(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

diaper survey
like pampers: no leak...cn last overnite
dislike mamy poko: e 'breatheable' thgy seem to make outer layer moist to touch...
dryper is ok bt i dn like e sticker...dn peel easily

ya aft nxt wk la...too rush for nxt week hee

Giant selling mamy poko S72 @ $21.40 only lehs(promo... but forgt see till when... =p), cheaper than the BP.... (if we r toking abt the same BP).

But is S size though, not sure M size prices.. =)
can't find 1 that i reeeeeeeeeeeealllli like... LOLz~

but dont like pampers coz ex & thin! but mabbe coz my ger's urine too much le... dat's y always feel soggy... =p
oh, i jus calculate. indeed is cheaper by a cent per piece. hahas! i machiam like all brand gonna try then stick to one! so far all i use is OK not realli like lor. find they all like the same. has!
Nodnod! But nt sure the promo till when... Hee... Yeah, me too leh, haven really found 1 dat I like... Tried pampers, drypers, huggies, now mamy poko, next one gonna try petpet le... Lol!
MrsC, rompers from local brand: mothercare's materials are pretty good; US brand: I love Carter's material, find the print cuter too, but BB Gap more stylish than Carter's.

Pampers Comfort--friend said very "plasticky" I hve not try, but the Active BB M size no longer has the stripe to indicate wetness.

Winnie_mummy, I saw the Avent Liquid Powder at taka on Thu, it must have been sold out cos I saw 3 or 4 boxes left. Did you try the nursery inside Taka? make a call to the nursery dept before going down in case also sold out.

I am not sure which HUGGIES I recv from my gf, it was thick and makes bb legs spread out. It was a S size. but another friend says the M is better. Some feedback I got from friends are that the S is good for some brand but the M of that brand becomes lousy or good at a M but bad at S.. Prob brands also differ amongst diff bb's butts & P/Poo habits, just like cars.
nope, GooN doesn't have an elastic band at the back. So far, I don't have poop leak yet. Huggies Ultra does have a stretchable back but the poop leak was horrid too cos of the absorbent core that puffs up btw the bb's legs dragging the diaper down.
is tis the 1st time ur girl went to hwa xia to swim?hw logn she swam huh?
my girl KO aft the swim thou... hahaaa
good leh... she can sleep thru the nite.. nomore nite shift for u !!
Gina, that's great news! What time was her swim? cos I dun want to sent Kaelem swimming at morning then heave him KO right aft that and became nocturnal..
my boy is always smiling in this dream. sometings even let out a laugh. mus b hafing sweet dreams. haha! if they are too simulated, they might keep jerking in the sleep instead. that's wad happen to my boy when ibrought him around to visit frens (3 of them) for a total of more then 12hrs in a dae.
i wish my boy could b like ur girl and sleep thru. but he didnt. at first after the swim at hwa xia, he also fall asleep. right after the massage ends. but still, wake up everi 3hrs for feed. and nw he will sleep longer at night. but wrong timing! he will sleep for at least 5hrs interval after the 9pm or 10pm feed. which is wrong wrong! should b after tat feed then sleep so long ma! tsk. makes me dun feel happi at all. has!
saw all the discussion on diapers - only managed to skim thru cos gg to sleep now. i tried nepia, pigeon, huggies, i find all very good leh. i stikcing to nepia now cos they deliver to house, and i use up very very very fast. will try out mamy poko and pet pet since u say its cheaper. a little savings goes a long way with twins...

gg to sleep now cos bbies had fever last night and this morning after 6 in 1 jab and pneumo jabs. my bb scream and scream. so heart pain. think too siong for their tiny bodies. shld have just stick to 1 jab first, not so hiong. just gave them panadol and now they're sleeping.

how long will bbies fever last ? its subsiding but hope it goes away soon

did ur PDs advise u to feed bbies water ? my PD did, i think i will start after their fever is gone, so they din eat much with the fever, so got to feed them as much as possible now

muffin - so nice of you to offer, but i got a lot of barang barang, 2 bbies, 1 maid, 1 twin stroller, 2 bags...

there is so much going on! i have miss so much.... but still only can skim through all the discussions... sigh

whar diapers discussion!

hheheh here is my 2 cents worth

so far i think that fitti premium is the best value for money as they are having a promotion.. :p 6packs for 60+ free delivery! #1 using the M size and #2 has just almost finished using the NB....
other wise i use to use huggies dry and dry comfort that i get from another mummy at 14.50per pack (blue and red colour)
Hi Mummies! Hope the mummies/daddies/babies going for massage lesson have a good time

Bestberries - aiyah I forgot that once me and baby are in the car with his carseat...maximum can only fit 3 more people or 1 more person plus another carseat. I don't drive MPV!
Forgot for a moment that you have double princesses
GooN is a little expensive now, gone up in price, in the $20+ mark for 52/pk for S. I'm waiting for another promo before I stock up. Meantime, I get my loose stock like 1 pack here and there from JB during promos to try out.

The other day I had a friend who said that Fitti release a chemical into the diaper when wet, not healthy for girls. I hear already huh??? Don't know true or not...then only boys can wear fitti?
mrs c
since u already have 'orders' for the 4 packets, i will order myself.^^ as for S size, i find it a little big for my boy. but still ok.
Re: diapers

Using the nepia for night and petpet for day. Both very good. Tried the drypers for the day, also good except that the tape cut into my gal's thighs and caused them to bleed.
Poor gal. Reused it after she healed completely.

Dislike: Pampers orange packaging. leaks like mad. Everthing she poos sure leak.
Gina, thanks again for arranging the massage class, my MIL truly enjoyed it. And thanks for the diapers too!

Bestberries, how are your princesses now? better? When I told my mom Kaelem had his 6in1 at 6wks, she told me I shouldn't hv, she think it's too young. My aunty told her her grandbabies all had the antelope horn water and wnnt hv fever after the 5in1 or 6in1 jab.

RE: pampers
Twinkle, besides premies, Pampers has New Baby (yellow, hospital using), Active Baby (purple), Baby Dry (green), Comfort (Orange) (Mashy, ya this is worst of all).

Re: Breastmilk container labelling

Wat label u mean? Those office use labels?
Can share wat brand?

Anyone else can share wat u all use to label it?

Re:Cheap diapers
I jus tried EQ diapers,cheap and good. So far no leak. Size S cutting big too.Thin not bulky. S40 $8.15 @20cents. Can buy fr Giant.
Poshicon, the EQ Diaper S is it same size as Papmers S? Long?, bottom big not? cos I find huggies very bid, bb's legs always spread out like Kang-Kang..
re: BCG
can i check where is the BCG done? when i went to hwa xia, they sae why is my boy's at the arm. nw is supposed to b buttok. isit KKH still doing at arm. or my one special case ah? bcos my fren's also at buttok.
Hi Mummies,
Long time no post... Didn't even realize I missed the Marche outing! Been quite busy handling baby alone and been hobbling around due to inflamed lower back muscle. Hope all mummies are well.

Had the terrible 6th week cos baby colic and crying peak period (been researching online and found 6-8th week is supposed to be the worst). And my little dictator decided to only take power naps in the daytime these few days and insist on being carried around. Feel like trying out HBB's cry it out method... Just afraid will disturb neighbours....

HBB, how do you use the cry it out method without disturbing neighbours?

My friend who used to work at Unilever said they did a test and Mamy Poko is the best in terms of softness

Like: Huggies Ultra, mamy poko (though have soggy feeling when diaper is full), fitti

Dislike: Drypers (the sticker tend to stick on to my girl's legs when I'm changing diapers)

re: exercise
Read an interesting fact in a pregnancy book. Do not BF within an hour of exercising. Lactic acid built up in our body can cause bb to have tummy upset

*#*@!* After congratulating myself for being able to escape the evil clutches of stretchmarks, I suddenly found stretch marks on my boobs... 6 weeks after delivery %!@$te#%!#$!#$@

Anyone else hate their post delivery body? Hate big leaky boobs and the stubborn 5kg that refuses to go away...
me... i super hate the post-delivery body.. big fat tummy, big leaky boobs, stupis stretchmarks on my boobs n thigh... me still left wif 4kg to lose

re: diapers
m using nepia for my boi day n night... like the softness...

re: milk intake
my boi seems to b drinking 60-80mls 2hrly in the day.. onli drink about 90mls @ night...
My gal's bcg was given on her left arm, although we were given the choice of jabbing at the bottom of her foot. The latter is so that there won't be a scar on the arm, esp for gals
Too bad, I lost the vote to DH and #1 who voted for bb to get it on the arm.
ehh.. my windows usualy not open one.. and also... nxt to the window no other units.. except the nxt block
disturb neighbour? i dun tink any 1 will care..cos the dogs r noiser than babies here! and th ris another baby here whom i tink older than edna by few mth still wailing everyday n nite LOL
for my girl she dun cry at nite.. not so bad...
kim - my bbies fever went down today, still monitoring for tonight... wah.,... first time mum very stress when see bbies got fever.

pprinces- my bbies had bcg on left arm too. the nurses say most ppl have on left arm so to avoid infection if at bum area
that's what i thought, so weird. Don't know where she hear it from. I search online also nothing about Fitti regarding this. Maybe she bluff me one...
haha! why ur hubby wan it on the arm instead of the bottom? bcos is a girl mar.

my fren's boy got it on the bum and todae she call me saeing hw, the BCG burst and it's on the bum. wad if kanna the poo and haf infection. i tell her like tat no choice haf to put plaster. but make sure to air the wound everitime possible.
my area quite quiet. And I dun hear bb cry, so I guess mine is the only new bb in the block.. can't try the cry method... later people think I abusing my bb =p...

Glad to know that. I was thinking if I'm starting to develop postpartum blues (the husband thinks postpartum period = confinement period... Any blues I have is my own blues... can't 'charge' to 'baby account')

A few nites ago so stress by baby and stuff I was crying in the middle of the nite while feeding. Can't sleep well with painful back and painful boobs. And wrist pain from carrying my demanding baby... Just keep thinking how i hate the post-baby body and pains.

re: Post partum blues
Mummies, how long actually is considered post partum period? Been on my own for 2 weeks since confinement ended. Wondering when it will be ok for me to stop watching out for onset of post partum blues...
wun lar.. most bb cry at nite... haaaa

talking bout baby crying
gina's bb rock! she alwasy smile!! 9at least for the whole massage class today!) so envy!!
How was the massage class? Hope the moms and babies enjoyed themselves.

Lamagier: I've done the crying in the middle of the night during feeding as well. Think it was during the 1st or 2nd week after Max was born.
Postpartum period is usually 6 weeks after birth.
jillian, i didnt get to enjoy!!! my cranky boy showed everyone his crying power today. muhahahaha......

jes, during the class my hb was there kept praising ur javier's complexion v nice wor. hee.
the massage class not too bad hee.. except my girlalso keep making noise
3/4 the time my dh is carrying her!
Twinkle/HBB: Hahaha, I bet if I was there Max would be crying as well. He hates being undressed. I usually massage him after his bath in the morning when he is in his best mood.
gina...she always snd like tis...sigh...bt she was askin for her nap i tink...w e sun..she barely cn slp!

i send u e poto tml k...camera in car

jus nw i almost drown my pump...duno y... while punmpin i watch tv...nxt thg i noe was e milk flow into e tubes n went to e other end of e tube near e motor... how come huh?
the reason why milk will backflow is due to wrong positioning of the valves. that's what the lady at the service centre tell me.
Lamagier, welcome back. How is your back now? My doc said aft delivery, not only our hormone hay-wire, our ligaments also became loose n easily get nerve pinch, strain etc. When I had my massage last Sat, my whole left back was out of alignment (fr neck to calf) bcos, 1. I now sit behind driver seat next to car seat on my Jeep, and I had been using the butt-in method, so my butt was hurt; 2. I carry my boy on my left cos my right shoulder is weaker, 3. my boy is now 6kg. So do be careful. I also hv that 5kg waiting to shed, my boops now droop, my tummy still has that extra layer of fats that stick around like a turtle shell on my tummy... And, I hv very bad mood swing, I am seeing the psychiatrist on Mon cos I have problem coping with the mood swing and being referred by my OBGYN. She said it hits 25% of moms and we should not be ashame to seek help. Can try to be around people more, I think my prob is I am always alone at home n dun like to go out.

RE diapers, may be bcos mammy poko is under Unilever? Cos pampers is under P&G (just a thot lah).

BCG: I was told pte hospital jab on butt.

Bestberries, me too, I so Sim-tia when he felt feverish and no chance to comfort him cos nainai kept wanting to hold him! Hubby say to tell her, I told him he is mad.

Gina, your girl like Japanese girl, Kawaii neh! HBB's girl is Chinese doll, chio chio! too bad today Kaelem hungry, so miss out all the opportunity (Javier smart boy, stick in class so "had the 2 girls to himself" when Twinkle's Kaelen & my Kaelem went out for milk.. tsk! tsk!).

HBB, your pump reflux.. LOL
bbethan...valve wrong position?hmmm..
gina yr pisa aso huh?
i so worried will drown it...sleepless nw =(
edna no pototherapy tt y so fair! i bth manz..must send her for outdoor "training" whn she older so wun b so tofu!

kim...muhahaha reflux!? lol
did ya managed find out e building name?
that's what happened to my Swing when I used it previously. Like gina, got to run the motor at times to blow out all the liquid that got into the motor. I was also so scared out the other time I got a manual pump to stand by. But ultimately I think it went up the lorry when the reflux happened another time again.
i remember seeing in one of Edna's photo where she's using a squarish wedge like pillow to sleep. where did u get it? It can elevate certain degrees up right?

anyone has any natural rememdy for running nose. think my girl might have caught the bug from my son. can hear her nose is stuffy already.

HUH? go up lorry ? oh no... hmmm...
e 2 wedge of thgy she slp? its call sleep positioner
canbuy at kiddy palace. i got the babysafe brand cos i tink its longer than the other 2 brand. dun elevate one.. more like keep her in tat particular position like on her side .. no need use bolsters n pillow like i did previously cos they run off! suffocating hazard...

stuffy nose?
use ur lil finger press the 2 side of e noserils lightly (maybe 50 times?).. then lightly stroke fr side of nose bridge downwards (ba zi xing)...
