(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

FOZ, really nice to hear fr u and my heart goes out to you when I read how austen had been treated in those tests by the inexperienced nurses. If my dh were there, think he will ask the nurses to back off and do it himself *BIG BIG HUGS* to you and austen! May he recovers fully and be blessed with gd health...

Gemini and jillian, hope your little ones recover very soon too!*HUGS*

LS, oh dear...poor stacia. Hope her rashes go off soon. She can only take milk bath isit?

Lamagier, i'm oso working now. So sianz...can't wait to go home soon.
FOZ, glad to hear that austen has been discharged and is safe at home
Hope that you never have to go through that ordeal again.

HBB > yes, we had totally different experiences in that same KKH ward :p

Regarding the malt and san zai, do take note that malt could reduce supply. If not very serious, think no need to take diligently like lamagier's case. I took only 1 dose and it cleared almost immediately for an overnight hardening. The amount of water is abt 1 big bowl, roughly 600 or 700ml. It will taste sour with the aroma of malt.

Didn't notice any rashes on Stacia last sat. Not even abit. Allergic to water? Then how she bath and swim in the tub? My dh is asking now:" What happened to Regis girlfriend?" as he glanced over my screen and saw her name. LOL!!!!!
RE: Medical Personnel
I have met some who aren't genuinely there to ease the patients pain. Like gone are the days where people became doc/ nurse bcos they hv passion to save life. I thot they still take the Hippocratic Oath?

Kitty, in no time you'll be on leave..
FOZ and Gemini19,

Arghhh... it muz be very xin tong to have the little one admitted in hospital. Be strong for them. Bad times will be over soon and good times will be here.

To all gods, please do not let babies suffer. They are too small and too innocent to go through this. May all babies be blessed with the pink of health.
Hv you received the qipao for G? I bought a pink one for Char this past wkend. Got a "S", still too big for her now, will probably be juz nice ard CNY.
Pardon me if anyone is pro KKH ok.. I had the worst experience of my life with them last year.. I had an operation at Mt E, however was haemoragging on a sunday after i was discharge and called my gynae, at this point didnt knw i was haemoragging so my gynae then told me jst go to kkh if its jst stitches prob.. When i got to kkh, they could not help me at all!! Yes wen im dropping big pieces of clot blood!! N the best part of it all is they make me pay and sign a form ask me go back to Mt E after talkin to my gynae on the phone.. My gynae then assumes they are sending me by ambulance but they did not offer thus my dh send me that time..

By the time i got to Mt E i was slipping into unconsciousness coz loss too much blood and my gynae was shocked i came in a private vehicle!!! I ended up having blood transfusion and my gynae was so angry wif the way KKH handled this that he wrote in to KKH and demanded an explanation and an inquiry on this matter as they could have lost me if i had not arrive in time to Mt E..

After that experience, i seriously rather die at home than to go KKH as they charge me $$ n cant treat me!!!
wat brand of rice cereal did u try on?? I still not doin well wif introducing cereals to my boy leh.. he seems to hate it.. Also on the philips blender u r talkin abt.. is it purely to use for makin purees for babies?? Can let me knw the make n model coz i wan to get it as well.. metro sale still on 4 me to get it?? thanks ya
Yan, so sorry to hear your experience.. I for one is not pro KKH, but the doc I see for conception of K till he was delivered was recommended by my mom's specialist in KKH. My mom always says if you are treated by the pte doc, and then seek med help in govt hospital, they will not "entertain", I wonder if they still have their doc ethics?just like any first aider, first to see, first to aid.

RE: Philips Steamer/blender
if you check this month's Young Parent, there is info on this blender.
i dun knw if they even knew wat they were doin to me to b honest.. i was there for past 1 hour dropping out clot blood while they start calling diff doc to examine me.. From the resident to the MO to the prof!! end up they had to call my gynae for help as they have no idea tat wat im experiencing is haemoraging.. how is tat possible rite..

I think its not tat they dun wan entertain me but rather no idea how to entertain me!! hahahaha but end up all they gave my gynae was a sorry note n that they will start an inquiry on this matter wif the personnel involved.. but my gynae was seriously shocked at the way they handled my situation as its so unprofessional n too far fetched oredi factoring in that its such a big local hosp..

but heck la u think i will bother to waste my time n money to sue KKH ma.. its stupid for me to do tat rite.. how to win the govt.. hahahaha
Thank you all, for your hugs and all. Deeply appreciative. Just hope his ultrasound is clear and we do not have to go back anytime soon...

<font color="ff0000">lamagier</font>, I agree with you totally abt the elitist comment, I made the same observation to dh and he said "well we are paying for it". We even had The Sunday Times delivered, pump pushed to my room for me to pump, instead of going to nursing room, bill sent to my residence, instead of upon discharge, etc.

I don't know why we went KK on Friday, prob coz it is suppose to be THE women and children hospital but after Fri, I called my child's PD in Raffles and inquired abt a transfer. However he advised against it as it means subjecting austen to another round of tests and inserting the needle into his vein. They cannot just transfer the med records so I decided that would be too traumatic, for both him and me! Thus we stay put...

Re <font color="ff0000">12 Dec gathering</font>, due to competing obligations, I gotta leave at 1.30pm so I will go earlier. <font color="ff0000">Jo</font>, is noon fine? BTW that is a lovely outfit from Spotlight, I am gonna get one too for alexis!

<font color="ff0000">Jillian</font>, I feel for you. May I ask what congenital problem she has?

<font color="ff0000">Gemini19</font>, how is your boy now? Are you staying over tonight? My thoughts and prayers with you.

<font color="ff0000">littlenotes76</font>, sorry to hear that you lost a child before, it must be so painful. I cannot imagine the grief, I prob cannot come out of the darkness. You are awfully strong.

<font color="ff0000">Yan</font>, you poor girl! What an awful experience you had. What was the outcome after your gynae sent the letter to KKH? I shared my recent experience with my friend and guess what?! She said when her daughter was almost 1 yr old, she had to go to KKH and they suspected she had UTI, my friend agreed to the catheter, and her daughter bled!!! how incompetent can one get? Plus, her daughter did not had UTI!!!

<font color="ff0000">LS</font>, have you try other types of water? Perhaps distilled? Mineral? Never heard of one having an allergy to water...hmmm. Could the culprit be rusty pipes and not water??

I am also thinking of getting the <font color="ff0000">Philips blender</font>, pls let me know if any of you have some sort of lobang I can tag along on. TIA...

<font color="ff0000">Minty_mom</font>, what a lovely and thoughtful gesture by your dh, you marry well, my friend...

<font color="ff0000">Kitty</font>, thought you taking NPL?
I havent received the red Qipao yet... It slipped off my mind until u reminded me now... keke... will check my BP later to see when it will arrive... i think the Qipao for 12 mths, thats y it still looks big on our bb... Will be just nice by CNY...

I used Organix white rice (blue colour box), bought from Vitakidz.. I think its $5plus and only 100g... so little... Gen should have finished 1 box within a week... My MIL asked me to buy Nestle (green tin) instead, its definitely much cheaper than Organix at only $3.70 for 1 tin... Gen yet to try Nestle, only hope she dun fuss over cereal and choose the more ex Organix brand...
My girl loves the Organix white rice added to her milk, 150mls always not enough and she keep asking for more... she drinks even faster with the added cereal, within 5 mins, 150mls all gone... after i intro Nestle to her then i update again... So far so good, no adverse feedback from my MIL...

For the Philips Steamer/Blender, it is purely for baby's puree as the capacity of the blender quite small... but good also, so that small amount of food dun get "lost" in it... metro sale already over last sunday... sighz... i wanna get another leapfrog ABC toy for her.. urgh!!! missed it...
Btw, here is the link to the steamer/blender:
Btw, it is 100% BPA free...
yea, stacia has allergy to water at birth &amp; u all will be surprised to see her skin reaction when the nurse just wipe her clean w/ plain water! Until my gynae oso asked the nurse to call PD to check.. but it disappear in abt half an hour time. She inherits her daddy's sensitive skin i think.. haiz! see this scary Judge Bao pic hahaha :D


kim &amp; kitty
wahhh.. bath in milk? my supply not even enuf for her daily intake hehehe.. maybe shud prepare a tub of Similac to bathe her ;p

yeah.. not KS lah.. if this went on, i'll oso def ask PD to conduct allergy test.. the gud thing is, she's not uncomfortable/itchy, seems alright &amp; not cranky..

hahaha.. your dh so funny.. i've been wanting to tell u that Regis looks like my nephew when he was a baby then.. his sad expression v cute one.. like forced &amp; asking for mercy hehehe =) Thanks for the note on the malt. Managed to buy malt fr tampines eu yan sang. Will take onli 1 dose like u said, cos' i dun wanna reduce my supply yet.

Dun think it's rusty pipe leh cos' since fr hospital already like that but nothing serious..

I hope this time the cause is not water.. but just water that worsen her allergy to something else.. if not, it'll be really ma fan..

Her rashes was not there during her 2nd-4th mth. Then suddenly started again on Sun night when we wiped her &amp; disappeared in short while. It happens onli after bath/wipe &amp; worsen after soaking her in tub. So I tot might be something similar to when she's born. Brought her to PD today &amp; q for 3hrs!!! maddd! PD said he couldn't tell the cause. Could be from my diet or other environmental cause. Was told to avoid shellfish, nuts, egg etc, for time being. Given cream &amp; steroid to apply, also oral med. Gotta monitor til end of this wk. After applying the cream 2 times today, it seems better. I told my hb, this bb must give money to doctor first then she'll recover.
1. besides these of the shelf rice cereal, can we make our own rice cereal?
2. I was taught to made puree in large batch, freeze in ice tray and take as much as needed when required. Is this not the way?
im bk.. i had a super long day and BAD day
im so affected that i cant sleep now
worse was i travel fr punggol to simei to drop edna then sembawang then bk to simei to pick edna before i go home.. barely had any fluid to hydrate myself.. any food to fill up my tummy and aft that i GOT BLAMED for the help i rendered...
LS, not using your BM lah, use the fresh carton ones or those made with milk powder. A gf of mine always buy formula milk powder to bathe in it. She use one tin of S26 to 1 bath tub. She din do every day lah.

FOZ got good suggestion to use distilled water, also not cheap too. How about those reverse osmosis purified water with UV treated? Not that I am frightening you, perhaps you also want to check if she has Lupus. The redness reminds me of my niece and a gf who has/d. My gf used "diamond" water for everything, from brushing teeth, to bath to consumption.
u stay which cluster? which lrt? hehe

re: children hospital
no matter wat i still will bring edna bk to KKH cos its still the children specialist hospital
reason being if u go pte hospital they dun ahv equipment to check on bb.. they will still direct u bk to KKH via private ambulance meaning u pay for private rate in KKh there after,
if u rem my cousin's bb case.. who they bring bk to mt A and subsequently refer to KKH cos they do not hav the equipment to check whats wrong w baby. incured a near 70K cost at kkh cos boy end up in ICU. he pass away 2 weeks later due to brain dead. sad case.. yes he died in kkh(which ppl might tink is kkh fault).. but will he hav survive if he was check upon wats wrong earlier? nobody knows thou.

for women's problem i guess at least still got TMC? ( i heard its a obs hospital?)

nepehw went to TMC 24 hour clinic for fever... there is no PD on standby thr onli GP. the doc check on him saw ulcer in the mouth but say its jus mere ulcer and not HFMD as we suspect. but the nxt day.. A pd say its HFMD!
I cud understand that! I oso suffered fr 3-hr waiting til 2plus without water &amp; food after my last breakfast at 8! my tummy rumbling so loud 3 times @waiting area. So embarrassing! But luckily not 'mentally' stressed like your case. Hope u'll feel better soon &amp; get a good sleep tonite..
haha edna turn up in bumble bee constume? hahahahahahahahaa so funny manz.. she will protest loudly cos sooo hot!
tink shanna got the same outfit... she can turn up w shanna for poolside party in bees costume thou LOL
aiyoh HBB what happened?

LS, look quite serious, luckily she is not disturbed by it...and that it disappears within half an hr.

Kim, re s/n 2, that is the most efficient way but as a sahm, why not make fresh for K everyday? I intend to do that once I tendered. Gonna start with vegs, then fruits and finally meat. Exciting, isn't it? Cannot answer s/n 1, I have always purchased them OTS.
i did not spend the day waiting.. more like helping a friend who is having post natal depression
end up her MIL threaten the hubby that she will leave cos she not happen with wat we explain to her bout drinking milk n milo!
sigh... MILs!!!!
thanks for all the info.. i think i go get the blender lor since gotta use.. btw u put in cereal n let bb drink it in the milk bottle?? so far i only use the feeding method.. hmm.. mayb i shld try tat.. tmr i try go vitakidz get ur type of cereal n see if he takes to it..
The recipe book from the Philips Steamer/Blender also taught us to make puree for a few servings and keep the rest in fridge...
How to make own rice cereal? hm...

u have mail...

I never heard of allergy to water b4, did the PD give any cream to apply? heartpain to see her pretty face turn red in the picture...

My mum advised against going KKH when I was preggy, she lost my elder bro shortly after delivering him 6 days after... hearing of her story makes me shiver... and she regreted not suing them back then... she didnt even get to see him b4 he goes... They told her to go home and after 4 days, jus called to say that the boy had left the world... wah laoz...
up till now, it seems not much improvement from them... so many adverse feedback about them again... haiz...
My colleague also lost her 12 weeks old foetus in KKH... She went for her monthly checkup and was told that everything is fine... However, after 1 week or so, she received a call from the nurse urging her to come back asap... In the hospital, she was told that there is no foetal heartbeat anymore and removed her foetus there and then... alamak... wondering y they didn't detect during the monthly check-up, and out of sudden called her to come back to hospital... hm...
FOZ, oic, thanks for enlightenment. Now, I was taught to give Avocado first then banana, then another 2 friends say apple is best cos least allergy, followed by banana.. I think I shall ask Doc Tan this Fri.
U gonna tender? Ready?

Anyone already in queue for preschool? I thot to try St James Church Kindergarten.. But I am not sure if my church will have kindergarten when it's new building is completed.. I want K to follow our church teaching as closely as possible.
hmm i dun knw coz i nev follow up wif my gynae on the issue coz i knew i wont pursue it further as i said no point suing the govt.. n yes i heard too many stories of kkh gv wrong diagnosis so not surprising they did tat to your frend gal.. mst b so painful for both the parent n the child.. gosh.. so now if any problem tat i need to go hosp for my boy i would use a more economical private hosp Mt Alvernia.. Definitely much better..
i got an weird sms fr gf last nite.. many smses in fact.. end up i couldnt sleep worrying bout her but din dare call her cos late at nite. mornign she sms weird thg to mi again and last sms was a msg supposedly fr her dh using her pone to sms mi ask mi to go n visit n talk to her. i call her bk and she wans me to go over.. talkin incoherently all the time.. so i rush like MAD.. pump milk feed edna.. bath her.. req my gf nt to go marketing so she can bbsit my girl asap... bug my dad to send mi ard cos i cant get a cab at my area despite callin for cab!.. skip my breakfast...

reach gf hse and acc her even she sleep we also gotto b in the room cos she dun wan to b alone she is scare of her MIL... the moment we go out of the room..she roam out aimlessly...and we gotto bring her bk to room to rest again... finaly she slept w our presence... suddenly she let out aHUGE scream... scare the ass out of me!!! i gotto hug her so tightly to wake her up.. feel liek crying when i saw the state my gf was.. i feel so helpless i cant help her for long term cos i got edna to take care. i have nvr fail to help my gf during confinement and tis is the 1st time
cos if i bring edna along.. edna will giv no peace to the new mother...

and yes! nobody offer us(me and another gf) a drink. i tink i onli drink 50 ml of water fr 10ish till 5pm!
when the new mother ask for more red dates tea as she is v thristy the mil say no more already ask her drink milo n milk which dun quench thirst
my other gf kindly explain the mummy is thirsty.. the milo wun quench her thrist, at least need red dates tea if not water... the mil say no more red dates tea for the day(fin drinking) can drink milk or milo if thirsty! wah lau its onli mid noon leh... u wan her to drink 2 litres of milo n milk?!?!?!
all bcos gf expalin to her and she got offended! wat the...
best part was the hubby call mi n say
he welcome us to go and acc his wife.. talk to her
but ask mi DUN TOUCH his mum...
when did we?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
i still rem i keep apologising to the MIL n say my gf is mentally not stable.. ask her to pardon my gf... tink i apologise at least 5 to 7 times!!
Yup.. I put the cereal into her milk bottle but i got to change the teat to large feeding hole... I tried the medium hole but the mixture is too thick... I'm using NUK...
Btw, metro selling the blender @ $199, same as KP... Its a blue price tag, so will have 10% disc if you are cardmember... I think KP one also got 10% leh, not v sure about that thou...

U are right about the 24hrs clinic at TMC... No specialist (gynae or PD) on duty at the clinic, only GP... I went there once when I was preggy.. shocked to see the doc attending to me is the same GP i saw in Sembawang Clinic... normally i'll get my sis to check out the doc on duty b4 i go down...
Joanne, sorry to hear your mom's loss.. But like someone says here, no point suing the "govt". I can tell you doc here are very protected unlike USA. At most you can ask for inquiry but very very difficult to sue, even lawyers advise you no to.. My gf was given drugs prescribed for another mother when she discharged from hospitals after delivery, few weeks later, she was prescribed a med but given the wrong one by the dispensary she took 18 cab over a period of 6days while she was breast feeding.. She paid the pte hospital rate for her delivery &amp; stay... Lawyer told her, she wont win.. Her first class rate is more than what I paid to my specialist in RH..
My mum did talk to me about making the cereal, but we are unlikely to grind it till it's very fine ourselves when we are initially starting on solids, so gotta be very careful and just make a little bit at a time, just so that she can experience the food in her mouth and learn to swallow. She did tell me can get those store owners where you buy the brown rice/oat from to help to grind it.

I bought baby cubes for storing the puree, in case I need to put her over at my MIL's sometimes. Saw got sale for Heinz at giant, just buy a couple to standby, just to let her experience something different once in a while. Reading Annabel Karmel books for puree ideas, but her recipe recommendations are for 6 months up, guess can try anyways. hehe FOZ, I bought Bellamy too, cos only one that I saw can start from 4 months, haven't opened the box yet, not sure how long it'll last, then again she's got her milk diet anyways

HBB, oh dear, is her MIL doing her confinement for her? Luckily she has you.
unfortunately yes her MIL is doing it for her and she is v stress by her presence... she beg mi not to go home.. beg mi to go again tomolo
i feel v v sad i cant stay nor can i go again tomolo cos no one to bb sit edna.
end up i req her hubby to take leave..FUNNY.. i ask other ppl hubby to take leave tsk
in fact i also req my dh to take leave for the rest of the week but unfortunately my dh hav a tight schedule tis week.. and soooooo... haiz
u r so right abt the first class rate being more than a private hosp!! whoever say kkh is cheap.. its not!! in fact its priced the same as private or even greater at times.. but as foz example very clearly says it all.. u pay peanuts u get shit service n treatment.. pay first class u get proper n decent treatment.. crap.. but so true..
HBB: I stay around Kadaloor station. Wah, you sounded like u just came back from a battle leh..

poor girl, i mean u and yr gf is having postnatal depression?
ehh i pay 1st class but i got middle class treatment nia haaa
tsk... oh yes and i sign the line to say i wan to get my placenta back.. end up... i dun even get to smell it! angry lar.. but still .. hehe
oh i am at meridien thr hahaaaa
yes bk fr battle even dh ask mi if im tired... he knows i cant sleep cos i got affected keep coming to ask mi to go slp haaaaa

i dun hav post natal depression ... its my gf hehe
talkin bout kkh
the nurse super funny one
i dial call a nurse service to enquire hw can I get my gf to get the PND treated.. when i ask bout PND.. the nurse ask mi.. u r having PND huh?
i was like if im depress u tink i will admit i hav? tskkkk
HBB, so her MIL do confinement for her is it? wah, the red dates drink should be prepared even before the current one is depleted!! I think may be you get those sliced red dates for her in case this happen again, she can just put in a flask with hot water and "brew". If hot water also not readily available, then buy her a electric pot.. This kind of MIL... you gf must have been so traumatized until got PNB is it?
Sorry this sister here also very feisty, if any of my gf's hb dare to tell me not to touch his mother, than I will tell him, ask his mother not to "touch" my gf too!~ WTF

Sam, ya, that was what was told to grind the rice.. or to buy the brown rice from med hall. So this type of rice is same as the "rice cereal"? I intend to give K brown rice but it's also v heaty woh..

RE: Red dates tea

Actually during my confinement, I din't drink at all cause my body is too heaty to take that. Water is GOOD according to the gynae..so if really her MIL don't want to make, just drink LOTS of water, it actually helps the body to flush out the water retention we hv during pregnancy.
