(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Kim, we hv the same PD so yes, using the same trick of shaking rattle, haha!

I also don't like the avoid additional liquid 20 mins b4 and after, my lips feel suddenly very parched and my throat dry, must be psychological...sigh!

My son is drinking between 130 to 150ml. Average huh?

how come take MLMMP cannot drink liquid 20mins b4 and after? i'm taking Gaia Herbs ones which the sales lady told me same as MLMMP cos ingredients the same. no such directions leh.
no leh! My ger still keep smiling to the pd, den the pd said,"haa... U dunno y u r here right?" lol! The 5 in 1 jab wasn't too bad, it's the pneumoccocal jab dat's more stinging... Some clinics will ask if wanna apply numbing cream or nt de, but mine dun haf...

Okies! Will post her reactions... So far no fever... I hope it stays like this...
previously i dun take fenugreek so my supply is rather low. 100ml-140ml onli. then nw after taking the fenugreek for sometimes, i can haf abt 180ml to more then 200ml liaos. but wonderin i haf to continue the fenugreek in order to haf that much supply or i can stop since the supply is there?
FOZ, Austen took 5in1 yet? How? does the rattle help to distract him? Ithink your son's milk consumption is right, my boy too much liao.

BBEthan, the Gaia Herb is liquid in caps or powder in caps? The MLMM is liquid in caps, so cannot dilute?

Winnie, your girl must be a very friendly & cheerful personality

fenugreek also no effect on me. I tried that when i had #1 but no use. Ya, i also hate that rule. But now i planned the doses in such a way that i'm out before/after a dose so that i don't have to wait out that 20mins. Like in the morning, after i come home from sending my boy to sch, i'll take the 1st dose. This already ensured that i don't take liq 20mins before. In the afternoon & dinner time, i down a lot of water.

Perhaps taking 2 tabs 3times a day will be better for u in terms of liq intake since only 3 times, not 4.

oh dear, i just realised that i can't remember how many tabs i took today. hehe. Dunno whether i've already taken the 6tabs or just 4.
i took from GNC one. i took the max of 3 pills 3 times a day. abt 1 day into it my supply improve.
at first i take like 3 a day, 4 a day till i see totally no improvement so took the chance to take the max and am happi wif it so far.
but i calculated if i needed it for long term, like not much cheaper then formula >.<

your son can drink a lot leh. 5oz! My gal drink 100ml max. If make her drink like 120ml, have to space it out. Maybe your boy is very full already, that's why ko? One way to wake him is to switch nursing. So after he's done with 1 breast, lift him up, burp him, then move over to the next one.

my gal sometimes struggle at my breasts, so also dunno is it coz not enough milk or what. Just now, when she struggled, i lifted her, gave her a burp and she ok liao/
FOZ, thanks for organizing. Lovely! Count me in.

Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
11. Carebeary
12. Gillian
13. Peanut

haha! I know we were in the same hospital on the same day but i didn't know that we attended the class together. I very kaisu, sit right in front of the LC. haha!
Re: Rejecting milk

Err... I think my boy is drinking lesser these days... could there be a period when he will slow down their growth? Since there is growth spurt, could there be growth slow-down too?
my ger v boring de... Depends on her mood... She still dunno how to lol... =.=

yes!!! Coz I saw from the table ur bb &amp; mine shared the same bday &amp; born in the same hosp, den u were in my fb frens list so I went to see &amp; realized it's u!!! Lol! Ya lo, u even took notes right?! Lol!!

So ur boi's pd is yy yip? I just brought my ger to him today!
My sister said she's ok. Pumping just nice for her girl. Didn't check with her if her supply got increase any further. Maybe you wait for Beverly to get back here? She said she bought Goat's rue to try also.

Re: MLMMP / Special Blend / Goat's Rue
I remembered reading somewhere no water 20min before or after is to avoid diluting the effect

Minrui, like reggis, also refusing milk. Screaming her head off as I type. Today from 8am-8pm only took milk 2 times.... 60ml and 100ml... Dieting? (*shake head*) I should stop calling her "Fat girl" when she's in hearing range
Mashy, that's good info on your MLMM intake, I think from tmrw, I will increase like yours. I think he suck until tired (hahaha). I can only do the switch nursing at the 4am feed cos I am fuller and he is hungrier, but still about half way thru the 2nd breasts he'll either fall alseep or smile at me with the nipple in his mouth (so cheeky)..

PPrincess, I think I really want to give up on Fenugreek alone cos I thot I already want to give up before I switch to GNC, but when I desperate, I just--aiya, buy lah buy lah.. end up waste my money.

My downstairs having Buddhist wake, chanting and chanting like broken record until I want to go crazy liao... some more so loud, wonder if it passed the noisy level test. I pray this chanting wont keep ringing in my ears even after they stopped.
RE: BB rejecting milk
Rmbr my boy also rejecting milk last week? now he hungry hippo manz.. wants milk every 2-2.5hrs.. I hope bbies rejecting milk now wont end up like him.

My head now spinning... not earth quake from Indon right?
Hi mummies,

I am from the June thread. Just bought Pampers Comfort size M for my gal but was too small..

Anyone wants? i sell cheaper than outside. All 58 pieces nvr use before only opened the pack to check the size.

Interested pls PM me.
re: difference in nite n daytime milk..
i oso don really believe but u noe..mil... nagged at hb.. n in turn nag at me..=S

re: bb's milk intake..
Jav currently oni drinking 120ml.. sometimes i gif him 130ml or 140ml to try out.. but he cant finish..nowadays even 120ml..he wld refuse it.. hmmm..

finally! a gathering in the EAST!hahaaha.. i mus join!

Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
11. Carebeary
12. Gillian
13. Peanut
14. Jeslyn (suan la tang)-anyone dont take it?its actually tom yam flavour..
milk supply
So far i havent take any supplement and supply quite constant.. But one thing i do religiously is eat fish every meal... At least 1-2 serve of Gou Fish or Cod Fish.. I been takin this since birth and so far supply has steadily increase but i only manage max of 300ml.. But on average its around 200-250ml.. Mummies can try eating more fish compare to popping pills.. i think it does help.
Jes, I read your "Suan la tang" and started salivating...

Yan, I had salmon and threadfins, sigh also no use.. But I know salmon skin actually increased my supply once before, but how to always hve so much salmon skin right?

I think I am gonna go to bed and sleep ovee this problem! Sigh!

me too! I love it too! So yummy. That reminds me, i should really go and get some to eat.
hahhaa..if theres no objection i shall cook it...but not nice pls dont find me..hahhaah..

don worry.. we r there to help if possible.. =) u r nt a lousy mummy!.. jus try to bring xuanyin out a few more times im sure u'll b more confident..=D
austen is gonna be taking his 2nd 6-in-1 jab on 30 Oct (Fri). I took half day leave. Plus that's the day of my anniversary so will be going to the widely-suggested Morton's at Oriental. I am hoping to get a gift for hubby by early next week but till now, I still am short of good ideas. Sigh!
FOZ, tks for organizing! would like to join in and meet the mommies + babies

Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
11. Carebeary
12. Gillian
13. Peanut
14. Jeslyn (suan la tang)-anyone dont take it?its actually tom yam flavour..
15. minty_mom
lamagier, my tomi also joining the "dieting" gang lately, for this whole week, he only drink 3-4 times of 60-150ml, he usual take 5-7 feeds of 120-180ml. so heart pain to see him struggle every feed. hope this phase pass soon.
tell mi bout the dieting manz... edna today mad liao!! since 12midnite till now she onli had 3 feed! what happen to her routine??!?!?! arghh... tis am she woke up..but tiem not up for milk yet put her nxt to mi while i sleep..she end up dozing off w mi.. and i over slept! haaaaa
and now... she is drinking... at 5pm..last feed was 11!! arghhh
hbb, yeah it's like that. Naomi is still also on dieting mode. she can tahan up to 5hours. If I feed her before she's asking for it, will end up struggling. She will push the teat out with her tongue and gives me angry grunt.
and the worse part is because she takes so less milk during the daytime, she can't really sleep well at night...which means I can't sleep too. Headache headache! wondering whether I should bring her to your tuina place le...
Wah... the thread is moving so fast... Finally, its the weekend!!! I get to bring home my lil Genevieve...
Gonna spend some time to catch up on the thread... Everyday KO right after work, seems like can't adjust to working life yet...

I wished to go to ur house leh... But I gonna bring Gen for her vaccination in the morning and my hubby had to go help out in D&amp;D in the noon... haiz...

I MUST MUST go for the next gathering... Missed it twice le...
same same from here.. stacia also fuss like crazy the moment we feed her e bottle.. well, if almost every bb is like tat at this stage, i'm not so heartpain hehe..
I think she's losing some weight too..
exactly.. if they dn drk enuff in day time they wake up at nite! last nite was honeymoon for me cos she slp thru 7hrs! keep finger cross!yet to giv her 4th feed!

edna nw dn so gian breast liao haha cos once she latch she look like jus out fr shower..hahaa head all wet fr her sweat!

today saw mre shoes...arghhhh resisting nt to buy haha lucky dh was thr hahahaaa
FOZ: Thanks for hosting the next gathering. Looking forward to meeting the mums and babes.
Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
11. Carebeary
12. Gillian
13. Peanut
14. Jeslyn (suan la tang)-anyone dont take it?its actually tom yam flavour..
15. minty_mom
16: Jillian

HBB: I can understand your urge to shop for Edna. Its just so much more fun shopping for little girls. Esp 1st child sure shop and shop. Poor Max hardly has any new clothes, even his bibs are hand me downs. At home he wears his sisters old pink bibs since she had so many. She has so many pairs of shoes that he can't wear cos all too girly.

We're off to visit the inlaws this weekend. taking both kids on a 6 hour drive to Ipoh. Lets hope they both sleep through the entire journey....
Was a little taken-aback this morning when she rejected the breast. I'm like oh-nooooo, I got a little worried that her resistance will drop especially when the parents just came back from overseas, god knows what germs we bring back with us. Forced her back on the breast later again in the afternoon for a piece of mind.

I was checking out infant shoes everywhere I went, only thing that put me off buying is that the soles are too hard/stiff, and I can't buy too far ahead cos the rubber will deteriorate (wasted a lot of shoes that way). Last night in Perth, dh say he's got to stop me from store hopping, gave me a budget of $100 to go mad when Myers were closing in 5mins. It's so easy to keep looking at clothes for girls.
looks like many bbs going thru the stage of taking less milk..my boy has been like that for 2 wks liao..

Any mummies still facing the problem of bb getting startled easily? my boy even now at 3.5mths still get startled easily.. abit of noise would wake him up and cry loud esp when outside..i heartpain to see him cry so much..really don't know what to do..hiaz
BB Kane &amp; I would like to meet all mummies &amp; babies.
Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
11. Carebeary
12. Gillian
13. Peanut
14. Jeslyn (suan la tang)-anyone dont take it?its actually tom yam flavour..
15. minty_mom
16: Jillian
17. ohyeah (will bring a helper along)
K's behaving weird these 2 days, keeps wanting to be held in the day, feeding interval &amp; quantity also unpredictable. So luan until I am so lost.

Mashy, good info though some pix can b quite gross, esp dislike the iron fortified poop.
FOZ > just us mummies, no daddies right? Just checking before I tell hubby lol

MEDELA FREESTYLE > which mummies here use medela freestyle? Can help my friend who is a mum-to-be...she was asking me which parts to sterilize after each use? The breastshield for sure right? what about the 2 flat round pieces of beige/grey rubber??
The tread is moving very fast.

My girl rejects the milk with her tougue and a big smile on her face. *faint* even I nag at her...

my girl has mild startle nowadays, not as much as she was.
haaa edna also alot of hand mi down fr my nephew
so many brand new bibs which i haven let her use.. cos i let her use all the girly one 1st HAHAHAAA

ya id un buy the hard sole one yet.. bot the soft ones... too cute to resist haaaa..pumpkin patch gt alot of nice unisex one... hee hee...

Date: 7 November 2009 Saturday
Time: Anytime between 11.30am to 5pm
Venue: foz's nest in heart of the east

Can add your names here please:
1. Gina
2. HBB (pretty cuppies)
3. Kim (granny's goo)
4. Ning
5. Sam
6. Bbethan
7. Bestberries
8. Bell
9. Etirto
10. Muffingirl (can bring some food...but can't think of anything now)
11. Carebeary
12. Gillian
13. Peanut
14. Jeslyn (suan la tang)-anyone dont take it?its actually tom yam flavour..
15. minty_mom
16: Jillian
17. ohyeah (will bring a helper along)
18. sab8 (will try to bring xuanyin, if any changes will update again. In case i chicken out)
Hi Kim,

just read yr msg on my MIL. thanks for everything.
I dont really bothered by it. it's only an 'eye opening' to share. Yes, my MIL is a divorcee too.

ha ha.. that kind of kneel down act i almost kena also. not that jialat one. she asked me to take the medicine. then, she stretched out her leg expecting me to apply on her injured toes while she was playing mahjong. my hb saw it n quickily took over from me.

Anyway, she has done too many things to me, too many self-direct n self act deeds. My hb is trying very hard to 'save' me. He is a very falial son. I must say what he has done so far is very hard on him. somemore, he is too innocent to see his mum's trick. of course, sometimes, i was so angry n vent my frustration on him.. =P

So, pray to God for the strength. =)
