(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Hi mummies,
hoped all of u enjoyed the outing!!..=D
last min din join u all ytd cos Javier's eyes still abit swollen n cos he's lacking of slp, he cried the while morning..=\ den i brought him to PD at 2 plus.. PD says eye swollen may be allergy or blocked tear duct or infection..but he says Jav's eyes seem fine.. n all the above mentioned shudnt be jus one eye swollen n comes n go.. if he had any of the above it should be either both eyes red n swollen or wld actually remain red n swollen for few days.. wont come n go like Jav's.. but doc says if it cont..its abit unusual..gotta go back n do some tests.. so worried.. hope he'll be fine..=(

mine most of the times will cry aft milk oso.. but mine is cos he still wana suck.. so i'll stuff the pacifier in the mouth den he'll be quiet n fall asleep himself.. hmmm, y don u try playing with him like maybe after bath or at nite aft u cleaned him up.. cos for mine, he's mostly quite wide awake aft bathing or cleaning up.. can stay awake for abt 15 mins or so w/o making noise.. aft tat he'll start screaming cos he wanna slp...=D

i owaes bring my EBM out in the pigeon cooler bag, can lasts for 12 hours, den i'll bring hot flask n a food warmer..wen its like 1/2 hr b4 bb's milk time, i'll pour hot water into the food warmer, place the bottle in n cover it up.. den the milk can stay warm in there for abt an hr or more..=) but sometimes if im out alone i wont carry so many things, jus bring milk powder.hahaha..

if u girls gg to shopping n etc and bring ebm out.. dun ahv to bring hot water.. jsu go to fast food restaurant.. or anywhr u dining.. they r most gald to provide u w hot water =)
then bag wun b so heavy =)
HBB & etirto, i think my bb was the most cranky yest. So paiseh that i had to leave the earliest. Haiz, guess wat? After i left marche, i sat outside sushi-tei to feed my boy 80ml and after that he dozed off. I wanted to join u all back but was really tired trying to pacify him. Afterwhich went to ocbc settle some things then head home
Wat an experience!!!! Let's hope i can be better next time i meet u all.

It was really nice meeting all of u. Did pprincess arrive later?

Haiz...actually i was quite pissed with my colleagues whom i coincidentally met at marche before meeting up u all. My boy was sleeping and they were so amazed of how cute he is and kept touching his face and head till he woke up!!!!! Really pissed. He has not been sleeping whole morn and finally got to sleep when i pushed him out. I think he would not be so cranky if he can sleep longer...haiz
kittyno worries lar
when i 1st brought edna out she was muchlouder than lucus!! takes some training n practise for both mum n babe hehe..

yes pprincess came later on =)

aiyo y ur colleaguesliek tat/ if my girl sleep i straight awaypull down the cover so nobody can see her or touch her =p
nvr disturb a sleeping bb ... or u realy get a cranky one!!
Etirto, my breasts oso almost burst yest. When i reached home, first thing was to pump cox the min i took off bra, milk already flowing all over. So wasted

Kim, your place sounds gd...near my place too. Then maybe mummies who dun latch like myself, can bring pump along to release the milk hahaha
ya the otehr nite also i miss 1 pump onli aft that it was drizzling milk when i went shower!
weird lor since its not 1st time i miss 1 pump leh...
HBB, i think your edna's cries are gentler...fr wat i saw yest. Lucius can really scream when he's hungry/wan to sleep. That's why sometimes can make me very panicky. Thanks for yr help yest in managing the 2bbs. Your training for her milk is really powerful hahahahaha.

My cover too short...cannot cover him all
Hmmm i muz now learn to tell pple off when they wan to touch my bb when he's asleep.
HBB, i envy your unlimited energy in bringing edna around for so long. I was dead tired yest when i reached home. Lucky my mum was around to drive me home. I cannot imagine myself taking a cab and carrying the heavy stroller.

Bestberries, my bb is drinking enfalac A+

Jes, hope everything is alright for javier.
My ger has some rash on her face recently, dunno if it's heat rash or allergy to something, kept scratching her face. I also notice she keep putting her mittens to her mouth and then touch her face, wonder if that the cause. Got to change her mittens now regularly..Any bb keep putting their hand to the mouth? How to prevent it cos i cant be monitoring her all the time.

Any bb start flipping to their side? My ger has been trying to flip to her left side when she's awake.

Will be putting my ger to infant care next month..sigh..dunno if i bear to leave her there after spending few mths w her..but i dun hve any choice anyway..
Thanks Kitty..

Javier has also been putting his hands in his mouth too.. tats y ive alrdy removed his mittens in the day n only put on at nite b4 he slps.. i think its oni normal tat they r beginning to suck their hands.=D mine always will produce the loud sucking sound wen he try to suck his fists.. if he's hungry n milk haven come he'll jus stuff his fist in his mouth n suck..haha..
minne is flipping 180 degree..frm left to rite or rite to left..=)
infant care very ex lehh..hw much r u paying?

My girl also having rash on both her face and her chest. The PD said it is either heat rash or cos of the things I eat or my hormones going crazy hence pass t her via my BM. She also has the habit now of stuffing her mittens to her mouth when she is very hungry. So far I just change her mittens evertime they are wet and push her hand away whenever I catch her doing it. Unless you give pacifier I don't think can stop them from doing so. Anyway it is good for their eye and hand coordination if you think about it

Your girl is really fast to be flipping to her side...you better monitor her as you don't want her to flip when you are not seeing lest she ends up burying her nose and cannot breathe.
edna did not show her power yesterday... LOL
inf act she knock out when we reach home not long aft barely cry so yesterday was the best ever time she gave me since birth.. but but but.. i gottokeep pushing her ard the mall.. she make small cries lor...
im tired when i was at vivo also..but endure lor... if realy tired i prob will go nursing room n sit down hahaaa

my girl been putting her fist in the mouth... i guess jus goto keep cleanign the hand w towel to keep it saliva free bah.. the rash mightb partly due to saliva also
u can use warm towel to wipe like twice a day.. if realy bad can apply somemosituriser inc ase its the infant eczema
hi mummies
nice to meet up yest. good break than coop up at home. think may nt be able to join the next round if weekday. i survived my way home yest. decided to take the train back yest instead of cab. thank goodness she didn't make noise throughout cos she had her milk n usually will cry b4 sleeping. a gd n peaceful ride fr harbourfront to eunos n then a bus home. but then night time her monster behaviour came out again.
what kind of bottle warmer r u using when u go out? i'm looking for something to warm up milk on the go. use insulated bag but cannot keep warm for long since warmed ebm's temp is only abt 40 degrees.
Hi mummimes,

Pls excuse this interruption. I've the following items to sell, if interested, pls PM me. Thanks!

- Friso gold 1 (0-6 months) 900g, expiry 28 May 2010. Selling at $20 only (usual retail at NTUC is $29.90)

- Safety First Car Seat Mirror: to be attached to back seat so that you can view baby in your rear mirror. Selling at $10 only (retail price approx $16).

Self collection at Boon Lay or Harbourfront (Sundays only)

Wah jes, ur bb can really turn! mine only concentrate on the left side.. The one and only infant care at my area cost $700 after subsidy..abit ex but hb prefer infant care than nanny cos at anything can complain since they are under regulation.

HBB, haven take out her mittens yet cos scare she will scratch her face though i hv trim her nails (and it's long again!). Will wipe her face regularly and change her mitten then. How do u differentiate betwn infant eczema and rash? I had tot eczema is bad case of dry and patchy skin.
i alwasy tot my girl one is rash but pd say is eczema
cos the skin a bit shiny one
reddish too
anyway she say jus moisturise the skinc an already
but if its at joint area.. then jus keep the folds dry...
so now gotto assume its infant one.. jus apply moisturiser
jes, I wonder what kind of food warmer you bring out? there is one from first years brand, but it's very bulky and actually the function is the same as a big cup because you still need to pour a hot water inside.
just wondering do you all start to read to your bbs? mine... always wan to scream to sleep... how to start reading to him har?
hi bbethan,

U can try my hairstylist at jean yip causeway pt,he is Johnny,so far i find him gd and had been going to him for years.

Will look for him for a cut too end of the mth..
Re:pigeon Bottle and Food Warmer
Any mummies is using the above food warmer, I dunno how to operate it,pls help. seem like the milk is not being warmed or 40 DC is not that hot to be?
RE: next mommies meet
I stay telok blangah heights, q near to vivo. I think it's good to meet at someones plc, not only can pump in peace (wha! new name Medela can use..) and latch in peace too!! Even changing is probably less stress, ah, can nap in peace too!!
OK, if all dun mind my area, we'll set to meet my place next time. Now we just need to settle a good Tuesday and time.

BBEthan, I go Supercut at Parkway, ask for Irene. I found her aft my fav hair stylist fr Hair Mechanics (tampines mal)left to go back Penang.
Today I went have my pap smear & bb's 6in1.

Kaelem is now 6kg, 58cm. My doc (prob the first I met) recommended me to use powder on him cos his creases (neck, armpits, elbows, groin, behind knees) has redness appearing, he said it's due to heat (weather) which powder will help.. so this evening, sister here started the puffing. My mil love it, but I use very little cos even my nose also cant tahan..

BBEthan, where u got the Rotatex for Amanda? My PD only has Rotarix, the old one..
i'm using that food warmer. i just turn the knob to somewhere in between bottle warming and food warming cos i find bottle warming mode not warm enuf.

The clinic is at Tampines St 81.
avent bottle warmer - how to use this too ? do u leave it turn on the whole day ? i have 2 at home but never use, cos maid and mil always use hot water from the thermos to heat the milk. secretly i also think its faster than the warmer.
i actually use a normal food warmer.. u noe those portable for bring food out den inside is like a hot flask one.. haha.. i jus pour hot water in, put the bottle inside n cover it up.. lasts abt 1 hr or so..
yr PD is in Tam?.. can tell me the clinic's name? cos im abit lazy to go dwn Mount A each time if he's nt feeling well.. Tam quite near my place, even if hubbie working i can bring bb dwn myself..=) thanks!!

i see.. yah, infant care one thing good is anything can go according to the law..=D
ya, he really gave me a scare a few days ago..cos i left him lying on his left on his cot n wen i turned my back,got his clothes n turned back, he was totally on his left alrdy..i tot, luckily i din left him on e bed of sofa..scarely dropped over..

mine is jus a normal Winnie the pooh de food warmer..haha, i bought it cos i found it cute..hahaha..yah, same function as a big cup still needa pour hot water in.. but it can still keep warm cos of the vacuum inside..=)
i oso have 2.. in the end i sold off 1.. i oni tried using 2-3 times n gave up.. i rather use hot water.. which is faster.. cos sometimes if u leave the bottle in the warmer too long it gets too hot..
BBEthan, Irene is off on Thu, other than that, I think it's always good to call and make sure she is arnd in case she chg her off day to attend to something.. I think there is another stylist by name of Constance, she tend to me before, also experienced, can try.

RE: Food/ bottle warmer
I use thermal cup, works perfect! cos I also dunno how to use warmer function of my pigeon multi-purpose sterilizer, and think it's longer waiting to warm the milk cos by then my hot water in thermal cup already warmed up my bottle of milk..

Fluffysheep, I also experiencing low supply of BM now perhaps bcos these few days, I hv no time to pump regularly every 3hrs..

oh ya, my doc told me I have no sign of mensus coming, uterus is back to pre preg size and can do my frozen embryo t'fer soon. Best time is end of the year.. I was like, huh?!?! so soon?!... She say no worry of the stitches under the skin cos by the time uterus stretches would be another 6mths after that, making it a year away.. I think I wanna rest for now, my left side of my back is out of alignment fr neck to calf, Kaelem's too heavy for me.. and now my left butt-cheek oso hurt cos my Jeep is too high for me..
then yr warmer must be very big to be able to put a bottle in.

the clinic is called Baby And Child Clinic. I usually go there for baby's vaccinations.
hihi everyone, yesterday my mil made seaweed soup, and i ended up food poisoning around midnite. sigh, thought it was gastric at first but the pain grew more tremendous n couldnt sleep at nite, then vomit out. my bb also tummy pain, poo x3 after midnite, guess from my breastmilk. hesistating if i should still give him breastmilk or formula...i read internet they say continue wif breastfeeding even if we food poisoning, anyone experience this and do u still breastfeed????

i kenna a mild case of diarrhoea too. LAsted me abt 2-3 days. I continued bf. Same as your bb, my gal also had very wet poo that period.
Hi mummies,

Long time din log in...hope everyone is doing fine...have been busy handling 2 kids and has no time to log on.

Re: Coping with No. 1
for mummies who have a no 1, how do u all cope with the elder's jealousy? My son (28 mths) is showing signs of jealousy, whenever he sees anyone of us (including his por por who he is very close to) carrying or feeding mei mei he would deliberately throw tantrums or he would insist to you to sit down and play with him. When I tried to explain to him tat mummy has to feed and settle mei mei first, he would start throwing tantrums, roll on the floor and cry loudly. Sigh...can someone advise how to cope with No.1's jealousy?

Re: Shaving bb's hair
do u all shave yr bb's hair during the 1st mth? is it better to shave their hair and have newgrown hair instead? i am wondering if i should shave my bb's hair when she is 4 mths old...actually she has quite a lot of hair.
RE: Next mommies meet
BBEthan, perhaps we can meet when u are on child care leave if it's on the weekday, else Sat late morning to tea time is also good ok, just that may be others hv family commitment, and has to be the sat when we hv completed bb massage classes.

Coolkero, hope u r better now, rmbr to increase fluid intake.

Hopper, I did not shave Kaelem's hair at 1st mth, think to do on 4th mths but he already started dropping his first hair, now only half the head has hair. I want to shave cos I want to make the calligraphy brush and hope to have fuller hair cos receding hair line is in his dad's genes, and with more hair, he wont look too bald at early age (hopefully). In your case, shaving may not be needed furthermore, she is a girl, if u really want to do, better be early cos by 4 mth, u want her to look pretty.
RE: coping wif No. 1
My gal, 20months old, also feels jealous despite I spend most of my time with her. She dun like me to carry her bb bro.. will scream n cry for attention. But its only me. If my MIL n hb carries the baby, she is fine. Guess hav to keep lovin her n make her feel secure. I explain to her the concept of sharing too.. sharing of toys n parents etc..

Re: shavin bb's hair

I intend to shave it ard 4 months when bb starts to drop their baby hair. Like Kim, I ll be making the calligraphy brush too!
hmmm, warmer a lil bulky la.. but not say v v big la.. haha..oh..ok..thanks for the clinis name.. can u gimme its full address too?..thank u so much!..=D

Shaving bb's hair..
i don intend to shave Jav's hair..he still has quite alot now.. hmm, so far no signs of dropping bah..
BBethan, I will try to put the temperature in between to try the warmer today.

Kim, ya hot water is faster to warm the milk especially when my gal is crying loud for milk at night. I just have my gal hair shaved yesterday to make the caligrahphy brush and the name 'chop' with her cord. It is quite exp ler.

Jes and BBethan, I went to Baby and Child Clinic too, the injection is so much cheaper than the PD in TMC that my gal was seeing last time. BBethan which doc are you children seeing?
My boy is like that too. When i carry mei mei, he wants me to carry him. when MIL carries her, he also want her to carry him. if not make noise. So both of us take turn to pacify him. Now not as bad already. Think they need sometime to get used to the new addition.

Haha... good idea since still got childcare leave. think weekday a better idea cos most ppl has family commitment on weekends.

The clinic is at Blk 828 Tampines St 81 #01-238 (520828). Tel 6783-1955. Usually i see Dr Ho. Only when she's not around or her queue too long, I'll see Dr Loke. I'm ok with both as I only bring baby to this clinic for vaccination. Agree with Loshita that their injection is cheapest I've enquired so far around my area. I don't bring my kids if they fall ill as my hb is not so keen with Dr Ho. I still bring them back to see Dr Ngiam at SBCC at Gleneagles.
thanks kim, mashy, i think i'll go ahead wif breastfeeding lah. i'm better now already.

hopper, even my #1 who is 6 years old also feel jealous once in a while. now my CL still wif me, but she is going back in 2 weeks time, i forsee more jealousy when i cant attend to both next time. i feel that #1 wants attention, she is ok when someone plays wif her.
One day, the young lion asked his mom: "Mom, where is the happiness?"Mom replied: "It's on your tail.
"So the young lion keeps on chasing after his tail. But after a whole day of trying, he failed to get the happiness that was on his tail. Then he told his mom about this, his mom smiled and said: "Son, you don't really need to chase after your happiness, as long as you keep going and moving forward, your happiness will always be with you.
"Wish everyone of you find your happiness".
You can't decide the length of life, but you can control how you want to live it. You can't control the weather, but you can control your mood.
You can't change your look, but you can smile.
You can't control others, but you can control yourself.
You can't foresee tomorrow, but you can utilize today wisely.
You can't win everything, but you can try your very best to achieve that.
Hope everyone can face the daily life positively and always happy...
Thanks for coolkero's note, very inspiring. I hope all moms are well too, cos my doc told me ystd that 1in4 mom gets the blues not bcos they cant cope but it's hormonal. It's impt to be arnd people, altho whn it hits, it will just slap you left right & center.

Loshita, how they do the stamp with the cord? How much u paid for both services & are they fr Huaxia?
the stamp material is 'liu li' and rectangular shape, they store the cord in the middle and seal it then crave a bull on top of it. the stamp is 288, as for the brush depends on what type of material you choose for the holder, those 'tan mu' is very expensive, they crave dragon or phoenix on the holder for 'tan mu'. And the special box to store both items also need to pay(got free one but not nice). Anyway they come to your place and shave the hair for you. Total I spent 700 on these. Yup from Huaxia
Liuli? No wonder expensive.. got other material to choose, say quartz or marble? so how special is the special box compared to the FOC ones? Color/look? U use discount voucher not? So how soon will it be ready? All cash payment I suppose..
got different boxes, you need to choose yourself and you can add on this and that. The one i bought is like those jewelry box but in wood, dark wood colour and some oriental silver plate stick on top of it. FOC one is separate one can not keep both items together. So if next time i use this as 'jia zhuang' not presentable lor, so i bought that box. got box to store the brush use 'tan mu' is more expensive then the stamp.
I forced that guy give me discount, so even i din use the voucher he gave me some discount which is very little only, better then none lar. It takes about a month.
Thanks for info Loshita, I dun need gv "jia zhuang" to my boy, so I think a simple, masculine & can hold both item will do.. Their shaving skill professional not? I hv to find a way to convinced my hubby to do this..

Kim, they shaving skill ok, they use panosonic shaver and they sterilise in front of you. that guy told me they have a lot of angmo customers.
