(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Would love to join in too. Is there any kind soul who can ferry me from the nearest mrt? :p

Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
11. Carebeary
12. Gillian
13. Peanut
14. Jeslyn (suan la tang)-anyone dont take it?its actually tom yam flavour..
15. minty_mom
16: Jillian
17. ohyeah (will bring a helper along)
18. sab8 (will try to bring xuanyin, if any changes will update again. In case i chicken out)
19. Twinkle

Good morning mommies!

wah I hv not logged on for just a day or so and the list has G-R-O-W-N. <font color="ff0000">Kim</font> has given a good suggestion of tagging the mommies and that's wonderful cos old and forgetful me will find that very helpful, and I told her I wanna tagged the babies too! right across the chest or something
Kim has also kindly offered her help in planning for the event - THANKS KIM, appreciate the offer!

<font color="ff0000">Gina,</font> you are right about the numbers. Anymore additions and you gotta start bringing your own chairs! Anyway I am "closing registration" now, for 20 mommies (include me = 20) and 20 babies and some 10 toddlers or so may just about bring my house down! I told dh abt this and he said " I'm making plans to be OUT of the house!"

I like <font color="ff0000">bbethan's</font> suggestion of getting outside food (good one, girl!) so you guys don't lug so many things and we do not hv an over/under-supply of food.. Is ordering platters of party sushi okay with you guys? Should not be too expensive. Healthy, yummy, no need to sit at dining table, free delivery.

Participants, pls email me your details:

1. Real name
2. Nick
3. No. of adults and children (e.g. 1 mommy + 1 helper + 1 2-yr old + 1 baby)
4. Baby's name
5. #1 name
6. Cell no.
7. Email add

Once the list is completed, I will send an email with classified information and instructions
e.g. address, driving directions with map link, etc.

Shall we all make our babies wear the same colour? I think the photos will be soooo cute! Gender-neutral color would be <font color="ffff00">yellow</font>, <font color="119911">green</font>, <font color="ffffff">white</font>, black, <font color="ff0000">red</font>, etc.
u dun accept PM
im posting on FOZ behalf

Hi mommies,

This is the last (I promise!) reminder of the Gymboree trial I am posting:

Class 1: 24 Oct (Sat) 3pm to 3.45pm
Class 2: 25 Oct (Sun) 12pm to 12.45pm
Class 3: 31 Oct (Sat) 3pm to 3.45pm

Names of babies in Class 1:
a. Kalem
b. Ju En
c. Matthew
d. Asher
e. Braydon

Names of babies in Class 2:
a. Regis
b. Timothy
c. Edna Faith
d. Genevieve
e. Austen

Names of babies in Class 3:
a. Joie
b. Ethan
c. Lucius
d. Kaelen
e. Min Rui


1. Socks must be worn for both Daddy and Mommy who wish to join the class

2. Bring blanket to place your child on, and a pillow or bolster for neck support

3. Arrive 15 minutes before appointed time to allow for registration - I have only given Gymboree your baby's name, not the mommy's name

See some of you this weekend!

Thanks for organizing and opening up your place for the gathering. I'll love to join and meet all the other mummies and babies.

Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
11. Carebeary
12. Gillian
13. Peanut
14. Jeslyn (suan la tang)-anyone dont take it?its actually tom yam flavour..
15. minty_mom
16: Jillian
17. ohyeah (will bring a helper along)
18. sab8 (will try to bring xuanyin, if any changes will update again. In case i chicken out)
19. Twinkle
20. Lea
FOZ, I am thinking if you dun mind, catering food like HBB suggested is great too, cos the number is quite big and it'll be more cost effective.

I should be able to get there as early as 9:30 or 10, whenever your convenience.

I have large cooler box for drinks if needed. And can get bags of ice (for consumption &amp; cooling drinks) on my way there.
Hi gals,
It seems like I can only login during weekends…hee…

Re: Goat’s rue
Sad to say that it didn’t work for me....maybe I should increase to 2 capsules 3 times a day but wondering if I can take fenugreek with it. Currently, I’m taking 2 capsules a day alternate with my fenugreek (this is what the salesgirl taught me).

Re: Vaccination
Brought my boys for 5-in-1 and pneumococcal on Thursday. Add on the rotavirus vaccine for my younger boy too. They ended up with mild fever the very next day. sigh~
Hmm... u got me thinkin if i wan to let my boy take all the jabs n rota at 1 go now oredi... not lookin forward to it if he gets a fever.. sure end up very cranky..

think better learn frm ur case.. dun b lazy n separate the jabs... to me its jst a hassle bringin him to mt e again but seeing tat ur boys end up wif fever think i better dun risk it..
yah..agree with both Kim n HBB.. can order n share cost of food... easy for everyone..den we can help u clean up aft tat.. =D i can b there anytime..cos my hb will b sending me there... if need anything oso can lemme noe..=)
...same colours wld b cool..imagine all 20 bbs in green..haha..abit like forg farm.. =X
nvm..we shud find a better colour..maybe white.. den all become lil angels..hahaha

Milk intake..
oohhhh..Jav is going thru the same phase too!.. hes alrdy jus drinking 120ml everytime and is considered quite lil amg the other bbs.. n nowadays he don even finish them up.. sometimes oni drink 80ml or lesser.. ytd was power!.. he had his last feed at 1(n i was the one who woke him up..if nt he wld haf slept frm 11pm).. n woke up this morn 7.30am for next feed.. haha.. quite shiok for me..
FROGS????? bring along the leap frog toys then LOL

rota virus vaccine do not contribute to fever.
its peumococcal that does. dont combine this w the 6 in 1
edna had 6 in 1 w rota.. was ok... i ask PD before she had the rota. she assure mi rota doesnt.
okok..bt u have any tip to make edna drink all the rota?? my boy very naughty leh.. he spit all out the last time!!! And very clever too.. he takes it all in n jst hold on to it but the minute the nurse takes her hand away, he spit it all out meaning he nev swallow at all, jst keepin it in the mouth..

Ya i think the pneumococcal quite painful too coz he was so angry wen he had the jab the 1st time... hahahahahaha.. he was happily playin wif the pd wen sudden the jab goes in he was so angry and jst keep screamin n lookin at the pd.. hahahaha...
u gotto tell pd that he wun swallow.. then pd will giv a bit at a time
cos pd did ask mi if she liek to drink water? i say no she doesnt drink water.. and so she say ok she will giv slowly... let her swallow liao then continue the remaining..
1 trick i tink i always use if i need feed her med liek ridwind which she detest.. i pinch her nose... HAHA she will gasp for breathe n SWALLOW
feeding time is oso a nitemare for me.. he been tis way for the past 1 month... normally drink 5oz but its really a torture makin him drink it all.. gotta really coax him.. change position.. frm cradle, to sit on rocker to put him on the bed!!! how come liddat?? sometimes cannot finish all oso, end up jst take in 130ml n start to scream at me... haiz..
hbb.. ya the rest of the rota the pd really torture him!!! like u pinch his nose n he wail... but he dun care coz the doc say only tis way to make him swallow if not my $65 goes down the drain.. hahahahhaa.. the doc say give him the soft approach he dun wan must use the hard way out liaos..
The nose pinching method will work heh? My mom also suggested that I do that for the next round cos the last time DD had the oral vaccine, she spit out and threw up her previous feed (fed more than 90 mins before appt) as well.

Re: Gymboree trial class
How is it?? Did your baby enjoy the class? Still have some lessons left on #1's card, thinking of taking baby there, or should I wait till 6 mo?
Re: Supplements
I'm on my last bottle of NeuroGain, and wondering if it's necessary to continue with the prenatal/lactation line of products or is it ok to take general ones, eg DHA instead of prenatal DHA... If you're breastfeeding, what supplements are you taking?
noelle if wan pinch nose.... must do it swiftly haha..sure works...i still takin nerogain cos i hardly get to eat fish....hehe
Dunno if I'm too late to submit my name for the gathering... Can I go alone w/o Genevieve? I'll leave her at home after her vaccine since she might be cranky...
brought Amanda to take her 6-in-1 jab plus rota. she suck the rota off happily leh. and she surprised me by not crying when the jab goes into her thigh. only let out a yell when the jab goes in. but her weight is really a failure. she's 4mths + 1 wk but only weight 5.4kg. only 0.2kg increase from our babybreeze outing. PD said they must double their birth weight at 5mths. asked her to catch up 0.8kg in 3 weeks. how?? how?? today she's not in the mood to drink leh. drank a bit at 4.30am, 10am, 2pm and just at 4pm. all less than the usual 130ml. was hoping she can wait to start solid until after 6mths.
i was told the rota vaccine taste like plain water tat y she ask mi if edna like plain water hahaaa so mayb amanda tot its water... hehe

did u ask pd any reason for her slow weight gain?
Actually I didn't give her the pneumococcal yet, intend to hold till she's 1 to lessen the impact of vaccines by 1 shot, nurse says it's okay if we don't bring the bb out of the country. She did run a mild temperature even with the 5-in-1, not to the point of fever, but it persisted to day 2 morning so I gave her one dose of the med. The rota might possibly taste sweet, cos the pd cut the tip off the tube and just stuck it into her mouth, held it there and emptied it, and she just lap it up (actually that's how I feed her water when she doesn't drink from the bottle, stick the spoon there until she swallows).
so i guess thr is diff version of rata virus vaccine?cos my girl's one was w a glass syringe
im not sure when wan to giv her the pneumococcal yet thou
Sorry to disturb mummies.
I'll be popping in 1-2 months. Anyone who wants to sell unopened NB Pampers or Mamy poko diapers, please PM me. I posted at WTB thread but no response so far. Collection at Tampines or free delivery preferred. Thanks.
Hi mummies, I'm from Jun mummies. Trying to gather 10 mummies to buy brand new Avent Philips baby monitor with 2yr warranty at a special price of $140, original price is $199. Its a digital crystal clear voice monitor with 2 way communication. Anyone keen can pls PM mi asap or contact mi at 97932771, thks!
Hi mummies, hav started work one wk ago and seems like i hav missed sooo much, as well as the gathering at FOZ's hse. Is it full already? sob...can squeeze in 1 more?

hbb, sorry i realised that your sms for me was for the sun class and i wonder why i kept thinking it's a sat class...haiz cox i mentioned i hav sch activities and can't go. Paiseh

Re: Gymboree trial
FOZ, very sorry i'm like peanut....totally forgotten that my boy will be having his 5/6-in-1 jab on next sat. Afraid that he will develop fever after that. So hav decided to give the trial a miss thou very much would like to go. Any mummies wan to take my slot?

Lamagier, how are u now? Heard a lot about you in the past threads. Hope you are feeling better now.

Coolkero, poor thing. Hang in there...you will be able to see your kids soon!

Kim &amp; mashy, my milk ss went further down when i start wk. Dunno is it bcox of the lack of sleep i got cox i've been traveling to my mum's place at 6am everyday, drop my boy and head to wk. And bringing him home everyday after wk. Recently jus changed my maid and had to train her all over again....really tiring

Pumping at my wk place is not an issue but washing it is really a hassle. Haiz.....trying so hard to cont expressing if not, my boy will hav no milk soon.
jia you! If you have 2 sets, bring both to work. Then all you need to do is rinse off each set after using and bring back home to wash.
Foz, sorry! So blur. I missed your earlier post abt closing reg coz already 20 mummies. Let me know if it's fine, otherwise I will join you all another time.
claire, karmen suggested too. But guess i wun go get the spare parts since hols going to start soon. Jus hope i can get over these 2 weeks. Btw, i have told my hod &amp; RO abt the upl. They are both ok with it...so i'm left with telling the vp before i officially submit the form. Once i cfm on mon, i will inform you...then u pass me your form k!
din knw u were gettin for the ladies..hmm.. possible to post the mats pic here... i was hunting for them the past few days.. thx ya..

Wish i would join u ladies... haiz.. too far for me n i dont drive.. me at west n very very far west too!! njoy ya n if got any town gatherin soon pls do count me in... Gina is very rite, very kind of kim n jerene to organise such gatherings as it does take alot of coordination and organisation to have such a gathering and wif the amt of babies really not easy.. Three big Cheers to them!!!
I love Jerene's suggestion of sushi
I do wonder if some babies will be okay being around this many number of babies, cos we are almost double-fold this time, and as babies go, they do cry, and occasionally my girl does turn on the tap when another bb cry (??? don't know why, maybe singing song together :D )

The sushi is just great for picking up bites as we go attending to the little ones's fussess. Actually finger food is also good like slabs of sandwich we had at Baby Breeze. It'll be really easy to clean up for FOZ later too.

Cool idea for Kim's labels too, label your cup, so we don't need to have so many plastic/paper cups for drinks
allo mummies, long time no see!!!

hope everyone is doing well! Ian was sick again recently but he's better now. he's now v talkative ... last nite i could hear him scream happily in his room at 4am .., and it lasted quite a while!

also for breastmilk ss, you may just want to try good old oats ... this time my gfs recommended to me, and my ss and letdown really improved from when I had V! anything - oats cereal (post strawberry oats is my fav cereal, oat biscuits, instant oats - just mix with milo). Take for a few times a day for a few days and see the difference.

for mummies on fenugeek, try not to wear white clothings cuz your sweat will stain your clothings.

I've been back at work for 2 months soon, very stressed out ... sounds mad but i really feel like quitting cuz i feel so guilty abt not spending enuff time with #2 and my job will get even heavier in time to come ...
Ok... I'll be ur elder daughter at the gathering and play with the toddlers... Hehe... Mummy Gina...
If Jerene dun mind adding me, I can help out also run errands too (since I'm alone and driving there)... I wanna take photo too...
Joanne, if you want to bring your little one, you can postponed the vaccine? I postponed Naomi vaccine for 1 week coz it was depavali day. Yesterday took 5 in 1 and pneumococal. End up with fever last night. But she also developed runny nose and cough from my #1. Hiks Hiks...so poor thing. We can't sleep at all last night. But Naomi was such an angel, she never cry, she just whimper and sounds like "complaining" that her nose is stucked. When I put the pigeon sucking thing into her nose, she gigle somemore.
I asked my PD about the milk rejection problem, he said it's the phase that all baby has to go through in this age. Naomi put on a "bit" weight, she's now 6.2kg.

I'm agree with Gina about the 20babies in 1 house can be a total chaos.Let help each other.
neo garden buffet is fuss free. they come n set up all the food on the table u provide. then it's pack and throw type. i had that for my girl's buffet. can get the hi tea buffet type... mostly finger food. if ok, i can call and see if there's any discount for repeat customers.
On gymboree... which outlet are u gals going to sign up with? one thing i note based on my experience wif #1, they r rather sticky on fees. but really have to bargain a lot wif them before they give in.
Gina, i totally agreed with wat u hav said. It's really not easy esp when the gp gets bigger and bigger. In that case, i'll give this gathering amiss. Will join u all next time if there is again... But do let me know if any of you can't attend oh. Anyway, really appreciate that kim and FOZ have opened their hse for us
and of cox hav made so much arrangements for out little ones
agree with wad uve said too.. i don tink im able to do open up my hse to so many mummies like jerene n kim..
thanks alot for helping me to get the mat.. =) will pay u back wen i collect frm u..=)) maybe during the meetup at jerene's hse? =D

u r going to miss the gymboree trial?.. yr slot is on next sat isit?.. i was thinking can i take yr slot.. (FOZ, can i?)
Jes, ya i can't make it cox bringing my boy for his 6-in-1 jab. I think you should be able to take my slot right foz?

Mummies, anyone of you hav started changing all your milk bottles? We are supposed to change every 3mths isit?

Oh, hahaha, yes, i'm the one. My kaisu xin wei being caught by you... ***embarrassed***

My boy had the same jabs as your's yesterday. He didn't feel anything when he was injected with the 5-in-1. But when the pnuemoccocal injected half way through, he yelled and cried loudly... hb and I so xin tong. And yes, we had the same PD, YY Yip. I gave my boy the fever syrup last night cos he had mild fever, 37.9. Shortly after the medicine, it came down to 37.1 and soon back to normal 36.9.
gina, ***nod nod*** totally agree that organizing gathering at home takes alot of effort. From coordinating, preparing food drinks to cleaning up... WOAH! Is ALOT of WORK!

Since it's a big group, catering is definitely a good choice and everyone share the cost.
