(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Im currently using Sebamed baby lotion for my ger dr skin especially the leg and it's getting better. Also the facial cream for her rash which also clear up the redness but there r some dots on her face.

Sam, Enfalac AR is for bb who tend to vomit milk easily so do not get that, Im giving my ger enfalac A+ stage 1 (i had tot there are only 1 type for infant? didnt notice the rest) So far so good, heard it's one of the better FM

I realise my ger tend to vomit clear like liquid sometime and abit sticky..is that phlegm?

may day
the shivering of the lips when cryin is a reflex.. dun worry =)

sure sure =) we can meet up thr hehe...

aiya my bil stgupid reason lar haaa.. so i nvr offer to mynephew also haha

aloe vera is good.. esp for the joints =)
edna good girl?
ya she will sit in thr now onli if the stroler is moving... tsk...

wat is boil raisin water for?constipation?

bbethan.. aiya a hassle to bath her w milk. bath myself better hahahaaa
re: 7th mth
i am nto the pantang type thou i do pray at temple n etc
but when it comes to 7th mth.. better to believe than not haa so i avoid bringing bb home later than 7 usualy.. before sky turns dark lar..
cos i do believe in thg like spirit n etc esp in this month of their 'holiday'
play safe better else my sleep suffer hehe
at least she sits when the stroller moves, my ger still wail even when the stroller is moving... =.=

by the way, the pyshiogel can apply on the face?
i suspect my ger has heat rash.

her face hor, only 3 scabs, but her face was infested with red spots last week lo... gt possibility that the chicken spots wun turn into scabs & just go away? i forgt to ask PD... =(

now the red spots seem to be appearing again...
aiyo when edna 1st sit in pram she scream the whole place down...move also nouse.. guess she slowly getting use to it hehe

yes physiogel can apply on face but since ur girl havign hcicken pox tink u apply the aloe gel 1st better...

oh yes if she is ont he medication for controlling the chicken pox outbreak.. possiblity that onli get red spot and no pox.. then it go away..cos mine was liek tis.. onli got a few pox hehe
okies, den i better start training my ger to sit in stroller... LOLz~

nodnod, i'll apply the aloe vera gel on her 1st...
oh... yah, she's on the anti viral med... oh, so can just get the red spots ah? she stopped her med ytd, and just nw after having her feed... the red spots seems to be coming back... but just went off a little... i tot it's heat rash...
My gal also cries in the stroller... Brought her with me when I took #1 to the playground yesterday. She was crying so hard I had to cut short the play time for #1; she was so disappointed. Told #1, "sorry, mama needs to go upstairs to pee-pee" ;p I'm going to try again today, maybe she was feeling too hot in the stroller, IDK.

At least edna is ok when the stroller moves... I remember my #1 would cry the moment I stepped into a store, then stopped when I get out. Really, she knew the difference btw inside and outside of the store! I asked DH how he bribed her to stop me from shopping!?!
someone told mi can give bb condense milk water for constipation too.. not sure how true
anyone heard bout it before?
aiyo, faint lehs... my ger hor... keeps poo-ing the sai den small small small small small small 一粒一粒 de (2nd time today).. comes out tgt with her 屁 de... dun clean also cannot... clean waste diaper... just changed nt long only lehs!

hi kim, i brot my bb for the jab about 2 weeks back. not sure how many mls he is drinking now as i normally latch him directly but he's been spacing out his day feeds to 4-5hour intervals after the jab.
... starting to get me a bit worried.

Abt panadol, i stopped it once the fever subsided (gave twice after jab) because I din want him to take so much medication.
update, brought my bb for 6 week 6-in-1 jab plus rotavirus vaccine. he's 6kg, i think a bit overweight, but doc never say much. kim, your kaelem fever one nite??? aiyoh i got mil bd dinner tonight, scared my bb tomi halfway fever...
Noelle, haha...your gal is the opposite type of my gal. My gal like indoors than outdoors. The key is to keep practising lor. I've been going out practically everyday now to shopping centre this week, now the moment I put her on the stroller, she smile from ear to ear happily, she knows that I'm going to bring her jalan jalan again....heee...

coolkero, usually the baby will get bit cranky after the jab so may be can leave him with your CL? How's your diarhea? when you want to meet up at holland vi for tea? heee...

sob sob...my hand is so painfull!!! Last week it was only the palm area, now it goes up till the arm side. Guess it's because I use manual breast pump. Now I realize better buy the electric one.
etirto, yah luckily my CL still around, she can handle if bb cranky but must bring bb along lah if not mil not happy. my diarrhea ok, was afraid that milk supply will decrease when mommy is sick, so far same as before. hehehe, will message u when i'm ready to bring bb out for coffee, going out wif bb seems to be a challenge for me, hahahaha.
hmm..haven got my ger to sit in pram yet..need to once she goes to infant care..hopefully she like it..cos she always strain her neck when put in carrier to look outside and once put down, she scream the whole house down..got to soothe her with pacifier..sigh..
This reflex will go away?

Hi all,
Very stress, think I'm going into post-natal blues soon. My gal suppose to be taken care by my nanny of 4yrs (which previously take care my son) but she got stroke last wk and now I need to solve my gal & boy logistics.

I will send my boy go CC and now my gal is taken care by a new nanny since this wk but this nanny keep saying my gal make her stress. Everyday I go fetch her she will say my gal been frighten before coz her lip shiver or tremble and this type of bb not easy to take care. Saying my gal already Ƶ coz she very easily been startle. Say she never take care of such difficult bb before. My gal do sleep in yaolan perhaps that's the reason she cannot handle but she can rock & pat her to sleep right? She say she can't be carrying her whole day! If a bb want to sleep I believe no yaolan she also can sleep right ... I really at the verge of breaking down and worried my little gal did not eat & sleep well there. Now looking for another nanny before I go back to work.

Sorry for the long posting but really just want to pour my woes here.
hi gina

was reading on the past postings. realised that our gynaes share the same clinic and we gave birth on the same day. wat a coincidence
Etitro! Me too having hand pain after using manual pump.Thinking of getting elec..but not so expensive.Do u have any in your mind? or ladies any suggestion?
Mashy, Sam, agree that parents n in-laws r useful, I oso knw she want to carry her worth, but ystd he was hv'g fever so whn she carries him, no help with reducing the fever mah.. Today i left him wz PILs n went out shopping, nai-nai loves it! I broke all rules whn they r here, e.g. she'll removed his clothes n play wz him way b4 bath time, or insist bath water is too hot cos the bath thermometer turtle's red light is blinking, or suppose to read at 9+ & 11+ becomes gym time now... I just close my eyes. Also, I keep hv'g to remind them that they r fr cold climate n its warm here, cos when they feel hot, they thot bb is feeling hot, removed his socks at hospital that day, n his feet was turning blue until hb told them.. I really hv 2 leave them b or i'll b angry ever minute, I just occasionally remind them to make sure bb doesn't get chill. But I must say they r indeed v sweet, MIL will w/up at 6 to help me burp him n put him back to bed so I can express. Today, my boy w/up at 4am for feed (unusual) and both she n my hb handled it, I dun even knw it happened.

Mayday, I hv seen Kaelem's lips trembles before (not crying), dun think it should cause any concern. BBs also grow out of startling when they get older. Perhaps u can try to swaddle her with at least a hand inside the blanket.

Bestberries, I have been using the EyeQ version, no prob leh, got other type meh? nvr seen b4 woh!

RE: run out space in fridge
solution1: like sunsweet, give away;
solution2: like BBEthan say, buy a freezer for EBM

RE: 7th mth
that day my church friend also told me not to take Kaelem to airport to fetch PILs cos it's close to midnight..

Winnie_mummy, I was told can use nappy liner on the diaper to "save" the diaper, may b u try? Let us knw cos I tot to try but haven, u knw, my PILs very not adventurous, anything they nvr see or hear all cannot do.. even like just now, Kaelem pooed and just chg diaper, I suggested to coax him to poo more and she refused!! one pc of pamper is $0.35 ok?!?!.. I haven been using the cloth nappies since CL left cos no time to wash.

Lea, I see Kaelem's temp also went dow aft 2 panadol feed n he's like almost back to usual self, so I kept it, ya, also dun 1 him to be taking so much med.

Coolkero, dun worry, I chk USA std, 6kg at this age is 90percentile, u hv American bb!! (LOL) I actually ask doc if this means early sign of obesity, but he says not unless it's in the genes, else, we just need to watch his diet as he grow up. Tonite I oso hv seafood dnr, think I'll bring along the med, just in case needed.
hbb, sam - yay, ok lets meet parkway when u head there, i havent met any other july mtb. din know isetan has nursery, will check it out next time

coolkeroo - i bringg bb for jabs tom, hope bbies dont cry, if not i dunno how to gao dim
Phoenix, the Medela Freestyle only selling at slightly less than $600 now at taka fair, can consider. Usual is $988 I think.

RE: Post natal blues
Accdg to my doc, it hits 25% of mothers, not bcos of environmental issues but hormonal. Happy pill is the only solution (besides praying). She said not to be ashame of it, treat it asap. This is just info in case anyone here having extreme mood swing, emotional roller coaster..
Bestberries, whn Kaelem took his jab, doc gave me a rattle to distract him. He din cry. I din use the Emla cream cos nurse told me the cream is good for superficial injection like drawing of blood, not so useful for 6in1 type jab..
BBMoomoo, no other colors? Pick red, never go wrong! Even boy should choose red, the first color they see! Dun make bb'd world a dull plc, give them extreme colors even we wont image using! Just my 2cents..
I tink $0.35 per piece is expensive. i'm using cloth diapers(bumwear) during the day. each piece can last for 3pees. take me about a day to dry. can machine wash using normal adult detergent. at night, i use disposable ones. (nepia) NB cost ard $0.25. nepia is considered a good brand already. usually i change after every feed at night. my frens who are using disposable diapers all day use cheap housebrands during the day, and better ones at night.

Re: breastpump
I'm using ameda lactaline-dual electric pump. retail $365. i can get it at $200 plus. otherwise, get a second hand one, and change the necessary parts which will cost u less than $100. a dual electric pump will be better as it saves time and milk! cos when pumping one side, the other side often will leak.
Hi Mummies!

Coolkero, I think I am coping better now, one week after CL has left. Just very sleepy when waking up in the middle of the night to feed baby. But yes after feed, burp & diaper change - baby sleeps but I am wide awake!
Also started trying to bring baby out, despite the grandparents saying, don't bring baby out, baby too small! Went to taka baby fair on a weekday and saw even smaller babies out shopping there!
My MIL also insisted that each meal I eat should be homecooked food!
OMG - my confinement already over lah!!! I don't want to keep eating homecooked chinese food! Bring on the sashimi, kaya toast and half boiled eggs, roti prata, hearty hamburgers and steaks!!!!!

Sam, HBB, bestberries - let me know when you are coming to parkway! I also want to go and meet you girls! HBB you have my number!
i have to correct wat i posted! paiseh! goon doo me!

The previous Similac i usually got is the Eye Q with Procalci Formulation.
Recently, my hubby got from NTUC this Advance Eye Q Plus with Immunify Ingredients. That is when after taking it, my ger has been poo-ing everday & also appetite dropped, but she was down wif chicken pox so i dunno is it the milk dat is causing such changes or the chicken pox...

I just came home from Giant, they only have the 1 with Procalci Formulation, dont have the Eye Q Plus.

The Eye Q plus said to support brain & eye development... hMMm....

tried to upload pics of both similac but it doesn't work leh...
bell, how much is nepia size s? i wanted to order 1 pack to try but the min order is 1 carton 4 pack. Need to see how my bb is taking it.BTW, is it sticker tape or velcro?
She is wearing huggies (green packaging) during day n mammypoko at nite.Realise she has mild rash during day even w diaper rash cream,thinking of changing brand.

Any one know where to get Huggies Ultra or Dry size s (purple/red packaging)? All supermarkets only hv M size onwards. Or they dun hv S at all?

Does anyone order BP spree for diapers from forum b4? Saw 1 that has mamypoko S48 going for $14.50 compare w supermarket price of $19plus.
the reflex will go away as they grow..
i also tot my girl got frighten or too cold that y cry till shiver
but the nurse n doc in kkh say its reflex... oldies dunno so will keep saying they gt frighten

isetan nursing room v good one.. got hot water n etc also hee

u bet u b the 1st one i will call when i wanna go PP hahahaaa

re: bb massage class
i yet to decide wat to dress her in haa.. guess doesnt matter bah.. but def will have leggins.. cos scare a/c too cold for her hehe
yes its at tanglin shopping ctr.. the old one..level 5... ehh its at 1 corner of the mall.. i forgot the unit number..
If i order nepia diaper size S, anyone want to share w me? I just want to take 1 pack and try instead of heading down isetan or mediya to get a pack.
I haven't tried the raisins water yet, tried calling the clinic but they were closed for the day. Searching online, most ratios is 1:1 or 1 part prune juice to 2 parts water. Anyways the PD said the mixture to give is very little, around 20-30ml.

hehe sure, can meet up at PP.
Bell, I hv bumwear but haven try. Qn: my boy's poo time still not established, is it ez to wash the poo off he bumwear? u line with nappy liner?

Twinkle, I usually dress him in onesies, so probably the same that day bah. ya, tanglin shopping mall, 5th floor, think it's 518 or something, I rmbr got 1&8.

RE: S size diaper
it seems all brand hv very few S size diapers or what, I needed the S size Pampers Active also always out of stock!!! Hello manufacturers, bb cant jump fr NB to M ok!!! I finally got pureen S but walau! so small like NB! and bad quality! the pampers S is long like most M size diapers, so if I use Pampers, I can still get S, but hv to get M for most of other brand.. haven try Mammypoko.. Winnie_mummy, how is it? good?
Coolkero, how ur bb @the bd party? Kaelem was v tired today, he din zzz much @all, then zzz on way to seafood rstn, but aft reached, w/up n whole time he was tired but just dun 1 2 miss the activities, kept looking arnd, finally, we decided to use the nappy cloth to cover his car seat carrier, then he got unhappy that he cant see anything, so nai nai took him out of rstn. once got on the Jeep, w/up again, till now!! Good thing he din fuss n wail..
mrs c
nepia diapers cost $15 for all sizes. NB has 60pieces, S has 54. you can mix the sizes. i ordered 2packs of NB and 2packs of S the other time. it's more ex if u buy it outside. i dun mind taking a pack of S or M.

ur bumwear is the one size diaper? dun use yet oso nvm cos too big for NBs. rite now i'm using the prefolds. ya, i use nappy liners with it so no prob 'catching' the poo, it will stain the inserts though. i will soak it with water n detergent before putting it into the washing machine to wash with my clothes.
Bell, thanks for tip. Mine is the type with lots of press studs to reduce the size to fit bb all the way fr NB to 3yrs (I think 3 yrs). Think I m gonna try. hv to cut cost.
kim, my bb tomi was cranky this afternoon after jab, didn't sleep well and wanted to be carried. so dinner time a bit warm, everyone take turns to carry him, slept all the way thru. now home no fever but after milk zzz put down in bed, his eye wide open again, wanted to be carried to zzz. luckily still got CL cos she is prepared to be sleepless tonight.

muffingirl, hmmm...your sleepless nite seems to be my preview when my CL goes back. aiyah my mil said the same thing as yours, must eat more homecook food, when i am sooo sick of the pork vinegar trotter that i've been eating for more than one month now...hahahaha....i also need my roti prata.

bestberries, wat jab u going for tomorrow? just 6-in-1? how about rotarix and pneumoccocal? mine cried for a while only, dun worry, bring your camera for memories.

gina, yah i was shocked also, cos my #1 was 6kg when she was 3 months, and this bb boy is only 6 weeks old. must credit CL also cos she manage to feed him patiently and burp him well. wah, envy u guys going to take class together, let us know class good or not hor...

HBB, bb edna better wif tui na? thumbs up or down? do u still give the rid wind?
