(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

BBEthan, I did the leaving the boot open trick too!!! hahaha and I left the passenger door open as well, and the opposite side of the driver seat hahahahahaha....

Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east (sounds corny, yikes!)

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
bbethan...hahah you'r rite. On sat the bigger boy is off mah, and I only want to bring 1 boy to the gathering...heee...
haha... same same here. i haven't tried bring bb with boy out to other ppl's house or go shopping yet. only bring both out to go my mum's hse only. dun know can manage or not. also got to consider his afternoon nap too.
bbethan, I tried a few times, end up very tiring worr....but I guess if going to fr's house and they can entertain themselves, it's ok la. I will bring him along too. He likes to play with girl...Deuhhh...so he can play with FOZ's gal, and surprisingly I observes the way he plays with girls is different when he plays with his friends. He's more gentle and can share toys.
bbethan/ning, personally I think when they're 2 years old is easier to manage then when they turn 3. My boy got terrible 3 instead of terrible 2!
baby time is the best!!! only have to bear with the crying. so mummies, pls enjoy this stage. trust me.

i heard a lot of gd reviews on munckin's mozart cube. anyone knows where to get it?
bell > regarding the lump in the boob that you massage out when pumping/latching...it goes away completely then.....and comes back after when the boob gets full again - I have had that a couple of times already. When I had the malay massage lady coming over for a week, she was teaching me about breast massage and how to check clear ducts/how to tell if nipple is injured/ etc...she also told me that the lump is an overactive duct. As long as it can go away completely when you massage and pump/latch.

If you don't clear it, it can become clogged duct.
Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east (sounds corny, yikes!)

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
foz - hee hee. eh, i'll bring mini pastries either frmo four leaves or royal cafe

kim, thks for the step by step guide (you're good at this, remember the flight tips?) but i'm so dumb i need to copy your instructions onto word doc and print out, and draw diagram to see how it works. still cannot leh. cos it presumes bb in car seat already before getting into cab. very hard to walk holding car seat with bb in it. so from point A to taxi waiting area, i need to figure how to to transport my bbies and car seats. yup bjorn shld be the answer. but of cos i'm so dumb haven use it yet.
bbethan, I saw that munchkin cube in taka yesterday, but not nice le...hard hard and the color is so boring. It's on 20% tough. I'm more interested in the baby einstein ones, and it's the toy of the year in US liao
when we take cab must we use car seat ? cos if go shopping or public places how to leave the car seat ?? if 1 adult to 1 bb in cab/car, can do without car seat ?

Playclub at EC...haha...u even came to my C's 2nd birthday party and we went to other classmates' party too...I have a bb girl too...heehee

Should be able to guess liao bah...
OMG you must be N****! How is C? Used to being Big Bro now?

I am still in touch with Chiara and Samarie's mommies. Arvina's Ethan is gorgeous, and I wanna see your little princess! Join us sometime soon? Can get Canny along...
Have been home alone these few days..super tired and crazy..Boy not cooperative..refusing milk and cranky..same like gina..almost wanted to smack my boy!!
M starting work next work..but feeling kinda of addicted to stay at home already..hiaz..

Can i join the get-together? cos have not met all mummies before..

Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east (sounds corny, yikes!)

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
11. Carebeary

Bingo!!!...I still contact Alvan's mommy..and sms Chiara's mommy too...is your hp still the same...I can mms u my girl's pix...

C is still adapting to his Big Bro status...he still beats his sis...my girl is a July 09 bb...she came out early lah...and I wasnt prepared at all!!!...

We take it offline lah huh...paisay to intrude this thread...I will PM u when I am free...or do u have my email or hp...
Fizz, email me at [email protected] pls...
this is July 2009 thread, and since your girl is July 2009 baby, why are you an intruder??
BTW mine also 17 days early so I popped on 25 June 2009. I am the real intruder, ahhhhh!
Bestberries, I think u r like me, very graphical.. Try attach carrier to stroller for ease of t'portation.. Generally taxi in S'pore allow infant travel w/o car seat, but it's us that want to make sure bb is safe in case of impact.

RE: Infant traveling in pte vehicle w/o car seat
Just to let you know my cousin recently got caught holding her 1 year old in her hand, and her 3yrs old daughter standing at the back but leaning to the front between driver & front passenger seat. I am not sure how much fine & demerit points awarded.
Mommies & daddies, you may want to start buckling up your little ones in car now.
Hi girls, the mommy who expressed in taking over Peanut's slot for <font color="ff0000">Gymboree trial</font> on <font color="ff0000">Sat 25 Oct 2009 12pm</font> is not available. Thus this slot is still open - any takers?
Wow.. nice montage. No worries about missing out Jayvis, i think i was the last to send in the photo. haha..
am interested in taking over Peanut's slot. Sunday 25th 12noon @ Harborfront
I am also interested in the meet up @ ur nest!
Will bring #1 along. Our 2 r of the same age, #1 she just celebrated her 3rd bday in Aug.
kim - i just googled. taxis exempt from car seat requirement. so you're right, its only parents that worry abt car seats in cabs. my carrier wont fit into strller, cos diffrent brand.
Gillian, re Gymboree, that is great, can you pls PM or email me your cell no and email addy?

Added your name to the next get-together...

Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
11. Carebeary
12. Gillian
u mention ur sis take the goat rue as well rite? hw is she coping w ss now?
im askign ALOT of qns bout it now.. cos... edna is startign tyo drink more.. she drank 210ml 2 days ago ! i got scare.. cos i onli get 150 per feed for pump haa so i must standby!!!!

so nice of u to set up everythg nicely for everyone... now i dun dare invite too many ppl to my hse if thr is any gathering LOL scare i not as good host as u and kim leh hehe...
oh yes im an "intruder" liek u too since edna pop on 29th june hahaa
cos i deposited her at gf hse... so i can do hse work then gf feed.. and she din seem satisfy aft 120ml so she gave the remainin frozen ebm to her.. and she fin all! gosh....
last nit ei feed her 200ML!!!
but not every feed she drink so much thou
wow... if she goes on at this rate... will beat all the 8kg champions here. haha... shd put her there more often?? my girl drinking 130ml now. sometimes when she finish the bottle, will cry but i always don't give more cos scared she'll puke after that. distract her with other things.
if she cry means not enuff leh... so u shld giv say 20 ml more n try try?
ya i scare she too fat lar... so i dun force her every feed drink so much haaa...
put at gf hse more often? I WISH haaaaa
tats her reformatory camp haaaaa
I took it sinz sat, no effect leh, now I pump for 40min only got 50ml on my left breast... The breast seems bigger, but empty manz. Disappointed. K's taking 5.5oz occasionally, so worried I may not be able to give enough before we start cereal at 6mths..

i think MMP + goat's rue prob has better effect. I also saw just a little bit better supply for 1-2 days, then it went back down already. Now waiting anxiously for Claire to get the stuff.

The increase is so minimal that i give up pumping. Coz if i pump, my gal doesn't get enough and end up fussing even more.
but she cries only that moment when i pull out the teat. after that she ok liao and cont to play. scared by the time i warm up the milk, she doesn't want.. then wasted. thought of trying to latch on but scared she doesn't want bottle. dun know what's best method.

try making fish papaya soup. think we all taking the easy way out by popping pills.
Mashy, I tried latching but I think the flow slow, but latching ,ore effective than pump, K just suck 10mins the boobs is soft, I pump for more than 20mins I can still feel the lump inside.. that's why I resort to pumping 40mins to clear the lump.. And I dont feel as many let down as before I take the SB. Me too, I want to see if the goats rue as it is and not blended with the MLMM will have better effect.

BBEthan, ya, must do that. These days I rarely take soup also. SO many that's also causing the decrease..

actually since K is just a good sucker, why not latch him more? my gal is very impatient and doesn't like to latch when there's no milk. She doesn't really latch for comfort. So i couldn't latch to increase milk. I think MMP &amp; goat's rue should be more coz contents wise, u're already taking more goat's rue in 1ml than if u take the MMPSB alone. I'm now taking 6 tabs of SB but still no change. Or perhaps my gal has drank me dry whatever increase that i had. :p
back from my ger's vaccination! took 5 in 1 + pnuemoccocal + rotavirus... was super super scared before the jabs... silly me... hubby asked me if i'd cry or nt... he said later mother &amp; daugther cry... hahaha~

my ger cried after the jabs abut stop immed. omce i carried her... hahaha... the babies before her were crying non stop lehs... scared me!!

Mashy, u take 2 caps 3 times daily? I just follow the 1 cap 4 times daily.. Maybe I should increase. The "avoid additional liquid 20mins before and after" makes me sometime afraid to drink and kinda dehydrated.
K is good in sucking but he'll just finish one side and fall asleep or get distracted, so he is not actually getting enough in a feed then he'll get hungry about 1 hr after "he's done".. Like just now, I gave him 5.5oz EBM and he only took 5oz, less than 2hrs he cries for milk, latch him on right and he fell asleep after he emptied the breast.. Now still KO-ing.

Winnie, does your PD use anything to distract your bb when he jab her? K's PD will ask me to shake a rattle (the wooden and very noisy kind) to distract him, then he jab, by the time K is aware of the pain, he is already in my arms. But that was during the first 6in1, I hope this coming Nov13, he'll be ok cos it'll be 2 jabs..
Post us on how Shanna reacts to the jab. Thanks!
