(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Yeah jillian, i oso wun make my bb go thru the suction. Had witnessed him going thru upon birth to remove his mucus already made me so heartache. Like HBB, i will leave it as it is and maybe make the fm less concentrated. Hopefully it will go off overtime.

Bestberries, i oso only heat up my ebm once. If bb can't finish, then will jus forgo it. Dun advise reheating.

Kim and bbethan, i will also continue to take the red date tea and papaya fish soup as i need it to help me with milk ss. But i really dread the confinement food and the ban of showering and washing of hair. Think i miss all the usual food i hav always been taking. Todate, i can only wash my hair twice
w/o shampoo somemore.

BBEthan, dun think jamu has effect on ss.

Kitty, wow, u really observed most of confinemt practices leh.. must b tough. I esp need to shampoo whn I need to go out or whn I knw there'll b visitors. I stopped shower after my waterproof dressing fell off, 1 wk aft that. Now the only time I cant shower is aft massage if ML pyt the cloth binder on me.

my dad insist that i do till 40days. but that is only food and drinks wise i guess? bcos he told me 'u haf to eat confinement food and drink logan drink till 40days' never mentioned much abt going out :D
also told him that washing hair with the 'da feng cao' is making my hair dry and he said that on the 30th day i can have ONE shower wif the normal water.
hi all mommies..
I'm aug MTB,sorry to pop in here.

I need help, i cant get thru my Massage lady hp these few days,mommy can recommend yr ML to me please. PM me please.

Many Thanks
you may wan to check out the nursing bras at Spring Maternity. The price is ard $20+ per piece and it's quite comfortable. I started wearing them since pregancy cos I couldnt stand those bras with wires.

My bb has cradle cap and vernix even though I do not have sexual intercourse during preg.

Re: Bogeys
The nurse told me not to use cotton wool to insert into bb's nose to remove the bogeys. Cos the cotton wool may dislodge and get stuck in the nose. PD at polyclinic also advise not to get the suction to remove. However, if I happen to see a big bogey in his nose, I will use a piece of tissue paper, roll it up and try to 'stick' the bogey out. So far it works for me. Bb shows mild discomfort though.
Abt nose bogey, my hb use those ultra thin cotton stick to remove from my ger nose. Poor ger was screaming badly and shaking her head, had to hold on to prevent any accident. Didnt manage to get the big bogey that was stuck at the back of the nose, she was snorting so hard that it get sucked down her throat automatically. Think we will not touch her bogey unless she is super uncomfy in her breathing. Was told to leave it alone or if it's super stuff, get a nose drop from PD to get bb to sneeze it out.

Another one week to my confinement..cant wait to shower and scrub from head to toe. Still have to shower w herbs this wkend before the 1 mth celebration..ugh..

Btw, do u let ur bb sleep in aircon room after confinement or even now? We use to sleep w a/c everynite before preggy n delivery. Now during confinement, had to switch to fan and natural wind. But the air at my area is really dusty as there is construction opp my flat and some nites are really humid even me n hb cant tahan it. Wonder if i switch to a/c at nite will it make my bb use to hving a/c in future?
Kim & pprincess, i intend to ask my mum whether can let me wash my hair with shampoo and normal water on the 30th day cox i really cannot stand it anymore. In fact, i wish to do it a day before the full mth cele to make myself more comfortable when seeing the guests. That will be my 3rd wash, i'm so looking forward to it mann.

Sunsweet, i m only allowed to wash my hair with the herbs so not allowed with shampoo. Cox my mum wans me to wash very quickly. If got shampoo, i sure take ages in the bathroom.
we din slp in a/c
dun intend to let bb slp in a/c either. reason being, thr is more chance of nose allergy in future if bb slp in a/c
dh already kenna so tryin to avoid for bb

then again its very individual.. some kids r tooo used to havin a/c
re: wash hair and bathing

have been bathing everyday and washing my hair every alt days lor. Else so smelly.

Been using fan & air con too.

hehe, my gal does that to me all the time. Everytime i wait for her until fed up, i decided to pump, she'll wake up and cry for milk. So now i've resorted to only pumping 1 side despite having a duo pump.
Thanks! Today I solo cos I let my CL go visit her daughter, her new born dunno how to suck, she fed him FM for 4hrs, still din drink much!!! I sent with her my syringes.. This Kaele is doing the same thing to me.. so I try to talk to him but din help.. only manage to pump for 10 mins..

Mashy, where u got the dumex changing mat?
Breast Milk Supply
After I took Fenugreek and anmum mother milk powder for a week and 2 days of MLMP, my ss has kick in and has constant supply now, so far still manage to supply my gal demand. Yesterday at TMC parentcraft she took 70ml and gained 300g for past one week. phew, feel so much better now.
my wife started on fenugreek yesterday too. Hopefully it works too. May i know what is the average lead time before you can see improvement?
MrsC, my bb still sleeping in aircon room with me everynight. But most of the time, will air the room in the day and use a fan. But today a bit hazy...so going to keep it on for whole day.
hmm,will discuss w hb if we r gng to let bb sleep in a/c. The norm a/c temp is 24-25 degree rite?

My ger seems to dd for milk every 2-2.5hrs in the day while the same qty can make her sleep 4-5 hrs at nite..why isit so? Is it becos of habit or bb r usually hungrier during daytime?
Bell, I heard this intercourse and vernix/craddle cap saying since I was young, then the other day CL & a gf's mom brot up the topic again.. I never thot it has scientific logic cos our cervic is suppose to be closed during preg.. But when Kaelem was born very clean, I thot, "well who knows? Mayb there is some truth here.." I think then the coconut drink may b the reason altho I knw it did not work for some one in this thread..
hi bell and all mommies..

I unclick the profile le..
Please try to PM me again for ML contacts.
Really need to get one ML urgently, Mdm june phone cant get through at all.

hee...jus back from gyne check up, baby 37week5days,2.56kg,

Gyne suggest go TMC for CTG this weekend..
By the way , any mommies know the charges for CTG? I intend to go around 11pm on sat, duno got mid night charge or not..

Many Thanks
mrs c
while i was in the hospital, the nurse would turn up the aircon to ard 25 degree when the bb comes in. guess that should be the comfortable temp for babies.

no charges for CTG at raffles?! wow. i had it 3/4 times at KKH all with charges, appt or non-appt. cant rem how much though.

the effect of fenugreek started after a few hours, well at least for me.

Re: bathing
I only bathed with the herb water thrice. practically useless. cos it's jus rinsing with water not cleansing at all. when i rubbed, the dirt came off like nobody business. yikes! gave that up. later manage to convince my mom to allow me to use some special shower gel sold in bulk purchase. (she saw the zhong kui pic on the packaging b4 giving permission. lol) jus use it like normal shower gel and wash off using warm water. make sure no wind. the shower gel gives this spicy mint hot feeling as if it's getting rid of the wind in u. dunoe how true, but definitely beats using just the herb water.

Girls, we all know the Medela breast pumps are much cheaper in USA, my SIL told me some health insurance (like the one she has) do cover part of the payment making the pumps as affordable as USD50!!!

Our government keep wanting us to give birth! give birth! (Encourage us to breast feed! breast feed!) and if we return to work, we bloody need the breast pumps, they ought to do something abt prices of goods here, oh yes and health insurance.. including letting those expecting multiples to buy insurance cos there is a chance of NICU care..
babyjon & bell, I am sure there is a charge for CTG, but on my 33wk check, bb heart rate was low and I was on it for 40 mins, RH did not charge me.. I hve not check the bill for my delivery..
SUNSWEET , i brought my boy to gp today bcos the stuffy and block nose have been 1 week. doc said flu and gave nasal spray and syrup. doc also suspect he got it from my husband and i as we had sore throat followed by cough with phlemgs, afterwhich, bb got it. hope your bb and mine recover soon.
Oh, and pls do not expose bb too much to outside as their immune system quite low, easy to catch virus according to doc. even my cl also said so. For those who had full month celebration outside, how's ur bb after return home? i have friends who said their's fall sick the next day after so many ppl touch bb
so far touch wood my gal is ok... thou i was v scare many pplw an carry erh
tried to restrict but failed! thank goodness all is fine
pls continue to bf her so that she hav a stronger immune system yea...

btw.. nasal spray is not too good for bb fyi.. not even for adult.. so if can.. dun use it ok.. see a PD if possible
babyminniee, i'm using the avent single electronic pump. but i never come across others so unable to compare. But I can say it's not very loud, easy to clean as all parts are transparent and easily access, can program speed and strength. hope it helps. btw, i got it at $229.
Han Bao Bao, huh, i didn't know it's not good. May I know why? doc said 3x daily, Jialet. how?

I'm having difficulty latching now that his nose is kind of block. feeding with ebm more often. out of 8 feeds, once or twice are formula at 11pm and/or 3am.
Han Bao Bao, good that Edna got the shield from virus. Nice, got 1 more successful and trouble-free post-full-month-party...
Peanut, hope yr bb will recover soon. Think i'm going to bring my boy to see the PD this wkend as his phlegm is really giving him a lot of difficulty in drinking and sleeping
Wan to see how to help him...cox feel very sad to see him like that.
Re: Stuffy Nose
Previously for my #1, I would just use a saline based, non-medicated type (eg. little noses) to relief the stuffy nose, then use a nasal aspirator.
fr wat i knwo those nasal spray is not good cos wil b very reliant on it nxt time
esp for small babies it might not do them good leh
GP dun realy hav medication for bb one esp new orn.. so best to go PD if u realy wan let them see doc.
like noelle say, saline base nose relief will b better.

also fr wat i know fr my gf she say bb beloew 3 mth r not advise to giv medication of any kind unless its v serious. not sure how true thou. u might jus wan take note since u also given syrup
babyjon, ctg tracts the heart rate of bb & ur contraction, it's to check if ur bb is in distress, like in my cas, when bb's heart rate drop is considered distress. Before due, good ctg means aok, if bb's heart rate too low, doc will consider c-section to prevent bb fr dying inside, even if it means pre term bb. If contraction starts, then doc administer drugs to stop ur contraction..
Try putting a pillow under the crib mattress, so it's a little elevated. An air humidifier may also help him breathe better.
Peanut, sorry to hear abt ur boy's condition, all will be well soon..

I m still looking for the info on draining the mucus fr bb's respiratory tract. Myb was a book i read n not the web.. (preg brain)..
Seems like many mummies here are very disciplined in following the no bath rule! I have taking hot shower since the day I was discharged from hospital. cannot stand the heat and massage oiliness.. As for the hair, I have washed 4 times, I asked DH to send me to neighbourhood salon for a quick hair wash and blow. Feels so good after that.

Just out of curiousity, how many mummies here have already given pacifier to the babies? Breastfed babies know how to suck paci? My baby seems to have difficulties to suck the paci, he will keep open his mouth so big, as if rooting for the breast.. but not able to hold on to the paci teat...
Peanut: The nasal spray isn't very good for babies and young children. It dries up the nasal passages too much. You can try the saline based ones or there is something called Karvol that you can get from the pharmacy. Can't remember if it can be used for infants so check the box first. I use it for my daughter to help with her sinus problems. Its a capsule that you open, then you pour the contents on a small towel and place it near your child. The oils help to open up their nasal passages.
Besides putting a pillow under his crib mattress, you can let him sleep in his car seat if he has one. The angle will help him breathe better than if he was lying down flat.

I hope your son gets better soon, its terrible when our kids fall sick. The moms are always the ones that suffer the most!
