(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

wah lau i still cant sleep
tomolo i sure orh bak kar one
dh still say tml evening wan to go see car... arghhh i keep putting this off say i dun wan to go
hope tomolo can let edna play at home

dh jus now mention sth bout why edna refuse to sleep at hoem but at mum or gf's pl she can sleep is becos she knows gt toys to play at home... haiz
not as if i alwasy put her into her jumperoo leh... thats 1 of the 2 toys she hav at home lor

Mummies, i'm bringing this to the FB. Check for updates later on...

RE: Kindermusik (weekday)

1. koko (Gabriel) - anyday
2. poohbear75(caitlyn) - except Thurs
3. lavenderbear - weekday or weekend ok
4. Sherryl (Adelle) - anyday
5. Annie (Brian - anyday
6. MBaby (Josh) -anyday
wah... overslept just now and so many posts

oh dear, yr friend sounds obviously having PND. Hopes she's fine. Try suggesting to her hb to let her do her confinement with her own mum or possible to send her MIL away? Prob MIL is the main cause. Really got to knock some sense into her hb. If he can sms u asking u to accompany her, i guess it's still relatively easy to ask him to get alternative help if he doesn't want her to get worse.

re first food
i was always told to start white rice cereal first, then proceed to brown rice n then oats. First fruits can be apple, banana or pear. all these are least allergy prone.

I also got those baby cubes. Will prepare over the weekend and freeze in bulk for the week's supply. If u hv the time, prepare fresh n eat is the best.
apparently he was nt e one who send e msg.was my gf!she insisted its her hubby who sent e sms bt aft verification seems like he out of hm to work whn e sms was sent.tsk
he say he will nt ask his mum to go becos he dn wn hurt his mum n his relationship....zzzz....
Morning mummies, sorry to disturb. I'm currently organizing a bp for neurogain fish oil. I have 2 types of neurogain fish oil for pregnancy woman/breastfeeding mummies & kids respectively. Price is around 25% cheaper than the market price. Feel free to view if you are interested. Have a nice day ahead..

Tell your gf to go back to her mum's or bunk in with her friends/relatives. Freaking so traumatised by her mil and useless husband who refuses to see the suffering his wife is going thru. Feel so angry for her, can feel my blood boiling just my reading what she is going through. If he were my husband, I would have kicked him out of the house... Thank goodness she has you and your edna's godma. Poor thing... Hope she'll be able to get some good help soon.

wah, stacia's rash looks really bad. Hope you'll be able to pinpoint the root cause soon
ya lor... agree with lamagier. try to ask her to go to mum's place or friends. is her mil staying over just for confinement or long term? i hope not the latter. i've gone thru a poor support confinement period when wif #1 and with all the hormonal unbalance + inexperienced, it's really not easy with someone who's not helping but giving headaches. that's why this time round, i didnt hesitate to go over to mum's place for confinement. hack care what my mil will feel. think she's more than happy too. u r going over today again? and honestly, think her condition a bit serious... send sms herself n claim it's fr hb. hope she gets professional help soon.
Just to add, actually, may be her hb should learn from Minty mom's hb.

BBEthan, how's Amanda's nappy rash? I was thinking the best solution for her may be to use nappy cloth, cos gotta chg every she pee or poo. And get you MIL to use cotton and water to clean. It's gonna be tougher for your MIL, but it's the best solution if rash cant go away.
these few days seem ok le. i told her to apply the aloe vera gel each time she change her diaper. nowadays i'll air her bottom for a while after i change her diapers. yes... i'm going to use nappy cloth after we move hse.
was looking down the last 3hrs post and saw Jul 2010 MTD thread. Just realised how fast time flies. We've been yakking in this forum for a yr liao. From pregnancy to birth stories n now all these baby talk. really miss the preggy times... hehe
e mum hse istoo cramp for her to go over.environment nt v gd also.her mum gotta work.haiz

i jus gt a big shock...nottie edna went to nap for 4 hr w poopoo in diaper! arghhh i chg her liao she went to slp....jus nw wake her up...saw diaper fill w dried poo arghhhh...feel like banging wall...nw butt abit red....
Your friend really poor thing... It's a horrible feeling to be stuck in bad situation with no way out. If really situation really bad and if possible, maybe get her away for a few days. Hotel or even if ask gyane admit her back to hosiptal together with baby also can. Else so many days without proper rest, even a sane person will snap soon, not to mention a new mother
hbb/bethan, you can try put the barrier cream like the avents bottom balm, it prevents direct contact. so even if the poo "accidentally" left out on the butt, it won't get rashes.

Oh dear, I read all the post about your gf, feel my blood boiling also, with the useless hb and mean MIL...so poor thing. I really think that she need professional help. and fast. no need to go back to the same gynae. may be can go to Kim's one for happy pill's prescription.
yea e redness went away aft 10 mins..mayb i rub her butt too hard fr e dry poo hahaaaa.. e desitin is realy a gd barrier cream.

gf went to gynae liao.hpe he will refer her to specialist.....
thanxladies for lettin me vent n rant!
BBEthan, when you move, you MIL move with you too? nappy cloth is more ma-fan then diaper but better for butt if butt is sensitive.. i suppose theory is same as contact lenses, the more you can dispose the worse it is to the eyes..

I did not get the pills in the end, but having her was already great!! U can try to call for appt cos I know not ez to get sometimes. Doc Clarice Hong. But I dun hv my appt card wz me. If u like, I will go RH tmrw for K's inoculation, can pop by to pick up her name card.

Drug blunder at KKH
HUMAN error at KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) led to two cancer patients being given more chemotherapy drugs than they were supposed to get.

They had the drugs injected into them in a matter of hours instead of over several days. One of them is now in a potentially serious situation.

She has been given an antidote to counteract the effects of the overdose, but it will be at least a couple of weeks before doctors can tell whether any of her organs have been damaged by the highly toxic drugs in her bloodstream.

[email protected]

Read the full story in Thursday's edition of The Straits Times.

**shake head** tsk tsk...
I wonder this Jul thread has something with KKH, last time we discuss abt KKH and share all the bad things abt them, they also ended up having a bad news report. Rmbr? I think it was about streptococcal, and in the news a Malay couple claimed that their bb was infected but KKH failed to detect, and that they were informed by the cord blood bank. They eventually lost their bb.
Hi Jerene

My son kenna UTI when he was 2 mths old. He is now coming to 4 mths old. He is seeing a specialist in NUH who is the head of the PD Dept, and the best in Spore. My boy is fine now.

Want to share with you our experiences. Can u msg me your hp no?
Hi Jul 09 Mummies

Would like to say hello to everyone. I have been reading the posts here on and off...I gave birth in Jul 09 too.

Would like to join in your discussion and your gatherings if time permits for me.

wahhh.. so many tings happened to u.. no wonder ytd din see u online the whole day.. yr gf v poor ting leh.. lucky she went to see her gynae liao.. actually, her MIL really is terrible..if oni she can go back to her own hse for confinement..or hire CL to help out?hmmm.. but the hb's is v idiotic.. wad does he mean tat he dowan to spoil his mum's n his r/s? den has he tot abt his n his wife's r/s? wad abt his wife's mentality?..sigh* hope yr fren gets out of this situation soon.. will keep her in my prayers..
ya, mayb can get kim's pysch to help..

last time wen i had serious pain in me.. they claimed nt to fins anything too!.. in e end, oni wen i changed to my current gynae.. he scanned once n found quite a few 'fats tumours' in the both tummy areas..

aiyo..but thank god u r ok now.. guess u r a strong girl as u overcame all these by yrself?..

ya..i rem!..hahaha.. kkh like 'cursed' by us.. =X

hmmm.. u r right.. time passes so fast.. our babies r all 4 mth old le.. to tink b4 tat wen we were jus tog, our bbs all still in out tummies.. sometimes i wish jav nt out yet oso.. haha..
jerene and other mommies, wat causes the UTI? wat are the symptoms? jerene, glad austen is back home, take care too...

LS, so heartache see the pic, hope stacia is feeling better now and update us on wat doc say.
hehe... the threads r moving so fast tat I've got lots to catch up on..

@ Devilene: My gynae was Dr Lisa Chin.. But we could well be resting side by side in the wards.. hee.. I was on level 6

I heard there's a recall of Maclaren strollers in US... Are they recalling it in SG? I've got one n was freaked out hearing kids' fingers getting amputated coz of stroller... thinking of getting new stroller... any reviews of Phil & Teds Stroller?

looks like you gals had lots of fun in last gathering.. if there's a gathering next yr during CNY period, I'd love to be there to meet all the mummies...
Meng lee,
it's in last night news. I didn't catch it though. The husband said local Maclaren not recall, but offer a plastic cover thing to stick onto the stroller to prevent kids' finger from being caught between the cross metal portion
Hi ladies,
I had been following your thread since the time I was pregnant. My edd was supposed to be in Jul, however she came early on 29 June instead.

I also had a close gf who had given birth last Dec was telling me that during her first month, with cl around, she was doing fine, enjoying her motherhood. However when her cl left, and her mil came over to take care.... she became depressed to the extent that she told her husband, like gina, wanted to jump out of the window with her son. Luckily she is fine now with the support of her mother.

Why not ask her mother to take a few days leave to go over to her place to take care of her? Cos if she is close to her mother, her mother will sure to help her if she know of her situation.
And maybe will help to talk with her mil and husband about her condition now. Sometime it is better for people of the same "status" to talk to each other, if you get what I mean.

Sorry for the long msg, it just my thought, hope you gals don't mind.
<font color="ff0000">HBB</font>, I also want to know the doctor's name from KKH, just to see if it is the same one as my gf who had to suffer 24 hours of labour only to be pushed into the OT for emergency c-section. As a result, her son injested meuconium and infected many of his internal organs, he stayed in ICU for 3 weeks, fighting for his life and the family incurred a >$20k bill. He survived and my friend is having her 2nd one in December, another son. This time, she is opting to go to another hospital.

<font color="ff0000">Mrs Ngiam</font>, welcome to the thread! HBB's edna also borned on 29 June leh...Curious, why didn't you join in the discussion when you were preggy but choose to do so now?

<font color="ff0000">Zyn</font>, welcome to the thread too!

<font color="ff0000">coolkero</font>, UTI could be caused by hygiene, a problem with his/her physical structure or any other unknown reason. The main giveaway is fever - my son's fever spiked to 38.5. Read here for more info - http://www.babycenter.com/0_urinary-tract-infection_10910.bc

<font color="ff0000">Gillian</font>, it is a wonder the baby survived! Thanks for sharing the video.

<font color="ff0000">Gina</font>, I think you need more support from your dh lah, have you a chance to have a talk with him?

I am just back from a facial I had no recollection of having since I feel asleep 2 mins after she touched my face and now will be bringing my kids to Polliwogs now, talk again soon!
lamagier, where can we get that plastic thingy for the maclaren? and can we install ourselves?

LS, missed your previous posts, aiyo...what happen with Stacia?
thanks for welcoming me.
Hope that Austen is recovering well now.

I am quite shy about joining in in the beginning. However everytime I got questions, you gals already have the answers. So it is a strong support Jul forum group to me ^_^

I join in the discussion now is because I feel sorry for hbb's gf.
foz - glad that your boy is ok now. take care. good that you're able to go facial. helps destress. must have been v stressful for you n hb

gina- really?? but u seem so cheerful. hope u're ok.

hbb - good that your gf is getting help, and she's so lucky to have a friend like you. sounds a bit like me when i came back frmo hosp. sttraight into new house, everything not used to. even bed sheet felt so prickly and uncomfortable. MIL was bothering me with new maid and problems. new house still undergoing reno. bbies crying. me stuck in upstairs room, no one can hear me when i'm thirsty, or if i died from thirst. cos no one came to check on me. only had 1 flask of lousy red date tea, too sweet and hot to drink. no strength to pour the flask. hb not around. MIL on my nerves. gee, so angry now that i think abt it. dunno if i'm out of my PNB yet. i think i am, but last night burst out crying again cos bb refuse to let me carry. only want maid to sayang her to sleep. sigh... wondering what i'm doing again. me here in office working, dunno for what... feeling useless and aimless again
Hi mummies,

Is there anyone feeding their 3-6 mths baby with Wyeth S26 Gold milk powder?

My baby is consuming S26 Gold and I find his stool is always Green in color,is this normal? or as what old people says the baby got frighten?

Any advice please?
Hi bestberries,
Like someone mentioned before, you are the mother, they will came to realise that you are their mother, since they will recognise your smell and voice in time to come.

Why not you try to play with them more and try to spend time wiping them down when you reached home?

My friend's sister also faced the same situation as you in the beginning, her baby prefer her mil more than her, which made her feel jealous. However now the baby is bigger, she only wants her mummy when she wants milk or sleep.

Don't think too much, you are already doing very well, especially you got twins. So need more $$ to give them a more comfortable life.
(*hugs*) Me too. Lots of angst, keep remembering all those things that irked me during my pregnancy till now, feel like picking fight with the husband, feeling useless and overwhelmed at work.... Feel like having a good cry to get it out of my system...

And I only have a single baby, can't imagine what I will do if I have twins... You already doing very well... Jia you!

I'm hoping it's just mood swing. Don't know if our bodies suppose to go back to normal by now. (*hug*)
if your baby is on full FM, it's possible the baby can't absorb the iron in the FM, and it's showing up in the poo. Other possibility is dairy sensitivity. Nah, nothing that frighten the bb happened right?

It's up to you, can change the FM to another formula, to see what suits your bb. It happened to my girl too, gave her soy formula but she doesn't like it. She's drinking Enfalac atm, and the poop look more acceptable than when on Similac (old version).
hi, need some advice here from mummies who bring their babies for swim. What type of floatation device do you use? i went Toy R Us at suntec &amp; tampines but they dont carry anything suitable for babies, heard that neck float are uncomfortable
Hi mummies, hav heard most of you getting ready for your new hse. I'm here getting ready for my new workplace cox it's moving soon. Missed so many posts cox busy packing.

hbb, glad to hear your gf is receiving professional help. Felt so angry that she has such husband who sounds more like a "mummy boy" who does not wan to spoil his relationship with his mum. And like wat other mummies mentioned, prob it's gd to ask her mum to come over to help for a few days till she's more emotionally and physically stable.

Zyn and Mrs Ngiam, welcome!
Thanks to all Mommies for your concerns! I read my post again &amp; realised forgot to type there that the pic was taken shortly when she was just born (after the nurse cleaned her w/ water). It's her skin reaction to water. That is not her current condition larr.. else, i'll worry to die oso hehehe..

thanks! hope she wun get this rashes again on her face, i oso heartpain arr..

PD asked the same &amp; bet he wanna introduce sebamed 'cos kinderclinic sold that haha.. but i've already bathe her in sebamed since birth.. so he just keep silent

coolkero &amp; etirto
This funny reaction to water disappear in her 1st wk until last Sun, she got rashes on her body (not limbs &amp; face). Yesterday, after applying cream fr PD twice, it seems better. This morning when i bathe her, it comes again! Haiz! but i called fr offc to check 1hr later. My helper said rashes gone in 30mins, only left w/ red dots &amp; not those patchy kind. Today we gave her the oral med tat PD prescribed for 7days. Will see how after this wk.

Not sure if another mummy had mentioned it, get the husband to take leave to acc your gf, use up his parental leave/NPL or something. It might help with her feeling lack of support in the home, if the spouse is there to help her feel secure as a family. If the husband feels helpless, sometimes just being there to hold her might help.
