(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

HBB - how come your gynae didn't offer? I actually would like hubby to cut the cord if he dares (ahem) so I guess I better tell my doc soon about this decision.

Kim - don't think he's the fainting sort :p but he will prob be quite kanchiong once the baby is out. So need to prepare him, heh heh.

FOZ - thanks for the feedback! At least can prepare him mentally about the 'texture' of the cord...

<font color="ff0000">Kim</font>
Yeah I like him too. He is pretty patient so ask away. I selected the 6-in-1 so baby has to go when he is 2 months old for his next jab. I am taking the package. Same for my first kid. $470 I think. You?

<font color="ff0000">sunnyduck</font>
You are welcome, and enjoy the rest of your countdown!
Did a little experiment on myself today for the past 24 hours to discipline myself into pumping at scheduled times so as to stimulate the BM ss. hehe got weird results, not to say I'm unpleased about it. Used the 3/6/9/12 schedule and setup a series of alarms on my phone, so when the alarm rings, I go pump. Only bumps in the schedule is when it coincides with my gal's BF times. When the alarm sounds off, I got the let-down feeling, and the nipple leaking. haha luckily going to be SAHM, if go back to work, breast leaking every 3hours, I'll headache. Other times, my girl starts crying for her feed, also experience letdown. This brain-conditioning business is really weird to comprehend when it works.
FOZ, I want the many-in-one cos save trouble to commute between hosp &amp; home. I like the 6-in-1 idea, but I haven discuss with him.. how does the injection work? Kaelem's next appt is when he is 1mth old, enough time for me to tell him I want the 6-in-1 rite?

Chong, actually you can tell from the corner of bb's eye to see if jaundice improves. I was told to monitor the eyes cos his jaundice not very high. PD say will take few days to clear.

RE: treating jaundice--old wives
My mom bought 50cents 黄萁(hope i got the correct character of the herb). string 7 together, put em in a red packet and place by bb's crib. then pound the remaining, boil them with water. take a little of water each day for baby to bath in until depleted. my CL took all and bath Kaelem (
) so i dunno if bcos of that he still hv a bit or this old wives way wont work..
anyone knows if we should wake up the baby for their feed if they oversleep or should we just wait for their cries then we feed?
My mil also just use that herb to bathe my gal. So dunno is my half fm method works or its the herbs.
She did not string anything together leh. Hee probably she don't know either.
Gina, totally understand the beemer &amp; toyota theory.. Which PISA are you using? Haiya, I tot I only need occasional pump so didnt invest in the good ones.. I asked my MIL to help me check the price of the PISA &amp; FREESTYLE liao..

I think I am gonna try Sam's sked.. btw, Sam, what pump u use?

So difficult to wake up this am, so I am later than my usualy 4am. I manage more than 40ml on my right breasts now, gonna switch to left, hopefully can get another 40ml then I will be a happy mom..
Gd am, Sunsweet. During the day, my CL wants me to wake him up for feed cos she is trying to est a routine.. but b4 I get off my bed just now, I saw that she also just fin the feed and went to bed.. so she was also later than the usual 4:30 or 5am feed (hahas)

I think when we want our bb to be better, we try all method we know lah.. May be other moms who try this can tell us which one works better? ;p

My mom even taught me to use hubby's leather shoes to tab on my boy (3 times) so he doesnt startled easily. I havent try it, so he is still, hopefully like Sam's baby, he'll grow out of it, else, I will do that. Desperate mah!
actually if BF, most BF articles advise to wake for feed cos if they cry already means that they are already very hungry. But seriously when we really shagged out by the feeding-pump cycle, we tend to fail ourselves

I'm on medela mini plus, reading up on pump review in the forum last night, cos this kind of regime needs a more efficient and comfortable pump. Medela's funnel angle, I'm starting to find gives me backache, can get pumpin pal as add-on to change the angle as alternative, but I don't feel like it. Considering whether I should change to an Avent uno or duo, cos I'm using avent bottles, can use the bottles to store too.
I managed to get 80ml now, so I am happi-er..

Sam, on the 2nd day, of my use, I almost wanted to give up and buy a philip manual but my CL advised me not too. May be I shall check on the up coming bb sale (Taka staff told me they usually have another in Sept, I just hope I can survive that long.. but if my MIL can get the PISA/ Freestyle at cheaper price from USA, then I won't wait).
Gina, that is really a steal.. hmmm.. sure will have takers. I give my MIL till our wed cos it;s Friday evening their time now so provide weekend off and see. If the prices is not much diff, then I get from you (if havent sold) cos speedier. Thanks!
hurhur, sept seems so far away
same, I started looking at manual options too, medela's version looks terrible to me. Choosing a lazier option of avent, looks like I have a couple of extra bottles anyways, and when she move to the larger bottles, can use the smaller oz ones to store.
haa... if I gt the choice I wan e hospital grade of medela pump haa... that one cn prob milk a real cow!
but seriously aft I c ppl use fr pigeon to ameda then pisa. im convinced hee... I mean for ss nt gd one la
enjoy yr full mth celebration HBB n FOZ

u mean u hv friends changing from ameda to pisa? i'm currentlyusing ameda. was always tempted to get pisa but due to the price n this is already #2. dun think will go for #3. so got a second hand ameda cos heard it works just as well as pisa but cheaper.

i do agree that a good pump makes a difference. was using a swing and avent manual pump previously. now time is cut by half n getting much more milk. hopes it stays taht way.
Was just looking over the parts for the PIS, I think I might consider a 2nd hand PIS too, since breast shield looks the same as the mini, just need the motor. hehe, gonna get an earful from DH if he knows I'm getting another pump.

So far have you been getting a good yield from the PIS? The let-down didn't take very long?
hi ladies,
I have delivered my gal yesterday @TMC
ADD: 24 Jul
weight: 2.785 kg
name: Elisa

Will share my story later. Very tired now, I went in OT yesterday MN for emergency after baby is born in the afternoon
mashy - thanks for the u-c tip. sigh... 1 of my twins that CL looks after threw up milk again last night. thats the 3rd time a week already. so today i'm going to try bottle. sigh.... really want to bf my bbies all the way. syringe feeding is really tiring and bbies take in a lof air. my hands also hurting from bfing bbies. my DH said 'he cant help' with the hurt hand. i felt like whacking his head !!

sigh... no one seems to sympathise with me at home for my efforts at bfing...
grats loshita!!

and grats to HBB and FOZ for the first month!

bestberries > hang in there. I'm sure you are doing well. Perhaps you can try another position BFing the babies, especially if they know how to latch on already? Knock your hubby on the head....must be more supportive!! Somemore you are BFing 2!
Congrats Ioshita! Have a good rest and recovery.

Last night woke up at about 3.30am feeling v wet below. I didn't know if it was waterbag leaking (it was wet enough to soak most of my pantyliner) but when I got up to check it seemed to stop. I changed my pantyliner and stayed up for a while to see if there was more leaking or contractions, but eventually fell asleep until morning.

For akan datang mummies or mums who have given birth, is your discharge normally like mucous or is it watery? I have no idea if my waterbag is leaking, but it seems to have stopped for now, and also got no contractions or anything like that. :S

hang in there. Stress also will reduce milk supply leh. So keep a positive outlook. Why not just give bottle? I bottle feed EBM once a day. So far my gal doesn't have any nipple confusion. Agree that your DH needs a knock on his head.
HBB, Kim, FOZ, and other mums interested in the Harvey Karp 'Happiest Baby on the Block' method -

I went to check his book that comes with the DVD, it says the 5 'S's should be 'layered' upon each other consecutively to become one overall calming method. This means not just swaddling and leave it as that, but combining all the methods together, including sucking. Not sure if it really works but just something to consider if you're applying his ideas from the youtube video I posted last night.

Chong - thanks for your feedback about the cord... must really try to remind my doc and the midwives, esp since once baby is born everyone will be v busy and kanchiong, heh.
sunnyduck > I finished reading that Harvey Karp "Happiest Baby on the Block" book last week. It sounds doable and it was reinforced when I was talking to my gf who used it on her baby from the start...her mum is a midwife who attended one of Harvey Karp's seminars and she uses the method at work too.
Thanks for the link on youtube, really useful to see the clip after reading the book.

as for waterbag breaking - the amount of water inside is about a pint, a big beer glass...which should leak or gush out more when you are lying down, but when you stand up or sit, the baby head plugs down cos of gravity and it should stop. I guess if you are in doubt you can contact your hospital or your dr's clinic and check lor.
I'm a happy mommy now... Reading the forum, sipping coffee with both my girls taking a nap... Zzz... Hope it lasts
Just now gave my #1 boy my EBM and told him it's soy bean drink. And he happily drank it all up.
So now have to produce more to be able to give him a daily drink of 'soy bean'. But daily only producing abt 300-400ml. Wonder when i can up the production...

Now my gal at 12 days is drinking abt 50-70ml. Is that too little? When is first growth spurt?

better to laugh and get over it... sigh...
i agree bfing is very tough!!! my baby is putting on weight well and yet i have relative how tell me that its better to give FM... to top it off i actually have more then enough supply... can you imagine that!!!
think that they are so schooled to the mind set that FM is better for baby so we just got to smile and just go ahead with what we think its best for our baby coz this is a life in our hands and not theirs.... imagine... if in the future the kid hears that you did not try to bf them just because of what your pil says.... well i know that i actually question why my mum did not stand her ground that bf would have been the best for me.... ( she had the same issues with her pil)
can i check with you, isit that when we use PEP bed, baby's poo will become black colour? I notice from this morning, my baby's poo start to bcome black colour kind. not sure isit bcos we put him to PEP bed?

wow, u use pigeon also can get this amt. Think with a better pump, u can get even more milk. Personally, i don't think pigeon is a good breast pump.

thanks! hahas. bcos i didnt haf the time to really read the instructions
i jus ask my brother to tell me wad the lady said
so i didnt know abt it. so black is gd news :D
Hang in there!! I think you're doing great with 80-120 ml. This amt is sufficient for baby ard our children's age (DD is 1 day younger than your boy). She just had her chk up yesterday, I was told that the amount of milk our little one needs is (body weight) x (160 to 180 ml) = total amount required per day

Eg at DD's current weight of 3.75 kg, she will need 600 to 675 ml of BM or formula per day. So if 8 feedings a day, she should get 75-85 ml per feeding.

When is baby's next appt wif the doc? The ILs will be happy to know that the baby is gaining wt
I can't help but must say this, “it's the 黑金” ;p Good to know that it's working for your baby.
chong - my MIL came in to check on my bf when bb was screaming. so irritating. know how it feels. like she cldnt wait for her chance to come in and whisk bb away for formula feed.

anyway, today i bottle feed my bbies. let them latch for half and hours, then use bottle to feed the rest. guess what ?? i was expecting to feel like a failure and disappointed, but actually i'm more energetic now and quite happy cos bbies really drank up and i'm sure of how much tghey're drinking. so thats more comfort for me.

mashy - thks for the link. i'll try the tips next seesion
Hi Mummies,

It's been days since I last logged in. I drop by to say that I've popped on 23 July 2009 to a healthy Baby Boy, Julian. He weighs 2.9kg. I will update the birth story later.

By the way, just to share that Koko51sg popped on the same day as me. Met her at the hospital today before I discharged.
Noelle, accdg to the calculation, my boy shd b 80ml/feed, but he is already having 100-110ml/feed. i hope i m not over feeding him.
sam, i'm using medela freestyle. like gina, the let-down only took few seconds. average 10-20s.
i was being advised by the LC in hospital never pump more than 15min unless we are using manual pump. so usually i only pump for 5-8min which i can get about 30-40ml each breast.
However i seldom pump unless leaking or super super engorged.
I'm using Ameda &amp; so far have no complaint. I can't advise how it is if compared to PIS as I never use one b4. But with Ameda, I managed to pump about 560-600ml in total on Day18.

One thing good about Ameda (besides its cheaper pricing), BM won't flow back to its tubing so it's more hygiene i feel &amp; only need to clean funnel &amp; bottle.

Well, I still wish to try PIS if given a chance. Just out of my curiousity which one is better
Gina, was told by my gynae that the med will have side effect like headache or nausea. Didnt take it though i had the medication. Do not feel that engorge too think the ss is going off.. sigh.cant bathe everyday cos my hb also believe in this confinement thingy..Felt disappointed for not able to bf my ger..but like u, much more refreshed to look after my ger..

Btw, which is better, 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 jab? Anyone is having Simon Ng as PD? What is the package like for the jabs?
I've been a lurker for quite sometime already. Didnt really know how to contribute. And the threads move really fast! ^^

Just to share, I've also popped baby Owen on 23rd Jul 09. He weighs 2.76kg. Had an emergency c-section cos bb was notti, heart beat kept dropping during contractions. However, gynae found no complications at all! Now the mummy has to bear the wound. Sobz.

I'm trying bf now. A little stress cos i cant see how much milk the baby is drinking or he could only be suckling. Cos after just an hour, the baby cries and the mouth keep doing the sucking motion.
How do other mummies cope with this? Should I use my pump so that I can monitor the volume?
I'm also using the Ameda. Quite satisfied with it compared to my single pump. Really safe a lot of time. My supply also increased as i used the pump during the first 2 wks. From 120ml from first pump to max 200ml so far. I've stopped expressing. So not sure how's my supply now. Will be starting soon next month.

Me too... would like to try out the PISA too cos i'm really curious which one works out for me. Now i'm considering to get one so that i hv one at home and another in office. Then dun hv to lug the pump everyday to work.

Do u sterilise all the parts everytime u use? cos i find the plastics quite fragile. Also how do u clean the inside of the valves. after using for 2 wks, i found small black spots in it. tried cleaning it with cotton stick but worried will spoil them soon.

I'll let my girl take 6-in-1 jab. save baby from 2 additional ouch. i asked my PD whether it's true that 5-in-1 less chance of fever. He told me both hv fever as side effect. so no difference actually.
if waterbag has burst, it will be rather wet. will stop when u stand. for my case, can feel the flow when sitting down. if u put on the pad, will soak up the pad very quickly. contractions start to kick in abt 2hrs later.
i only dilated 1-2-3cm after several hours! Oxygen and drip were given to me. the doc also gave me some kinda medication to lengthen the contractions intervals, cos for each contractions the heartbeat dropped. >< mine too.

Does anyone know how much milk should a newborn baby be drinking?

I'm using Avent Duo Pump. Also quite good and comfy. Altho I also wish i can try out the PIS. hehe. I'm getting 80-140ml per pump now (now 12days).


That's great! Most important, u must be happy right?

Yes, that's good news.

Are u giving him ebm or formula? I guess if your LO doesn't throw out after the feeding, it means he can stomach more than the average (the calculation is just a guide). He's probably working twds the 95 percentile :D But do take note of his weight gain; the average weight gain for breastfed babies is 155-241 g/wk. Discuss with the doc if the weight gain is very much off the average; excessive weight gain would be an indicator of over-feeding.
The ped didn't seem too concern with giving a little more if it's ebm. But she said to watch weight gain if feeding more formula due to higher fats in the latter.
