(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

not edna.. its me.... haiz

lamagier i duno i hope not.. fever n sore throat is bad enuff.. if kenne runny nose n cough i tink i will die 100 times worse!!!!!

nobody can help =S

Go see doc and see if can stop the fever before get worse. Hope it's not a virus... My colleagues were saying the flu virus going around these days are pretty nasty
yes... do go and see a dr and drink loads of water. i caught the flu virus from the children and it's really a nasty one. i've been sick for more than 1 wk n coming to the 2nd wk already. started off with just fever n bodyache. then escalate to running nose and sorethroat. And the ultimate is develop into ulcers in the throat. and the worse part is have to entertain the 2 monsters. feel like dying the last few days.
what i ever heard is the guy also hv to play a part in his diet too. more fish for boys and more meat for girls. dun know how true. ultimately it's which soldier of his that reach the finishing point first. i think i'll freak out if my hb asked me that question in the morning... LOL
mashy, lamagier, bbethan

Thank you for advice, i have more idea now. I think most important is healthy.
I know more again from here.
I heard more meat for boy, more fish for girl.....BTW, I wan a girl but my hb dun eat fish, he only eat fish n chips :p got other method or not?

HBB, take care...ur hb away?
Re: Trying for Baby boy
I heard many ppl saying that consuming more meat by the hubby will increase chances of getting a boy... Meat = any kind of meat?
I'm dying to have a baby boy for #2...

The way u talk to ur MIL damn funnie leh... I think most MIL will faint upon hearing that... kekeke...
actually SC & me only eat meat... jus that he dun eat pork & beef but i eat all sort of meat (except human!!)... but then, we still got a girl who is a meat-lover like us...

haiz... desperate for a boy!!!

how about those feng shui books? where we had to adjust the position of the bed, etc etc?
ya.. suppose to b 5 days..but luckily he came bk already! yay!!!!!! but he cant take leave.. on course.. last min =(

re: trying for diff gender
its the days u try..wan boy then try on ovulation day or aft ovulation.. wan girl is before ovulation.
Y sperm swim slower, but live longer, so they can wait patiently for the egg
X sperm swim fast n furious but die off v fast.
so the champion get the egg!
i did heard of feng shui master giving the couple certain dates to try for diff gender.. not sure hw true..

some ppl say pilot or ppl who works near radar hard to have boys.. but i see my friends got baby boys..
dino mum,

ya that what my mum told me as the same thing you mentioned. She said if #2 also a girl ask me better dun try to again because usually #3 will also be a gal too. sianz
HBB: i also heard abt the pilot or ppl working radar hard to have boys. But the truth is really quite different. My HB's batch of pilots miraclously all have sons! Mutated sperms!
Pinky Xu,
Ya lor... Normally they say if #1, #2 & #3 same gender, the #4 will be same also... but #5 will be a different gender... And i wonder y... hmm... my colleague wanted a girl but all 4 kids are boys... I envy him for having baby boy, he envy me for having baby girl... haiz...

My MIL bought those baby doll for my girl, then she always tell her: "Look, that is didi, u must learn to sayang didi coz u'll be a jiejie in future"... I dunno i'm sensitive or wat, she never use meimei when she talk to my girl about my future #2, always say didi here, didi there... aiyo... damn stressed!!!

I dun mind trying all sort of method jus for a baby boy, u heard from ur friends if they have good feng shui master to recommend? I'm not trying for #2 now but might be trying next year or the year after...
oh ya, u feeling better now? do take care yah...

I need a boy to "answer" to his family and i also prefer a baby boy since young also...

btw, does the sex position play a part also? I heard of some myth that it works, but dunno how true is that...
My uncle has 5 sons. Try for a daughter till they gave up. Hahaha, not that true also lah. Some people say follow some chinese calender thing to predict baby gender. I would say you try your best, but don't overly stress yourself. Final & most important thing is that baby will be happy and healthy =)

My husband only son of the eldest son. But luckily my mil only has indicated her desire for a grandson during my pregnancy, never push it. She dotes on MR. So I gues they will grow to love their own grandchildren, regardless their gender
Trying for baby boy/girl:
The one I know is the timing - like HBB. When to do it and how often to do it, etc.

Also heard about the Chinese calendar thing.
Never heard about eh feng shui thing though - every interesting! Can share!? :)
Also didn't know about the positions!

Have also heard about the man must eat sour things for girls.

Anyway, if any of your MIL "blames" you for not giving a boy, just tell them it's the dh's fault. He is the one that determines because he has the x or Y sperm. We only provide the egg! Hahahahahaha!

Girls are better than boys - they will be the ones to look after you when you are old! So my friend used to say if you only want one child, make sure it's a girl!!! Hahahaha!

Egg - I remember reading something very quickly here someone posted about giving babies eggs. Can they eat eggs every day? No need to worry about cholesterol? And egg white as well, right? Must the egg white be cooked in a certain way only? i.e. only hard boiled? Or can they only still eat eggs hard boiled? No soft boiled egges yet?

Those mums who have alphabet foam mats, where can I get them? Not too ex?
dino mum
i ever talked to a mummy before. she read a book (which i didnt ask for the title) about determining yr baby's gender. she followed strictly - including changing both herself and husb's diet and lifestyle. And she got 2 girls which she wanted. takes her a yr or 2 to apply those "taught" in the book.

so far my friends who had 2 children of same gender get their wish come true for the opposite sex for their #3. but i do hear of old wives tales that if 3 same gender, 4th one likely the same gender.

somehow they also hv a way to look at the baby's feet when young to determine if his/her sibling's gender. my auntie refused to tell me how. when my boy was born, she said next child will be a girl. and it's true. so jokingly i asked her to look at amanda's again and she said boy. LOL.

i read that eggs for young children daily is ok including the yolk. and i think it has to be fully cooked for fear of bacteria. now that amanda tasted egg white, she refused to eat egg yolk. until now, i don't dare to give ethan those halfcooked ones.
Think I saw foam mats at Kiddy palace. Can also try to look around neighbourhood shops, pasar malam. I did realize that some mats are thicker, some thinner,some with corrugated surface, some smooth. So there's some price difference. My dad bought for me. Said he paid for $5 for 10 pieces
bbethan, my mil keep pestering me to give half cooked eggs to mia. she insist more nutrients which i refused.
so when can we actually give?
HBB, icic....u take care ya.

I got mine from Toys R us, less than $30 for the 26 alphabets. Last time Cherry at Heartland Mall selling diff sizes not sure if they still have it now.
try to avoid as long as possible to give half boil egg.. thou samollena(spelling?) poisoning is rare in sg but plat safe lar!!!

dino mum
this master my gf went gt lonnnnng wait list... if u wan i can ask ehr for the contact for u.. some big group CEO go to her too. the last i heard fr gf is a french chef n his wife try for long time for kids but nvr strike... the master gave them some dates to try for... within a yr they email the master n say preggy! i tink its up to individual to believe... hee

im better today

lavendar bear

i break the egg n throw into the raw rice w water n cook together w the meat n veggie .... HTHs
Foam mats -
Thanks for the tips!!

hbb, so just crack and throw the WHOLE egg in? I have been throwing away the whites and feeling so guilty because I feel that it's so wasteful! :-(
ehh u need to introduce egg white to them.. to prep them for mmr! and for the protein hehe... last time i save the egg white for macaroons.. but end up nvr use cos too busy to bake.. throw all in my instant noodles! lol
my ILs love lil dino v much esp since she looks more like her daddy and the daddy in turn looks like his mummy... some ppl thought that lil dino is my MIL's daughter coz of the resemblance... but then, since the first one is a grand-daughter, they r hoping for a different gender for my #2 coz hubby has a big family, lil dino is the 4th generation... she's the first great-grandchild (bearing the family surname), if #2 is a boy then i have no worries liao...

lil Dino eat eggs at least 3-4 times a week... at the moment, hubby dun allow her to eat half-boiled egg coz worry she might kena diarrhoea since the mummy have to run for the toilet at times after consuming that... half-boiled egges & coffee r super effective to make me run to the loo but then i cant survive w/o coffee and dun mind running to the loo few times...
but then, i try to make sure that i wash the egg shell b4 breaking it since we would not know if the shell is contaminated with Salmonella due to feaces/environment. To play safe, i wash them b4 breaking it into my maggie mee to prevent infection with Salmonella enteritidis...

i came across such book b4 but i never pay attention to it in the past... think now i gonna look ard for such books when Books Kinokuniya has 20% disc again...

Re: Food
Any babies here refuses to eat porridge? Mine refuses to eat baby food/porridge now, her meal time r rice & meat... she doesnt seem to like vege (jus like me & hubby)... hubby always buy a packet of duck rice for her, she'll eat up all the duck meat (sometimes leaving none for us) and at least half-packet of the rice... when we r outside eating, many ppl give us that weird look when they saw wat lil dino is eating, some commented that she's too young to consume adult food and that the portion we fed her is too much... anyone face the same issue as me? is it realli too early to feed her 100% adult food now?
dino mum
if edna eat w us.. she will refuse her porridge and wan our food.. if she eat alone..she will wallop all her porridge!
her normal porridge ppl also tink too much for her let alone she eat 1 bowl of rice w meat n vege!

and tell mi bout it..adult food! she scream for our satay today! even aft we take the meat off the stick she also dun wan she wan WHOLE STICK

can understand how frustrating it must be for u when your kid doesn't like to Eat. I brought my son to a speech, occupational, dietician therapy yesterday at kkh. It was to address his eating prob too. Sigh. Is JE growing well despite her eating habits?
Mummies, anyone knows any local hotels able to cater for wedding banquet for over 70 tables? For my cousin's wedding next year
Not only you facing the problem. My gal also same as je. Is not she dun like to eat. She love to eat but always a few mouth of food then she run away for her activtive. I have no choice to feed her so many time in a day. Can you belive that most of the days she only suvive with milk and one serving of milk only 100ml only. That mean i have to feed her every 1.5hour a time. Just to share with you that you are not alone facing the problem.

bbethan, dino mum
my mum actually feed my gal half boil egg when she was 11 months, every 3 times a week. at first i was so scare that she might LS but till now ok leh no problem.
Actually, i think TJE and Pinky isn't alone in having feeding problems. My mum says care-givers always have to "distract" kids into eating. I know some parents switch on their kids' fave cartoons for entertainment. My boy is very into balls, it's always a circus for us during his mealtimes. Someone have to bounce the ball or play squash to entertain him, while another one feeds.
My PD dont encourage adult food for babies at this age because of the salt content which might be too excessive for the little kidneys.
At least Edna still eat her own porridge leh, mine refuses... She thought she grown up sia, eat everything that we eat... Haiz...

Yes... I know it's not recommended to feed them adult food... But then it's easier said than done for my case esp she is one of the first few babies here to start solid at 4th month due to underweight... So, she grow tired of the baby food v early... However my PD didn't say no when we told him that, he only commented more solid!!! I jus hope that she could take our food in moderation and still continue to eat her own food, but now it's 100% adult food which kinda worry me...

We have our different set of problems... Urs not realli into solid while mine v into adult food... I can't imagine how much salt/sugar content have already gone into her lil body liao, it's no good and worrying... But seems like no turning back... Haiz...

Hotels that can cater more than 70 tables:
1) Shangri-La - they have to open the partition to combine 2 ballrooms
2) Ritz Carlton
3) MBS
4) RWS
5) Swissotel (need to open more than 1 partition) - have to double check
6) Capella - that's wat my hubby says

Btw, Rasa Sentosa unable to cater 70 tables... I work there b4, not an ideal place thou... Lousy food and the hygiene is ..... :X
hi all, finally got time to go back to the thread.
I delivered 1 day earlier from the schedule date. Doc told me not to wait longer as my womb can't take too strong contraction so it's not worth it to take the risk just for the horoscopic timing sake. The good thing was, I managed to get my requested anaesthetics to do my epidural for the c-sect (he was fully booked for the next day). He's very good. No pain at all during the insertion of the long needle and he stayed throughout the operation and follow me till the recovery room. But gosh, he charged $980, compared to the normal charge anaesthetic max $500. The operation is bit longer as usual since the gynae need to do the ligation procedure. During the operation I was very nervous and in result I couldn't breath properly. It felt like ages (from 11.30 to 12.30pm)!I kept thinking Damn how come I have to do this all over again. But when the baby out, suddenly all is forgotten. My hb even said that we should have thank the gynae to 'forget' to cut the tubes last time...LOL.
The second day after operation, greedy me ate takopochi octopus one plus ah-mei ice tea. that night my tummy went haywired but didn't dare to tell my gynae. I guess it is like colic in baby, so much wind, till the tummy get harden and cramped. So damn painfull and I didnt manage to do the breastfeeding till the next day.
Now as we're back home and come back to the routine, everything so far so good. Nigel got so excited on the day of delivery till he couldn't sleep and had a stomach upset. When Naomi saw the baby brother for the first time, she said "baby baby baby!" and she always put something on his tummy, like small teddy bear or small book. May be she tried to share her toy or something...

Dinomum, you lil dino is so good in eating! I think I would be proud instead of worrying...my Naomi has been fasting from solid food for about 2 weeks and today we discovered a new molar spurting out. She's been surviving on milk and I notice that her legs are not as strong as before, she fall down a few times when she walks. Thankfully she's better today and start to be talkative again. Her fave words are: 1. Gor Gor. 2. Papa, 3. Mama, 4. Sho-Shoes!
Dino-mum, wow! Thanks! Haha, must psycho him to hold his wedding banquet at one of the integrated resorts. I 'mountain tortoise, haven't visited them yet!
re: adult food
those mummy who really knows me, shld know i quite fussy bout the food i giv edna last time... but by right when they hit 1 yr old, they shld b able to take table food with us. of cos we need to watch the salt intake as well as msg n etc.. so i usually try to avoid giving her outside food.
my pd have no objections to giving her adult food. i rem he told my sis the toddler need a bit of salt for the brain to develope ( di uno wat sort of theory is this!) but i have to agree to some extend good to giv a bit of table food ... since i dn realy add salt to the food i cook, still not so bad..

also, as much as i dunw an to giv her outside food, i decided to giv a little bit becos i dun wan the body to b so 'clean of additives' that nxt time she got allergy reaction to it. I got friends who stayed overseas, the food thr is supposed to b very natural and free of additives(guess where?? hehe) when they came bk for holiday, the boys always kenna fever, rashes n etc.... gf realise they r allergic to the food sold here!!!!!!! the msg or wat sort! so scary!!!!


Dino mum
oh, haha, all the while I thought rasa very big coz I attended the wedding of a celebrity couple who invited a lot of pp, so I thought it must be pretty big.

my boy same prob. Also dun like swallowing and his therapists also said coz of bad experience before. He was admitted once becoz of bronchitis after he first took chicken and he fell sick everytime he ate chicken.

Well, going back there again in 3 mths for some intensive therapy which they hope will help him overcome his fear.
hbb/dino mum
amanda is also like edna & Gen. see our food will reject her porridge too. and she's not so keen on her porridge now unless it's flavoured with soya sauce. else she dily daly finish the bowl. N i just realised she's picking food too. she will open her mouth wide when she sees meat. But will throw tantrum when she see us scooping up the veg to feed her. sensing another trouble brewing soon. On Children's Day, she had a feast... hokkien mee with Chendol for dinner. sinful + unhealthy!!! and i feel so guilty.

i'm also afraid her body will create havoc later in life too. but experience of being careful with food for #1 spell a different set of problems too.

is Dr Nancy Tan at SBCC Gleneagles?

congrats on the arrival of Nathan
re: Food
Haha, my prob a bit different. MR's able to slurp up a big bowl of porridge within 10mins, as long as it's not cooked by me. She can sit on my aunt's lap and finishes her food within 5 m in, but would squirm off my lap and make me chase her around the house when at home. And the silly girl is now totally not interested in TV other than the 6.30pm chinese news music, 7pm "Love" theme song and 10pm "Kang Xi Lai Le" music... so can't use tv to make her stay put

Sigh, I need to go for cooking class.
haha... amanda also like the 7pm Love theme song.
if she's at the dining table, she will want to get down and stand in front of the tv, clapping hands and swaying her body to the music. *faint* *faint* *faint*
glad tat u got JE problem sorted out
i agree she is smart!!!!!! she knows how to protect herself fr choking. hope she can eat her quail egg soon!!!!!

now im gg to toys r us warehouse sale! jus waiting for my bugger to wake up!!!! YAY!

not necessary your cooking lar
I think they "listen" more to their primary caregivers. I tried to feed S with the food that my helper prepares normally, it's the same! Even my mother gave up. It's something like when they want milk or wanna zzz, they will only look for 1 particular person.. How about if u put some empty plastics bowls or cups & spoons for her to play?

hahaha.. they love repetition! who's responsible for watching Love every night?
