(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

yah loh babyethan, i took vaccination wif #1 at her pd, so now the pd also puzzled how come i kena chicken pox cos i got 2 dosage. feeling so horrible wif headache, itchy, bodyache...etc. i only thank god that my nanny is here, but she will be here for one more week only, i must get well before she goes home. i just worry for my bb cos he's exposed to me.
Yan, how heavy is Gareth? I have not try putting him on pillow since more than a mth ago when he appeared to be uncomfortable. He just lift up his legs, even when his head turns up to look at things behind him, his legs wouldn't swing towards the side his head is tilted.. Since the moms here says it's also good if bb doesnt flip so early, I am gonna just let him be for the time being.

Gina, did K's gf behaved last nite?

RE: Bumbo
Does it have size? I wonder if K's fat butt will fit for long time or if it'll just be another white elephant.
Coolkero: Sorry to hear that you're down with chickenpox, get well soon! Sometimes even with vaccines you can still get the virus. I had mumps twice when I was a child even though after the first time you're unlikely to get it again.

Kim: Why not rent the bumbo for a month? Max is using his sister's hand me down but he's not going to fit into it very much longer. We haven't weighed him recently but I'm sure he's well over 7kg. My children are definitely 2 polar opposites, in terms of character and even size. His sister is only 11kg at 2 years.
hi ladies

i have a new box of anmum lacta milk powder for breastfeeding mums
bought at $18.20 willing to let go at $15
expiry date is 13/04/2010
PM me if interested
thanks kim n jillian, my nanny ask me to take it as confinement period to rest hehehehehe...but i rather be out wif my kids...boohooo
hi mummies,

sorry for intruding.

i'm a march mummy. my baby is 7 mths old now and being looked after by a nanny who used to be a confinement lady. she helped me to look after my then 2 mths old baby as i was almost getting into post-natal depression. after i went back to work, everyday she comes in around 7.30am and will go home when i reach home after work.

as i will sending my baby to the infantcare centre soon, i am helping my nanny, who will be available in nov, to see if there's anyone who's interested to engage her service, either for confinement or as a baby sitter.

she can either stay-in or just do day service.

anyone interested, please PM me.

thank you for your time.
Amber, Lamagier & Jes,
I am facing the exact same situation as u gals. My mum or MIL will say stuff like "Mummy dun noe... Mummy this Mummy that". I get fed up at times when I hear it. But now, I choose to ignore their words. No pt getting angry or upset with them. Like Amber, I feel so glad to be at work. at least away from those periods. Its better that I am home alone w the kids, at least I dont get so much comments. I can handle them myself n with whatever means.

Mashy, when is it time for us to put our little ones in the bumbo seat? I have one at home bt its in storage.
hope u get well soon~

Jav is trying to flip i tink.. ytd midnite (yes! midnite! out of all the timings he have to do it at 2am in the morning...) he tried to flip.. keep turning to his left side wanting to flip but still cant do it.. he tried n tried n tried.. i turned him back n he tried again n again.. den i gave up n jus lie dwn on bed.. so tired out by him since mon nite... in e end, he started crying.. n wen i stood up i wanted to laugh.. he caught both his legs in the openings of the cot's railings..n cant move..i moved him back to his place n there he goes again trying to flip!.. he did tat till abt 3 plus i tink.. -____- nw i noe.. he's really a boy who doesnt give up easily.. haha.but he still aint able to flip..hahaha..poor lil boy.
i have a difficult one also.

she SNATCH my bb fr me when my bb was crying on the 1st day i discharge fr hospital. hee hee.. bb was non stop crying in her arm also..

there r lotsa of funny action from my MIL like order me not to step out of my room (bb was in other room)

the worst part is my MIL made up story by telling everyone tt i din open the door for her when she was at my doorstep (confinement time).
N she even called my hb tt nite by telling him she was so angry n she is gg for a tour the next day. N tt day, she was at my pl, i dont know wat she talking loh (n i have confinement nanny at home)... my super MIL who can be a director, actress. after confiment, she din come at all.

now, i am gg to work in nov. as i promise (b4 giving birth) to let her babysit my bb, i dont know wat is gg to be happened in future. =P
Oh dear,
Hope you get better soon. Must be really tough not to go near your babies.

Amber, Jes, Besterrries and other mummies,
Thanks. I just keep reminding myself that my in laws are just showing love and concern although it doesn't come across in the way that I can swallow. And like bestberries said, the pain and discomfort prob messing with my brain...

My mum told my girl "mummy dun wan you, go out and play' when I was desperate, feverish and in pain and going to TMC on SatI ended up yelling at her and slamming the door on her. And so sorely tempted to snatch my girl from her and take her along to TMC with me. Guess that's just like what Kim says, they do this all the time before and think it's ok and don't realize how it sounds like to us

Re: Malt
Thanks Noelle and Kim. Guess I should stop taking the malt then and just continue with the massage. Getting headaches from the blocked ducts and on/off will have sharp shooting pain from the blocked duct... Don't know if it's real headache or it's just my mid messing with me. Going for massage later, will ask the massage lady to if she can help massage my boob cos I'm still unable to massage hard enuff =(
get well soon!
i had the doopid chicky pox while on ML too but i'm able to expose to my ger coz it is her who passed it to me de! LOLz!

Pls dun be itchy hand like me! i have lotsa scars staying with me now... =(
darius is like ur bb also last night. he suddenly wakes up to play around 130am and i tried to pat him to sleep but he don't want. gif up and lie with him on my bed and saw him turning to his side and trying to flip over. he did that till 2am+ and today im late for work
thanks jes, sheryl, lamagier, winnie_mummy, other than the discomfort and not being able to see my kids, its really rest and quiet time for me in the room. i use msn video to see my kids, hehehe, so near yet so far.......my bb tomi is rejecting milk these few days, kinda worried too.
Hi, sorry to disturb your thread. I hv a pre-loved FP rainforest Jumperoo for sale at $160/-. Condition 8/10. come w box. Interested pls PM me. Thanks.
Bbethan, ooic, ok i will let my gal try this weekend see she can seat or not...

coolkero, get well soon and rest well k...
thanks LS, curtis and poohbear...

winnie_mummy, u mention u got chicken pox also during ML? how long does it take u to recover after the first few spot appear? i'm counting down to how many days to see my kids...
yeah lor, i am so unlucky, kenna it durin ML, waste ML mannn!
hmMmMmm.... actually u read up the web, it says when the blisters dry up, you'll no longer be contagious le.. docs also said dat... but got this myth dat says, when it's recovering that time, it's the most contagious period...
but all in all, it took abt 2 weeks wor... but then since u had the vaccine b4, u might take a shorter time to recover?

Jiayou jiayou!!!

Class 1: 24 Oct (Sat) 3pm to 3.45pm
Class 2: 25 Oct (Sun) 12pm to 12.45pm
Class 3: 31 Oct (Sat) 3pm to 3.45pm

Names of babies in Class 1:
a. Kalem
b. Ju En
c. Matthew
d. Asher
e. Braydon

Names of babies in Class 2:
a. Regis
b. Timothy
c. Edna Faith
d. Genevieve
e. Austen

Names of babies in Class 3:
a. Joie
b. Ethan
c. Lucius
d. Kaelen
e. Min Rui

<font color="ff0000">TO NOTE:

1. Socks must be worn for both Daddy and Mommy who wish to join the class

2. Bring blanket to place your child on, and a pillow or bolster for neck support

3. Arrive 15 minutes before appointed time to allow for registration - I have only given Gymboree your baby's name, not the mommy's name</font>

See some of you this weekend!
RE: MIL/ Mom's comments
I m very sure it's the way they grew up-quick to criticize; slow with compliments. <font color="ff0000">Pingping</font>, it was until my MIL went to the massage wz me that she was taught the comforting of a crying child should always be left to the parents when they or one of them is present.I know there were times she keeps wanting to take over (either they think they are better or they are really helpful, which I would like to think it's the latter). Even when we skyped, when K's head bobs, or when I switch him to face the screen, I can see that she stretched out her hands trying to support his head when she is in the screen!!!
The phase of hearing they critics shall past, it's a matter of how long we need to hang in there. Just make sure not to strain the relationship while we bring up our kid(s).
{{{{Hugs to all}}}}
Gina, I think so too, this boy really makes me save alot, hahaha..

FOZ, thanks for facilitating the Gymboree &amp; tips!!

Pingping, just read abt your MIL... goodness me, I really dislike MIL that "pull ranks"!! My cousin's MIL even made her kneel down to offer tea and apology when she got home. She had a fight with her hb in the car and when she got home, she did not acknowledge her MIL who was home!!! So ridiculous!! I always tell my single colleagues not only to look at their bf, but also to check out their MIL and make sure they better be "educated" before they are married, cos I heard so many MILs that are fierce to the nice DIL but dare not even breathe when they are with their feisty DILs.

Winnie, K will be taking his 2nd 6in1 with Pneumococcal &amp; Rotavirus in Nov13. Share how you prep Shanna for so many jab in a session k? Thanks!
Mommies w/ bb gals.. i notice some discharge from my bb's down there.. something like 'bai dai'.. does your bb gal have it too? Wondering if it's normal.. cos' their 1st menses in the early days is quite normal.. so i tot maybe now she ovulate or pms??? lol..
My bb is 8kg now.. I think u dun waste ur money get the bumbo coz i try to put him in and his leg too fat so i doubt K can fit too..

I actually plc my boy on top of my pillow not the bb pillow.. he could turn over after awhile but cant turn back.. he seems to enjoy it thou coz wen he turn over he was grinning.. hahahahaha..

Hmm if not so gd for bb to turn early then let it b ba coz i dun think my boy b flipping any time soon frm the way im observing him..
I have ask tis qns b4 but i jst need some extra assurance frm mummies here tat wat im doin is ok.. Are you mummies using ur formula beyond 30 days? How far beyond 30 days do you all keep.. I jst keep having this nagging thought in me that its not gd.. dont knw y...
Re: mai ya &amp; san zha

My confinement lady asked for "tong1 nai3" (to allow milk flow) medicine and we were given these. We further explained that my breast were having hard lumps for days and i couldn't get much milk from pumping. But weirdly, only 1 out of 5 medical halls knows abt this remedy.

All I know is that it can help to clear hard lumps :>
Mashy, Ya she had no choice cos her hb also scared of his own mom!!!!!!!!! She is that type that 一哭二闹三上吊cos she is a widow and brought up her 3 kids single-handedly, so she really dominated her children with the fact that she "suffered" for them.. That's why I really hate this type of behavior from the elders. Just bcos they are older they think they rule the whole damn world!! Hate it!!

Yan, I think I prob skipped the Bumbo too..
faith took her 6 in 1 with 1st dose pneumoccal and 2nd dose of rotavirus... she had fever the next day.
actually quite heart pain see her being poked so many times.

i don't really keep track of how many days, but usually i'll finish 700g of formula in about 1 mth plus. but when i open i'll always separate into 2 air tight glass bottles, and as long as they don't form hard lumps i think its ok?
Mashy, just to add, I hv a few cousin's whose MIL are such, and strangely, these MIL has a commonality: Widow or their hb cheated on them or divorced.. I think these caused them to seek attention fr their children, esp their son(s).
sometimes its really difficult to keep cool when baby is crying, you're trying to comfort her and they(mum/mil) are 'hovering' around you, keep telling you to give them the baby...
i agree with u!.. i HATE mils who do tat too.. trying to gain symphathy w their sons wen they r the ones in wrong.. poor dils.. but thank god.. my mil n hb r not like tat.. tats y b4 i got married.. i alrdy toked all these out w hubbie.. like hw to get along with pil.. n oso i owaes say to him "next time we have own kid.. no spoiling of children.. not even yr mum can interfere in the way i teach ok?" n he strongly agrees.. therefore wen im preggie, my hubbie told his parents all these alrdy.."no interfering".. but still they will comment de..no choice one.. old ppl..are jus old ppl.. like my OWN mum...sighh..n sometimes i use my mil example to tell my mum n i told her i hate it wen my mil does so n so.. den she'll get the hint..but still side my mil eg."i oso do so.." den i'll tell her :ya..tats the point. i wan neither of u to do so cos i simply dislike it..
anyone heard of seperating daytime milk n nite time milk?.. my mil called n said, sometimes Jav cant slp mite b becos of my milk.. she said tat she read somewhere if u pump yr milk out in daytime..mus let bb drink in daytime.. den the nite time pump one mus let him drink in the nite.. cos the daytime milk is more active???? ... anyone heard of this?.. im puzzled..cos ive nvr heard anything lidat..

nope. I only read that u can give your bb the first morn pump coz that has the highest conc of fats and can make bb sleep longer at night.
Nope, never heard of it also. All I know is foremilk higher in oxytocin (or some other chemical) that makes baby sleepy and hind milk higher in fat.

My girl took 5-in-1 jab and pneumoccocal separately. I think my PD didn't want to jab bb too many times in one session. Said pneumoccocal has higher chance of fever than 5-in-1. Prob also didn't want to risk bb having fever bah

re: MIL
Haha, good to know everyone else also have such problems and I can learn from other mummies here how to deal with them. Think my mil most of the time of, just that says inappropriate things sometimes.

My block duct is gone!!! Thanks so much for the recipe!

Think I saw some soft block toys at one of the shops at United Square. I'm going there on Sat. Want me to check it out for you?
Hi girls, the pom pom montage is finally completed and it was with glee I uploaded it in our group on FB only to discover to my horror I miss out 4 babies - Kaelem, Amanda, Jayvis and Julian! I am SO, SO, SO, SO VERY SORRY, <font color="0000ff">Kim, Bbethan, Gillian &amp; Tinklebellx</font>. I will make it up to you somehow, please accept my apologies...This is coz I neglected to check my FB Inbox, and my sorry excuse is I have been working too hard (stupid retreat to plan). Next montage, if you still care to participate, you 4 will have centerstage!
<font color="119911">Any mommies here free to go Hwa Xia with me this Saturday? Thinking of going about two-ish for a trial...do I need to book? Then I can pop over to Gymboree to see babies in Class 1!</font>


I had 3 days blockage before and it took abt 10hrs to later to totally clear.

For those 1 night blockage, only took 3hrs to take effect. Need to pump abt 45mins.
