(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

where can i get good nursing bra ? cconfinement ending soon so i;m writing down list of of things to shop for

foz - agree that u shld still complain to CASE. or write to straits times

BBEthan, ya, I'll b alone after CL leaves, then at end of Aug, I'll hv my in-laws for 10days. Hopefully they do not screw up his routine and he'll be easier to handle by the time I am back to solo again.

Mashy, so long s she sleeps well at nite I think, it's not bad, just need to tract time she's awake and adjust her to a routine (need not be the fix of x amt of sleep & x amt of play time since they r yet to understand "time" like us adult. Once u ha a rough idea of the interval between feed, you can easily figure out the grow spurt.

I wonder if ur girl is going thru grow spurt or ur ss (LOL), but envious envious me..

i not 2 sure if my gal is ready anot leh.in a way, she isnt jealous of her di di at all. in fact she knw hw 2 sayang, hug, kiss my boy automatically or whenever we ask her 2.

but then she will scream @ the maid whenever she likes. sometimes can play wif the maid, sometimes will scream @ the maid. (maid here for 1 mth plus).

maybe i shd let my gal try half day CC 1st during my ML. c if she can adapt.

i can hear some phelgm / mucus as my XR breathes.. dun think she is having a block nose, just that there is this noise thus dun think can suck out..

is there anyway to clear the "phlegm / mucus" in her breathing?
Anyone got any methods to make bb sleep well.

everytime after feeding we'll carry her till she sleeps but once we put her on the bed after a min or so she would wakes up and cry.

when she's awake, she cry for my breast already.
So diff to track the time. The only time when she's awake and not asking for my breast is abt 10.30pm. Just before i go to bed.
SUNSWEET (sunsweet)
My gal also have tat sound, I had check with my PD he said that it could be the milk after each feed stuck at the throat area thats why got sound, or, loose tissue at the throat (which is harmless that makes the sound) or phelgm.. But if its phelgm have to wait for it to go away or maybe have to wait till bb is bigger able cough it out on thier own.

For my case, I believe its the milk tat got stuck at the throat tats why got the sound, which my PD suspects cos after which bb will burp the milk out and the sound is gone. Sometimes if bb do not burp out the milk, the sound is there when she stretches.

Mashy, poor gal, think your little gal is so attached to you and your smell already..
Pls update Julian's weight, 2.71kg.

I have problems latching my boy.. he seems to be impatient and start kicking his legs when he can't find the right position.. is that normal?

I end up expressing.. milk supply still not enough, got to express 2 times for his one feed..

Btw, wondering whether a 10 day old boy taking 120ml EBM a lot?
Yah.. That's y i am worried.. could it be bcos of the time interval that he is drinking this much? The amt he drinks also varies, that's y I always ask CL to make 60ml FM.. not enough then give 30ml EBM or FM...
Tinklebell, HBB

yes.. that's a lot. i think Kimberly's son also taking almost the same amt right? my girl cannot finish the 90ml i prepare for her each time. either will leave abt 20ml or regurgitate out a bit. N she's now 7wks old.
i tink even if boy drinks more then girls, 120ml for 10days old is still too much
my boy drinks abt 35ml at hospital
home he starts at 60ml. nw at week 3+ he onli drinks 80ml which can last him abt 2.5hrs-3.5hrs.
Hi mummies

ITs been over a week since I last log in. Time sure flies with bb around...

Lamagier: if your CL is really no gd, don't waste time and $$ on her. Its better off without her, just hv to get someone to cook and do cleaning for u, if possible.

As for myself, I'm so much happier and relaxed without the CL. Fortunately my mum came to help with the cooking and i've a p/t helper to clean up the place so its not so bad. Anyway, I've broken all the confinement rules LOL!!! bath and wash hair everyday, use the fan, walk around to do grocery shopping.

I had such bad constipation tt I stopped taking all the CL herbal and ginger stuff. Got to get the bowels moving first.

Gabriel is 2 weeks old now and I think he is having a growth spurt, yesterday fed him at 5.30pm 70ml and at 7.00opm, he was hungry again, so I bf him for another 15mins. How do we know there's growth spurt? is it when he wants to drink milk more often and in shorter intervals?

Got to go now, Gabriel is crying....will catch up again..
anyone has such experience? my girl drinks ebm with a lot of noise. at first i used NUK silicon medium hole for milk. finds her gulping. so i changed to Latex small hole. now she drinks with so much grunting. think she's v frustrated drinking. dun know if flow too slow or what? or simply just dun like to drink fr bottle. or full already dun want anymore.

aiyo... dun give bottle, scared she will not want to latch. latch already, now dun know how to drink bottle.
eh, my 3.5wk ger is taking 100ml (FM) every 2-3 hrs in the aftn and 120ml at nite that last her 4-5hrs.. so that mean my ger is a big eater?
tinklebellx, my 15day old boy drink about 80-120ml, doc say as long as dun vomit it's ok. i am kinda worried too when CL fed him so much at nite, cos i can only pump about 60ml so CL make another 60ml of formula and bb can finish and zzzzz. i also wonder if mine drink too much?!?
coolkero, relieved to hear that. i also pump at 40-60ml each time, got to mix with FM or pump 2 times for one feed.. after drinking 120ml, he slept for 4hr++ liao, hopefully he can sleep tonight..
ask u u say amanda also vomit rite.. errrr is her puke sticky liek phlegm or watery jus like the BM texture?

edna puke once yesterday and the day before i suspect she too full =p bt the puek is kind of sticky liek phlegm.. hope she is tryign to expel out her phlegm...

cos at nite aft feed when i put her bk to bed.. like sunsweet girl, dna gt this funny sound for like 10 mins also.. machiam gaspin for breathe...

my boy also haf that sound. like her windpipe is closing and such. however that happens whether i latch on or bottle feed. but latch on u can hear it louder. i tink it's the phlegm


my boy mostly will spit out sticky like phlegm milky colour after feed. my fren sae most likely is the phlegm. and haf to check inside the mouth to make sure we clean is all up. bcos i realised that my boy keep some in the mouth for duno wad >.<

re: milk intake

i tink for 1 week-2week to take up to 80ml is alright. and 3 weeks-4weeks babies to take up to 120ml is normal. but more den that is abit too much. mayb can check wif PD?
Hi Kimberly.. thnx for d advise ytd.. turned out to b false alarm.. doc said it was cos i was dehydrated fr d flu i'm having nw. But thnx! =)
yea i tink my girl puke out phlegm also.. hope it help clear her phlegm somehow... this is the best way liao hee.. no need eat medicine
Hi koko,
Hee. My mum now doing confinement for me. Turned out her friend had some problem and can't do confinement for me so I guess now my mum will end up finishing the confinement. Now complains =) Anyway, she grew pretty attached to my baby girl so i guess it's good bonding time.

I follow confinement rules more regularly when my mum is around. She already took the trouble to do my confinement when she's not in the pinkest of health, so I just be good girl and obey her. She feed me so much that my excess 6kg preggers weight just refuses to budge.

Sister kang said to avoid breastfeeding 2 hrs after taking alcohol. i guess it's to let our bodies metabolise the alcohol. I did on 2 occasion bf less than 2 hrs after taking DOM cos bb somehow got hungry earlier than expected and I didn't have any EBM on stnadby. So far bb still ok (*touch wood*)

Hope all mummies doing well.
HBB: Max makes that funny sound as well when he feeds, sometimes it sounds like he is gasping for breath. Usually I just hold him upright and pat his back for a few mins.
HBB, my bb tomi too make the funny sound especially when drinking milk, sometime make me nervous like he cannot breathe...
Sunsweet, Jillian, the sound is it like bb snoring? Kaelem also have leh, I thot he cooing himself, cos when he drinks milk I always whisper to him "guai, guai, kaelem guai huh..." and he'll "hmmm... hmmm..." I read somewhere in the web if the have phlegm in the respiratory tract where we cant clear, we can use salt water and run it thru their nose. But dun try yet, let me try to find the link then revert.

Mashy.. wow, ur girl making full use of u, dun 1 2 share attention with #1 leh.
tinklebellx, ur bb same like mine &amp; Jes, Kaelem was 110ml at wk2.. but this wk, we reduce to 90ml, but only 2.5hrs before he wails 4 milk.. today I increase to 100ml, also 2.5hrs interval. Was telling Jes few days back our bb v high maintanence.

Fidzzzy, glad all is well.

Lamagier, I just concern cos my CL add liquor to most dishes once I give her green light, I already finish a bot of Dom, a bot of rice wine, a small jar of chinese red wine, half bottle of VSOP, and half bot of DOM left. That day my friends came over and I sip a bit of the Champagne (wa, been so deprived, so love the taste..), but I was sue to give myself 3hrs b4 I express after the Champ. I also hope all is ok. So far, my boy dun seem to be tipsy or sleepy, so I guess the EBM is ok. But thinking to buy the alcohol test strips cos I think when CL leaves, I hv no one to tan-tong for me, so may hv to resort to drink DOM every night.
Hi mummies,

Im new to this thread. I have a 3 weeks old baby born in 14th July.

Been reading and never post.

Abt the snoring sound.. my bb has it so bad one midnight as if he could not breath and rushed him to 24 hour clinic at TMC. Upon reaching, he seems to have stopped so we u-turn. Next day, he regurgitated and with it comes up some phlegm.. My mum fed him with pearl powder also. After that the sound went away. Not sure if the pearl powder works.

Abt feeding
Can i ask u mummies do u wake up ur little ones at 3hour interval to feed. Or do u let them sleep as long as they want and only feed when they cry and wake up.

Those mummies who feed using EBM.. when the babies are screaming their little heads off.. and u have to warm up the EBM.. how do u keep them hush hush..

Thanks in advance for answering my questions...
kittyng, my bb's phlemgs not improving, but didn't get worst also. Been a week and I'm bringing him to see neighborhood GP tmr.
Rexbabie, congrats and welcome to the thread. I also feed my by pearl powder, hope it helps too. My mom bought 2"fen" and she said it shd be finished by now, but I did not feed him everyday so I still hv and he still snores occasionally.

RE: Feeding
I will wake him to have his feed, but so far it's him who "wakes" me (in fact it's the whole neighborhood) by 2-2.5hrs if I am not careful with identifying his cue.. If he is really really hungry, I give him formula (since I am supp FM).
ya the sound machiam gaspign for breathe or cannto brethe ... in fact when i took care of my nephew he also got same sound. is was much worse.. so i reckon no need see doc.. if u feel safe to giv the pearl powder.. then i guess can giv it a try.. else it will actualy go away aft few months...

as much as i know its ok.. i still worry bout her when i hear those sound n rush to the cot n observe her silently while she sleep...

for new born (less than 1 mth old) best to wake them up every 3 to 4 hourly.. cos babies duno the cue to wake up and hungry.. they will jus sleep n sleep... and might cause the sugar level in body to drop. aft 1 mth .. at nite.. can stretch max up till 6hours.. and later on can stretch for longer hours.
Nursing Bra - ehh, where to find good nursing bra besides at mothercare ?

Dom - i drink dom and pump or bf within the next 3 hours, so far my bbies seem ok, cos maybe i drink only small amount, abt 15 ml.

CL gg back on sat. i'm counting down the days. dunno good or bad news. surely will be very busy when she's gone, but then also means i can put my system in place. right now she feeds my bb ebm thats been taken out of the fridge for abt 4 hours. alamak, can only keep for 3 hours !! grrrr, dare not say her, cos she is otherwise very caring towards my bbies and genuine concern for my health, like will ask me to eat the herbs she cook and not to over tire myself. just that she's old aunty so i dare not tell her to follow my rules.

my bb 4 wks drinking 80-90 ml of ebm. i think the calculator for calcultating how much ebm to drink only works if you know actual weight of bb. i got no weighing scale at home so just agar agar. anyone know where to get bb weighing scale ?
ehh ebm out of fridge for 4 hour? why out so long? tot onli when wan drink then take out n heat up?

weighing scale.. ehh any digital weighing scale will do rite? jus tat u prob need a holder to put bb in? i tink u can carry baby n weigh.. then weigh urself and minus fr thr = bb weight?
i intend to get a digital scale soon as mine is the normal ones...
HBB: Its not very accurate to weigh baby that way but since I don't have one of those scales just for babies, that's what I do, at least it gives me a rough estimation of his weight.

Bestberries: I think I saw a baby weighing scale at First Few Years but it was super ex. Not worth buying one for just this short period of time
if she vomits immediately after feed, usually like ebm backflow. if after a while, then is stucky type. never occur tome it's phlegm fr throat.

i like Marks n Spencer's. got from for both post pregnancies.
oh i din knwo not accurate
but not worth buyin manz.. since they will onli use for short while.. hmmm

bbethan.. my girl puke almost immediately aft i take out the teat and its sticky.. i also duno if its phlegm anot
i shall ask the doc nxt week when i bring her for her jab.

hw much did u pay for M&amp;S nursing bra?
Hi mommies,i guessed most of u hv already popped
anyone ordered confinement food???like to order too but dunno which one to choose .pls do share with me tks alot
aug mommy.
if possible can PM me ...in case i dun read july thread
weighing scale - i think quite troublesome to buy scale also. hmmm, guess have to wait till checkups

hbb - yes the ebm out of fridge for so long, heat and re-heat, all the nutrients gone already. thats why i try to bf my bb directly as much as possible. but now i only bf 1 or twice a day for each bb, the rest of the feeds take ebm. will taking ebm eventually reduce milk ss since not latching ?

bras - ok will head to marks n sparks. i didnt know they had.

puke - my bb also vomit out her milk when she's overfed, the thing is, she's still hungrily sucking away and you wont know she's overeating. now CL knows her pattern and will know how to gauge. once CL goes back i hope i can handle on my own.....

hbb - ur bb can cough up the phlegm on her own ? sori miss ur earlier post, but better to see doc ?

nose booger - i tried the nasal aspirator thing and it doesnt really work. i guess if it really doesnt bother bb then just leave the booger alone ?
bbethan, i oso faced the same thing as u. Hence hav been changing bottle teats for my bb, from pigeon to avent cox it's softer. He seems to prefer avent teats now. Hav not tried others thou.

HBB, bbethan and pprincess, my bb sometimes will oso puke out phlegm which i think it's better too since it's a natural way to remove it. I heard there will be more phlegm when we give fm. Hence was advised to give a few sips of plain water or make fm less concentrated. Alternatively, it can be removed using suction from machine but not advisable cox i heard is not gd for bb's throat.
Hi rexbabie, welcome!

I usually feed ebm only in the daytime.He's usually impatient during the warming up of ebm. Too bad...he will jus hav to learn to be patient thou he's hungry hahaha. Nightime will feed fm cox it is fast and can let bb sleep longer since he wun get hungry easily.

Any mummies do your confinement for 40days? I was advised to do that but i really dun wish to
Bestberries: If you want to maintain supply you have to keep pumping as frequently as if you're latching. That's what I did for my no #1, the first few months I pumped every 2 hours. Once I established my supply, I stretched it out to 3 hours...etc But during growth spurts it can be quite tough cos you have to go back to pumping more frequently again. Hope that helps
best berries
aiyo... goodness hw can heat n reheat? tsk tsk... nvm endure... onfinement over soon... meanwhile js make sure milk stillt aste ok to feed bb ok else food poisoning due to bacteria grow..

my girl din cough leh.. she jus puke out the phlegm aft feed (happen twice so far) i suspect I over feed her and she puke and the phlegm came out as well...

ya i did hear that FM will cause bb have more phelgm
but I feel even bf will hav phlegm.. they in our tummy drinks o much of the amnio fluid..surely got some stuck int he throat or somewhere.. aft few month it will go away
like u say the machine is bad for throat
since its normal.. better leave it alone.. nvr know aft use machine what other side effect it will have. might traumatise bb also
Bestberries, my CL has practice I not quite can agree (like insist only feed bb at 3hrs interval) but I subtly say I dun 1 him to b overly hungry tiil he has gas.. it's true if CL is mostly gd, we just close 1 eye lah. If u cant find bb weighing scale, (like HBB suggests) any bathroom scale oso can, just weigh urself first, then hv some1 pass bb to u and less ur weight.. I did that wz CL all the time thou not the most accurate, but at least a rough idea.. But I oso dun understand why ur CL need to take ebm out for 4 hrs before the feed.
kitty/HBB: The suction machine is horrible and you won't want to put your babies through it. If its not done properly cos the baby is struggling, they'll end up with a sore throat from the tube rubbing against their throats. Unless your baby is very sick with a chest infection or bronchitis, its best not to use it
jus leave thephlegm as it is
dun bother bout it.. i alwasy tell dh is normal.. nvm
thou he is quite worried.. mayb i seen many bb w such 'noise' =p so if i hear it i will jus stand at 1 corner to monitor making sure they dun choke or wat..
Bestberries, cannot reheat the EBM.. I knw it's sayang (esp like my private limited "companies"), but do not heat and reheat. Actually we warm up to rid the chill, if over heated will cause the EBM to lose the nutrients too.

RE: FM causing phlegm
I heard that before too, good thing Kaelem AOK, wonder if the pearl powder is the help.

QN: those of u who have intercourse during preg, is it true ur bb had more vernix and more craddle cap?
Kitty, most of the ppl I knw who has 40days confinement are Malays, only handful of CHinese friends observe that. I dont mind to drink the tonic soup and the re date drinks for 40days but I have to shower and shampoo.

Btw, my massage lady told me Malays do not hv these no-shower; no-shampoo practice also dun hv bath woth herbal water/boiled water thingy. They shower and shampoo as per usual with hot water, but they take Jamu. Btw, Jamu can make our virginal tighter (my ex-colleague told me and I confirm with massage lady today).

Re Heating of EBM
Usually i heat up the EBM half an hr before her next feeding time. If she wakes up earlier, will either try to make her sleep again or distract her. If all fails, then too bad... just hv to bear with it... hehe

My mother wanted me to do 40 days too. But i told her no. only will do for 1 mth. But i compromise n promise her no cucumber or food that has sap for 4mths (said to cause pus in our nipples.. which i don't know how true), no contact with rain water for 40days (feet will have blisters like stuff???).

That time, i bought 2 for $90.

oh... something new i learnt again

Jamu has not effect on our BM?
