(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Oh dear. I can't remember, but I know more than $1k - prob less than $1.5. And if you book early, there is a discount. It's supposed to be a bit more pricey but better quality.
mummies i need help.

my girl dun want to drink formula milk. I already bought all the fm on the shelve on the market for her but she still dun want. She only want bm. i am very headache because i intend to stop bm her when she turn 18 months. Please advise me.
im pretty piss with somebody here ( I DUNO WHO)
i rx a call fr a lady and she started to ask me qns on where to get certain thg. I ask her who is she and she say she is XXX friend fr the forum and she gave her my number.
i just dont understand why this ppl jus have no courtesy to ask if its ok to give my number to ppl i dont know.

when i ask the lady who gave her my number. she jus say someone fr the forum! and proceed to ask her qns

the person who gave her my number, if u r reading this. I think u shld have ask mi for permission! I AM NOt A DIRECTORY!
Oh dear HBB, hope you didn't give her the right answer! Erm, you join any other forum?

Chiyojade, thanks for discount - now I am poorer by over $250! :p

Pinky, is your girl eating sufficient solids, like 3 meals a day with snacks? If very desperate, can also give high calcium things like cheese.
FOZ, LOL!! I was going to text you and ask what your damage was. That shop is very good, isn't it? Well, at least I think it is. The stuff there aren't cheap though and better for older kids.

Can I also also - how much milk should they be drinking a day now...? My boy gets (for sure) 1 bottle for bfast and 1 in afternoon and sometimes 1 in mid morning, that's all. Around 220 - 240ml each time. Is that enough?
fresh milk and milo also tried before, she drank one mouth and stop drinking it. I going to turn mad.

She love to eat but after a few mouth, she just turn off to her play time. She dun like chesse.

Aiyo, why my girl so jialat. I going to die because of her already.
My boy drinks milk 4 times a day (180ml at 6am, 180ml at 9am, 180ml at 3pm, 240ml at 9pm) Altogether he drinks 780ml of milk a day. However, he doesnt like to drink plain water at all. PD suggest we feed him diluted Ribena (usually he takes 150ml/day), that's his only other fluid intake.

I can imagine how desperate u must be. Hopefully it's a phase. Don't stop offering to him. Maybe in smaller quantities first. Does he like yoghurt? Or ice cream?

Oh dear, u sure from jul thread?
Tried letting other person feed? My girl doesn't take milj when i'm the one feeding. My aunt said when weaning my cousin off, she added milk power to bm, and slowly added more formula, less b. Maybe it can work for you
yes fr here! i duno who thou
it must be somebody i know la since i dun giv my number anyhow!

bet the mummy is too chicken to own up!

i ask my pd bout edna milk intake. onli twice a day
150 in morning and 240 at nite. he say its more than enuff since she is taking solid...
Mashy, lamagier

From she born, i never directly fed her. I always pump out to milk bottle and ask my hb or my mother feed her. It not a phase when she born till now she do not like fm. heeheeh i got even think of looking for someone who can sell me her bm. hahaha just joking.


sure cannot be me because i do not have your hp no. :p

maybe she's telling u not to stop pumping. Hehehe.

hahah, me too, definitely not me coz I also dun hv hbb's no. :p even then I will wonder what's so serious need to speak on the phone. Cannot email? :p
u bought yr crayola stuff from the website u post earlier? how fast is the delivery?
i'm looking for paints in store but couldnt find them.
Hbb, not me either although I have your number. (Heng ah, I login here today, else no chance to say I'm not the person) Anyway, if the person do apologize, she is a good person cos she's honest.

Need some help here, does anyone know where to buy doctor play set for children? I went to several neighborhood shops but couldn't find it. Have u seen it at Toys'R Us or kiddy palace? Thanks in advance!
Bbethan, i haven't got the paints yet cos the big bottles were out of stock and will only be availabl end month. I'm hoping to get them by next week
Chiyojade, my Pd said 400/500ml + 2 solid meals is good. If they request for more milk, it's a bonus. My boy is drinking 600-800+ on average daily.
hahaha i tink the person is too chickent o own up lar.. nvm....
i agree if she admit then its a gd thg... hehe
u can get the doctor play set fr kiddy palace.. v cheap! less than 10 bucks w lights and etc on it!!!
I never try this fm before. beside isetan, where got sell? I will give it a try. Thanks

Thank you for sharing and concern for me
u're too famous lar..

agree wif peanut that wakodo's quite diluted so it's close to bm's texture.. u could get them at Isetan supermarket & Meidi-ya (liang court).. The very last round they increased the price @Isetan so we bought it @meidi-ya but I'm not sure now if they've increased the price too..

the crayola paint & all that I bought when I met u @expo last time, still intact & unopened! kekeke.. time is so precious now..
Eslanade has a few free activites tmr

Bird park also conducting some children's day activities

My paints half gone liao... my fat girl likes to paint herself and me =p The last round painted her own tummy. But my crayons still intact. She doesn't know how to use them correctly, unlike cutie Edna. Likes to touch the tips and get colours on her her fingers or tries to eat them
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Hi mummies,

Such a long time I didnt log in le...
btw, is there any nice place to bring the lil one to during this weekend? any children's day event/activities to recommend? I'm running out of idea where to bring Gen to, the flower-leg me can't sit still at home...
Noelle, oh dear, what happened?

I haven't been here lately either..

HBB, what if she called just to ask you where is the best equipped baby change how?... I think it's really not nice to release number without the owners permission and I think it's courtesy to reveal the "releaser" when asked.

Talking abt this, my mom is always so concern that people will know our house number, so whenever there is a call for someone that doesnt live in our house, she'll say wrong number (which is of course the correct thing to say), but when the caller verify the number, she'll say "no, no this number".. then the poor caller will call again. I asked her why she cannot be honest she said because then the caller can make prank calls to us(!!!). I think it's a stupid way to do. I told her, tell the caller, the number is correct but no such person. Cos by telling him/her the number is not correct then she/she may think some numbers were wrongly pressed and will keep calling.. Dont' understand her logic at all!!!

I have one more thing to bitch.. My MIL.. The other day, she asked what size K is wearing, so I told her 2T from Carters. When hb told her K is already 13 kg, she has to add, "oh, that's nothing compared to his dad!" WHY CANT SHE JUST GIVE ME THAT ONE SECOND OF GLORY AS A MOM?!?!?! So angry! Just now she posted in K's tantrum photo that she recalled the similar tantrum 37 years ago.. I posted "I am sure it's nothing compared to his dad!!!" Then half a min later, I deleted my post.

I must ask her to bring hb's baby book here when she comes for X'mas.. really don't know if she remembers things correctly or not.. :/

I'm using evo aeromax. Serves us well. We bought it at the pd.


I think all mils are the same. Perhaps it's coz they have zero memory of your childhood? Well that's what I hope it is. What is annoying is when they attribute all the good stuff like intelligence, gd looks, how fast they talk etc to their sons and the bad stuff like allergies and illnesses to us. My mil blames my 'bad genes' for my children's allergies, asthma and poor
ROFL Gina!!! Good thing in my case, K looks totally like me except now his hair color is getting lighter. I always say only 2 things are same like his dad, the hair color and his dick. Even though he is taller than most local &amp; mix-blood babies, his calves are muscular like mine.

Mashy, I think u said it right. Next time if she has comments again, I shall remind her I also have a childhood.

Gina, sleep early so u can make it to church tomorrow.. ;)
Both my gals got very sick on arrival
went to PD here, diagnosed pre-brochitis... Both of them hv weaker respiratory system, a cold virus can turn nasty quickly, so advise us to get a nebuliser on standby.

The brand on loan to us fm the PD is Salter Aire Plus, to purchase is ard $250. Juz wondering if there's a better or preferred brand cos this one gets warm quickly.
good morning,

my hb told me in the morning that he want another child, mummies here can advise me how to get a boy because i have a girl already now feel like getting a boy.

bless enda get well soon.

boy or gal is determined by your hb's sperms leh. So u gotta get him to work hard? U can only provide a more alkaline environment for the male sperms to survive bah. Heard eating more meat works. And timing it as near as possible to ovulation as male sperms swim faster but dies quickly and
don't bd too often.

hope u get well soon. Can any of your sis/friends help u?
Coming down with flu?

This month's Motherhood magazine said no way to pre-determine baby's sex. But no harm trying what mashy suggested.
mashy, lamagier
how to know when is the ovulation, is there anything that i can test on? my mens always not accurate 1. Then how to make sure i can provide alkaline environment. Mashy, my friend also remind me if i want a boy cannot bd too often too, must collect more. :p

u can do the bbt method. Measure your basal temp everyday. Alternatively I think there is this saliva kit but I've not used that before.

u can do the bbt method. Measure your basal temp everyday. Alternatively I think there is this saliva kit but I've not used that before.
