(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Excuse me ladies. sry to interrupt. i've got a qn. if i hv intense back pain n tightening for every 20-30 minutes liddat n it's been ongoing for few hours, is dat real contractions?


my #1 won't take the frozen EBM but fresh one she share with mei mei loh..

Now i have extra for her to share.. so why not :p
coolkero i also wan go ION leh haaa but i cant go cos she dunw an si tin pram... now she is still in my pram nxt to mi push ard in the hse.. wrap her in nappy to make her feel secure

I gave my EBM to my #1 and told him it's soy milk. :p He drank it all up.

I also take danggui, so far milk ss still ok. But my gal glues to my breast in the day. So tired.
Hi mummies,
Will like to check is my gal sleeping too much in the day. She is 5 wks old now. Daytime she will go into her lala land after every feed by herself. I try to make her awake but she will cry & cry coz she want to sleep! Night time I got difficultly in putting her to sleep. Her eyes will be wide open for 1-2hrs after her last feed. Midnight she will just wake up for feed and go to sleep.

Is this normal or how can I adjust her routine to sleep less in day? She's drinking 100ml every 3-4hrs now.
Peanut, hope u got bbethan's note. it's dang gui.

Sunsweet, I dun care if it's dang gui nyway I also took.. My milk supply still same same not improve..

Fidzzzy, you hav not deliver right? My MIL says her symptoms before labor was like yours, but she said she also hv blood mucus, so u may want to call ur doc.

Kaelem's been staying awake these few days fr 7am-now, only time he napped was less than 1hr fr 11+ to 1230.. Then he'll sleep until cannot wake up fr 3-6+ (he can drink his milk sleeping this time). He's refusing his small crib, even the rocker in the day.. sigh! I finally see he doze off so I start expressing then half way he'll wake up and wail.. m out of wit!
mayday, my gal is similar to yours .. just tat i try to disturb her in the evenigs so her last feed weking hours can be shorter..
Kim, if i were you i'll con't expressing and put on ear plugs... else how half latch half feed?? stress .... :p

dang gui suppose to reduce ss not improve... :p

My gal is constantly glued to my breasts. tried giving her pacifier but she refused. Moment i put her down after she falls asleep on my breasts, she'll wake up within 5mins. So tired.

My CL gave her 90ml EBM, and after a while, she cries and wanna suckle again.
She's taking me as a pacifier. The worst thing is she continues drinking after that and coz think too much milk or what, she will vomit out the milk thru her nose and mouth. sigh... Then when i refused to carry her, she really scream until her voice turns hoarse.
bbethan, jillian, noelle,

my gal is coming 18mths old. initially hb wants 2 send her 2 CC which i'm not so willing 2. afterall, she is still so young. i prefer 2 send her when she turn at least 2yo. but hb think otherwise.

Do u mummies think 18mths old is too young 2 go 2 CC?

we got a maid as per initial plan 2 take care of my boy while my gal goes 2 CC. but me having 2nd tots nw. i dun trust my maid 2 take care of my boy. so nw the last option is I quit 2 be a SAHM. but i nt sure if i can do it anot. sigh...

my bb sitter will not be taking care of my gal after confinement. I will handle both during my 4mths ML.

bbethan, noelle,

hw old is ur #1? let me knw hw ur #1 behaves after attending CC.

talking abt vomit thru the nose. my boy aso same though it doesnt happen many times. but it does scare the wits out of me.

is it normal 2 vomit thru the nose?
mashy, when i latch on or use bottle to feed ebm, a while later bb also want suckle then happy. wat my CL did is increase the amount of milk by a little more, see if bb settle down. mine seem willing to zzzz when given enough.

my gal usually takes 50-60ml only. 90ml is already more than what she normally takes.

dunno leh, yah same here, also scared the wits out of me when she does that.

She's now finally sleeping on the rocker. I wonder if she wanna sleep with her head higher up? Perhaps then her milk won't flow out of her nose?
Hi sunsweet,
yester evening I tried not to let her sleep after 7pm feed. She still dozed off in bouncer ... on & off I need to play with her to make her awake. After the 10pm feed, can tell she's tired but eye still big big staring at me us. Carry & pat her till 11.30pm then fell asleep.

Perhaps I need to try to make her more awake in daytime see if is helps.
Hi anyone wants Avent 0-3m pacifiers? I have 6 brand new sealed in pack from Avent Promo Bundles, and my baby doesn't use pacifiers.

PM me if interested. Thanks
I think my bb is a little colicky... She nurses better during the day, fusses a little when flow is too fast bot no biggie, but come 7 pm, the nitemare will start... gag, choke, scream, puke, the whole nine yard, very depressing

My #1 is 2.5 yo, started going to half-day toddler grp at 2. It's summer holiday for her now, school starts again in a few wks. There's gonna be some getting used to for your #1 when she goes to CC, you got to be prepared for that. Mine took 2 wks to get used to the new routine. Also, when she went to school initially, she wld come back wif cold, runny nose and stuff; she picked up some skills but also some viruses. Overall, she has fun and I get some "me" time.
my gal cannot suckle well even with bottle teats. tats why its so exasperating for everyone of us. We have to feedher to spoon.. so that makes feeding longer but the only good thing abt that is that bb wont get air i think.. i will most prob have to check with the PD at my next visit.

At least your gal dun need you to carry her. haha.. at least not so tiring. Let her sleep tummy down but has to be more careful when her head starts getting active. I heard bbs who sleep tummy down actually develop their neck muscles better. Not sure if its true?
she already can turn left n right at week 3.. now she struggle so hard on tummy that she can hit the cot railing liao... tsk tsk...
guess pros n cons on sleeping on tummy.. haiz
MrsC (mrsc)
I think you can get the anti biotics from Dr Ong.. My friend who delivered at KKH got her medication to stop her breastfeeding and engorgement from the gynea. So u may want to check with the clinic before going down 1st.

Wow, ur bb is strong. :D very good! Maybe with all the exercises, it helps huh!

I guess most mummies are like me... cos when i see my bb's hands and legs getting abit more meaty compared to birth, i felt so relieved and happy cos.. really she was so skinny and sleepy when I 1st see her at birth.. breaks my heart..
my boy is 19mths now. he just started cc today.went half day wif hubby. hubby said he's a crying koala bear there. struggled badly when it comes to bathing time. i feel v heartache after hearing this. n seems like the teachers there not very dedicated too since teacher children ratio not low.
i shall see how things go.
how's Edna been swaddled in the pram? haha... i went ION with baby... but she's not in pram. carry in arms ah... that's the first shopping centre i hit after confinement :p
envy that u are out of ur confinement already! I still have around 2more weeks to go.

my grandma, my brother and my dad are coughing and coughing.
my bro n dad had fever even. made them wear mask at home. however, sometimes they dun. this realli upsets me. now that i have slight sore throat and phlegm, i better stay away from them more. haiz.
bell (x0bell0x)
I know how u feel, I am doing my confinement at my in-laws place and my bro in law and FIL also down with flu. Am so fustrating and worrying cos got bb. Worse thing, they wont even "zi dong" at least wear a mask..and I can hear them coughing and sneezing so loudly everywhere but near the bb la.. but still.. sigh.. cant say too much cos not my house. Almost wanted to move out straight away but I still got 1 week more to go before my confinement ends and dun wanna make my husband in a difficult situation. hiaz..
duno is she tired or wat
she maanged to stay in pram for 1 1/2 hour asleep and awake sometiems ... tomolo will continue the training haaaa
Hi peanut, did yr bb's phlegm get better? MY bb seems to be suffering fr that and can't really drink and sleep well. Hav been giving him a little bit of water after every fm feed and making it less concentrated but still hard to ease the prob
Will ask my hb to try suck it out if possible tonight.

HBB, today is my 1st time letting bb try tummy down and he hates it....cry and cry.

Can i check those mummies who hav been putting yr bb in the rocker....did yr bb keep sliding down? I so scared that there is no support of the bb's head in the rocker.

Jamie, before i intro bottle teats, i was using cupfeed. My bb drinks well but as he gets older, his appetite increase so he becomes impatient and i resort to bottle feeding. Maybe u wanna try diff type of bottle teats...maybe one will suit her?
Hee....we are getting interesting topics fr mummies after their confinement. I'm also looking forward to my first official outing (not those pd checks) with my bb.

Hope next time when we are more or less settled down, we can all meet up together with our bbs. Then we will hav 2 pics (1 with big tummies and 1 with our bb in our arms hahaha). Think the table we need will be bigger and longer
Sunsweet, I finished a bottle of fenugreek and still no improve in my supply and Dang Gui dun seem to reduce my ss, so I dont care now, just shun qi zi ran..

Mashy, how often is your girl feeding if she only take 50-60ml?

Jamie, I felt sorry for you in the situation u r in.. Know wat I hate most about ppl who sneeze all over? 1. not covering their mouth and left a bad breath at the spot the sneezed; 2. they use their hands to wipe and dun wash hands after that.. I just hope they don fall into any of these.. God bless!
1. if we drink Dom at night, how long do we need to abstain from BF/expressing?
2. If we express4 hrs after, any effect in the BM?
3.If we feed bb the EBM, what will happen?
Kitty, like that idea.. I think there should be a place like "living room" where we can relax and chat while our kids play.
RE: Rocker
u can roll a swaddling blanket to make a support, else, I think the pillow support for car seat also will work. The material of the rocker I have is a bit rough, so I lined with a nappy cloth, and I tuck the "support" under the nappy. Kaelem still slide down, but head is stabilized.
is it normal for a breastfed newborn to pass motion just once a day? the texture is like oxidated avocado juice. so damn smelly and once she poo, it will kena the clothes, swaddle, even the bedsheets. the diaper cannot tahan the tsunami. Usually she will cry, scream and push so hard like she's having constipation.
Today i feed my baby 3 times of ebm. First feed at 12pm ok, didn't finish the 90ml. 2nd feed at 3pm, finished up everything. 3rd feed at 6pm, was struggling with the bottle. Doesn't seem to like it. Now worried she's beginning to reject the bottle. From 7pm, keep wanting to latch until now
ya my gal will slide down also.. head also will slant so need soem suport.. the head snuggle is a gd thg to use =)

not all bb like tummy downone leh... tummy down gt pros n cons.. now i got more cons thanpro LOL ...

ya nxt time we need to go kids friendly pl for gathering manz

bbethan itink u can try to feed amanda via bottle durign day time n latch evening onw ards... else when u go bk to work quite a problem
etirto - i asked my doc before and he said ok for bf bbies to not pass motion for 4-6 days as long as bb seems to be doing everything fine, eg feeding as per normal. my bb din pass motion for 2 days, then on 3rd day she did a biggie... hee hee... the CL said it was like explosion, soiled the outside of the diapers too. that was on 1 occasion only, now she poops every day, sometimes a few times a day

my confinement end date is this fri. gg to temple to pray and give thanks. bbies' first outing, other than to see PD, is to temple. hee hee
kim, did u take enough rest? I realised every time i pump after a nap, the ss is always better than me staying awake and pump in 3 hrs interval. Now my bm ss also fluctuates...and i think once my CL leaves, it will drop further esp when i wun get enough rest.

Kim and HBB, think i need to get the pillow support before i dare to put my bb down. I hav tried once and saw him sliding down so quickly with his head dropping left and right. Thanks for the tips

Bestberries, i think my first outing with my bb to unfamiliar place will be to my sch when i go distribute the full mth cakes.
Kitty, I think I hv d most rest here leh, I no longer latch him, so my day usually starts like this:
abt 4am: express
5 to 8am: sleep
8 to 11+am: express->b/fast->toilet/bath->story->songs->try make him sleep->express
12 to 2pm: power nap->lunch->watch tv-> feed him->play wz him
2 to 6pm: make him sleep (usually struggle till 4+pm->feed-> he finally sleeps)->express->nap till 6pm-9pm: watch TV->feed (he'll not be fully awake during this time)->express->bath->dinner->I watch TV
9-11pm: express->cho-bo->read->sleep

I m q sure I have had lots of rest right?
kim, wow you have a lot of personal time...envious! You do sound like you hav a lot of rest too. That's gd
Hmmm, then we should take the milk ss easy cox sometimes the more we think of it, the more it will not come.
Esther: it depends on the character of your child. Some kids at 18 months are already fairly independent and might cope well with CC. For my #1, we're holding off sending her to any independent programmes cos we know she's not quite ready. I guess only you will know what's best for your child.
As for vomiting through the nose, you could try either carrying your baby upright after his feed for about 20 mins or put your baby in a rocker or car seat so that they are at an angle instead of flat down on their backs.
Kimberly: wow, wish I could have more than 3 hours sleep at night. To keep going, I always console myself that this newborn period isn't going to last forever and soon ( I hope!) I'll be able to get more sleep.

Spring Maternity and Egg Maternity have some nice ones, so does Mothercare. I only order online from Maternal Love, Mothers en vogue, Dote, MIM and Pumpkin. Had a very BAD experience with iwantmilks.com in mid July. Paid up and the goods did not come. Tried emailing, smsing and calling to no avail. I hope there is a good explanation to this but till now, no contact from Kelly, the person who emailed me for payment. I thought abt going to CASE but it is a small amount so not worth the time and effort.
Re: alcohol consumption and breastmilk
First of all, find out how much is the alcohol content of DOM vs 1 serving of beer, most of the info found online is based on that. The websites I've read say it's safe to breastfeed or pump after 2-3 hrs, so what you're doing (after 4 hrs) should be ok. I would be especially careful now cos our babies are very young and their livers are still developing. 1 of my friends actually bought milkscreen (http://www.milkscreen-moms.com/) to check her ebm; she did "pump and dump" before she had these
Kitty, BBEthan & Jillian, my boy feed about 2.5-3hrs, the time I did not state is when CL feed him (keke) I usually express after/ when CL takes over to feed him. Ya, I mz admit I rested well, I think I rested too much, my brain did not get enuf stimulation of bb needing milk..

Noelle, wow, thanks for info! I shall ask my alcoholic friends to get fr USA for me (cant ask MIL or she'll suspect I alcohol abuse..)

FOZ, I still think u should make a report with CASE or police, cos if everyone spent a small amount n they do not deliver, that is a big amount. In anyway, it is their duty to fulfill the other part of the sale contract. Since they no shy to ask for p'ment yet dun deliver, we shd not b shy to report them, after all the money can be of better use to buy bb stuff.

i also dunno. now her time is so hay wire, can't even fix a routine for her. In the day, she's practically stuck on my breasts whenever she's awake. At night she'll sleep very well and only wake for milk abt every 3-4hrs.


i think maybe my gal's on growth spurt? U think so? My breasts are rock hard today and kept having to pump it out whenever she's asleep. Just this morning alone, i already got 160ml milk. Usually i get abt 110-120ml.
