(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Kim, don't use the normal powdery powder, it may not be good for the bb respiratory system, especially if the parents have astma tendency, like me. Use the Avent liquid powder, it's a liquid form turn to powder type, so there won;t be any dust flying and inhaled, just a suggestion...

It is ANNOYING to see your ad every few days.
bbethan, jes, loshita, i oso go to Sing baby and child clinic for my boy's vaccination but went to tmc one cox nearer for me. U mean the vaccination prices vary among the same clinic at diff venues?

coolkero, glad to hear that u are better already
Do take care.
kim, yes, it's available at taka. I have just bought 2 packs. Also, the bottom balm is super super good. My #1 boy was using that till now, and for 3 years he never had any diaper rash at all. It provides a sort of barrier film on the skin, so there is no direct contact with urine or poo in the diaper
what do you do when your MIL insist of holding your bb? cos he is running a slight fever n nothing serious, and that she wanted to do cos she is not here for a long time? even when she has been warned by her own daughter not to c ross her line as a grand?
kitty, yours is sing baby n child, we r talking about baby n child so both r diff clinic, yours ar tmc is the one i think too expensive n far from my place too
we are talking abt different clinics. One is Singapore Baby and Child Clinic (SBCC)which has many clinics around. The other is Baby and Child Medical Group which is at Tampines. Both are unrelated.
thanks kittyng...feeling much betta, getting sick is no fun for mommies when our priority is our kids.

kim, my mil very ironic also, keep telling all of us not to carry bb too much, saying next time we more difficult if have to carry bb all the time. but then ahhh, first day in hospital, she carried for 3 hours, and last weekend she came my house, bb sleeping, she insisted n carried for 2 hours until CL find excuse to change pampers n put bb in crib. hehehehe.....when is your CL leaving??

muffingirl, how r u coping???

etirto, the liquid powder apply where?? hehehe, me very ulu first time heard of liquid powder.
Loshita, i oso paid 30 for the 2nd hep b vaccine but can't compare consultation cox mine was waived due to some reason. Probably consultation could be more exp.
i bought kodomo lotion powder. it's like lotion thou. apply on the neck bcos they alwaes stick tog and soetimes their vomit also will b stuck there and hard to jus clean up.
Hi Mummies, I have the following items to let go, please PM me if interested:

Avent Disposable Breast Pad 50 pcs (Brand New Shrink Wrapped, comes with a box of Pigeon disposable pads 24 pcs opened box) - Selling at $20

Baby-Lucky sling (lightly used) - Selling at $10

Avent Baby Carrier (brand new) - Selling at $20

Nepia M 48 pc - Selling at $12

Prices negotiable, thanks.
Coolkero, my CL already left.. it's my MIL lah.

QN: Fever after 6in1, the child panadol must be constantly given or just as n when he becomes feverish? I gave at 3am, lasted till afternoon, then just gave him another dose at 5pm, now no fever liao, so at my last feed of the day dun need to give right?
Hi Mummies

May I join your thread? I gave birth to a baby boy in Mount E on 1 Jul.

Would like to find out if the 6-in-1 jab has any impact on your baby's feeding. Realised that my boy seems to be drinking less after his jab and weight gain is also slower. Not sure if there's any linkage between the two.
hi all mummies...

brought my ger to the PD for her chicken pox review, almost cleared, PD says she's nt contagious anymore... *glad*

however, she has been poo-ing everyday since this monday, monday was twice, today thrice! getting abit worried... ijjit diarrhoea?

dunno ijjit coz of the similac new formula... she cant finish her usual feed amt also... =(

by the way, do u all use moisturiser on ur babies?
if so, wat brand is recommended?

kim, hehehe, i thought u have CL for 2 months. mine leaving in 2 weeks time, sigh, suddenly feel scared without her cos so used to her helping me. how long mil stay wif u??
similac - u bot the new improved formula? My ger has also been drinking lesser with the new improved formula. Dunno coincidence or wat...
I'm using Similac 1 (with Advanced Shield on the can) now. My initial stock was from NTUC (with EYE-Q on the can). I encountered constipation towards this last week of her 2nd month, but never had diarrhoea from the Similac before.

I am not using moisturiser on Joie for the time being. Initially used Mustela face cream on her face and body cream on the body cos the shedding of the early skin makes her skin dry. But now bathing her with a Mustela milk bath, and her face looks a little oily, I just powder her with cornstarch baby powder. The Mustela moisturiser doesn't leave an oily feeling. She had a milk rash around the neck during the 1st month, but was advised by the PD to use diaper rash cream on it, so I applied Desitin creamy and it cleared up.
whn d u gv you boy the 6in1? I did mine2days ago, n I just started increasing his feed fr 4oz to 4.5oz, so far no issue exp he was drinking slow whn his fever comes up. He took 4oz on his last feed @10pm, normally he wont wake up until 3am even when his last feed was 9:30pm, but just now, he w/up @1am fussing impatiently for milk. So, he is showing no sign of rejecting orr reducing milk intake.

Coolkero, in fact both my PILs r here, but only till sept9. dun worry, by now your bb shd b on a routine and his muscles r better devp, so easier for u to care for him. All will be well for u!

RE: bb dry skin
doc says my boy has dry skin thou I can't see any sign of it.. He asked me to use Cetaphil cleanser. So I switch fr J&J top-toe to Cetaphil now (to reduce dryness on skin), din use any moisturizer but considering CB Calendula cream on areas that are dry. I apply anointing oil on his cradle cap.
cn use physiogel AI cream...gd for dry skin essp if sensitive ....

ya my massage lady ask mi use desitin on my own rash too..i tot its amazing! btw e 2 tube of desitin u still wn?

i think let your mil be bah. since she's only here short while so all the more she wanna carry her worth.

i'm getting calendula cream. now looking out for sprees.
yaryar, surprisingly effective on rashes
. Yup, I still want the desitin, halfway thru with 1 tube already. Can hold for me till the next gathering? I can trf payment to you. Otherwise, if you're hanging out in the east area ECP or Parkway, let me know I'll make a trip out.

I also feel very protective sometimes of MIL carrying the bb. Initially, I was livid when she swing her quite hard in the 1st month, and screwing up with her sleep training by visiting till late in the 1st month when I was doing confinement at my mother's (North area, too far for her to see the bb daily; I live a walking dist from my MIL). Occasionally, she offers to look after Joie thru the night, and I'm like "no way", too early to start screwing with my pattern. But sometimes I really need a break cos I get overtired and need a breather, MILs are useful.
hey sam, u mean u using similac (advanced shield) now? Previously u was using EYE Q plus? I tot EYE Q plus is the new one?

where to get the physiogel?

pharmacy shld sell
its very good for dry skin. i would suggest using such moisturiser than those anyhow kind (like J&J) jus in case skin realy senstivie.. if anyhow use.. will jus trigger off bad outbreak...

yes apparently it works for rashes.. but bear in mind if its at the joints like neck.. then dun use.. jus keep the joint dry ...
apply v thin layer bah... not too thick cos desitin is v creamy
for face i will still suggest the physiogel AI cream
for mine.. its on the body.. body skin not as sensitive as facial skin
re: storing EBM
i tink sooner or later i gg to run out of space in freezer... nt that i got very gd supply but more liek my girl dun drink much! past few days i been throw away 40 ml per pump... wat shld i do =( v sayang to throw but if store.. no space..sigh

cant giv to nephew cos his daddy say BM giv nephew phlegm (is it true?)
I love CB calendula cream on DD's face; it's very good, cleared up her eczema. CB's everyday lotion for her body, but when she gets older, I'll switch to cetaphil. You should load up on CB products when you go to the states, much cheaper there

Re: J&J products
I agree w HBB on J&J products. Don't use them if you think your bb has sensitive skin, probably too much artificial ingredients (fragrant, etc). I used J&J soothing naturals range for #1, cradle cap and skin rash was very bad, that's when I switch to CB and cetaphil. My ped highly recommends physiogel when the eczema gets really bad.
hi mummies,
my boy has been very cranky lately..it started since last sat and always after 7pm..yesterday bb cried so hard & loud for almost an hour.. cannot pacify bb to stop crying so terrible mummy end up crying also cos m so loss!!
i really dont know whats wrong with bb..don't think is colic cos my boy is already on colic med..my mum says got to carry bb after 7pm so he won't start to cry so hard..hiaz..she also commented is partly due to the 7th month also so bb scared and told me off never bring bb out during this month..hiaz..
Hi carebeary,
I also notice my gal more cranky during this period. I suspect colic too so give her colic drop since sat. These few days better. Maybe you con't to give and monitor.

Massage his tummy in clockwise position and put ru yi oil to see if is helps.
Noelle, the cetaphil is especially for baby one? or the one that we always see in guardian (adult also using the same one?)

Coolkero, I use the liquid talc on the skin fold (like the neck area) or whenever there is redness or rashes.

What is the name of CB liquid soap that you all using?

sam, winnie, I also got my similac from Tesco or Jusco JB, wondering whether there is any significant difference you notice? Because I never used the one from here, I stocked up a lot when I went JB
Anyone know if bb lips will shiver or trembling means been frighten before?

My gal startle quite easily, how to lessen her startle? I already put bean pillow on her liao.
winnie mummy, sam - mine is similac EYE Q. my ger din poo for 3 days then had a big big pooh, i thot was due to similac cos she had 3 feeds of that on a particular, then i put her back on total bm and she pooed. i'm monitoring to see if really due to similac. i dont remember wth my earlier tins of similac is the eye q version, but din seem to have a problelm back then
sam & etirto
i get my similac from ntuc... hahaha... so, ijjit that they only have EYE Q now?
The EYE Q powders looks more coarse to me, and dissolve v well i feel, milk bottle v clear when bb finishes milk... but seems like my ger dun like... gotta monitor...

my ger opp of ur bb, ever since she's on this EYE Q, she's been poo-ing everday! ytd poo-ed thrice! i scared diarrhoea.. =(
Thanks for the address, BBEthan..

wah..really v sayang to throw away the milk..but BM will cause phlegm meh?.. i tot its formula tat will cause phlegm.. im running outta space too.. currently have 61 pkts in freezer alrdy.. but my freezer is almost empty one..so still got a lil more space to store a lil more i guess.. i think aft tat i oso dono where to put..
thanks! i wanna apply on my ger's chicken pox spot... she rubbed off a few herself... wah daos... bot aloe vera gel ytd though...

her legs seem abit dry, so wanna apply moisturiser on her...
hehe actually just went Parkway ytd after going to the PD about Joie's infrequent stools (PD says is infrequent stools lar - to the mummy, it's constipation, cos she cries like someone smacked her by the 3rd night). Same she doesn't poop for 3 days and then goes on the fourth day with a big one for the last week. 3 consecutive times in a row, I can't take it, so went to PD.

Story is having infrequent stools from 2months is common, but by day 5-6, must see doc. The PD gave me suppository but give only as last resort. She poke a finger up the poor gal's bum to see if any blockage, but she's clear. Later I went Parkway for breakfast, she gave me a big one. Luckily we were feeding her in Isetan's nursery room.

Doc's recommendation: Best to give her more BM. Otherwise introduce more fluids like 20ml of water or diluted prune juice (haha yar Kim, can give prune juice now), or boiled raisins water. Alternatively change FM, she suggested Enfalac. Asked her what's the diff, what's in Enfalac, she say not really that big difference, just a different formula to find one that suits her... Went to ColdStorage to see the Enfalac FM, sigh, got like 4 varieties for stage 1 milk, so didn't bother cos she's already on 3 different kind of milk - BM, Similac, Friso.
It's the regular cetaphil; DH and DD use the same cleanser and lotion. Yes, you can get it fm guardian.

Re: FB
Finally got ard to log in to FB, thou still limited access but can see photos. Pls PM your email address to me, would love to hv you on my friends list and share pics of our new LOs. TIA!!

consider getting a separate freezer for BM. My friend did that. My fridge also filling up soon. Going slow now. Waiting to move house, get a bigger fridge then start freezing again. Use it to bathe Edna.

My girl is like that too in the evening. Sometimes i think if it's due to 7th mth n i've been bringing her out too. But i just tell myself not to be so into such superstitious stuff n dismiss it off as colic. she also wants to be carried n will cry lesser but still has difficulties falling asleep despite crying. so i now resist to carry her n rock her in yaolan instead.
