(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

TJE: Glad you have some answers. I know how it feels when your gut tells you something is wrong with your child but the doctors say otherwise.

Bbethan: Yes she is at Gleneagles but used to be from KKH.

dunb other to go
i find it waste o fmy time
lucky i can hav my dinner there... so not tat bad.. i onli bought 4 items and 3 is wat i already have at home!!!!

wanted to buy the keyboard but almost every pc we took out to check gt some problem w the keys..

another toy we bought .. also took us 3 diff toys then get 1 that is working!
ETirto, Welcome back and congratulations!! Hope you got your certificate this time ;p

RE: Gender
Yes, HBB is corect. Ask ppl like us who tried so hard to have kids wont go wrong.
Mashy is also correct to say that gender lays on the sperm, not our egg. and it's also correct that the environment of the virginal does play apart. e.g. I can't really remember if acidic is pro-male or the other way.
Basal Body Temperature charting, no harm tracking but bear in mind there are other factors that will cause result to be inaccurate. e.g. if you have irregular sleeping time. Also,this thermometer is different from our thermometer in the daily use first aid kit.
Ovulation Test Kid: If your mensus is irregular, I suggest you get the 20 in a box, and if your mensus is 99.9999% accurate, then BBT is good enough.
Saliva test kit: uses the saliva to check for ovulation. Accurate, but works better with ovulation test kit for better result.
My gf told me the diet of the husband and the wife is the opposit, therefore if the man is required to eat meat, then the wife has to eat veg.
Fenshui, don't work, if work, is coincidence.
The chart, I think there may be some truth to it, therefore, I already checked, from now till next May, I will only conceive BOY, so I am feeling reluctant to go for my FET.
Ovulation: some doc says it's approx 10-14 days from the first day of mensus is ovulation, that's provided if you have 90% accuracy of mensus.
However there is another school that says the counting should be 14 days before the next mensus. Likewise, this is provided if your mensus is accurate that you now when mesus is coming.

Very true that (commercial) pilots usually has more girls than boys, and many are impotent. Zoe Tay's husband is fighter pilot, they don't fly very far. That's the reason why in CX, their pilots who flies the A340 Ultra Long Range aircraft has limit to the number of hours or sectors they can fly that plane in a mth. The exposure to radiation is a reason above the fatigue. However, in SQ, the pilots only have Fatigue Management as the factor. Flying over the North pole has more exposure to radiation than those that does not.
No offence to mommies with girls but there are also saying that for those men who hanky panky gets many girls so as to "fill" the supply of the pussies..
There is a doctor in Malaysia who "guarantee" you 90% accuracy in getting the gender you want, you can check. But think what can yo do if the baby turned out to be the gender you do not prefer? There is no return policy woh!

After all said and done, I still think being a girl is a much better privilege and those parents with girls are those that has the last laugh.
I hope that all of you get the gender you wish for, but bear in mind, all is bundle of joy and your flesh and blood.
I'd like you to remember people like me when your relatives stressed you with the choice of gender THEY wanted.
Until today, I still thank God for my boy (even with multiple back injuries and all), for He knows what I need and not what I want.

RE: Drop in food intake
I know for K whenever he cut teeth, he'll have lost of appetite.

I wish all of you blessedness, peace and happiness in your life!
Congrates yah... Naomi is such a good jiejie... at least she share her toys with didi and seems happy with the lil one... Talking about breastfeeding, it kinda freak me out again... urgh... the thought of engorgement!!!
Anyway, do rest well yah and take care...

For RWS, it wont be at their Hotels, instead it will be at their convention centre... Likewise for MBS... Food wise, I never been there b4 so can't comment much... Think the hotels I listed have high ceiling, perfect for wedding esp when its so many tables...

i agree that outside food not v healthy yah... Luckily she still consume the food my MIL cook, only during the weekend then she consume 100% outside food/fast food (bad mummy)...

At first i thought Rasa is big... until i went there to work part-time (banquet) then i realise how small it is... It is a popular place for weddings in the past but many hotels popping up in Sentosa now, so it is no longer that popular...

same feeling... I felt so guilty esp when outsiders kept staring at us, giving us that "aiyoyo" look when they saw wat we fed her...

Re: Love drama
Seems like many kids love the Love theme song... Mine too... She shake her butt while listening to the song, as if it's a RnB song.. aiyo...

Thanks so much for the super comprehensive explanation on gender...
my mil lor. i hate that show. so long winded.

i wonder why the kids are so attracted to the song. even for #1, he's now singing a few phrases.
etirto - congrats !

kk - but the gender is already pre-determined at FET, so cant really rely on chart

my bbies cough and cold again. sigh, they just recovered for 2 days, and down again. and they stayed at home all day, except for one afternoon when my mil brought them to supermarket. so tired now cos bb scream and scream last night.
dino mum
ur girl is old enuff to have outside food lar. not everyday thingy so close 1 eye... if she is less than 1 yr old then i will @-@ hahahaa
at least for now she got a balance of home cook food and outside food...
ur girls on any supplements? try sambucol? i heard its v gd.. i am gg to order it soon manz

i duno if im still sick anot i really cannot tink already i dun hav cold..but i keep having headache which i tink is fr my sore throat then again today throat not sore anymore... but im feeling weak.
ask the hubby to take half day leave duno can anot manz.. i need to rest!
to avoid edna clinging on to me and end up i shout at her.. is pent my morning in the kitchen making beef stew=p
lamagier i tink hor... mattel sales.. we might hav outgrown it already... unless u need buy more for #2? lol
cos i dun rem much toys for bigger kids except barbie dools!
hbb - yup i heard of sambucol. but havent tried it cos dunno whats inside and my bbies do eat v healthily already. all organic and home cooked stuff. if u're trying, let us know if u see any improvement ?
I have Sambucol and give it to when I feel that I want to boost immunity - I know you can give it every day and then take a break and then continue again. It's the elderberry and I have drunk organic elderberry syrup before and its really yummy but the one for the babies is different. It's a bit sour, colour is like Ribena. I add water to mine so that he gets some water as well, though he can drink it neat as he likes it.

I also did take him for a flu jab in June (before we went away) - doc's recommendation - and I feel that he has been OK so far, so maybe it's a combination of stuff.
I think what you need is rest. :)

No cooking, but just rest and even if you can't sleep/nap, maybe you just need to relax in bed/watch TV/DVD? Or go and get pedicure, facial, etc, etc... :)
Still have some items worth buying. The last sales, I got a barbie keyboad for $10 (thanks Etirto for pointing that out to me!). There were still some toys suitable for toddlers.

Hahaha, no #2 and not planning to introduce Barbie anytime soon ~ too early for her to get obssesed with blond hair, big boob, imppossibly tiny waist and imppossibly long legs. No offense to other mothers who like the Barbie series. I'll only get if she shows interest in it
i tink healthy diet n supplement r 2 different thg. esp if the child keep failing sick then shld look into some natural supplement since our stomach cannot take in the correct amt of vit req everyday.

organic veggie nutrient are not any much higher than normal one except tat its less chemicals if not none

chiyojade ya i tink i need time off! super sian... now i eat also cannto eat inpeace cos the monkey keep coming to me n scream. i dun wan to share my food w her in case i spread my germs to her!

ya i hate barbie! lol so fake!!!!!!
Hahaha, Barbie is a matter of personal preference.
Scardy Edna grows up to love Barbie... I personally not a huge fan and I'm just crossing my fingers and hope MR don't come bugging me to buy Barbies for her....
I had to go shopping for Barbies for a little girl once and they were so expensive!
i agree too.. i grew up w no barbie.. thou i was no tomboy... bt i prefer music stuff and self taught chinese flute and later on clarinet in sch.. ihope edna dun like barbie...she can like mickey mouse or pooh bear, hello kitty for all i care since i got tonnes of them at home lol
Hahaha, i'm the barbie-less tomboy who went running around the kampong with my brother. Back then, i did wish for one cos my cousins had them, but no $
Glad to hear that... At least I feel comforted and not so guilty wrt her food...

Re: Toys
Dino dun seem to like barbie dolls, given her temperament think she'll pluck off the barbie's hair and pull off the limb and soak the body with her saliva... Everytime bring her to toys department, she always walk to the cars section esp where the RC cars are placed at... Once she walk past the barbie dolls section, she saw a gorgor (slightly older than her) keep hugging a box containing barbie doll, then she keep looking at the boy from top to toe giving that weird look... Maybe wondering y a boy is holding on to dolls ba...

Btw, anyone heard of Socatots? Dino seems to love soccer, she could watch ppl play soccer and always get super excited... Feel like going for their trial and let her have some fun kicking balls...
went to a silly doctor today cos no time to go all the way to bishan for the usual GP
1st thg he ask mi was: anybody sick at home?
i said nope
his silly reply was: u r a housewife rite? if nobody sick at home where u got ur virus from?!?!?!?!

i feel like kicking him in the ass! housewife onli breathe housewife air huh?

lucky i feel better aft my medication(slept near 3 hours also thanx to the med)

hope the restless sleep i been getting for past few weeks will b gone tonite. dh say i been talking in my slp every night!
yeah, Lamagier, I'm also wondering when is the Mattel sale coming back. hehehe. I like Barbie, but only started to play during late primary school time. I remember I used to save on my lunch-snack money to buy the barbie's clothing, only to afford 1 pc of underwear at the end of the month! my pa made me the Barbie doll house for me complete with the bath tub and shower. Now it's laying in the attic together with her Vespa. hehehe...I wish I could fly everything here!
Barbie is more for Primary school student. Most of the girls younger than 6yrs old still playing with more boyish stuff.
Dino-mum, yeah at this stage, they like to play balls. Kicking, throwing, etc.

Bestberries, I give Children DHA for Nordic Natural, it's said to boost the immunity, brain developement. And for my boy, it's said it can curb hyperactivity so that he can be more 'composed' and focus. Singapore is selling it quite expensive so I always order it online from US.
HBB, u should go to my company doc, he blamed my every illness on over exhaustion. From common cold to IBS. And he's very generous with his MC for me, cos I always ask for strongest medicine so I can go back to work.
Bestberries, that's why I also have concern that the embryologist may have picked the big headed fast swimmer for my ICSI, and all my 8 best are all "XY"s..
noelle/hbb, sambucol is sold by agape online here, not sure whether iherb is much cheaper with the shipping cost and all? I was about to order from her some California baby and also she has Nordic Natural, but when I compare the price online is quite a lot diff, especially since now US$ is about 1.3 only so in the end I haven't order any. Haiz, from body wash, sunblock, toothpaste, etc add up quite a sum. I'm going broke from maintaining her. my boy can just take the cheap J&J.
tje, etirto - thanks. i'll go check it out. i guess im not much a vitamin taker myself, so didnt think its nec for my bbies. but i see my bb like dat keep getting cough i damn heart pain. her vaccination jabs have been postponed 3 weeks already cos of this coughy thingy. fingers crossed, she's getting better today and hop to be able to take jabs this fri.

etirto - my this bb is also hyperactive. i'll consider the children dha thingy. thanks

kk - how come you know they are XY ? i asked my doc before and he said in s'pore they wont tell you whether it is XX or XY.
My last email of Agapebabies's mailing list, she quoted Sambucol Black Elderberry Extract For Children, $20, Ready Stock, Expiry:Mar-12 on a Sep 2nd email, as a promo till Sep 12. So if looking for ready stock, maybe can try to email her, [email protected], to see if the offer still holds and stock available.
I gave separate cos my PD prefers not to overload the kids. Already took the chicken pox vaccine at 13months. Taking the MMR at 15months
I was talking to a Malaysian friend yesterday and could understand her fears and frustration about having a next child.

Her SIL just gave birth. She told me her MIL told the SIL not to breastfeed as her MIL's mum is mute. Her MIL was afraid whatever bad genes or mojo in the SIL's family will affect the baby.

My friend gave birth gave birth to a 4kg baby via natural birth without epidural last year (old folks insisted she not take epi cos will get back back etc when older). And her MIL criticized her for acting like it was so dfficult to give birth and recover, when her SIL seems to have such an easy time (2kg++ baby). She told me a whole lot more horrible experience from her own confinement but it's too long to post here.

I'm glad my mum and mil are more 'up-to-date' in their thinking and my own pregnancy and birth experience was a lot better than my friend's (*shudder*).
oh gosh... where got such theory?!
Hengz that my MIL is not like that, else I ask her to go "fly kite" if she wans a grandchild...

I'm looking at that Sambucol kids formula also, it states 2yrs above but the one in Agape website never states only for 2yrs above consumption... We bought the Nature's Plus from Vitakids previously but never let Gen consume coz we read an article (i forgot which website) that some of the products from Nature's Plus contains high amount of .... (i forgot wat le, its so long ago)... Hubby is so scared that he jus threw away the entire bottle... we hope to buy a supplement for Gen to consume, dunno which 1 is good...
Re: Socatots
Hi mummies, I'm bringing dino to soccer trial class on 23 Oct (Sat), 3-4pm. I think they still have 5 more slots, anyone interested?
The details could be found in http://www.socatots.com/singapore/
The trial class is $30. Both me & dino-dad got nothing better to do during the weekend, so we going to bring her for soccer trial class since she seems to prefer soccer than any other ball games at the moment. Wanna go Staccato but no one pick up the phone...

We're bringing dino to stay over at RWS (Festival Hotel) tomolo and to Universal Studios as well... But right now, daddy having fever, damn sianz...

Btw, anyone knows whether there r kiddy rides at USS suitable for kids of their age? Or there is nothing the lil could do at USS?
Hi so sorry for intruding.. have been reading the forum for awhile, but havent really participated cos i don't seem to have v much to contribute. its great fun to read your comments though. some of you are really witty and always make me rofl-ing w your comments! Hope you guys don't mind me coming in now with a msg. Need to ask Etirto something!


Congrats on ur new bundle of joy! have always wanted 3 kids. i have a 14 mth girl now.. so 2 more to go.
before that, can i find out who your Anaesthetic Doctor is??
I gave birth in Mt E for my first kid. and i did elective caesarean. unfortunately, the epidural didnt seem to work. numbed my feet but not to my tummy area! when the first cut went, i screamed and asked my gynae,"am i supposed to feel pain??" he said no and asked if i was. i was!!OMG. so he asked if I wanted GA, but since it was our first kid and i wanted my hb to b there, i hang in there...and practically felt like i was giving birth naturally (pushing and panting), CEPT the baby was coming out from my cut... (i know,thats gross).
it was pretty damn traumatic, and so i think i need to find a good anasthetic doc, before i wld consider my next birth.. my doc did say maybe i cld consider GA next time round,but i don't really wanna feel groggy and blur after birth and so, i m hoping i can still do an epidural...
Hope you can help!! (tried to PM u, but couldnt, so i m here,disrupting the thread..)

thanks, and sorry for intruding again...

hi trista,
my anaesthetic is dr. Winston Jong. There are a couple of us who used him as well but not all have good feedback. But for me, since I knew him from the first epi, so I have great confidence in him. Although he charge more than double compared to the standard fee, I still prefer him to do it, since I had a very bad experience with GA done by another doc, it was so damn painfull after the operation. I was pretty sure I was not supposed to feel that pain. In the case of epidural, the 'drug' will last you inside your body for the next 12hours or so after the op, thus by right, shouldn't feel any pain at all. And the most important is the doc should check first whether your half body CAN'T feel anything before the cut is done! usually it will start by 1 leg and next the other leg, then continue till about under your breast area. not supposed to push or pant at all....From the time I was rolled into operating theatre to the time I was 'half numb' (then was the epi worked), is about 20min. Only after that, the gynae will enter the theatre and start 'to work'...
But I have to warn you first, he's extremely busy and fully book all the time. I booked him so much earlier but yet was told last minute that he was not available on the schedule date due to emergency operation to be done overseas (the clinic told me that he consider those emergency as priority first). Fortunately, my c-sect turn up to be 1 day earlier, so 'accidentaly' I can use him. He was very buzy and keep talking on the phone in the operating theatre but once the op start he will stand by your side and seeing that I was very nervous, he tried to joke and talk to me. Another thing to note is, you're not supposed to feel painfull when the long needle is inserted to the spine. That's the diff if the epi is done by a pro.
