(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

ya i heard bout cod too.. but i cant stand the smell.. will try to eat more of that thou =)
frog can help?ahh i love that!! haa

sab sab

my friend said the reading on the blue egg isn't accurate and can store lesser than the amt indicated. Other than that, the qly is good. I just bought 25 pcs from a seller in the forum coz i need it urgently. Will source for more later.
Thank u all once again!
Now i'm relieved bout the umbilical cord bleeding... =)

I'm only also having 20ml pump out of milk now, i'm in the 6th day... realli hope the BM will come soon...

1 litre - 1.5litre?!?!?!
I tot bestberries's 800ml/day is ALREADY VERY WOW!!
Urs is WOW WOW WOW lor!!!

loshita, how does the dr find out that the placenta is aging?
No lah, I'm not bringing my bag along for today's appt...I already walk so slowly, how to carry a big bag plus laptop plus hubby's cameras and put into car. I will take a slow drive to hubby's office 10mins away and then he can take over the driving liao. Ok going for appt....wish me luck, but somehow I don't think anything will happen.
so fast already planning to bring her out alone liao?

is it? then i'll try cod fish but v diff to find non fishy smell ones. i hate tian ji. confinement food got it n i had to force myself to eat.
today i was looking thru the photos my gynae took during the c-sect of baby's first entry into the world n realised she already has a sucking pad on her lips. gosh... she must hv been sucking a lot in my tummy, i thot they only hv it as a result of too much sucking on our nipples.

wow, your BM very good, that's why can do like that. I usually get half the BM by normal pumping, another half from squeezing my breasts while pumping.
winnie mumy
jia you!!!!

cos i b home aloen dh will not b ard.. i need to send him to work on mon n pick him on friday..
in between those days i need to handle my makan n etc myself... if i go out also will b alone bo bian lor...
my confinement food ending on weds aftnoon hehe
doc checked thru ultrasound, i can see got a lot of white spots on the placenta. then doc comment that my placenta is aging. ok. All the best to you.
BB full month
Due to the H1N1 thingie, I am so in a dilema in organising it. Really do not feel like doing it at all..

Dun have to feel so guilty abt it.. am sure u have tot thru it to stop the bf..

Am in my 13th day and each pump i only have 40ml for 2 breasts. I tell myself. I see how long I can last. haha, also the expressing is really tolling me.. i feel depressed too.. so for mummies who feel that way, you are not alone.. and worse is that my breast feel engorged.. and i already try to pump every 2hrs to get milk ss but still so little.. Really fustrating..

I also woke up last night to try to pump so that ss will be more.. think maybe just one night is not enough so will monitor and see how.

i see, my first one is induced at 38 weeks due to plancenta aging, then cervix never open after almost 10 hours. so at the end c section.that's why paul against induce as induce cause a lot emergency c at the end.
i see... nowadays, i have a heavier breakfast n dinner. if got time, then prepare light lunch.

sucking pad... the whitish little blister on the upper lips.
its v sian rite? lol
imagine i latchn pump so much that i got aching neck n shoulder...
ppl giv birth gt backache but i got neckache n shoulder ache instead...
endure!!! ur hard work will pay off
btw r u taking feenugreek? imt aking.. duno its working for mi anot but hack lar.. since i got 3 bottle at home.. jus eat haha

my bf is usualy 1 cup of milk with cereal added... then 1 bottle of chicken essence and my supplements like iron tab, fish oil, feenugreek, asorbic acid.. aft i done w the fussy girl then i chomp down 2 pc of bread... before my lunch is here...

over the weekend i shall cook n freeze pasta sauce so tat i can jus heat up n eat for lunch everyday...

ur gynae so good ah still take pic for u...
Gina, i envy ur milk supply, i wish i had that. Decided to stop express as it's tiring and i m doing confinement w my dh and he is falling apart soon.. Gave her FM all the way, now she is feeding 60-75ml or sometim even 80-90ml per feed depending on the time. Realise that she will drink more at nite than afternoon, she will sleep all the way from morining till late evening even with the lesser quantity..

Contemplating to hire a CL for two weeks to finish off the confinement..me and hb need the rest and tension off. HBB, really envy that you and hb can handle Edna well w/o CL. I nearly break down when my milk supply is not up to mark and the tension is making both of us to be sleep derived.. sigh..If i hire CL just to take care of bb , isit worth it? my MIL is still cooking confinement food for me. Not sure if she wants another lady in the kitchen since im staying w her..

Think i can sell off my milk bags..
thanks for the info! in that case will put in my sisters' IC and fill up my account info :)

my boy have very regular feeding interval at night while in the day sometimes he also sleep thru and wake up like only 4hrs interval, sometimes 3hrs, sometimes 2hrs, super unfix.
i tink they doesn know the day and night hence confusing all their feedin interval?
<font color="0000ff">Winnie</font>, my boy has very lil blood stain when CL cleaned his cord the other day. No cauce for concern but like HBB say, if bleeding then go see PD. Accdg to hosp and CL, these days not many hosp practise cleaning with cord spirit anymore. Make sure to keep cord dry at all time. My boy is 12 days old tmrw and cord is about falling off. Mom says Chinese belief it's good to have cord falls off on 12th day, if not later and not earlier. CL said to keep cord in a red packet.
<font color="0000ff">Muffingirl</font>, finally 40wks. Is your doc gonna induce you or ok wz post term delivery? Ya, I think induce is not advisable, like me end up Emerg Csectn. All the best to you!
<font color="0000ff">Gina</font>, can I have the secret to 1Ltr? PLEASE...
<font color="0000ff">MrsC</font>, I am also getting tired of latching and expressing. This evening, I latch him on my left from 5, he fell asleep, so I decided to burp him (cos he usually wakes up during burp), by time we fin the right breast, it's already close to 6pm. Then he fell asleep and cant go to left breast. He then woke at 7, latch him on the left and fin about 8. then change nappy and clean his face he fuss for milk again at 9.. like no ends of feeding.. I think I just concentrate on expressing and top with FM. I was so tired I had my longest nap today from 2-5pm.
actualli it's normal. i remb before my milk supply came in, i latch from morning 7am - 9am none stop until there's blister, sore but continue to latch. finally gave up at 9am+ to FM. and my nipple start to peel and ive to peel off those 'dead' skin that is black in colour after the blister is gone.
jus relax urself and dun b disheartened!
jiayou on BF :)
my PD advised me to continue pumping and empty out breast after each bf session, so that breast will automatically fill up more milk. i also ate like 8 tablets of fenugreek a day, as advised by my lac consultant. now i only take 3 a day. although 800 ml a day sounds like a lot, but i got twinnies to feed, so thats only 400ml each baby. last night i lost it at my MIL cos we ran out of FM, and she insisted on going out to buy FM immediately. i have 20 over packets of EBM in the fridge and she wants to buy FM. I'm like, WTF ????

DH back from outstation today, and he took over feeding EBM. btw, i using syringe to feed EBM, so as not to cause nipple confusion. but its long and tiring, and wonder if its worth the trouble. any one doing syringe feeding ?

the thing abt the umbi cord blood, me and DH quite chicken abt it, but lukcy we stayed in hospital for a week, and have CL at home, sothe thingy dropped off 3 days afer we came home, and we didnt really have to look at it much. feel squirmish thinking abt it even now.....
gina... i pump for 45 mins every 3 hourly and i onli yield 20 ml on the 1st week.. u realy can produce milk hee... and i din lose much weight! onli lost 4 kg fr delivery till week 3!! tis week is week 4.. lost another 1-2 kg i tink...

nvm that u did not hang on to bf lar.. like i say earlier u must b happy doing it.. then life is good =)
chong.. tissue box uncer the car seat? hmmm i fig it out tomolo when the car comes home .. duno dangerous anot thou...

best berries.. huh? why u got ebm still must buy fm?? ur mil weird leh...
which brand of feenugreek r u taking??

my dh was onli at home for 2 weeks instead of the supposed to b 3 weeks.. haiz..
3rd eek he went bkt o work and wasnt home for more than 1 day.. leaving me n baby alone.. lucky i survived haa and tis week is 4th week liao again he is not home today.. tsk tsk... keep finger cross edna cooperate w mi

if u tink u need help w lookin aft baby do hav a CL ... not too late =) u can ask them come in for a mth also.. instead of 2 weeks.. at least u can hav some rest...

if bm not enuff jus top up w fm.. i told myself i MUST TBF but end up i tot for the sake of my mental state (since i lookin aft bb alone) as well as the milk ss to increase i gotto adjust a bt here n thr.. and at lteast the ss did increase a bit sloooowly at turtle speed.. now i pump can get 70-80 ml liao! so happy!!!
but i having backshuolder ache n neckache thou.. thanx to the BF n pumping!!!

wah ur boy cord so long haven drop?
my girl drop hers at day 6 i tink.. i did not see it drop either.. cos my dh was bathing her most of the time.... jus 1 fine day he chg diaper and he go wah drop already! haa..
RE: Increasing milk supply
Thanks Gina for tip.. It's still a WOW WOW WOW WOW!!

I am increasing my fernugreek intake to 3 tablets with my meals, total of 9/day.. I havent exprience any blister but I rmbr at hosp, I did hv crack nipple after express, so I relax abit wz expressing but still try to latch him as much as possi.

MrsC, actually some have confinement done till 40days, I was told even up to 100 days also have! So why not you engage one to make the next 28days? Perhaps discuss with you hubby then let your hubby speak to your MIL that "HE" is the one who thinks you both need a CL..
HBB, u strong girl!!
Ya, tmrw day 12.. this boy-- everything also slow, like daddy &amp; mommy.. :p

MrsC, u want me to ask my CL to check if any of her friend still avail? I think even if u only need for 2 wks and is btwn their 2 contracts I am sure they dun mind (extra $$ for them mah)..
i truely believe hor our babies will follow our pattern haaa.. cos im the kidnc annot wait one and edna is so too
the daddy is fussy one and so is she!!! hahahaaa
HBB, I KS lah.. I just started the 3/meal today, hope it'll help. I tot I already v relax leh. Friend tried to test if I hv post-natal blues, but I dont lah. She said one of the symptoms is no self-esteem, incl personal look. e.g. sloppy when going out (if never before) but I totally like before, must make myself nice nice, except not so dramatic like before I was pregnant.
back from 40th week checkup - 3cm dilated liao and enough amniotic fluid, baby is ok. Got strapped on CTG and there are some contractions - dr said want to induce tmw can induce if not can wait also. So we are gonna wait - if baby don't come out by next thurs - induce liao...baby has been given a final date lol.
ETirto, actually I am just trying to follow HBB's way - watching drama while pumping so that I can be more relaxed and hope that this will increase milk supply. hehe...
I'm using Avent IQ isis single pump, 15-30 mins each side. change side in between and do abit of massage and squeezing while pumping. I am a lazy mom coz I always forget to pump as my boys are now on FM (supplemeing with BM whenever there is enough stock :p ). The best result I have so far is 120ml per day. abit jia lat.

HBB, I remember you used to post the papaya fish soup recipe here but I can't seem to find the post. Mind to share your recipe again? I'm quite worry that my BM will stop one of these days. Now only manage to pump 20ml each time.
HBB, most important is remember to take photo during full month celebration. I was too busy during my babies full month dinner and I totally forgotten to take photo lor. not a single photo you know! Now so regret. If not you can assign a person to take photo during the event just in case you are too busy.
Just to share my mum's recipe for the papaya soup she made for me today.

Half a small unripe papaya
1 fish tail or bones
5 red dates
Few slices of ginger

Fried ginger and fish with sesame oil till fragrant
Add about 2 bowls of water to the fish
Add go red dates and papaya
Boil for 10 mins. Then low flame and boil for 50 mins.
Soup will turn milky white.
Add salt to taste and serve hot.

Re: milk supply
I getting 150ml per pumping session. 10mins each side.
I go for 4 hourly pump. So i'm getting about 900ml per day. I think importantly is i have been drinking lots of fluid else how to output the milk?
So far i only drink papaya fish soup twice. Not tried other supplements to boost supply. Cos from my #1 experience i had bad engorgement before.
QN: When can we start shedding the long sleeves and change to short sleeves or spaghetti straps top during confinement? I am still alright with my Yoga pants but I am getting tired of my long &amp; 3/4 sleeves Gap pj top..
I never wear the long sleeves pants and top. Just my karmy dress pjs.

But i see most people will just wear warm clothes throughout confinement period. Ie 1 month.
HBB, now do you still pump the excess after each feed? 70-80ml i presume u refering to both breast right? that's before or after feed? which pump are you using? do u hv any idea (roughly) how much ur gal is drinking for each feed now? How long can we keep the EBM in room temp after being warm up? 4hrs too?

am i asking too much qns? :p
HBB: regarding the car seat, I'm not sure if you can do this for the Maxi Cosi but for my #1's car seat, we placed one of those swimming noodles, you know those long colourful tube things that you can get at Toys R Us? My HB cut it shorter and placed it under her car seat ( cos hers has grooves at the bottom) to help adjust the angel. They sell a very similar thing at some baby shops, think its First Few Years but its super expensive so we just DIY our own. Does your car seat come with a base?
If that doesn't work with the Maxi Cosi, you can try and buy this infant head support.

I didn't wear long sleeves at all this time round ;p brought them to the hospital but was always perspiring so didn't even put them on. Now that I'm back at hm, I wear nursing tanks all the time, with aircon, still feeling warm. Luckily my mom is not here to see :D

Re: Umbilical cord
My gal is 16 do, and her cord is still hanging on!! I apply alcohol rub everyday after bath... better check with the doc today at the check up.
muffingirl.. wah.. so ur boy expiry dat eis nxt thurs? hee.. cool

kim i dun wear long sleeves leh.. in fact my karmy pj make mi go mad already that i onli wear once haaa
i wear my singlets and spag top .. of cos im not in aircon room thou...

the recipe sunsweet posted is more or less like the one i make =)

i am sooo particular bout poto i alsow orry no one take poto for us.. i cant decide to bring which camera for the party.. but no good fotographers thr! arghhh.. so i told dh end up will b poto of everyone except me hahaaa

do u mean 120ml per pump? not per day rite?
or ur 20 ml means aft latching the twins?
dun tink so much bou tthe vol output k... i also keep tinking ha v stressful leh

twinkle now onli morning feed i pump aft latching cos other time too leh chey liao.. haa onli get 10 ml or less if i do.. mornign got about 30 cos over nite got some excess store inside hee

70-80ml yield is total fr 2 breast... so its quite little.. the onli time i got more was about 110ml but thats the onli time and i tot its becos i had few pcs of salmon sashimi before that HAHAAA

the ebm if warm up liao i use immediately.. dun keep.. cos if the heat is thr.. easy to breed bacteria!

jillian thanx... i will keep a look out on the tube thgy!

arghhh edna is awake!!!
Don't feel bad, definitely not ashamed, abt not bf. Like insufficient milk supply, overproduction of breastmilk is a REAL problem. Remember, nobody is happy if mommy is not happy ;)
ya v terrible n sad
tt y doc dun encourage us to put bb in sarong
i grow up in sarong n im fine but anythg cn happen!!!
i also never wear tops with sleeves or long pants. had been wearing sleeveless tops n shorts most of the time during confinement. the only so call more covered up ones is the karmy pj.

after seeing the article, i feel very sad and mao dun. i just started using on Amanda 2 days ago with guilt as i had tell myself not to use it for #2. but was feeling very tired n frustrated cos she demands to be carried all the time especially in the afternoon. i can't do anything with her fussing like that and my mil also doesn't like crying babies in the house. i know my mil wants to use it cos she'll be the caregiver n she can do her work while taking care. can't expect her to carry her whole afternoon n not do any housework or cooking. now i'm in a fix. dun know what is to do. is there any good way to let baby sleep well other than the sarong?

last night, had a terrible time. she was fussing from 9pm all the way till 1am. keeps wanting to drink milk. so i let her drink almost every hour. end up she vomit out a bit. then around midnight, while latching halfway, she cried the whole house down as if she was very frightened. refused to latch. no way to pacify her. hb also cannot handle her. finally mil woke up n tried to pacify her. finally falls asleep at 1am. dun know why she's behaving like this ever since i move back her. wonder if it's environment? morning ok... afternoon fuss a bit to carry. night time will hv such crying episode.... but doesn't sound like colic too. now she's still sleeping... only woke up a while just now to suckle n cuddle a bit. i'm really exhausted... with #1 fussing too cos he wants my attention too.
if realy need to use then use carefully... dun shake the sarong too hard...

mayb the hse is different and she 'recognise' the hse that y cry? or could b tummy not well also..
RE: Long/ 3/4 sleeves
I had been wearing these tops cos when I was in the hosp, I kept feeling chills from inside my body though temp was 26C. Now I m starting to feel hot at home but was told lot of "NOs" like no breeze from wind outside the house &amp; no wind from fan.. Aiyo, in dilemma whether to shed them. Now I feel better.. Thanks girls!

RE: Sarong Cradle
It's indeed a very heart-breaking story.. I was told if want to intro SC, have to wait till bb is older leh.
Ya, HBB, last time when my sis was young, my dad actually toughen the spring to something that bearly can shake, then slowly reduce the tension to more springing as she gets older.
I only wear spagetti top with shorts all the time, sleep in aircon room somemore. I think my confinement have gone haywire liao...I bath with normal water, tired to smell the tea smell from the herbal bath, wash my hair also. Drink coke and eat ice cream. My confinement diet include cheese cake and donut...Haiz. Except that I still eat confinement meal that my maid cooks once a day for dinner.

Mashy, my BM not really that good la, but I think it's just nice to match my gal feeding. I pump about 80ml every 3 hours and now latch on lesser and lesser. I wonder whether this will decrease my milk supply. But I have yet to take anything like fenugreek or katuk, scared I will hv engorgment.

Jamie, if after pumping you still feel engorged, next time before you pump you put hot pack on your breast then pump, then after pumping and make sure it's empty, then put the cold pack. I bought the Gerber hot/cold pack, it shapes like donut with the hole in the middle for the nipple, so you can just place it inside your bra. I find that after putting the hotpack, the milk flow more easily and the supply increased.

hbb, mrc.c, I also start to feel exhausted, my hb cut short his leave by end of this wk, and as I don't have CL, I single handedly my bb, the waking up every 3 hours at night is start to kill me. In the daytime barely have time to rest, bath the bb, changing, feeding, pumping....feel so sleepy now. but still rather go online in between or watch tvb serial...haaa...Somemore my #1 boy is down with fever, so worried it will be the damn H1N1 as the doc said 50% of flu here is H1N1 already. The difficult part is to separate him and the mei-mei into separate room, so worried that the bb got infected as she's still 2 wks old.
Just got back from my 40th week checkup. Did a CTG test and small irregular contractions can be seen although I can't feel them. As expected, my doc's style is minimal intervention - the placenta is still healthy (no white spots) and got lots of fluid inside, so he says wait it out since everything looks comfortable, the cut-off date is up to 10 days past EDD (August baby!).

I have actually never had a VE to check on condition of the cervix, so I asked him why. He told me that since his style is to intervene as little as possible (assuming everything else is healthy), he also won't do a VE unless necessary, said some patients get kanchiong if 2 or 3cm dilated but contractions are not there, and then ask for induction but progress is slow. Let nature take its course I guess!

So who's left with the akan datang mums? Muffingirl, xman, Devilene? Ioshita's pop day is today, right? Hope her delivery goes smoothly!

yeah HBB, my baby has an expiry date or a forced checkout date when he will be evicted!

Wow, Kim, if I really feel weak and cold like you...I will be in trouble...I always feel warm, I don't have any long sleeve tops, I was intending to wear t-shirt/spag top/tank top with shorts!
