u try b4 u bath bb.. i try the banana n let u knw how isit la.. heard healthy times oso quite smooth..
I gotta change 8 bottles, 4 at my home, 4 at MIL... dun dare to buy in bulk, super heartpain... I each week buy 1 pack, at least not so heartpain...

luckily now me starting the spoon-feeding but my MIL... I can imagine myself pulling out my hairs when Gen make a mess of herself and fussing...
I bought the Healthy Times Brown Rice, yet to start...
Anyone wanna buy the Philips Avent Combined Steamer & Blender? I read in Aug thread that
there's 20% off Avent pdts including the above this weekend ending tomorrow at JP KP. Not sure abt other KP. The Steamer & blender cost $159 now. Retail $199.
use medela's bpa free bottles. can use longer. then just need to change the teats. i don't intend to change bottle so soon only after she exceeds 150ml. teats... i lazy... so far, only changed the latex ones twice. now she'd using the large hole one to drink. planning to change the whole sets again when robinsons have sale. thinking shd slowly try to get her to get used to silicon soon. if not, v siong to keep changing teats.

when u mix cereal in her milk, how many such feeds to u add to? i thought it's not very advisable to feed cereal n let them drink thru bottle?
for those who r trying to up their milk supply...
i've been taking oats once every day, drink papaya fish soup once a week. n pumping at least 3 times a day. finally seeing it goes uphill a bit. hope it goes further up more. so do give oats n the soup a try. much cheaper than the supplements.
I've tried many attempts with the silicon teats but always end up fighting with her... Gave up le... Rather spend the $$$ than fight with her every feed. Spend 5 mins to finish milk with latex teats or more than 30 mins to fight with her when using silicon teat... I guess the former is better...
As for BPA, its so ex... I'll still dump it away if scratches is spotted, so no pt buying such ex bottle. It'll still end up in my rubbish chute in 2 months...

As for cereal, I only gave her at most 2 such feeds each day... no more than that...
Will gradually change to spoon-feeding pretty soon, now just letting her try out the rice cereals for a couple of days...
Lamagier, where did u rent the jumperoo for minrui? Sorry i din save the contacts that one of the mummies here shared last time. I oso wanna rent one for lucius to play

Re: flipping
Today is the first time my boy managed to flip fr back to front..and he gave me a very "proud" and satisfied look that he managed to do it hahahaha. Cox every time, i will help him and he will give me a super angry face after i turned him around. Haiz...help him oso not happy!!!

Jes, my boy also enjoy holding his bottle and every time tries to push my hand away so that he catches hold of the bottle. So ended up, we are always fighting to hold the bottle during his feed...so chiam

Coolkero, I'm also tempted to get the playmat after seeing the one at mintymon's place. The quality of diff brands seem the same but prices vary quite a lot...
Waa..looks like can't wait til Dec to buy the playmat.. my lazy xiaojie oso can't flip both ways yet. Maybe u mommies r right, the bed not hard enuf to give pushing support.

the rental rate u posted is for monthly right? it's a v gud idea actually..

peanut & lamagier
thx for the maiya recipe! It works wonder!!! Prior taking that, i increased pumping time but the hard lump din go off. It just turned smaller. With onli 1 dose of maiya sanza, abrakadabra! Bu jian leee... now back to normal

Bought desitin blue @Guardian $9.90 & start using it on Stacia. Will update more in few days.

Going zzzzzzzzzz... gudnite Mommies!
oh i see... how come got scratches so easily? like what hbb said, use the sponge brush instead. gentler on the bottles. when i used latex medium hole, she also takes donkey years to finish. i got fed up, i changed to large hole. now when she's in the mood to drink, she finish the whole bottle within 5mins... haha... cos the flow so much faster. maybe i shd try out the silicon to see how she takes it.

i'm intending to let her start drinking a bit of water each day. which teat size shd i use? small?

u can get those santa claus outfit if u don't mind spending $ for wear once/twice occasion... keke... that day i saw this push cart selling the santarina dress. so pretty. very tempted to buy cos only $19. but the material very thick. those fleece type. joanne, yr function room air con power or not?
LS, glad to hear that stacia's rashes are all cleared
Cheer up...we are all working v hard for the sake of our children. I'm sure they will understand one day!
Hav a gd wkend and enjoy the bonding with stacia before a new week starts again.

coz the clumsy me always drop bottles on the floor, etc... Now i using all the large holes... even when i feed her water... but gonna be careful when u use large hole to feed her water coz the flow v fast.. Gen is used to it thou...

The last time I went, the function room air-con v cold... but i would recommend not to wear too thick thou...
Hi girls, just got home from watching 2012 and supper. Joie's at MIL's for the night, and I so much wanted to hug her and tell her that mummy loves her (weird, kids are the priority theme coming out of the show)

yup those are monthly rates. If you are thinking going to use the jumperoo more than 5 months, probably worth while to get it instead of rent, then again the weight takes up to 12kg. Evenflo exersaucers, such as the 3in1 kind have to careful, got product recalls, due to choking parts.

I actually notice she loves lifting her whole bump with both legs up and then thumping them onto her bed/my bed or the mat. I guess it's like training herself to lift her bump. This is before she flipped from back to tummy ytd morning. She does loving kicking too.

I think I will hopefully be able to "train" her into her play area with the mat. Gave her all her toys on the mat, bumbo, and what not. Shall have to put in more effort when she starts to crawling I guess. Yar, like what HBB says, reading, learning, possibly solid feeding (if can still fit in the bumbo). As for beyond toddler age, I think it's a nice space for her to have her activities, if another sibling doesn't take over it. Been lying down with her on it while she's having tummy time. It's taken over a good 1/3 of my living room floor, and giving me very little space to maneuver. And another chore of taking everything off in at night, after she's in bed, to wipe the mat over for the next day's use.

Another thing that did strike me on the 1st day after I received my mat the previous night, was the possibility that she spent some time on the playmat at MintyMom's place and thru association, use the mat as a platform for playing on tummy. I got the largest Parklon one because I wanted a full alphabet-example set, which is pretty difficult to track down on the LG ones.
Went to mothercare today to check out the xmas costumes, dh say no way, sigh... think have to secretly go hunt for a xmas theme look for her.

I just remember there's a baby-kids clothing store located at a corner, near the escalator of Tampines one with those flower-girl kind of clothes. Can go see if you are looking for more frilly looking dresses, but frankly there's no way to mistake Minrui for a boy.
Joanne, before you go out to buy a lot of Medela bottles, maybe get one to try first if you haven't use a Medela pump that comes with the new fat round bottles. My girl suck pretty hard on her teats, though the medela bottle uses a silicon teat, it's a lot softer than the regular Avent silicon teats, so it collapses everytime she drinks from it. But the old Medela bottle teat doesn't have that happening, weird I know.
on further thought, the lifespan of using the jumperoo can be shorter than we hope, considering the possibility that the bb might start to learn to walk from 9 months to a year. My youngest bro learn to walk when he was 9 months, but the elder brother and me started later. So putting them in the jumperoo for long might delay the cruising process.
Have u started Amanda on cereals? Although Gen doubled her birth weight at 4th month (5.6kg), the PD still says that she's not gaining enough and the ideal is 6.2kg at 4th month... aiyo, headache... her metabolism rate like me, so difficult to gain weight... I bo bian got to start cereal early as recommended by PD to beef her up... still monitoring her weight... so pek chek, obese cannot, chia buay pui so cannot...
Btw, my function room and studio rooms are air-conditioned but not the living room, to walk from the function room to my home takes 3 mins (2 blocks away)... So if your costume is v thick, let her wear it at my home jus b4 the photoshoot and change to another clothes after that...
Not intending to buy the medela bottles coz i still have a number of NUK premium bottles at home... Just that I'm running out on the teats which need to change monthly... haiz...
Lamagier, that time after gathering at Mintymom plc, we went to vivocity. then got one aunty in the elevator asking the usual STUPID question "baby so cute! boy or girl?" and Naomi was dressed in PINK TUTU skirt and hairband!!! don't forget the earring also. My boy laughed out at her and screamed to her THIS IS MY SISTERRRR!!!!

Yesterday brought my 2 boys and 1 caterpillar see the snow at tanglin. oh ya, we also take a slow "stroll" to taka. I realized now, very stressfull to walk around in orchard with hb. He need GPS. he called me while standing on the Christmas tree in the centre of Taka asking where is Takashimaya dept store ( I was inside), then I told him turn left towards the Coach store. He ended up in Fendi. Deuhhhh....

Baby Flipping:
yeah on mat easier to flip. But I have yet to buy the LG mat. so tempted but it's quite costly for a playmat and I'm moving soon. Coolkero, I'm still using the ABC mat till koyak with my #1. It's very usefull because he knocked his head almost everyday to the floor. bang here bang there. aiyoooo, almost wanted to buy the helmet for him le.
Naomi can flip 2 weeks ago. First time need a push a little bit and help to take out her 'stuck" arm underneath. but now she can flip easily and adjust her own hands. But only to the left side.
Sam, yeah Naomi also do the butt raised. I did that a lot during the prenatal yoga. Cathurangga post. hehehe...and she squirm and kick trying to move forward like caterpillar.
I think I got to declare my milk factory closing down sale already with the last pump of 40ml. heee...can throw away those ugly nursing bra and finally use my regular bra. Feel a bit guilty at first. But looking at Naomi's round cheek I'm looking forward for days without the worry of exploding breast and storing the BM.
